blob: 7c3edf3cf8b0420705191a8b5e7f832eec80292b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'types.dart';
/// Configuration to use when creating a new [WebViewPlatformController].
/// The `autoMediaPlaybackPolicy` parameter must not be null.
class CreationParams {
/// Constructs an instance to use when creating a new
/// [WebViewPlatformController].
/// The `autoMediaPlaybackPolicy` parameter must not be null.
this.javascriptChannelNames = const <String>{},
this.autoMediaPlaybackPolicy =
this.cookies = const <WebViewCookie>[],
}) : assert(autoMediaPlaybackPolicy != null);
/// The initialUrl to load in the webview.
/// When null the webview will be created without loading any page.
final String? initialUrl;
/// The initial [WebSettings] for the new webview.
/// This can later be updated with [WebViewPlatformController.updateSettings].
final WebSettings? webSettings;
/// The initial set of JavaScript channels that are configured for this webview.
/// For each value in this set the platform's webview should make sure that a corresponding
/// property with a postMessage method is set on `window`. For example for a JavaScript channel
/// named `Foo` it should be possible for JavaScript code executing in the webview to do
/// ```javascript
/// Foo.postMessage('hello');
/// ```
// TODO(amirh): describe what should happen when postMessage is called once that code is migrated
// to PlatformWebView.
final Set<String> javascriptChannelNames;
/// The value used for the HTTP User-Agent: request header.
/// When null the platform's webview default is used for the User-Agent header.
final String? userAgent;
/// Which restrictions apply on automatic media playback.
final AutoMediaPlaybackPolicy autoMediaPlaybackPolicy;
/// The background color of the webview.
/// When null the platform's webview default background color is used.
final Color? backgroundColor;
/// The initial set of cookies to set before the webview does its first load.
final List<WebViewCookie> cookies;
String toString() {
return 'CreationParams(initialUrl: $initialUrl, settings: $webSettings, javascriptChannelNames: $javascriptChannelNames, UserAgent: $userAgent, backgroundColor: $backgroundColor, cookies: $cookies)';