blob: dfc6e579d56059fba059307cc44515d7ea1cc219 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ignore_for_file: library_private_types_in_public_api
part of google_maps_flutter;
/// Controller for a single GoogleMap instance running on the host platform.
class GoogleMapController {
this._googleMapState, {
required this.mapId,
}) {
/// The mapId for this controller
final int mapId;
/// Initialize control of a [GoogleMap] with [id].
/// Mainly for internal use when instantiating a [GoogleMapController] passed
/// in [GoogleMap.onMapCreated] callback.
static Future<GoogleMapController> init(
int id,
CameraPosition initialCameraPosition,
_GoogleMapState googleMapState,
) async {
assert(id != null);
await GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.init(id);
return GoogleMapController._(
mapId: id,
/// Used to communicate with the native platform.
/// Accessible only for testing.
// TODO(dit): Remove this getter,
MethodChannel? get channel {
if (GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance is MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter) {
return (GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
as MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter)
return null;
final _GoogleMapState _googleMapState;
void _connectStreams(int mapId) {
if (_googleMapState.widget.onCameraMoveStarted != null) {
.onCameraMoveStarted(mapId: mapId)
.listen((_) => _googleMapState.widget.onCameraMoveStarted!());
if (_googleMapState.widget.onCameraMove != null) {
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.onCameraMove(mapId: mapId).listen(
(CameraMoveEvent e) => _googleMapState.widget.onCameraMove!(e.value));
if (_googleMapState.widget.onCameraIdle != null) {
.onCameraIdle(mapId: mapId)
.listen((_) => _googleMapState.widget.onCameraIdle!());
.onMarkerTap(mapId: mapId)
.listen((MarkerTapEvent e) => _googleMapState.onMarkerTap(e.value));
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.onMarkerDragStart(mapId: mapId).listen(
(MarkerDragStartEvent e) =>
_googleMapState.onMarkerDragStart(e.value, e.position));
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.onMarkerDrag(mapId: mapId).listen(
(MarkerDragEvent e) =>
_googleMapState.onMarkerDrag(e.value, e.position));
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.onMarkerDragEnd(mapId: mapId).listen(
(MarkerDragEndEvent e) =>
_googleMapState.onMarkerDragEnd(e.value, e.position));
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.onInfoWindowTap(mapId: mapId).listen(
(InfoWindowTapEvent e) => _googleMapState.onInfoWindowTap(e.value));
.onPolylineTap(mapId: mapId)
.listen((PolylineTapEvent e) => _googleMapState.onPolylineTap(e.value));
.onPolygonTap(mapId: mapId)
.listen((PolygonTapEvent e) => _googleMapState.onPolygonTap(e.value));
.onCircleTap(mapId: mapId)
.listen((CircleTapEvent e) => _googleMapState.onCircleTap(e.value));
.onTap(mapId: mapId)
.listen((MapTapEvent e) => _googleMapState.onTap(e.position));
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.onLongPress(mapId: mapId).listen(
(MapLongPressEvent e) => _googleMapState.onLongPress(e.position));
/// Updates configuration options of the map user interface.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> _updateMapOptions(Map<String, dynamic> optionsUpdate) {
assert(optionsUpdate != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.updateMapOptions(optionsUpdate, mapId: mapId);
/// Updates marker configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> _updateMarkers(MarkerUpdates markerUpdates) {
assert(markerUpdates != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.updateMarkers(markerUpdates, mapId: mapId);
/// Updates polygon configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> _updatePolygons(PolygonUpdates polygonUpdates) {
assert(polygonUpdates != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.updatePolygons(polygonUpdates, mapId: mapId);
/// Updates polyline configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> _updatePolylines(PolylineUpdates polylineUpdates) {
assert(polylineUpdates != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.updatePolylines(polylineUpdates, mapId: mapId);
/// Updates circle configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> _updateCircles(CircleUpdates circleUpdates) {
assert(circleUpdates != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.updateCircles(circleUpdates, mapId: mapId);
/// Updates tile overlays configuration.
/// Change listeners are notified once the update has been made on the
/// platform side.
/// The returned [Future] completes after listeners have been notified.
Future<void> _updateTileOverlays(Set<TileOverlay> newTileOverlays) {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.updateTileOverlays(newTileOverlays: newTileOverlays, mapId: mapId);
/// Clears the tile cache so that all tiles will be requested again from the
/// [TileProvider].
/// The current tiles from this tile overlay will also be
/// cleared from the map after calling this method. The API maintains a small
/// in-memory cache of tiles. If you want to cache tiles for longer, you
/// should implement an on-disk cache.
Future<void> clearTileCache(TileOverlayId tileOverlayId) async {
assert(tileOverlayId != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.clearTileCache(tileOverlayId, mapId: mapId);
/// Starts an animated change of the map camera position.
/// The returned [Future] completes after the change has been started on the
/// platform side.
Future<void> animateCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.animateCamera(cameraUpdate, mapId: mapId);
/// Changes the map camera position.
/// The returned [Future] completes after the change has been made on the
/// platform side.
Future<void> moveCamera(CameraUpdate cameraUpdate) {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.moveCamera(cameraUpdate, mapId: mapId);
/// Sets the styling of the base map.
/// Set to `null` to clear any previous custom styling.
/// If problems were detected with the [mapStyle], including un-parsable
/// styling JSON, unrecognized feature type, unrecognized element type, or
/// invalid styler keys: [MapStyleException] is thrown and the current
/// style is left unchanged.
/// The style string can be generated using [map style tool](
/// Also, refer [iOS](
/// and [Android](
/// style reference for more information regarding the supported styles.
Future<void> setMapStyle(String? mapStyle) {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.setMapStyle(mapStyle, mapId: mapId);
/// Return [LatLngBounds] defining the region that is visible in a map.
Future<LatLngBounds> getVisibleRegion() {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.getVisibleRegion(mapId: mapId);
/// Return [ScreenCoordinate] of the [LatLng] in the current map view.
/// A projection is used to translate between on screen location and geographic coordinates.
/// Screen location is in screen pixels (not display pixels) with respect to the top left corner
/// of the map, not necessarily of the whole screen.
Future<ScreenCoordinate> getScreenCoordinate(LatLng latLng) {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.getScreenCoordinate(latLng, mapId: mapId);
/// Returns [LatLng] corresponding to the [ScreenCoordinate] in the current map view.
/// Returned [LatLng] corresponds to a screen location. The screen location is specified in screen
/// pixels (not display pixels) relative to the top left of the map, not top left of the whole screen.
Future<LatLng> getLatLng(ScreenCoordinate screenCoordinate) {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.getLatLng(screenCoordinate, mapId: mapId);
/// Programmatically show the Info Window for a [Marker].
/// The `markerId` must match one of the markers on the map.
/// An invalid `markerId` triggers an "Invalid markerId" error.
/// * See also:
/// * [hideMarkerInfoWindow] to hide the Info Window.
/// * [isMarkerInfoWindowShown] to check if the Info Window is showing.
Future<void> showMarkerInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) {
assert(markerId != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.showMarkerInfoWindow(markerId, mapId: mapId);
/// Programmatically hide the Info Window for a [Marker].
/// The `markerId` must match one of the markers on the map.
/// An invalid `markerId` triggers an "Invalid markerId" error.
/// * See also:
/// * [showMarkerInfoWindow] to show the Info Window.
/// * [isMarkerInfoWindowShown] to check if the Info Window is showing.
Future<void> hideMarkerInfoWindow(MarkerId markerId) {
assert(markerId != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.hideMarkerInfoWindow(markerId, mapId: mapId);
/// Returns `true` when the [InfoWindow] is showing, `false` otherwise.
/// The `markerId` must match one of the markers on the map.
/// An invalid `markerId` triggers an "Invalid markerId" error.
/// * See also:
/// * [showMarkerInfoWindow] to show the Info Window.
/// * [hideMarkerInfoWindow] to hide the Info Window.
Future<bool> isMarkerInfoWindowShown(MarkerId markerId) {
assert(markerId != null);
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance
.isMarkerInfoWindowShown(markerId, mapId: mapId);
/// Returns the current zoom level of the map
Future<double> getZoomLevel() {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.getZoomLevel(mapId: mapId);
/// Returns the image bytes of the map
Future<Uint8List?> takeSnapshot() {
return GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.takeSnapshot(mapId: mapId);
/// Disposes of the platform resources
void dispose() {
GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform.instance.dispose(mapId: mapId);