blob: a4dd4b58f923ba60aa51785c2e6d8cf5fda4a531 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import XCTest
#if os(iOS)
import Flutter
#elseif os(macOS)
import FlutterMacOS
@testable import shared_preferences_foundation
class RunnerTests: XCTestCase {
func testSetAndGet() throws {
let plugin = SharedPreferencesPlugin()
plugin.setBool(key: "flutter.aBool", value: true)
plugin.setDouble(key: "flutter.aDouble", value: 3.14)
plugin.setValue(key: "flutter.anInt", value: 42)
plugin.setValue(key: "flutter.aString", value: "hello world")
plugin.setValue(key: "flutter.aStringList", value: ["hello", "world"])
let storedValues = plugin.getAll()
XCTAssertEqual(storedValues["flutter.aBool"] as? Bool, true)
XCTAssertEqual(storedValues["flutter.aDouble"] as! Double, 3.14, accuracy: 0.0001)
XCTAssertEqual(storedValues["flutter.anInt"] as? Int, 42)
XCTAssertEqual(storedValues["flutter.aString"] as? String, "hello world")
XCTAssertEqual(storedValues["flutter.aStringList"] as? Array<String>, ["hello", "world"])
func testRemove() throws {
let plugin = SharedPreferencesPlugin()
let testKey = ""
plugin.setValue(key: testKey, value: 42)
// Make sure there is something to remove, so the test can't pass due to a set failure.
let preRemovalValues = plugin.getAll()
XCTAssertEqual(preRemovalValues[testKey] as? Int, 42)
// Then verify that removing it works.
plugin.remove(key: testKey)
let finalValues = plugin.getAll()
XCTAssertNil(finalValues[testKey] as Any?)
func testClear() throws {
let plugin = SharedPreferencesPlugin()
let testKey = ""
plugin.setValue(key: testKey, value: 42)
// Make sure there is something to clear, so the test can't pass due to a set failure.
let preRemovalValues = plugin.getAll()
XCTAssertEqual(preRemovalValues[testKey] as? Int, 42)
// Then verify that clearing works.
let finalValues = plugin.getAll()
XCTAssertNil(finalValues[testKey] as Any?)