[webview_flutter] Fixed todos in FlutterWebView.java (#4394)

diff --git a/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/CHANGELOG.md
index 917a3c7..d4827a7 100644
--- a/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+## 2.0.15
+* Added Overrides in  FlutterWebView.java 
 ## 2.0.14
 * Update example App so navigation menu loads immediatly but only becomes available when `WebViewController` is available (same behavior as example App in webview_flutter package). 
diff --git a/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/android/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter/FlutterWebView.java b/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/android/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter/FlutterWebView.java
index 4651a5f..ff573c7 100644
--- a/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/android/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter/FlutterWebView.java
+++ b/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/android/src/main/java/io/flutter/plugins/webviewflutter/FlutterWebView.java
@@ -188,48 +188,28 @@
     return webView;
-  // @Override
-  // This is overriding a method that hasn't rolled into stable Flutter yet. Including the
-  // annotation would cause compile time failures in versions of Flutter too old to include the new
-  // method. However leaving it raw like this means that the method will be ignored in old versions
-  // of Flutter but used as an override anyway wherever it's actually defined.
-  // TODO(mklim): Add the @Override annotation once flutter/engine#9727 rolls to stable.
+  @Override
   public void onInputConnectionUnlocked() {
     if (webView instanceof InputAwareWebView) {
       ((InputAwareWebView) webView).unlockInputConnection();
-  // @Override
-  // This is overriding a method that hasn't rolled into stable Flutter yet. Including the
-  // annotation would cause compile time failures in versions of Flutter too old to include the new
-  // method. However leaving it raw like this means that the method will be ignored in old versions
-  // of Flutter but used as an override anyway wherever it's actually defined.
-  // TODO(mklim): Add the @Override annotation once flutter/engine#9727 rolls to stable.
+  @Override
   public void onInputConnectionLocked() {
     if (webView instanceof InputAwareWebView) {
       ((InputAwareWebView) webView).lockInputConnection();
-  // @Override
-  // This is overriding a method that hasn't rolled into stable Flutter yet. Including the
-  // annotation would cause compile time failures in versions of Flutter too old to include the new
-  // method. However leaving it raw like this means that the method will be ignored in old versions
-  // of Flutter but used as an override anyway wherever it's actually defined.
-  // TODO(mklim): Add the @Override annotation once stable passes v1.10.9.
+  @Override
   public void onFlutterViewAttached(View flutterView) {
     if (webView instanceof InputAwareWebView) {
       ((InputAwareWebView) webView).setContainerView(flutterView);
-  // @Override
-  // This is overriding a method that hasn't rolled into stable Flutter yet. Including the
-  // annotation would cause compile time failures in versions of Flutter too old to include the new
-  // method. However leaving it raw like this means that the method will be ignored in old versions
-  // of Flutter but used as an override anyway wherever it's actually defined.
-  // TODO(mklim): Add the @Override annotation once stable passes v1.10.9.
+  @Override
   public void onFlutterViewDetached() {
     if (webView instanceof InputAwareWebView) {
       ((InputAwareWebView) webView).setContainerView(null);
diff --git a/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/pubspec.yaml b/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/pubspec.yaml
index 4a3d4cb..36f1860 100644
--- a/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android/pubspec.yaml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 description: A Flutter plugin that provides a WebView widget on Android.
 repository: https://github.com/flutter/plugins/tree/master/packages/webview_flutter/webview_flutter_android
 issue_tracker: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22p%3A+webview%22
-version: 2.0.14
+version: 2.0.15
   sdk: ">=2.14.0 <3.0.0"