blob: c7889c9107e48af66d1d0d48030c6d07a42934dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:google_sign_in_platform_interface/google_sign_in_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'src/generated/gapiauth2.dart' as auth2;
// TODO: Remove once this lands
import 'src/generated/gapiauth2.dart' show GoogleAuthExtensions;
import 'src/load_gapi.dart' as gapi;
import 'src/utils.dart' show gapiUserToPluginUserData;
const String _kClientIdMetaSelector = 'meta[name=google-signin-client_id]';
const String _kClientIdAttributeName = 'content';
String gapiUrl = '';
/// Implementation of the google_sign_in plugin for Web
class GoogleSignInPlugin extends GoogleSignInPlatform {
GoogleSignInPlugin() {
_autoDetectedClientId = html
_isGapiInitialized = gapi.inject(gapiUrl).then((_) => gapi.init());
Future<void> _isGapiInitialized;
Future<void> get initialized => _isGapiInitialized;
String _autoDetectedClientId;
FutureOr<auth2.GoogleUser> _lastSeenUser;
static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
GoogleSignInPlatform.instance = GoogleSignInPlugin();
Future<void> init(
{@required String hostedDomain,
List<String> scopes = const <String>[],
SignInOption signInOption = SignInOption.standard,
String clientId}) async {
final String appClientId = clientId ?? _autoDetectedClientId;
appClientId != null,
'ClientID not set. Either set it on a '
'<meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="CLIENT_ID" /> tag,'
' or pass clientId when calling init()');
!scopes.any((String scope) => scope.contains(' ')),
'OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs can\'t contain spaces.'
'Check '
'for a list of valid OAuth 2.0 scopes.');
await initialized;
final auth2.GoogleAuth auth = auth2.init(auth2.ClientConfig(
hosted_domain: hostedDomain,
// The js lib wants a space-separated list of values
scope: scopes.join(' '),
client_id: appClientId,
// Subscribe to changes in the auth instance returned by init,
// and cache the _lastSeenUser as we get notified of new values.
final Completer<auth2.GoogleUser> initUserCompleter =
auth.currentUser.listen(allowInterop((auth2.GoogleUser nextUser) {
if (!initUserCompleter.isCompleted) {
} else {
_lastSeenUser = nextUser;
_lastSeenUser = initUserCompleter.future;
return null;
Future<GoogleSignInUserData> signInSilently() async {
await initialized;
return gapiUserToPluginUserData(await _lastSeenUser);
Future<GoogleSignInUserData> signIn() async {
await initialized;
return gapiUserToPluginUserData(await auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn());
Future<GoogleSignInTokenData> getTokens(
{@required String email, bool shouldRecoverAuth}) async {
await initialized;
final auth2.GoogleUser currentUser =
final auth2.AuthResponse response = currentUser.getAuthResponse();
return GoogleSignInTokenData(
idToken: response.id_token, accessToken: response.access_token);
Future<void> signOut() async {
await initialized;
return auth2.getAuthInstance().signOut();
Future<void> disconnect() async {
await initialized;
final auth2.GoogleUser currentUser =
return currentUser.disconnect();
Future<bool> isSignedIn() async {
await initialized;
final auth2.GoogleUser currentUser =
return currentUser.isSignedIn();
Future<void> clearAuthCache({String token}) async {
await initialized;
_lastSeenUser = null;
return auth2.getAuthInstance().disconnect();