blob: 15dc43cbbd241318fca8b5147977e28cce9d778a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'closed_caption_file.dart';
/// Represents a [ClosedCaptionFile], parsed from the SubRip file format.
/// See:
class SubRipCaptionFile extends ClosedCaptionFile {
/// Parses a string into a [ClosedCaptionFile], assuming [fileContents] is in
/// the SubRip file format.
/// * See:
: _captions = _parseCaptionsFromSubRipString(fileContents);
/// The entire body of the SubRip file.
final String fileContents;
List<Caption> get captions => _captions;
final List<Caption> _captions;
List<Caption> _parseCaptionsFromSubRipString(String file) {
final List<Caption> captions = <Caption>[];
for (List<String> captionLines in _readSubRipFile(file)) {
if (captionLines.length < 3) break;
final int captionNumber = int.parse(captionLines[0]);
final _StartAndEnd startAndEnd =
final String text = captionLines.sublist(2).join('\n');
final Caption newCaption = Caption(
number: captionNumber,
start: startAndEnd.start,
end: startAndEnd.end,
text: text,
if (newCaption.start != null && newCaption.end != null) {
return captions;
class _StartAndEnd {
final Duration start;
final Duration end;
_StartAndEnd(this.start, this.end);
// Assumes format from an SubRip file.
// For example:
// 00:01:54,724 --> 00:01:56,760
static _StartAndEnd fromSubRipString(String line) {
final RegExp format =
RegExp(_subRipTimeStamp + _subRipArrow + _subRipTimeStamp);
if (!format.hasMatch(line)) {
return _StartAndEnd(null, null);
final List<String> times = line.split(_subRipArrow);
final Duration start = _parseSubRipTimestamp(times[0]);
final Duration end = _parseSubRipTimestamp(times[1]);
return _StartAndEnd(start, end);
// Parses a time stamp in an SubRip file into a Duration.
// For example:
// _parseSubRipTimestamp('00:01:59,084')
// returns
// Duration(hours: 0, minutes: 1, seconds: 59, milliseconds: 084)
Duration _parseSubRipTimestamp(String timestampString) {
if (!RegExp(_subRipTimeStamp).hasMatch(timestampString)) {
return null;
final List<String> commaSections = timestampString.split(',');
final List<String> hoursMinutesSeconds = commaSections[0].split(':');
final int hours = int.parse(hoursMinutesSeconds[0]);
final int minutes = int.parse(hoursMinutesSeconds[1]);
final int seconds = int.parse(hoursMinutesSeconds[2]);
final int milliseconds = int.parse(commaSections[1]);
return Duration(
hours: hours,
minutes: minutes,
seconds: seconds,
milliseconds: milliseconds,
// Reads on SubRip file and splits it into Lists of strings where each list is one
// caption.
List<List<String>> _readSubRipFile(String file) {
final List<String> lines = LineSplitter.split(file).toList();
final List<List<String>> captionStrings = <List<String>>[];
List<String> currentCaption = <String>[];
int lineIndex = 0;
for (final String line in lines) {
final bool isLineBlank = line.trim().isEmpty;
if (!isLineBlank) {
if (isLineBlank || lineIndex == lines.length - 1) {
currentCaption = <String>[];
lineIndex += 1;
return captionStrings;
const String _subRipTimeStamp = r'\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d\d\d';
const String _subRipArrow = r' --> ';