blob: 98cb24efaeeb8d1016cd8699658109b77a04d6ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:google_sign_in_platform_interface/google_sign_in_platform_interface.dart';
import 'generated/gapiauth2.dart' as auth2;
/// Injects a list of JS [libraries] as `script` tags into a [target] [html.HtmlElement].
/// If [target] is not provided, it defaults to the web app's `head` tag (see `web/index.html`).
/// [libraries] is a list of URLs that are used as the `src` attribute of `script` tags
/// to which an `onLoad` listener is attached (one per URL).
/// Returns a [Future] that resolves when all of the `script` tags `onLoad` events trigger.
Future<void> injectJSLibraries(
List<String> libraries, {
html.HtmlElement? target,
}) {
final List<Future<void>> loading = <Future<void>>[];
final List<html.HtmlElement> tags = <html.HtmlElement>[];
final html.Element targetElement = target ?? html.querySelector('head')!;
libraries.forEach((String library) {
final html.ScriptElement script = html.ScriptElement()
..async = true
..defer = true
..src = library;
// TODO add a timeout race to fail this future
return Future.wait(loading);
/// Utility method that converts `currentUser` to the equivalent [GoogleSignInUserData].
/// This method returns `null` when the [currentUser] is not signed in.
GoogleSignInUserData? gapiUserToPluginUserData(auth2.GoogleUser? currentUser) {
final bool isSignedIn = currentUser?.isSignedIn() ?? false;
final auth2.BasicProfile? profile = currentUser?.getBasicProfile();
if (!isSignedIn || profile?.getId() == null) {
return null;
return GoogleSignInUserData(
displayName: profile?.getName(),
email: profile?.getEmail() ?? '',
id: profile?.getId() ?? '',
photoUrl: profile?.getImageUrl(),
idToken: currentUser?.getAuthResponse().id_token,