blob: b89d3420c68e41b00babd4765ccbc94f86853c4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter_platform_interface/src/method_channel/method_channel_google_maps_flutter.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter_platform_interface/google_maps_flutter_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:plugin_platform_interface/plugin_platform_interface.dart';
/// The interface that platform-specific implementations of `google_maps_flutter` must extend.
/// Avoid `implements` of this interface. Using `implements` makes adding any new
/// methods here a breaking change for end users of your platform!
/// Do `extends GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform` instead, so new methods added here are
/// inherited in your code with the default implementation (that throws at runtime),
/// rather than breaking your users at compile time.
abstract class GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform extends PlatformInterface {
/// Constructs a GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform() : super(token: _token);
static final Object _token = Object();
static GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform _instance = MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter();
/// The default instance of [GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform] to use.
/// Defaults to [MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter].
static GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform get instance => _instance;
/// Platform-specific plugins should set this with their own platform-specific
/// class that extends [GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform] when they register themselves.
static set instance(GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform instance) {
PlatformInterface.verifyToken(instance, _token);
_instance = instance;
/// /// Initializes the platform interface with [id].
/// This method is called when the plugin is first initialized.
Future<void> init(int mapId) {
throw UnimplementedError('init() has not been implemented.');
/// Updates configuration options of the map user interface.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> updateMapOptions(
Map<String, dynamic> optionsUpdate, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('updateMapOptions() has not been implemented.');
/// Updates marker configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> updateMarkers(
MarkerUpdates markerUpdates, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('updateMarkers() has not been implemented.');
/// Updates polygon configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> updatePolygons(
PolygonUpdates polygonUpdates, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('updatePolygons() has not been implemented.');
/// Updates polyline configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> updatePolylines(
PolylineUpdates polylineUpdates, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('updatePolylines() has not been implemented.');
/// Updates circle configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> updateCircles(
CircleUpdates circleUpdates, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('updateCircles() has not been implemented.');
/// Starts an animated change of the map camera position.
/// The returned [Future] completes after the change has been started on the
/// platform side.
Future<void> animateCamera(
CameraUpdate cameraUpdate, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('animateCamera() has not been implemented.');
/// Changes the map camera position.
/// The returned [Future] completes after the change has been made on the
/// platform side.
Future<void> moveCamera(
CameraUpdate cameraUpdate, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('moveCamera() has not been implemented.');
/// Sets the styling of the base map.
/// Set to `null` to clear any previous custom styling.
/// If problems were detected with the [mapStyle], including un-parsable
/// styling JSON, unrecognized feature type, unrecognized element type, or
/// invalid styler keys: [MapStyleException] is thrown and the current
/// style is left unchanged.
/// The style string can be generated using [map style tool](
Future<void> setMapStyle(
String mapStyle, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('setMapStyle() has not been implemented.');
/// Return the region that is visible in a map.
Future<LatLngBounds> getVisibleRegion({
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('getVisibleRegion() has not been implemented.');
/// Return [ScreenCoordinate] of the [LatLng] in the current map view.
/// A projection is used to translate between on screen location and geographic coordinates.
/// Screen location is in screen pixels (not display pixels) with respect to the top left corner
/// of the map, not necessarily of the whole screen.
Future<ScreenCoordinate> getScreenCoordinate(
LatLng latLng, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('getScreenCoordinate() has not been implemented.');
/// Returns [LatLng] corresponding to the [ScreenCoordinate] in the current map view.
/// A projection is used to translate between on screen location and geographic coordinates.
/// Screen location is in screen pixels (not display pixels) with respect to the top left corner
/// of the map, not necessarily of the whole screen.
Future<LatLng> getLatLng(
ScreenCoordinate screenCoordinate, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('getLatLng() has not been implemented.');
/// Programmatically show the Info Window for a [Marker].
/// The `markerId` must match one of the markers on the map.
/// An invalid `markerId` triggers an "Invalid markerId" error.
/// * See also:
/// * [hideMarkerInfoWindow] to hide the Info Window.
/// * [isMarkerInfoWindowShown] to check if the Info Window is showing.
Future<void> showMarkerInfoWindow(
MarkerId markerId, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'showMarkerInfoWindow() has not been implemented.');
/// Programmatically hide the Info Window for a [Marker].
/// The `markerId` must match one of the markers on the map.
/// An invalid `markerId` triggers an "Invalid markerId" error.
/// * See also:
/// * [showMarkerInfoWindow] to show the Info Window.
/// * [isMarkerInfoWindowShown] to check if the Info Window is showing.
Future<void> hideMarkerInfoWindow(
MarkerId markerId, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError(
'hideMarkerInfoWindow() has not been implemented.');
/// Returns `true` when the [InfoWindow] is showing, `false` otherwise.
/// The `markerId` must match one of the markers on the map.
/// An invalid `markerId` triggers an "Invalid markerId" error.
/// * See also:
/// * [showMarkerInfoWindow] to show the Info Window.
/// * [hideMarkerInfoWindow] to hide the Info Window.
Future<bool> isMarkerInfoWindowShown(
MarkerId markerId, {
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('updateMapOptions() has not been implemented.');
/// Returns the current zoom level of the map
Future<double> getZoomLevel({
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('getZoomLevel() has not been implemented.');
/// Returns the image bytes of the map
Future<Uint8List> takeSnapshot({
@required int mapId,
}) {
throw UnimplementedError('takeSnapshot() has not been implemented.');
// The following are the 11 possible streams of data from the native side
// into the plugin
/// The Camera started moving.
Stream<CameraMoveStartedEvent> onCameraMoveStarted({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onCameraMoveStarted() has not been implemented.');
/// The Camera finished moving to a new [CameraPosition].
Stream<CameraMoveEvent> onCameraMove({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onCameraMove() has not been implemented.');
/// The Camera is now idle.
Stream<CameraIdleEvent> onCameraIdle({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onCameraMove() has not been implemented.');
/// A [Marker] has been tapped.
Stream<MarkerTapEvent> onMarkerTap({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onMarkerTap() has not been implemented.');
/// An [InfoWindow] has been tapped.
Stream<InfoWindowTapEvent> onInfoWindowTap({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onInfoWindowTap() has not been implemented.');
/// A [Marker] has been dragged to a different [LatLng] position.
Stream<MarkerDragEndEvent> onMarkerDragEnd({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onMarkerDragEnd() has not been implemented.');
/// A [Polyline] has been tapped.
Stream<PolylineTapEvent> onPolylineTap({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onPolylineTap() has not been implemented.');
/// A [Polygon] has been tapped.
Stream<PolygonTapEvent> onPolygonTap({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onPolygonTap() has not been implemented.');
/// A [Circle] has been tapped.
Stream<CircleTapEvent> onCircleTap({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onCircleTap() has not been implemented.');
/// A Map has been tapped at a certain [LatLng].
Stream<MapTapEvent> onTap({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onTap() has not been implemented.');
/// A Map has been long-pressed at a certain [LatLng].
Stream<MapLongPressEvent> onLongPress({@required int mapId}) {
throw UnimplementedError('onLongPress() has not been implemented.');
/// Returns a widget displaying the map view
Widget buildView(
Map<String, dynamic> creationParams,
Set<Factory<OneSequenceGestureRecognizer>> gestureRecognizers,
PlatformViewCreatedCallback onPlatformViewCreated) {
throw UnimplementedError('buildView() has not been implemented.');