blob: 0fbab57700be36a0cd7868c576197be43685d646 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show Directory, Platform;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show kIsWeb, visibleForTesting;
import 'package:path_provider_linux/path_provider_linux.dart';
import 'package:path_provider_windows/path_provider_windows.dart';
import 'package:path_provider_platform_interface/path_provider_platform_interface.dart';
import 'package:path_provider_platform_interface/src/method_channel_path_provider.dart';
export 'package:path_provider_platform_interface/path_provider_platform_interface.dart'
show StorageDirectory;
@Deprecated('This is no longer necessary, and is now a no-op')
set disablePathProviderPlatformOverride(bool override) {}
bool _manualDartRegistrationNeeded = true;
PathProviderPlatform get _platform {
// This is to manually endorse Dart implementations until automatic
// registration of Dart plugins is implemented. For details see
if (_manualDartRegistrationNeeded) {
// Only do the initial registration if it hasn't already been overridden
// with a non-default instance.
if (!kIsWeb && PathProviderPlatform.instance is MethodChannelPathProvider) {
if (Platform.isLinux) {
PathProviderPlatform.instance = PathProviderLinux();
} else if (Platform.isWindows) {
PathProviderPlatform.instance = PathProviderWindows();
_manualDartRegistrationNeeded = false;
return PathProviderPlatform.instance;
/// Path to the temporary directory on the device that is not backed up and is
/// suitable for storing caches of downloaded files.
/// Files in this directory may be cleared at any time. This does *not* return
/// a new temporary directory. Instead, the caller is responsible for creating
/// (and cleaning up) files or directories within this directory. This
/// directory is scoped to the calling application.
/// On iOS, this uses the `NSCachesDirectory` API.
/// On Android, this uses the `getCacheDir` API on the context.
Future<Directory> getTemporaryDirectory() async {
final String path = await _platform.getTemporaryPath();
if (path == null) {
return null;
return Directory(path);
/// Path to a directory where the application may place application support
/// files.
/// Use this for files you don’t want exposed to the user. Your app should not
/// use this directory for user data files.
/// On iOS, this uses the `NSApplicationSupportDirectory` API.
/// If this directory does not exist, it is created automatically.
/// On Android, this function uses the `getFilesDir` API on the context.
Future<Directory> getApplicationSupportDirectory() async {
final String path = await _platform.getApplicationSupportPath();
if (path == null) {
return null;
return Directory(path);
/// Path to the directory where application can store files that are persistent,
/// backed up, and not visible to the user, such as sqlite.db.
/// On Android, this function throws an [UnsupportedError] as no equivalent
/// path exists.
Future<Directory> getLibraryDirectory() async {
final String path = await _platform.getLibraryPath();
if (path == null) {
return null;
return Directory(path);
/// Path to a directory where the application may place data that is
/// user-generated, or that cannot otherwise be recreated by your application.
/// On iOS, this uses the `NSDocumentDirectory` API. Consider using
/// [getApplicationSupportDirectory] instead if the data is not user-generated.
/// On Android, this uses the `getDataDirectory` API on the context. Consider
/// using [getExternalStorageDirectory] instead if data is intended to be visible
/// to the user.
Future<Directory> getApplicationDocumentsDirectory() async {
final String path = await _platform.getApplicationDocumentsPath();
if (path == null) {
return null;
return Directory(path);
/// Path to a directory where the application may access top level storage.
/// The current operating system should be determined before issuing this
/// function call, as this functionality is only available on Android.
/// On iOS, this function throws an [UnsupportedError] as it is not possible
/// to access outside the app's sandbox.
/// On Android this uses the `getExternalFilesDir(null)`.
Future<Directory> getExternalStorageDirectory() async {
final String path = await _platform.getExternalStoragePath();
if (path == null) {
return null;
return Directory(path);
/// Paths to directories where application specific external cache data can be
/// stored. These paths typically reside on external storage like separate
/// partitions or SD cards. Phones may have multiple storage directories
/// available.
/// The current operating system should be determined before issuing this
/// function call, as this functionality is only available on Android.
/// On iOS, this function throws an UnsupportedError as it is not possible
/// to access outside the app's sandbox.
/// On Android this returns Context.getExternalCacheDirs() or
/// Context.getExternalCacheDir() on API levels below 19.
Future<List<Directory>> getExternalCacheDirectories() async {
final List<String> paths = await _platform.getExternalCachePaths();
return path) => Directory(path)).toList();
/// Paths to directories where application specific data can be stored.
/// These paths typically reside on external storage like separate partitions
/// or SD cards. Phones may have multiple storage directories available.
/// The current operating system should be determined before issuing this
/// function call, as this functionality is only available on Android.
/// On iOS, this function throws an UnsupportedError as it is not possible
/// to access outside the app's sandbox.
/// On Android this returns Context.getExternalFilesDirs(String type) or
/// Context.getExternalFilesDir(String type) on API levels below 19.
Future<List<Directory>> getExternalStorageDirectories({
/// Optional parameter. See [StorageDirectory] for more informations on
/// how this type translates to Android storage directories.
StorageDirectory type,
}) async {
final List<String> paths =
await _platform.getExternalStoragePaths(type: type);
return path) => Directory(path)).toList();
/// Path to the directory where downloaded files can be stored.
/// This is typically only relevant on desktop operating systems.
/// On Android and on iOS, this function throws an [UnsupportedError] as no equivalent
/// path exists.
Future<Directory> getDownloadsDirectory() async {
final String path = await _platform.getDownloadsPath();
if (path == null) {
return null;
return Directory(path);