blob: 0c2b4b8d6b14e42a1948a0a4c5a90fa54a7f358a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'messages.g.dart';
import 'video_player_platform_interface.dart';
/// An implementation of [VideoPlayerPlatform] that uses method channels.
/// This is the default implementation, for compatibility with existing
/// third-party implementations. It is not used by other implementations in
/// this repository.
class MethodChannelVideoPlayer extends VideoPlayerPlatform {
final VideoPlayerApi _api = VideoPlayerApi();
Future<void> init() {
return _api.initialize();
Future<void> dispose(int textureId) {
return _api.dispose(TextureMessage()..textureId = textureId);
Future<int?> create(DataSource dataSource) async {
final CreateMessage message = CreateMessage();
switch (dataSource.sourceType) {
case DataSourceType.asset:
message.asset = dataSource.asset;
message.packageName = dataSource.package;
message.uri = dataSource.uri;
message.formatHint = _videoFormatStringMap[dataSource.formatHint];
message.httpHeaders = dataSource.httpHeaders;
case DataSourceType.file:
message.uri = dataSource.uri;
case DataSourceType.contentUri:
message.uri = dataSource.uri;
final TextureMessage response = await _api.create(message);
return response.textureId;
Future<void> setLooping(int textureId, bool looping) {
return _api.setLooping(LoopingMessage()
..textureId = textureId
..isLooping = looping);
Future<void> play(int textureId) {
return = textureId);
Future<void> pause(int textureId) {
return _api.pause(TextureMessage()..textureId = textureId);
Future<void> setVolume(int textureId, double volume) {
return _api.setVolume(VolumeMessage()
..textureId = textureId
..volume = volume);
Future<void> setPlaybackSpeed(int textureId, double speed) {
assert(speed > 0);
return _api.setPlaybackSpeed(PlaybackSpeedMessage()
..textureId = textureId
..speed = speed);
Future<void> seekTo(int textureId, Duration position) {
return _api.seekTo(PositionMessage()
..textureId = textureId
..position = position.inMilliseconds);
Future<Duration> getPosition(int textureId) async {
final PositionMessage response =
await _api.position(TextureMessage()..textureId = textureId);
return Duration(milliseconds: response.position!);
Stream<VideoEvent> videoEventsFor(int textureId) {
return _eventChannelFor(textureId)
.map((dynamic event) {
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> map = event as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
switch (map['event']) {
case 'initialized':
return VideoEvent(
eventType: VideoEventType.initialized,
duration: Duration(milliseconds: map['duration']! as int),
size: Size((map['width'] as num?)?.toDouble() ?? 0.0,
(map['height'] as num?)?.toDouble() ?? 0.0),
rotationCorrection: map['rotationCorrection'] as int? ?? 0,
case 'completed':
return VideoEvent(
eventType: VideoEventType.completed,
case 'bufferingUpdate':
final List<dynamic> values = map['values']! as List<dynamic>;
return VideoEvent(
eventType: VideoEventType.bufferingUpdate,
case 'bufferingStart':
return VideoEvent(eventType: VideoEventType.bufferingStart);
case 'bufferingEnd':
return VideoEvent(eventType: VideoEventType.bufferingEnd);
return VideoEvent(eventType: VideoEventType.unknown);
Widget buildView(int textureId) {
return Texture(textureId: textureId);
Future<void> setMixWithOthers(bool mixWithOthers) {
return _api.setMixWithOthers(
MixWithOthersMessage()..mixWithOthers = mixWithOthers,
EventChannel _eventChannelFor(int textureId) {
return EventChannel('$textureId');
static const Map<VideoFormat, String> _videoFormatStringMap =
<VideoFormat, String>{ 'ss',
VideoFormat.hls: 'hls',
VideoFormat.dash: 'dash',
VideoFormat.other: 'other',
DurationRange _toDurationRange(dynamic value) {
final List<dynamic> pair = value as List<dynamic>;
return DurationRange(
Duration(milliseconds: pair[0]! as int),
Duration(milliseconds: pair[1]! as int),