blob: eb97ceb447546f7bb25a1a1b7cf95af37572587c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <StoreKit/StoreKit.h>
@interface FIAObjectTranslator : NSObject
// Converts an instance of SKProduct into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKProduct:(SKProduct *)product;
// Converts an instance of SKProductSubscriptionPeriod into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKProductSubscriptionPeriod:(SKProductSubscriptionPeriod *)period
// Converts an instance of SKProductDiscount into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKProductDiscount:(SKProductDiscount *)discount
// Converts an array of SKProductDiscount instances into an array of dictionaries.
+ (nonnull NSArray *)getMapArrayFromSKProductDiscounts:
(nonnull NSArray<SKProductDiscount *> *)productDiscounts API_AVAILABLE(ios(12.2));
// Converts an instance of SKProductsResponse into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKProductsResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)productResponse;
// Converts an instance of SKPayment into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKPayment:(SKPayment *)payment;
// Converts an instance of NSLocale into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromNSLocale:(NSLocale *)locale;
// Creates an instance of the SKMutablePayment class based on the supplied dictionary.
+ (SKMutablePayment *)getSKMutablePaymentFromMap:(NSDictionary *)map;
// Converts an instance of SKPaymentTransaction into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKPaymentTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction;
// Converts an instance of NSError into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromNSError:(NSError *)error;
// Converts an instance of SKStorefront into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKStorefront:(SKStorefront *)storefront
API_AVAILABLE(ios(13), macos(10.15), watchos(6.2));
// Converts the supplied instances of SKStorefront and SKPaymentTransaction into a dictionary.
+ (NSDictionary *)getMapFromSKStorefront:(SKStorefront *)storefront
andSKPaymentTransaction:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction
API_AVAILABLE(ios(13), macos(10.15), watchos(6.2));
// Creates an instance of the SKPaymentDiscount class based on the supplied dictionary.
+ (nullable SKPaymentDiscount *)getSKPaymentDiscountFromMap:(NSDictionary *)map
withError:(NSString *_Nullable *_Nullable)error