blob: daf6fdadf30a639b0437d00bb191e532baad3eec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""The `osx_sdk` module provides safe functions to access a semi-hermetic
XCode installation.
Available only to Google-run bots."""
from contextlib import contextmanager
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
# Rationalized from
# Maps from OS version to the maximum supported version of Xcode for that OS.
# Keep this sorted by OS version.
_DEFAULT_VERSION_MAP = [('10.12.6', '9c40b'), ('10.13.2', '9f2000'),
('10.13.6', '10b61'), ('10.14.3', '10g8'),
('10.14.4', '11b52'), ('10.15.4', '12a7209')]
_XCODE_CACHE_PATH = 'osx_sdk'
class OSXSDKApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""API for using OS X SDK distributed via CIPD."""
def __init__(self, sdk_properties, *args, **kwargs):
super(OSXSDKApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._sdk_properties = sdk_properties
self._sdk_version = None
self._runtime_versions = None
self._tool_pkg = 'infra/tools/mac_toolchain/${platform}'
self._tool_ver = 'latest'
self._cleanup_cache = False
def initialize(self):
"""Initializes xcode, and ios versions.
Versions are usually passed as recipe properties but if not then defaults
are used.
if not self.m.platform.is_mac:
if 'cleanup_cache' in self._sdk_properties:
self._cleanup_cache = self._sdk_properties['cleanup_cache']
if 'toolchain_ver' in self._sdk_properties:
self._tool_ver = self._sdk_properties['toolchain_ver'].lower()
if 'runtime_versions' in self._sdk_properties:
# Sorts the runtime versions to make xcode cache path deterministic, without
# being affected by how user orders the runtime versions.
runtime_versions = self._sdk_properties['runtime_versions']
self._runtime_versions = runtime_versions
if 'sdk_version' in self._sdk_properties:
self._sdk_version = self._sdk_properties['sdk_version'].lower()
cur_os = self.m.platform.mac_release
for target_os, xcode in reversed(_DEFAULT_VERSION_MAP):
if cur_os >= self.m.version.parse(target_os):
self._sdk_version = xcode
self._sdk_version = _DEFAULT_VERSION_MAP[0][-1]
def __call__(self, kind):
"""Sets up the XCode SDK environment.
Is a no-op on non-mac platforms.
This will deploy the helper tool and the bundle at
To avoid machines rebuilding these on every run, set up a named cache in
your cr-buildbucket.cfg file like:
caches: [
name: "flutter_xcode"
path: "osx_sdk"
The Xcode app will be installed under:
If any iOS runtime is needed, the corresponding path will be:
These cached packages will be shared across builds/bots.
with api.osx_sdk('mac'):
# sdk with mac build bits
with api.osx_sdk('ios'):
# sdk with mac+iOS build bits
kind ('mac'|'ios'): How the SDK should be configured. iOS includes the
base XCode distribution, as well as the iOS simulators (which can be
quite large).
StepFailure or InfraFailure.
assert kind in ('mac', 'ios'), 'Invalid kind %r' % (kind,)
if not self.m.platform.is_mac:
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
app = self._ensure_sdk(kind)
self.m.step('select XCode', ['sudo', 'xcode-select', '--switch', app])
self.m.step('list simulators', ['xcrun', 'simctl', 'list'])
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
self.m.step('reset XCode', ['sudo', 'xcode-select', '--reset'])
def _clean_cache(self):
"""Cleans up cache when specified or polluted.
Cleans up only corresponding versioned xcode instead of the whole `osx_sdk`.
if self._cleanup_cache or self._cache_polluted():
self.m.file.rmtree('Cleaning up Xcode cache', self._cache_dir())
def _ensure_sdk(self, kind):
"""Ensures the mac_toolchain tool and OSX SDK packages are installed.
Returns Path to the installed sdk app bundle."""
cache_dir = self._cache_dir()
ef = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
ef.add_package(self._tool_pkg, self._tool_ver)
self.m.cipd.ensure(cache_dir, ef)
sdk_app = cache_dir.join('')
'install xcode',
'-with-runtime=%s' % (not bool(self._runtime_versions))
# Skips runtime installation if it already exists. Otherwise,
# installs each runtime version under `osx_sdk` for cache sharing,
# and then copies over to the destination.
if self._runtime_versions:
self.m.file.ensure_directory('Ensuring runtimes directory', sdk_app.join(*_RUNTIMESPATH))
for version in self._runtime_versions:
runtime_name = 'iOS %s.simruntime' % version.lower().replace('ios-', '').replace('-', '.')
dest = sdk_app.join(*_RUNTIMESPATH).join(runtime_name)
if not self.m.path.exists(dest):
runtime_cache_dir = self.m.path['cache'].join(_XCODE_CACHE_PATH).join(
'xcode_runtime_%s' % version.lower()
'install xcode runtime %s' % version.lower(),
# Move the runtimes
path_with_version = runtime_cache_dir.join(runtime_name)
# If the runtime was the default for xcode the cipd bundle contains a directory called iOS.simruntime otherwise
# it contains a folder called "iOS <version>.simruntime".
source = path_with_version if self.m.path.exists(path_with_version) else runtime_cache_dir.join('iOS.simruntime')
self.m.file.copytree('Copy runtime to %s' % dest, source, dest, symlinks=True)
return sdk_app
def _cache_polluted(self):
"""Checks if cache is polluted.
CIPD ensures package whenever called, but just checks on some levels, like
`.xcode_versions` and `.cipd`. It misses the case where the `xcode` and runtime
are finished installing, but the files are not finished copying over to destination.
The above case causes cache polluted where xcode is installed incompletely:
the xcode path exists but no runtime exists.
All installed xcode contains runtime, either the default one or the extra
specified runtimes by tests.
This is a workaround to detect incomplete xcode installation as cipd is not
able to detect some incomplete installation cases and reinstall.
cache_polluted = False
sdk_app_dir = self._cache_dir()
if not self.m.path.exists(sdk_app_dir):
self.m.step('xcode not installed', ['echo', sdk_app_dir])
return cache_polluted
if not self._runtime_exists():
cache_polluted = True
self.m.step('cache polluted due to missing runtime', ['echo', 'xcode is installed without runtime'])
return cache_polluted
def _cache_dir(self):
"""Returns xcode cache dir.
For an xcode without runtime, the path looks like
For an xcode with runtimes, the path looks like
runtime_version = None
sdk_version = 'xcode_' + self._sdk_version
if self._runtime_versions:
runtime_version = "_".join(self._runtime_versions)
sdk_version = sdk_version + '_runtime_' + runtime_version
return self.m.path['cache'].join(_XCODE_CACHE_PATH).join(sdk_version)
def _runtime_exists(self):
"""Checks runtime existence in the installed xcode.
Checks `iOS.simruntime` for default runtime.
Checks each specific runtime version for specified ones.
runtime_exists = True
sdk_app_dir = self._cache_dir().join('')
if self._runtime_versions:
for version in self._runtime_versions:
runtime_name = 'iOS %s.simruntime' % version.lower().replace('ios-', '').replace('-', '.')
runtime_path = sdk_app_dir.join(*_RUNTIMESPATH).join(runtime_name)
if not self.m.path.exists(runtime_path):
runtime_exists = False
self.m.step('runtime: %s does not exist' % runtime_name, ['echo', runtime_path])
runtime_path = sdk_app_dir.join(*_RUNTIMESPATH).join('iOS.simruntime')
if not self.m.path.exists(runtime_path):
runtime_exists = False
self.m.step('iOS.simruntime does not exists', ['echo', runtime_path])
return runtime_exists