blob: 2eeaa02029953637b691b24f5cdfd2f0ed85b487 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of google_maps_flutter_web;
final _nullLatLng = LatLng(0, 0);
final _nullLatLngBounds = LatLngBounds(
northeast: _nullLatLng,
southwest: _nullLatLng,
// Defaults taken from the Google Maps Platform SDK documentation.
final _defaultStrokeColor =;
final _defaultFillColor = Colors.transparent.value;
// Indices in the plugin side don't match with the ones
// in the gmaps lib. This translates from plugin -> gmaps.
final _mapTypeToMapTypeId = {
0: gmaps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, // "none" in the plugin
1: gmaps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
2: gmaps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE,
3: gmaps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
4: gmaps.MapTypeId.HYBRID,
// Converts options from the plugin into gmaps.MapOptions that can be used by the JS SDK.
// The following options are not handled here, for various reasons:
// The following are not available in web, because the map doesn't rotate there:
// compassEnabled
// rotateGesturesEnabled
// tiltGesturesEnabled
// mapToolbarEnabled is unused in web, there's no "map toolbar"
// myLocationButtonEnabled Widget not available in web yet, it needs to be built on top of the maps widget
// See:
// myLocationEnabled needs to be built through dart:html navigator.geolocation
// See:
// trafficEnabled is handled when creating the GMap object, since it needs to be added as a layer.
// trackCameraPosition is just a boolan value that indicates if the map has an onCameraMove handler.
// indoorViewEnabled seems to not have an equivalent in web
// buildingsEnabled seems to not have an equivalent in web
// padding seems to behave differently in web than mobile. You can't move UI elements in web.
gmaps.MapOptions _rawOptionsToGmapsOptions(Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions) {
Map<String, dynamic> optionsUpdate = rawOptions['options'] ?? {};
gmaps.MapOptions options = gmaps.MapOptions();
if (_mapTypeToMapTypeId.containsKey(optionsUpdate['mapType'])) {
options.mapTypeId = _mapTypeToMapTypeId[optionsUpdate['mapType']];
if (optionsUpdate['minMaxZoomPreference'] != null) {
..minZoom = optionsUpdate['minMaxZoomPreference'][0]
..maxZoom = optionsUpdate['minMaxZoomPreference'][1];
if (optionsUpdate['cameraTargetBounds'] != null) {
// Needs gmaps.MapOptions.restriction and gmaps.MapRestriction
// see:
if (optionsUpdate['zoomControlsEnabled'] != null) {
options.zoomControl = optionsUpdate['zoomControlsEnabled'];
if (optionsUpdate['styles'] != null) {
options.styles = optionsUpdate['styles'];
if (optionsUpdate['scrollGesturesEnabled'] == false ||
optionsUpdate['zoomGesturesEnabled'] == false) {
options.gestureHandling = 'none';
} else {
options.gestureHandling = 'auto';
// These don't have any optionUpdate entry, but they seem to be off in the native maps.
options.mapTypeControl = false;
options.fullscreenControl = false;
options.streetViewControl = false;
return options;
gmaps.MapOptions _applyInitialPosition(
Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions,
gmaps.MapOptions options,
) {
// Adjust the initial position, if passed...
Map<String, dynamic> initialPosition = rawOptions['initialCameraPosition'];
if (initialPosition != null) {
final position = CameraPosition.fromMap(initialPosition);
options.zoom = position.zoom; =
return options;
// Extracts the status of the traffic layer from the rawOptions map.
bool _isTrafficLayerEnabled(Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions) {
if (rawOptions['options'] == null) {
return false;
return rawOptions['options']['trafficEnabled'] ?? false;
// Coverts the incoming JSON object into a List of MapTypeStyler objects.
List<gmaps.MapTypeStyler> _parseStylers(List stylerJsons) {
return stylerJsons?.map((styler) {
return gmaps.MapTypeStyler()
..color = styler['color']
..gamma = styler['gamma']
..hue = styler['hue']
..invertLightness = styler['invertLightness']
..lightness = styler['lightness']
..saturation = styler['saturation']
..visibility = styler['visibility']
..weight = styler['weight'];
// Converts a String to its corresponding MapTypeStyleElementType enum value.
final _elementTypeToEnum = <String, gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType>{
'all': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.ALL,
'geometry': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.GEOMETRY,
'geometry.fill': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.GEOMETRY_FILL,
'geometry.stroke': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.GEOMETRY_STROKE,
'labels': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.LABELS,
'labels.icon': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.LABELS_ICON,
'labels.text': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.LABELS_TEXT,
'labels.text.fill': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.LABELS_TEXT_FILL,
'labels.text.stroke': gmaps.MapTypeStyleElementType.LABELS_TEXT_STROKE,
// Converts a String to its corresponding MapTypeStyleFeatureType enum value.
final _featureTypeToEnum = <String, gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType>{
'administrative': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.ADMINISTRATIVE,
'all': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.ALL,
'landscape': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.LANDSCAPE,
'landscape.man_made': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.LANDSCAPE_MAN_MADE,
'landscape.natural': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.LANDSCAPE_NATURAL,
'poi': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI,
'poi.attraction': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_ATTRACTION,
'': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_BUSINESS,
'poi.government': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_GOVERNMENT,
'poi.medical': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_MEDICAL,
'poi.park': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_PARK,
'poi.place_of_worship': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_PLACE_OF_WORSHIP,
'': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_SCHOOL,
'poi.sports_complex': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.POI_SPORTS_COMPLEX,
'road': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.ROAD,
'road.arterial': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.ROAD_ARTERIAL,
'road.highway': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.ROAD_HIGHWAY,
'road.local': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.ROAD_LOCAL,
'transit': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.TRANSIT,
'transit.line': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.TRANSIT_LINE,
'transit.station': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.TRANSIT_STATION,
'transit.station.bus': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.TRANSIT_STATION_BUS,
'transit.station.rail': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.TRANSIT_STATION_RAIL,
'water': gmaps.MapTypeStyleFeatureType.WATER,
// The keys we'd expect to see in a serialized MapTypeStyle JSON object.
final _mapStyleKeys = {
// Checks if the passed in Map contains some of the _mapStyleKeys.
bool _isJsonMapStyle(Map value) {
return _mapStyleKeys.intersection(value.keys.toSet()).isNotEmpty;
// Converts an incoming JSON-encoded Style info, into the correct gmaps array.
List<gmaps.MapTypeStyle> _mapStyles(String mapStyleJson) {
List<gmaps.MapTypeStyle> styles = [];
if (mapStyleJson != null) {
styles = json.decode(mapStyleJson, reviver: (key, value) {
if (value is Map && _isJsonMapStyle(value)) {
return gmaps.MapTypeStyle()
..elementType = _elementTypeToEnum[value['elementType']]
..featureType = _featureTypeToEnum[value['featureType']]
..stylers = _parseStylers(value['stylers']);
return value;
return styles;
gmaps.LatLng _latLngToGmLatLng(LatLng latLng) {
if (latLng == null) return null;
return gmaps.LatLng(latLng.latitude, latLng.longitude);
LatLng _gmLatLngToLatLng(gmaps.LatLng latLng) {
if (latLng == null) return _nullLatLng;
return LatLng(, latLng.lng);
LatLngBounds _gmLatLngBoundsTolatLngBounds(gmaps.LatLngBounds latLngBounds) {
if (latLngBounds == null) {
return _nullLatLngBounds;
return LatLngBounds(
southwest: _gmLatLngToLatLng(latLngBounds.southWest),
northeast: _gmLatLngToLatLng(latLngBounds.northEast),
CameraPosition _gmViewportToCameraPosition(gmaps.GMap map) {
return CameraPosition(
target: _gmLatLngToLatLng(,
bearing: map.heading ?? 0,
tilt: map.tilt ?? 0,
zoom: map.zoom?.toDouble() ?? 10,
Set<Marker> _rawOptionsToInitialMarkers(Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions) {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> list = rawOptions['markersToAdd'];
Set<Marker> markers = {};
markers.addAll(list?.map((rawMarker) {
Offset offset;
LatLng position;
InfoWindow infoWindow;
if (rawMarker['anchor'] != null) {
offset = Offset((rawMarker['anchor'][0]), (rawMarker['anchor'][1]));
if (rawMarker['position'] != null) {
position = LatLng.fromJson(rawMarker['position']);
if (rawMarker['infoWindow'] != null || rawMarker['snippet'] != null) {
String title = rawMarker['infoWindow'] != null
? rawMarker['infoWindow']['title']
: null;
infoWindow = InfoWindow(
title: title ?? '',
snippet: rawMarker['snippet'] ?? '',
return Marker(
markerId: MarkerId(rawMarker['markerId']),
alpha: rawMarker['alpha'],
anchor: offset,
consumeTapEvents: rawMarker['consumeTapEvents'],
draggable: rawMarker['draggable'],
flat: rawMarker['flat'],
// TODO: Doesn't this support custom icons?
icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker,
infoWindow: infoWindow,
position: position ?? _nullLatLng,
rotation: rawMarker['rotation'],
visible: rawMarker['visible'],
zIndex: rawMarker['zIndex'],
}) ??
return markers;
Set<Circle> _rawOptionsToInitialCircles(Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions) {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> list = rawOptions['circlesToAdd'];
Set<Circle> circles = {};
circles.addAll(list?.map((rawCircle) {
LatLng center;
if (rawCircle['center'] != null) {
center = LatLng.fromJson(rawCircle['center']);
return Circle(
circleId: CircleId(rawCircle['circleId']),
consumeTapEvents: rawCircle['consumeTapEvents'],
fillColor: Color(rawCircle['fillColor'] ?? _defaultFillColor),
center: center ?? _nullLatLng,
radius: rawCircle['radius'],
strokeColor: Color(rawCircle['strokeColor'] ?? _defaultStrokeColor),
strokeWidth: rawCircle['strokeWidth'],
visible: rawCircle['visible'],
zIndex: rawCircle['zIndex'],
}) ??
return circles;
// Unsupported on the web: endCap, jointType, patterns and startCap.
Set<Polyline> _rawOptionsToInitialPolylines(Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions) {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> list = rawOptions['polylinesToAdd'];
Set<Polyline> polylines = {};
polylines.addAll(list?.map((rawPolyline) {
return Polyline(
polylineId: PolylineId(rawPolyline['polylineId']),
consumeTapEvents: rawPolyline['consumeTapEvents'],
color: Color(rawPolyline['color'] ?? _defaultStrokeColor),
geodesic: rawPolyline['geodesic'],
visible: rawPolyline['visible'],
zIndex: rawPolyline['zIndex'],
width: rawPolyline['width'],
points: rawPolyline['points']
?.map((rawPoint) => LatLng.fromJson(rawPoint))
}) ??
return polylines;
Set<Polygon> _rawOptionsToInitialPolygons(Map<String, dynamic> rawOptions) {
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> list = rawOptions['polygonsToAdd'];
Set<Polygon> polygons = {};
polygons.addAll(list?.map((rawPolygon) {
return Polygon(
polygonId: PolygonId(rawPolygon['polygonId']),
consumeTapEvents: rawPolygon['consumeTapEvents'],
fillColor: Color(rawPolygon['fillColor'] ?? _defaultFillColor),
geodesic: rawPolygon['geodesic'],
strokeColor: Color(rawPolygon['strokeColor'] ?? _defaultStrokeColor),
strokeWidth: rawPolygon['strokeWidth'],
visible: rawPolygon['visible'],
zIndex: rawPolygon['zIndex'],
points: rawPolygon['points']
?.map((rawPoint) => LatLng.fromJson(rawPoint))
}) ??
return polygons;
// Convert plugin objects to gmaps.Options objects
// TODO: Move to their appropriate objects, maybe make these copy constructors:
// Marker.fromMarker(anotherMarker, moreOptions);
gmaps.InfoWindowOptions _infoWindowOptionsFromMarker(Marker marker) {
if ((marker.infoWindow?.title?.isEmpty ?? true) &&
(marker.infoWindow?.snippet?.isEmpty ?? true)) {
return null;
final content = '<h3 class="infowindow-title">' +
sanitizeHtml(marker.infoWindow.title ?? "") +
'</h3>' +
sanitizeHtml(marker.infoWindow.snippet ?? "");
return gmaps.InfoWindowOptions()
..content = content
..zIndex = marker.zIndex;
// TODO: Compute the pixelOffset of the infoWindow, from the size of the Marker,
// and the marker.infoWindow.anchor property.
// Computes the options for a new [gmaps.Marker] from an incoming set of options
// [marker], and the existing marker registered with the map: [currentMarker].
// Preserves the position from the [currentMarker], if set.
gmaps.MarkerOptions _markerOptionsFromMarker(
Marker marker,
gmaps.Marker currentMarker,
) {
final iconConfig = marker.icon.toJson() as List;
gmaps.Icon icon;
if (iconConfig[0] == 'fromAssetImage') {
// iconConfig[2] contains the DPIs of the screen, but that information is
// already encoded in the iconConfig[1]
icon = gmaps.Icon()
..url = ui.webOnlyAssetManager.getAssetUrl(iconConfig[1]);
// iconConfig[3] may contain the [width, height] of the image, if passed!
if (iconConfig.length >= 4 && iconConfig[3] != null) {
final size = gmaps.Size(iconConfig[3][0], iconConfig[3][1]);
..size = size
..scaledSize = size;
return gmaps.MarkerOptions()
..position = currentMarker?.position ??
..title = sanitizeHtml(marker.infoWindow?.title ?? "")
..zIndex = marker.zIndex
..visible = marker.visible
..opacity = marker.alpha
..draggable = marker.draggable
..icon = icon;
// TODO: Compute anchor properly, otherwise infowindows attach to the wrong spot.
// Flat and Rotation are not supported directly on the web.
gmaps.CircleOptions _circleOptionsFromCircle(Circle circle) {
final populationOptions = gmaps.CircleOptions()
..strokeColor = '#' + circle.strokeColor.value.toRadixString(16)
..strokeOpacity = 0.8
..strokeWeight = circle.strokeWidth
..fillColor = '#' + circle.fillColor.value.toRadixString(16)
..fillOpacity = 0.6 = gmaps.LatLng(,
..radius = circle.radius
..visible = circle.visible;
return populationOptions;
gmaps.PolygonOptions _polygonOptionsFromPolygon(
gmaps.GMap googleMap, Polygon polygon) {
List<gmaps.LatLng> paths = [];
polygon.points.forEach((point) {
return gmaps.PolygonOptions()
..paths = paths
..strokeColor = '#' + polygon.strokeColor.value.toRadixString(16)
..strokeOpacity = 0.8
..strokeWeight = polygon.strokeWidth
..fillColor = '#' + polygon.fillColor.value.toRadixString(16)
..fillOpacity = 0.35
..visible = polygon.visible
..zIndex = polygon.zIndex
..geodesic = polygon.geodesic;
gmaps.PolylineOptions _polylineOptionsFromPolyline(
gmaps.GMap googleMap, Polyline polyline) {
List<gmaps.LatLng> paths = [];
polyline.points.forEach((point) {
return gmaps.PolylineOptions()
..path = paths
..strokeOpacity = 1.0
..strokeWeight = polyline.width
..strokeColor = '#' + polyline.color.value.toRadixString(16).substring(0, 6)
..visible = polyline.visible
..zIndex = polyline.zIndex
..geodesic = polyline.geodesic;
// this.endCap = Cap.buttCap,
// this.jointType = JointType.mitered,
// this.patterns = const <PatternItem>[],
// this.startCap = Cap.buttCap,
// this.width = 10,
// Translates a [CameraUpdate] into operations on a [gmaps.GMap].
void _applyCameraUpdate(gmaps.GMap map, CameraUpdate update) {
final json = update.toJson();
switch (json[0]) {
case 'newCameraPosition':
map.heading = json[1]['bearing'];
map.zoom = json[1]['zoom'];
map.panTo(gmaps.LatLng(json[1]['target'][0], json[1]['target'][1]));
map.tilt = json[1]['tilt'];
case 'newLatLng':
map.panTo(gmaps.LatLng(json[1][0], json[1][1]));
case 'newLatLngZoom':
map.zoom = json[2];
map.panTo(gmaps.LatLng(json[1][0], json[1][1]));
case 'newLatLngBounds':
gmaps.LatLng(json[1][0][0], json[1][0][1]),
gmaps.LatLng(json[1][1][0], json[1][1][1])));
// padding = json[2];
// Needs package:google_maps ^4.0.0 to adjust the padding in fitBounds
case 'scrollBy':
map.panBy(json[1], json[2]);
case 'zoomBy':
gmaps.LatLng focusLatLng;
double zoomDelta = json[1] ?? 0;
// Web only supports integer changes...
int newZoomDelta = zoomDelta < 0 ? zoomDelta.floor() : zoomDelta.ceil();
if (json.length == 3) {
// With focus
try {
focusLatLng = _pixelToLatLng(map, json[2][0], json[2][1]);
} catch (e) {
// print('Error computing new focus LatLng. JS Error: ' + e.toString());
map.zoom = map.zoom + newZoomDelta;
if (focusLatLng != null) {
case 'zoomIn':
case 'zoomOut':
case 'zoomTo':
map.zoom = json[1];
throw UnimplementedError('Unimplemented CameraMove: ${json[0]}.');
// original JS by: Byron Singh (
gmaps.LatLng _pixelToLatLng(gmaps.GMap map, int x, int y) {
final ne = map.bounds.northEast;
final sw = map.bounds.southWest;
final projection = map.projection;
final topRight = projection.fromLatLngToPoint(ne);
final bottomLeft = projection.fromLatLngToPoint(sw);
final scale = 1 << map.zoom; // 2 ^ zoom
final point =
gmaps.Point((x / scale) + bottomLeft.x, (y / scale) + topRight.y);
return projection.fromPointToLatLng(point);