blob: d35d91c5c448f0983db296f3814b039098da63e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.flutter.engine.engine;
message GClientVariables {
bool download_fuchsia_sdk = 1;
string fuchsia_sdk_path = 2;
message InputProperties {
string mastername = 1;
string goma_jobs = 2;
// License keys for the Android SDK.
string android_sdk_license = 3;
string android_sdk_preview_license = 4;
// Which artifacts to build.
// TODO(dnfield): Deprecate these in favor of actually passing in
// build artifacts to use.
bool build_host = 5;
bool build_fuchsia = 6;
bool build_android_aot = 7;
bool build_android_debug = 8;
bool build_android_vulkan = 9;
// Whether to actually upload results to the bucket.
bool upload_packages = 10;
// Used to override the git ref/url. Only for experimental or non-prod builds.
string git_url = 11;
string git_ref = 12;
string jazzy_version = 13;
string xcpretty_version = 14;
bool build_ios = 15;
bool ios_debug = 16;
bool ios_profile = 17;
bool ios_release = 18;
bool no_bitcode = 19;
bool no_maven = 20;
bool clobber=21;
string fuchsia_ctl_version = 22;
bool build_font_subset = 23;
bool test_fuchsia = 24;
// Override previous upload check, defaults to False
bool force_upload = 25;
bool build_android_jit_release = 26;
bool no_lto = 27;
// CIPD tag for fuchsia/vdl/...
string vdl_version = 28;
// Whether to build Windows UWP artifacts.
// UWP support removed:
reserved 29; // deprecated build_windows_uwp field
// Upload engine benchmarks.
bool upload_metrics = 30;
// GClient variables.
GClientVariables gclient_variables = 31;
message EnvProperties {
string SWARMING_TASK_ID = 1;
// Whether to skip android build. 'TRUE' skips the build.
// Intentionally not using a boolean as protobuf doesn't allow null defaults.
string SKIP_ANDROID = 2;