blob: a68d86989fc027f4fb2514e671481c33c9cf1a1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.flutter.engine_builder;
message EngineBuild {
// Whether to disable GOMA for a build.
bool disable_goma = 1;
// Arguments to pass to the Flutter `gn` script.
repeated string gn_args = 2;
// The directory in `out` to pass to ninja.
string dir = 3;
// Specific targets, if any, to build.
repeated string targets = 4;
// File paths, relative to `src`, to send to isolated.
// For example, if you want to isolate and flutter.jar, it would
// be `['', 'flutter.jar']`.
repeated string output_files = 5;
// Directory paths, relative to `src`, to send to isolated.
// For example, if you want to isolate the "flutter_runner_far" directory,
// it would be `['flutter_runner_far']`.
repeated string output_dirs = 6;
message GClientVariables {
bool download_fuchsia_sdk = 1;
string fuchsia_sdk_path = 2;
message InputProperties {
string mastername = 1;
// License keys for the Android SDK.
string android_sdk_license = 2;
string android_sdk_preview_license = 3;
// Used to override the git ref/url. Only for experimental or non-prod builds.
string git_url = 4;
string git_ref = 5;
repeated EngineBuild builds = 6;
// Variables passed to gclient when checking out the source code.
GClientVariables gclient_variables = 7;