blob: 36b12741f2ce15629e5721de23114c019d49ecf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'common/core.dart';
import 'common/package_looping_command.dart';
import 'common/plugin_utils.dart';
import 'common/process_runner.dart';
import 'common/xcode.dart';
const String _unitTestFlag = 'unit';
const String _integrationTestFlag = 'integration';
const String _iosDestinationFlag = 'ios-destination';
const int _exitNoIosSimulators = 3;
/// The command to run native tests for plugins:
/// - iOS and macOS: XCTests (XCUnitTest and XCUITest) in plugins.
class NativeTestCommand extends PackageLoopingCommand {
/// Creates an instance of the test command.
Directory packagesDir, {
ProcessRunner processRunner = const ProcessRunner(),
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
}) : _xcode = Xcode(processRunner: processRunner, log: true),
super(packagesDir, processRunner: processRunner, platform: platform) {
help: 'Specify the destination when running iOS tests.\n'
'This is passed to the `-destination` argument in the xcodebuild command.\n'
'See '
'for details on how to specify the destination.',
argParser.addFlag(kPlatformAndroid, help: 'Runs Android tests');
argParser.addFlag(kPlatformIos, help: 'Runs iOS tests');
argParser.addFlag(kPlatformMacos, help: 'Runs macOS tests');
// By default, both unit tests and integration tests are run, but provide
// flags to disable one or the other.
help: 'Runs native unit tests', defaultsTo: true);
help: 'Runs native integration (UI) tests', defaultsTo: true);
static const String _gradleWrapper = 'gradlew';
// The device destination flags for iOS tests.
List<String> _iosDestinationFlags = <String>[];
final Xcode _xcode;
final String name = 'native-test';
final String description = '''
Runs native unit tests and native integration tests.
Currently supported platforms:
- Android (unit tests only)
- iOS: requires 'xcrun' to be in your path.
- macOS: requires 'xcrun' to be in your path.
The example app(s) must be built for all targeted platforms before running
this command.
Map<String, _PlatformDetails> _platforms = <String, _PlatformDetails>{};
List<String> _requestedPlatforms = <String>[];
Future<void> initializeRun() async {
_platforms = <String, _PlatformDetails>{
kPlatformAndroid: _PlatformDetails('Android', _testAndroid),
kPlatformIos: _PlatformDetails('iOS', _testIos),
kPlatformMacos: _PlatformDetails('macOS', _testMacOS),
_requestedPlatforms = _platforms.keys
.where((String platform) => getBoolArg(platform))
if (_requestedPlatforms.isEmpty) {
printError('At least one platform flag must be provided.');
throw ToolExit(exitInvalidArguments);
if (!(getBoolArg(_unitTestFlag) || getBoolArg(_integrationTestFlag))) {
printError('At least one test type must be enabled.');
throw ToolExit(exitInvalidArguments);
if (getBoolArg(kPlatformAndroid) && getBoolArg(_integrationTestFlag)) {
logWarning('This command currently only supports unit tests for Android. '
// iOS-specific run-level state.
if (_requestedPlatforms.contains('ios')) {
String destination = getStringArg(_iosDestinationFlag);
if (destination.isEmpty) {
final String? simulatorId =
await _xcode.findBestAvailableIphoneSimulator();
if (simulatorId == null) {
printError('Cannot find any available iOS simulators.');
throw ToolExit(_exitNoIosSimulators);
destination = 'id=$simulatorId';
_iosDestinationFlags = <String>[
Future<PackageResult> runForPackage(Directory package) async {
final List<String> testPlatforms = <String>[];
for (final String platform in _requestedPlatforms) {
if (pluginSupportsPlatform(platform, package,
requiredMode: PlatformSupport.inline)) {
} else {
print('No implementation for ${_platforms[platform]!.label}.');
if (testPlatforms.isEmpty) {
return PackageResult.skip('Not implemented for target platform(s).');
final _TestMode mode = _TestMode(
unit: getBoolArg(_unitTestFlag),
integration: getBoolArg(_integrationTestFlag),
bool ranTests = false;
bool failed = false;
final List<String> failureMessages = <String>[];
for (final String platform in testPlatforms) {
final _PlatformDetails platformInfo = _platforms[platform]!;
print('Running tests for ${platformInfo.label}...');
final _PlatformResult result =
await platformInfo.testFunction(package, mode);
ranTests |= result.state != RunState.skipped;
if (result.state == RunState.failed) {
failed = true;
final String? error = result.error;
// Only provide the failing platforms in the failure details if testing
// multiple platforms, otherwise it's just noise.
if (_requestedPlatforms.length > 1) {
failureMessages.add(error != null
? '${platformInfo.label}: $error'
: platformInfo.label);
} else if (error != null) {
// If there's only one platform, only provide error details in the
// summary if the platform returned a message.
if (!ranTests) {
return PackageResult.skip('No tests found.');
return failed
: PackageResult.success();
Future<_PlatformResult> _testAndroid(Directory plugin, _TestMode mode) async {
final List<Directory> examplesWithTests = <Directory>[];
for (final Directory example in getExamplesForPlugin(plugin)) {
if (!isFlutterPackage(example)) {
if (example
.existsSync() ||
.existsSync()) {
} else {
_printNoExampleTestsMessage(example, 'Android');
if (examplesWithTests.isEmpty) {
return _PlatformResult(RunState.skipped);
bool failed = false;
bool hasMissingBuild = false;
for (final Directory example in examplesWithTests) {
final String exampleName = getPackageDescription(example);
_printRunningExampleTestsMessage(example, 'Android');
final Directory androidDirectory = example.childDirectory('android');
final File gradleFile = androidDirectory.childFile(_gradleWrapper);
if (!gradleFile.existsSync()) {
printError('ERROR: Run "flutter build apk" on $exampleName, or run '
'this tool\'s "build-examples --apk" command, '
'before executing tests.');
failed = true;
hasMissingBuild = true;
final int exitCode = await processRunner.runAndStream(
gradleFile.path, <String>['testDebugUnitTest'],
workingDir: androidDirectory);
if (exitCode != 0) {
printError('$exampleName tests failed.');
failed = true;
return _PlatformResult(failed ? RunState.failed : RunState.succeeded,
hasMissingBuild ? 'Examples must be built before testing.' : null);
Future<_PlatformResult> _testIos(Directory plugin, _TestMode mode) {
return _runXcodeTests(plugin, 'iOS', mode,
extraFlags: _iosDestinationFlags);
Future<_PlatformResult> _testMacOS(Directory plugin, _TestMode mode) {
return _runXcodeTests(plugin, 'macOS', mode);
/// Runs all applicable tests for [plugin], printing status and returning
/// the test result.
/// The tests targets must be added to the Xcode project of the example app,
/// usually at "example/{ios,macos}/Runner.xcworkspace".
Future<_PlatformResult> _runXcodeTests(
Directory plugin,
String platform,
_TestMode mode, {
List<String> extraFlags = const <String>[],
}) async {
String? testTarget;
if (mode.unitOnly) {
testTarget = 'RunnerTests';
} else if (mode.integrationOnly) {
testTarget = 'RunnerUITests';
// Assume skipped until at least one test has run.
RunState overallResult = RunState.skipped;
for (final Directory example in getExamplesForPlugin(plugin)) {
final String exampleName = getPackageDescription(example);
if (testTarget != null) {
final Directory project = example
final bool? hasTarget =
await _xcode.projectHasTarget(project, testTarget);
if (hasTarget == null) {
printError('Unable to check targets for $exampleName.');
overallResult = RunState.failed;
} else if (!hasTarget) {
print('No "$testTarget" target in $exampleName; skipping.');
_printRunningExampleTestsMessage(example, platform);
final int exitCode = await _xcode.runXcodeBuild(
actions: <String>['test'],
workspace: '${platform.toLowerCase()}/Runner.xcworkspace',
scheme: 'Runner',
configuration: 'Debug',
extraFlags: <String>[
if (testTarget != null) '-only-testing:$testTarget',
// The exit code from 'xcodebuild test' when there are no tests.
const int _xcodebuildNoTestExitCode = 66;
switch (exitCode) {
case _xcodebuildNoTestExitCode:
_printNoExampleTestsMessage(example, platform);
case 0:
printSuccess('Successfully ran $platform xctest for $exampleName');
// If this is the first test, assume success until something fails.
if (overallResult == RunState.skipped) {
overallResult = RunState.succeeded;
// Any failure means a failure overall.
overallResult = RunState.failed;
return _PlatformResult(overallResult);
/// Prints a standard format message indicating that [platform] tests for
/// [plugin]'s [example] are about to be run.
void _printRunningExampleTestsMessage(Directory example, String platform) {
print('Running $platform tests for ${getPackageDescription(example)}...');
/// Prints a standard format message indicating that no tests were found for
/// [plugin]'s [example] for [platform].
void _printNoExampleTestsMessage(Directory example, String platform) {
print('No $platform tests found for ${getPackageDescription(example)}');
// The type for a function that takes a plugin directory and runs its native
// tests for a specific platform.
typedef _TestFunction = Future<_PlatformResult> Function(Directory, _TestMode);
/// A collection of information related to a specific platform.
class _PlatformDetails {
const _PlatformDetails(
/// The name to use in output.
final String label;
/// The function to call to run tests.
final _TestFunction testFunction;
/// Enabled state for different test types.
class _TestMode {
const _TestMode({required this.unit, required this.integration});
final bool unit;
final bool integration;
bool get integrationOnly => integration && !unit;
bool get unitOnly => unit && !integration;
/// The result of running a single platform's tests.
class _PlatformResult {
_PlatformResult(this.state, {this.error});
/// The overall state of the platform's tests. This should be:
/// - failed if any tests failed.
/// - succeeded if at least one test ran, and all tests passed.
/// - skipped if no tests ran.
final RunState state;
/// An optional error string to include in the summary for this platform.
/// Ignored unless [state] is `failed`.
final String? error;