blob: 4fd15f027f507bb27685e3f808c336805e482b29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'common/core.dart';
import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
import 'common/process_runner.dart';
const int _exitPackagesGetFailed = 3;
/// A command to run Dart analysis on packages.
class AnalyzeCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
/// Creates a analysis command instance.
Directory packagesDir, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
}) : super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, platform: platform) {
'Directories (comma separated) that are allowed to have their own '
'analysis options.\n\n'
'Alternately, a list of one or more YAML files that contain a list '
'of allowed directories.',
defaultsTo: <String>[]);
valueHelp: 'dart-sdk',
help: 'An optional path to a Dart SDK; this is used to override the '
'SDK used to provide analysis.');
static const String _customAnalysisFlag = 'custom-analysis';
static const String _analysisSdk = 'analysis-sdk';
late String _dartBinaryPath;
Set<String> _allowedCustomAnalysisDirectories = const <String>{};
final String name = 'analyze';
final String description = 'Analyzes all packages using dart analyze.\n\n'
'This command requires "dart" and "flutter" to be in your path.';
final bool hasLongOutput = false;
/// Checks that there are no unexpected analysis_options.yaml files.
bool _hasUnexpecetdAnalysisOptions(Directory package) {
final List<FileSystemEntity> files = package.listSync(recursive: true);
for (final FileSystemEntity file in files) {
if (file.basename != 'analysis_options.yaml' &&
file.basename != '.analysis_options') {
final bool allowed = _allowedCustomAnalysisDirectories.any(
(String directory) =>
directory.isNotEmpty &&
packagesDir.childDirectory(directory).path, file.path));
if (allowed) {
'Found an extra analysis_options.yaml at ${file.absolute.path}.');
'If this was deliberate, pass the package to the analyze command '
'with the --$_customAnalysisFlag flag and try again.');
return true;
return false;
/// Ensures that the dependent packages have been fetched for all packages
/// (including their sub-packages) that will be analyzed.
Future<bool> _runPackagesGetOnTargetPackages() async {
final List<Directory> packageDirectories = await getPackages().toList();
final Set<String> packagePaths = dir) => dir.path).toSet();
packageDirectories.removeWhere((Directory directory) {
// Remove the 'example' subdirectories; 'flutter packages get'
// automatically runs 'pub get' there as part of handling the parent
// directory.
return directory.basename == 'example' &&
for (final Directory package in packageDirectories) {
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
flutterCommand, <String>['packages', 'get'],
workingDir: package);
if (exitCode != 0) {
return false;
return true;
Future<void> initializeRun() async {
print('Fetching dependencies...');
if (!await _runPackagesGetOnTargetPackages()) {
printError('Unable to get dependencies.');
throw ToolExit(_exitPackagesGetFailed);
_allowedCustomAnalysisDirectories =
getStringListArg(_customAnalysisFlag).expand<String>((String item) {
if (item.endsWith('.yaml')) {
final File file = packagesDir.fileSystem.file(item);
return (loadYaml(file.readAsStringSync()) as YamlList)
return <String>[item];
// Use the Dart SDK override if one was passed in.
final String? dartSdk = argResults![_analysisSdk] as String?;
_dartBinaryPath =
dartSdk == null ? 'dart' : path.join(dartSdk, 'bin', 'dart');
Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
if (_hasUnexpecetdAnalysisOptions(package)) {
return<String>['Unexpected local analysis options']);
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
_dartBinaryPath, <String>['analyze', '--fatal-infos'],
workingDir: package);
if (exitCode != 0) {
return PackageResult.success();