blob: ff048e24959063830a776197c95742b0ae2d7c2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// A regular expression that matches against the "size directive" path
/// segment of Google profile image URLs.
/// The format is is "`/sNN-c/`", where `NN` is the max width/height of the
/// image, and "`c`" indicates we want the image cropped.
final RegExp sizeDirective = RegExp(r'^s[0-9]{1,5}(-c)?$');
/// Adds [size] (and crop) directive to [photoUrl].
/// There are two formats for photoUrls coming from the Sign In backend.
/// The two formats can be told apart by the number of path segments in the
/// URL (path segments: parts of the URL separated by slashes "/"):
/// * If the URL has 2 or less path segments, it is a *new* style URL.
/// * If the URL has more than 2 path segments, it is an old style URL.
/// Old style URLs encode the image transformation directives as the last
/// path segment. Look at the [sizeDirective] Regular Expression for more
/// information about these URLs.
/// New style URLs carry the same directives at the end of the URL,
/// after an = sign, like: "`=s120-c-fSoften=1,50,0`".
/// Directives may contain the "=" sign (`fSoften=1,50,0`), but it seems the
/// base URL of the images don't. "Everything after the first = sign" is a
/// good heuristic to split new style URLs.
/// Each directive is separated from others by dashes. Directives are the same
/// as described in the [sizeDirective] RegExp.
/// Modified image URLs are recomposed by performing the parsing steps in reverse.
String addSizeDirectiveToUrl(String photoUrl, double size) {
final Uri profileUri = Uri.parse(photoUrl);
final List<String> pathSegments = List<String>.from(profileUri.pathSegments);
if (pathSegments.length <= 2) {
final String imagePath = pathSegments.last;
// Does this have any existing transformation directives?
final int directiveSeparator = imagePath.indexOf('=');
if (directiveSeparator >= 0) {
// Split the baseUrl from the sizing directive by the first "="
final String baseUrl = imagePath.substring(0, directiveSeparator);
final String directive = imagePath.substring(directiveSeparator + 1);
// Split the directive by "-"
final Set<String> directives = Set<String>.from(directive.split('-'))
// Remove the size directive, if present, and any empty values
..removeWhere((String s) => s.isEmpty || sizeDirective.hasMatch(s))
// Add the size and crop directives
..addAll(<String>['c', 's${size.round()}']);
// Recompose the URL by performing the reverse of the parsing
pathSegments.last = '$baseUrl=${directives.join("-")}';
} else {
pathSegments.last = '${pathSegments.last}=c-s${size.round()}';
} else {
// Old style URLs
..insert(pathSegments.length - 1, 's${size.round()}-c');
return Uri(
scheme: profileUri.scheme,
pathSegments: pathSegments,