blob: f17166fbc969fe2f70c1d5616c63d72995a1c79e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ui' show hashValues;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:in_app_purchase/src/channel.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'sk_payment_transaction_wrappers.dart';
import 'sk_product_wrapper.dart';
part 'sk_payment_queue_wrapper.g.dart';
/// A wrapper around
/// [`SKPaymentQueue`](
/// The payment queue contains payment related operations. It communicates with
/// the App Store and presents a user interface for the user to process and
/// authorize payments.
/// Full information on using `SKPaymentQueue` and processing purchases is
/// available at the [In-App Purchase Programming
/// Guide](
class SKPaymentQueueWrapper {
SKTransactionObserverWrapper? _observer;
/// Returns the default payment queue.
/// We do not support instantiating a custom payment queue, hence the
/// singleton. However, you can override the observer.
factory SKPaymentQueueWrapper() {
return _singleton;
static final SKPaymentQueueWrapper _singleton = SKPaymentQueueWrapper._();
/// Calls [`-[SKPaymentQueue transactions]`](
Future<List<SKPaymentTransactionWrapper>> transactions() async {
return _getTransactionList((await channel
.invokeListMethod<dynamic>('-[SKPaymentQueue transactions]'))!);
/// Calls [`-[SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments:]`](
static Future<bool> canMakePayments() async =>
(await channel
.invokeMethod<bool>('-[SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments:]')) ??
/// Sets an observer to listen to all incoming transaction events.
/// This should be called and set as soon as the app launches in order to
/// avoid missing any purchase updates from the App Store. See the
/// documentation on StoreKit's [`-[SKPaymentQueue
/// addTransactionObserver:]`](
void setTransactionObserver(SKTransactionObserverWrapper observer) {
_observer = observer;
/// Posts a payment to the queue.
/// This sends a purchase request to the App Store for confirmation.
/// Transaction updates will be delivered to the set
/// [SkTransactionObserverWrapper].
/// A couple preconditions need to be met before calling this method.
/// - At least one [SKTransactionObserverWrapper] should have been added to
/// the payment queue using [addTransactionObserver].
/// - The [payment.productIdentifier] needs to have been previously fetched
/// using [SKRequestMaker.startProductRequest] so that a valid `SKProduct`
/// has been cached in the platform side already. Because of this
/// [payment.productIdentifier] cannot be hardcoded.
/// This method calls StoreKit's [`-[SKPaymentQueue addPayment:]`]
/// (
/// Also see [sandbox
/// testing](
Future<void> addPayment(SKPaymentWrapper payment) async {
assert(_observer != null,
'[in_app_purchase]: Trying to add a payment without an observer. One must be set using `SkPaymentQueueWrapper.setTransactionObserver` before the app launches.');
final Map<String, dynamic> requestMap = payment.toMap();
await channel.invokeMethod<void>(
'-[InAppPurchasePlugin addPayment:result:]',
/// Finishes a transaction and removes it from the queue.
/// This method should be called after the given [transaction] has been
/// succesfully processed and its content has been delivered to the user.
/// Transaction status updates are propagated to [SkTransactionObserver].
/// This will throw a Platform exception if [transaction.transactionState] is
/// [SKPaymentTransactionStateWrapper.purchasing].
/// This method calls StoreKit's [`-[SKPaymentQueue
/// finishTransaction:]`](
Future<void> finishTransaction(
SKPaymentTransactionWrapper transaction) async {
Map<String, String?> requestMap = transaction.toFinishMap();
await channel.invokeMethod<void>(
'-[InAppPurchasePlugin finishTransaction:result:]',
/// Restore previously purchased transactions.
/// Use this to load previously purchased content on a new device.
/// This call triggers purchase updates on the set
/// [SKTransactionObserverWrapper] for previously made transactions. This will
/// invoke [SKTransactionObserverWrapper.restoreCompletedTransactions],
/// [SKTransactionObserverWrapper.paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished],
/// and [SKTransactionObserverWrapper.updatedTransaction]. These restored
/// transactions need to be marked complete with [finishTransaction] once the
/// content is delivered, like any other transaction.
/// The `applicationUserName` should match the original
/// [SKPaymentWrapper.applicationUsername] used in [addPayment].
/// If no `applicationUserName` was used, `applicationUserName` should be null.
/// This method either triggers [`-[SKPayment
/// restoreCompletedTransactions]`](
/// or [`-[SKPayment restoreCompletedTransactionsWithApplicationUsername:]`](
/// depending on whether the `applicationUserName` is set.
Future<void> restoreTransactions({String? applicationUserName}) async {
await channel.invokeMethod<void>(
'-[InAppPurchasePlugin restoreTransactions:result:]',
/// Present Code Redemption Sheet
/// Use this to allow Users to enter and redeem Codes
/// This method triggers [`-[SKPayment
/// presentCodeRedemptionSheet]`](
Future<void> presentCodeRedemptionSheet() async {
await channel.invokeMethod<void>(
'-[InAppPurchasePlugin presentCodeRedemptionSheet:result:]');
// Triage a method channel call from the platform and triggers the correct observer method.
Future<void> _handleObserverCallbacks(MethodCall call) async {
assert(_observer != null,
'[in_app_purchase]: (Fatal)The observer has not been set but we received a purchase transaction notification. Please ensure the observer has been set using `setTransactionObserver`. Make sure the observer is added right at the App Launch.');
final SKTransactionObserverWrapper observer = _observer!;
switch (call.method) {
case 'updatedTransactions':
final List<SKPaymentTransactionWrapper> transactions =
return Future<void>(() {
observer.updatedTransactions(transactions: transactions);
case 'removedTransactions':
final List<SKPaymentTransactionWrapper> transactions =
return Future<void>(() {
observer.removedTransactions(transactions: transactions);
case 'restoreCompletedTransactionsFailed':
SKError error = SKError.fromJson(call.arguments);
return Future<void>(() {
observer.restoreCompletedTransactionsFailed(error: error);
case 'paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished':
return Future<void>(() {
case 'shouldAddStorePayment':
SKPaymentWrapper payment =
SKProductWrapper product =
return Future<void>(() {
if (observer.shouldAddStorePayment(
payment: payment, product: product) ==
true) {
throw PlatformException(
code: 'no_such_callback',
message: 'Did not recognize the observer callback ${call.method}.');
// Get transaction wrapper object list from arguments.
List<SKPaymentTransactionWrapper> _getTransactionList(
List<dynamic> transactionsData) {
return<SKPaymentTransactionWrapper>((dynamic map) {
return SKPaymentTransactionWrapper.fromJson(
Map.castFrom<dynamic, dynamic, String, dynamic>(map));
/// Dart wrapper around StoreKit's
/// [NSError](
class SKError {
/// Creates a new [SKError] object with the provided information.
SKError({required this.code, required this.domain, required this.userInfo});
/// Constructs an instance of this from a key-value map of data.
/// The map needs to have named string keys with values matching the names and
/// types of all of the members on this class. The `map` parameter must not be
/// null.
factory SKError.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return _$SKErrorFromJson(map);
/// Error [code](
/// as defined in the Cocoa Framework.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int code;
/// Error
/// [domain](
/// as defined in the Cocoa Framework.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String domain;
/// A map that contains more detailed information about the error.
/// Any key of the map must be a valid [NSErrorUserInfoKey](
@JsonKey(defaultValue: <String, dynamic>{})
final Map<String, dynamic> userInfo;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
final SKError typedOther = other as SKError;
return typedOther.code == code &&
typedOther.domain == domain &&
.equals(typedOther.userInfo, userInfo);
int get hashCode => hashValues(this.code, this.domain, this.userInfo);
/// Dart wrapper around StoreKit's
/// [SKPayment](
/// Used as the parameter to initiate a payment. In general, a developer should
/// not need to create the payment object explicitly; instead, use
/// [SKPaymentQueueWrapper.addPayment] directly with a product identifier to
/// initiate a payment.
class SKPaymentWrapper {
/// Creates a new [SKPaymentWrapper] with the provided information.
{required this.productIdentifier,
this.quantity = 1,
this.simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox = false});
/// Constructs an instance of this from a key value map of data.
/// The map needs to have named string keys with values matching the names and
/// types of all of the members on this class. The `map` parameter must not be
/// null.
factory SKPaymentWrapper.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
assert(map != null);
return _$SKPaymentWrapperFromJson(map);
/// Creates a Map object describes the payment object.
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
'productIdentifier': productIdentifier,
'applicationUsername': applicationUsername,
'requestData': requestData,
'quantity': quantity,
'simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox': simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox
/// The id for the product that the payment is for.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: '')
final String productIdentifier;
/// An opaque id for the user's account.
/// Used to help the store detect irregular activity. See
/// [applicationUsername](
/// for more details. For example, you can use a one-way hash of the user’s
/// account name on your server. Don’t use the Apple ID for your developer
/// account, the user’s Apple ID, or the user’s plaintext account name on
/// your server.
final String? applicationUsername;
/// Reserved for future use.
/// The value must be null before sending the payment. If the value is not
/// null, the payment will be rejected.
// The iOS Platform provided this property but it is reserved for future use.
// We also provide this property to match the iOS platform. Converted to
// String from NSData from ios platform using UTF8Encoding. The / default is
// null.
final String? requestData;
/// The amount of the product this payment is for.
/// The default is 1. The minimum is 1. The maximum is 10.
/// If the object is invalid, the value could be 0.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: 0)
final int quantity;
/// Produces an "ask to buy" flow in the sandbox.
/// Setting it to `true` will cause a transaction to be in the state [SKPaymentTransactionStateWrapper.deferred],
/// which produce an "ask to buy" prompt that interrupts the the payment flow.
/// Default is `false`.
/// See for a guide on Sandbox
/// testing.
@JsonKey(defaultValue: false)
final bool simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(other, this)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
final SKPaymentWrapper typedOther = other as SKPaymentWrapper;
return typedOther.productIdentifier == productIdentifier &&
typedOther.applicationUsername == applicationUsername &&
typedOther.quantity == quantity &&
typedOther.simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox == simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox &&
typedOther.requestData == requestData;
int get hashCode => hashValues(
String toString() => _$SKPaymentWrapperToJson(this).toString();