blob: 3e3326379610dd799359e481589e2b226c67d0a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// A set of allowed XTypes
class XTypeGroup {
/// Creates a new group with the given label and file extensions.
/// A group with none of the type options provided indicates that any type is
/// allowed.
List<String>? extensions,
}) : this.extensions = _removeLeadingDots(extensions);
/// The 'name' or reference to this group of types
final String? label;
/// The extensions for this group
final List<String>? extensions;
/// The MIME types for this group
final List<String>? mimeTypes;
/// The UTIs for this group
final List<String>? macUTIs;
/// The web wild cards for this group (ex: image/*, video/*)
final List<String>? webWildCards;
/// Converts this object into a JSON formatted object
Map<String, dynamic> toJSON() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'label': label,
'extensions': extensions,
'mimeTypes': mimeTypes,
'macUTIs': macUTIs,
'webWildCards': webWildCards,
static List<String>? _removeLeadingDots(List<String>? exts) =>
exts?.map((ext) => ext.startsWith('.') ? ext.substring(1) : ext).toList();