blob: 102ab10ccea70e5aa9e0c4d711dcdf7091d37cf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'javascript_mode.dart';
/// A single setting for configuring a WebViewPlatform which may be absent.
class WebSetting<T> {
/// Constructs an absent setting instance.
/// The [isPresent] field for the instance will be false.
/// Accessing [value] for an absent instance will throw.
const WebSetting.absent()
: _value = null,
isPresent = false;
/// Constructs a setting of the given `value`.
/// The [isPresent] field for the instance will be true.
const WebSetting.of(T value)
: _value = value,
isPresent = true;
final T? _value;
/// The setting's value.
/// Throws if [WebSetting.isPresent] is false.
T get value {
if (!isPresent) {
throw StateError('Cannot access a value of an absent WebSetting');
// The intention of this getter is to return T whether it is nullable or
// not whereas _value is of type T? since _value can be null even when
// T is not nullable (when isPresent == false).
// We promote _value to T using `as T` instead of `!` operator to handle
// the case when _value is legitimately null (and T is a nullable type).
// `!` operator would always throw if _value is null.
return _value as T;
/// True when this web setting instance contains a value.
/// When false the [WebSetting.value] getter throws.
final bool isPresent;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is WebSetting<T> &&
other.isPresent == isPresent &&
other._value == _value;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(_value, isPresent);
/// Settings for configuring a WebViewPlatform.
/// Initial settings are passed as part of [CreationParams], settings updates are sent with
/// [WebViewPlatform#updateSettings].
/// The `userAgent` parameter must not be null.
class WebSettings {
/// Construct an instance with initial settings. Future setting changes can be
/// sent with [WebviewPlatform#updateSettings].
/// The `userAgent` parameter must not be null.
required this.userAgent,
}) : assert(userAgent != null);
/// The JavaScript execution mode to be used by the webview.
final JavascriptMode? javascriptMode;
/// Whether the [WebView] has a [NavigationDelegate] set.
final bool? hasNavigationDelegate;
/// Whether the [WebView] should track page loading progress.
/// See also: [WebViewPlatformCallbacksHandler.onProgress] to get the progress.
final bool? hasProgressTracking;
/// Whether to enable the platform's webview content debugging tools.
/// See also: [WebView.debuggingEnabled].
final bool? debuggingEnabled;
/// Whether to play HTML5 videos inline or use the native full-screen controller on iOS.
/// This will have no effect on Android.
final bool? allowsInlineMediaPlayback;
/// The value used for the HTTP `User-Agent:` request header.
/// If [userAgent.value] is null the platform's default user agent should be used.
/// An absent value ([userAgent.isPresent] is false) represents no change to this setting from the
/// last time it was set.
/// See also [WebView.userAgent].
final WebSetting<String?> userAgent;
/// Sets whether the WebView should support zooming using its on-screen zoom controls and gestures.
final bool? zoomEnabled;
/// Whether to allow swipe based navigation in iOS.
/// See also: [WebView.gestureNavigationEnabled]
final bool? gestureNavigationEnabled;
String toString() {
return 'WebSettings(javascriptMode: $javascriptMode, hasNavigationDelegate: $hasNavigationDelegate, hasProgressTracking: $hasProgressTracking, debuggingEnabled: $debuggingEnabled, gestureNavigationEnabled: $gestureNavigationEnabled, userAgent: $userAgent, allowsInlineMediaPlayback: $allowsInlineMediaPlayback)';