blob: a3af47a5c714d5046aed6aaa2d33574bf1f29092 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'webview_flutter.dart';
/// Interface for callbacks made by [WebViewPlatformController].
/// The webview plugin implements this class, and passes an instance to the [WebViewPlatformController].
/// [WebViewPlatformController] is notifying this handler on events that happened on the platform's webview.
abstract class WebViewPlatformCallbacksHandler {
/// Invoked by [WebViewPlatformController] when a JavaScript channel message is received.
void onJavaScriptChannelMessage(String channel, String message);
/// Invoked by [WebViewPlatformController] when a navigation request is pending.
/// If true is returned the navigation is allowed, otherwise it is blocked.
FutureOr<bool> onNavigationRequest({String url, bool isForMainFrame});
/// Invoked by [WebViewPlatformController] when a page has started loading.
void onPageStarted(String url);
/// Invoked by [WebViewPlatformController] when a page has finished loading.
void onPageFinished(String url);
/// Interface for talking to the webview's platform implementation.
/// An instance implementing this interface is passed to the `onWebViewPlatformCreated` callback that is
/// passed to [WebViewPlatformBuilder#onWebViewPlatformCreated].
/// Platform implementations that live in a separate package should extend this class rather than
/// implement it as webview_flutter does not consider newly added methods to be breaking changes.
/// Extending this class (using `extends`) ensures that the subclass will get the default
/// implementation, while platform implementations that `implements` this interface will be broken
/// by newly added [WebViewPlatformController] methods.
abstract class WebViewPlatformController {
/// Creates a new WebViewPlatform.
/// Callbacks made by the WebView will be delegated to `handler`.
/// The `handler` parameter must not be null.
WebViewPlatformController(WebViewPlatformCallbacksHandler handler);
/// Loads the specified URL.
/// If `headers` is not null and the URL is an HTTP URL, the key value paris in `headers` will
/// be added as key value pairs of HTTP headers for the request.
/// `url` must not be null.
/// Throws an ArgumentError if `url` is not a valid URL string.
Future<void> loadUrl(
String url,
Map<String, String> headers,
) {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView loadUrl is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Updates the webview settings.
/// Any non null field in `settings` will be set as the new setting value.
/// All null fields in `settings` are ignored.
Future<void> updateSettings(WebSettings setting) {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView updateSettings is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Accessor to the current URL that the WebView is displaying.
/// If no URL was ever loaded, returns `null`.
Future<String> currentUrl() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView currentUrl is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Checks whether there's a back history item.
Future<bool> canGoBack() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView canGoBack is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Checks whether there's a forward history item.
Future<bool> canGoForward() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView canGoForward is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Goes back in the history of this WebView.
/// If there is no back history item this is a no-op.
Future<void> goBack() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView goBack is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Goes forward in the history of this WebView.
/// If there is no forward history item this is a no-op.
Future<void> goForward() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView goForward is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Reloads the current URL.
Future<void> reload() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView reload is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Clears all caches used by the [WebView].
/// The following caches are cleared:
/// 1. Browser HTTP Cache.
/// 2. [Cache API]( caches.
/// These are not yet supported in iOS WkWebView. Service workers tend to use this cache.
/// 3. Application cache.
/// 4. Local Storage.
Future<void> clearCache() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView clearCache is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Evaluates a JavaScript expression in the context of the current page.
/// The Future completes with an error if a JavaScript error occurred, or if the type of the
/// evaluated expression is not supported(e.g on iOS not all non primitive type can be evaluated).
Future<String> evaluateJavascript(String javascriptString) {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView evaluateJavascript is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Adds new JavaScript channels to the set of enabled channels.
/// For each value in this list the platform's webview should make sure that a corresponding
/// property with a postMessage method is set on `window`. For example for a JavaScript channel
/// named `Foo` it should be possible for JavaScript code executing in the webview to do
/// ```javascript
/// Foo.postMessage('hello');
/// ```
/// See also: [CreationParams.javascriptChannelNames].
Future<void> addJavascriptChannels(Set<String> javascriptChannelNames) {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView addJavascriptChannels is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Removes JavaScript channel names from the set of enabled channels.
/// This disables channels that were previously enabled by [addJavaScriptChannels] or through
/// [CreationParams.javascriptChannelNames].
Future<void> removeJavascriptChannels(Set<String> javascriptChannelNames) {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView removeJavascriptChannels is not implemented on the current platform");
/// Returns the title of the currently loaded page.
Future<String> getTitle() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView getTitle is not implemented on the current platform");
/// A single setting for configuring a WebViewPlatform which may be absent.
class WebSetting<T> {
/// Constructs an absent setting instance.
/// The [isPresent] field for the instance will be false.
/// Accessing [value] for an absent instance will throw.
: _value = null,
isPresent = false;
/// Constructs a setting of the given `value`.
/// The [isPresent] field for the instance will be true.
WebSetting.of(T value)
: _value = value,
isPresent = true;
final T _value;
/// The setting's value.
/// Throws if [WebSetting.isPresent] is false.
T get value {
if (!isPresent) {
throw StateError('Cannot access a value of an absent WebSetting');
return _value;
/// True when this web setting instance contains a value.
/// When false the [WebSetting.value] getter throws.
final bool isPresent;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) return false;
final WebSetting<T> typedOther = other;
return typedOther.isPresent == isPresent && typedOther._value == _value;
int get hashCode => hashValues(_value, isPresent);
/// Settings for configuring a WebViewPlatform.
/// Initial settings are passed as part of [CreationParams], settings updates are sent with
/// [WebViewPlatform#updateSettings].
/// The `userAgent` parameter must not be null.
class WebSettings {
/// Construct an instance with initial settings. Future setting changes can be
/// sent with [WebviewPlatform#updateSettings].
/// The `userAgent` parameter must not be null.
@required this.userAgent,
}) : assert(userAgent != null);
/// The JavaScript execution mode to be used by the webview.
final JavascriptMode javascriptMode;
/// Whether the [WebView] has a [NavigationDelegate] set.
final bool hasNavigationDelegate;
/// Whether to enable the platform's webview content debugging tools.
/// See also: [WebView.debuggingEnabled].
final bool debuggingEnabled;
/// The value used for the HTTP `User-Agent:` request header.
/// If [userAgent.value] is null the platform's default user agent should be used.
/// An absent value ([userAgent.isPresent] is false) represents no change to this setting from the
/// last time it was set.
/// See also [WebView.userAgent].
final WebSetting<String> userAgent;
String toString() {
return 'WebSettings(javascriptMode: $javascriptMode, hasNavigationDelegate: $hasNavigationDelegate, debuggingEnabled: $debuggingEnabled, userAgent: $userAgent,)';
/// Configuration to use when creating a new [WebViewPlatformController].
/// The `autoMediaPlaybackPolicy` parameter must not be null.
class CreationParams {
/// Constructs an instance to use when creating a new
/// [WebViewPlatformController].
/// The `autoMediaPlaybackPolicy` parameter must not be null.
this.autoMediaPlaybackPolicy =
}) : assert(autoMediaPlaybackPolicy != null);
/// The initialUrl to load in the webview.
/// When null the webview will be created without loading any page.
final String initialUrl;
/// The initial [WebSettings] for the new webview.
/// This can later be updated with [WebViewPlatformController.updateSettings].
final WebSettings webSettings;
/// The initial set of JavaScript channels that are configured for this webview.
/// For each value in this set the platform's webview should make sure that a corresponding
/// property with a postMessage method is set on `window`. For example for a JavaScript channel
/// named `Foo` it should be possible for JavaScript code executing in the webview to do
/// ```javascript
/// Foo.postMessage('hello');
/// ```
// TODO(amirh): describe what should happen when postMessage is called once that code is migrated
// to PlatformWebView.
final Set<String> javascriptChannelNames;
/// The value used for the HTTP User-Agent: request header.
/// When null the platform's webview default is used for the User-Agent header.
final String userAgent;
/// Which restrictions apply on automatic media playback.
final AutoMediaPlaybackPolicy autoMediaPlaybackPolicy;
String toString() {
return '$runtimeType(initialUrl: $initialUrl, settings: $webSettings, javascriptChannelNames: $javascriptChannelNames, UserAgent: $userAgent)';
typedef WebViewPlatformCreatedCallback = void Function(
WebViewPlatformController webViewPlatformController);
/// Interface for a platform implementation of a WebView.
/// [WebView.platform] controls the builder that is used by [WebView].
/// [AndroidWebViewPlatform] and [CupertinoWebViewPlatform] are the default implementations
/// for Android and iOS respectively.
abstract class WebViewPlatform {
/// Builds a new WebView.
/// Returns a Widget tree that embeds the created webview.
/// `creationParams` are the initial parameters used to setup the webview.
/// `webViewPlatformHandler` will be used for handling callbacks that are made by the created
/// [WebViewPlatformController].
/// `onWebViewPlatformCreated` will be invoked after the platform specific [WebViewPlatformController]
/// implementation is created with the [WebViewPlatformController] instance as a parameter.
/// `gestureRecognizers` specifies which gestures should be consumed by the web view.
/// It is possible for other gesture recognizers to be competing with the web view on pointer
/// events, e.g if the web view is inside a [ListView] the [ListView] will want to handle
/// vertical drags. The web view will claim gestures that are recognized by any of the
/// recognizers on this list.
/// When `gestureRecognizers` is empty or null, the web view will only handle pointer events for gestures that
/// were not claimed by any other gesture recognizer.
/// `webViewPlatformHandler` must not be null.
Widget build({
BuildContext context,
// TODO(amirh): convert this to be the actual parameters.
// I'm starting without it as the PR is starting to become pretty big.
// I'll followup with the conversion PR.
CreationParams creationParams,
@required WebViewPlatformCallbacksHandler webViewPlatformCallbacksHandler,
WebViewPlatformCreatedCallback onWebViewPlatformCreated,
Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers,
/// Clears all cookies for all [WebView] instances.
/// Returns true if cookies were present before clearing, else false.
Future<bool> clearCookies() {
throw UnimplementedError(
"WebView clearCookies is not implemented on the current platform");