blob: bde8d00bb2428ed261cd7aa93d0d8e4b0067eb2b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""The `osx_sdk` module provides safe functions to access a semi-hermetic
XCode installation.
Available only to Google-run bots."""
from contextlib import contextmanager
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
# Rationalized from
# Maps from OS version to the maximum supported version of Xcode for that OS.
# Keep this sorted by OS version.
_DEFAULT_VERSION_MAP = [('10.12.6', '9c40b'), ('10.13.2', '9f2000'),
('10.13.6', '10b61'), ('10.14.3', '10g8'),
('10.14.4', '11b52'), ('10.15.4', '12a7209')]
'Contents', 'Developer', 'Platforms', 'iPhoneOS.platform', 'Library',
'Developer', 'CoreSimulator', 'Profiles', 'Runtimes'
_XCODE_CACHE_PATH = 'osx_sdk'
class OSXSDKApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""API for using OS X SDK distributed via CIPD."""
def __init__(self, sdk_properties, *args, **kwargs):
super(OSXSDKApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._sdk_properties = sdk_properties
self._sdk_version = None
self._runtime_versions = None
self._tool_pkg = 'infra/tools/mac_toolchain/${platform}'
self._tool_ver = 'latest'
self._cleanup_cache = False
def initialize(self):
"""Initializes xcode, and ios versions.
Versions are usually passed as recipe properties but if not then defaults
are used.
if not self.m.platform.is_mac:
if 'cleanup_cache' in self._sdk_properties:
self._cleanup_cache = self._sdk_properties['cleanup_cache']
if 'toolchain_ver' in self._sdk_properties:
self._tool_ver = self._sdk_properties['toolchain_ver'].lower()
if 'runtime_versions' in self._sdk_properties:
# Sorts the runtime versions to make xcode cache path deterministic, without
# being affected by how user orders the runtime versions.
runtime_versions = self._sdk_properties['runtime_versions']
self._runtime_versions = runtime_versions
if 'sdk_version' in self._sdk_properties:
self._sdk_version = self._sdk_properties['sdk_version'].lower()
cur_os = self.m.platform.mac_release
for target_os, xcode in reversed(_DEFAULT_VERSION_MAP):
if cur_os >= self.m.version.parse(target_os):
self._sdk_version = xcode
self._sdk_version = _DEFAULT_VERSION_MAP[0][-1]
def __call__(self, kind, devicelab=False):
"""Sets up the XCode SDK environment.
Is a no-op on non-mac platforms.
This will deploy the helper tool and the bundle at
To avoid machines rebuilding these on every run, set up a named cache in
your cr-buildbucket.cfg file like:
caches: [
name: "flutter_xcode"
path: "osx_sdk"
The Xcode app will be installed under:
If any iOS runtime is needed, the corresponding path will be:
These cached packages will be shared across builds/bots.
with api.osx_sdk('mac'):
# sdk with mac build bits
with api.osx_sdk('ios'):
# sdk with mac+iOS build bits
kind ('mac'|'ios'): How the SDK should be configured. iOS includes the
base XCode distribution, as well as the iOS simulators (which can be
quite large).
devicelab (bool): whether this is a devicelab tasks. The xcode for devicelab
is installed in a fixed location `/opt/flutter/xcode`.
StepFailure or InfraFailure.
assert kind in ('mac', 'ios'), 'Invalid kind %r' % (kind,)
if not self.m.platform.is_mac:
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
app = None
app = self._ensure_sdk(kind, devicelab=devicelab)
self.m.step('select XCode', ['sudo', 'xcode-select', '--switch', app])
self.m.step('list simulators', ['xcrun', 'simctl', 'list'])
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
self.m.step('reset XCode', ['sudo', 'xcode-select', '--reset'])
def _clean_cache(self, devicelab=False):
"""Cleans up cache when specified or polluted.
Cleans up only corresponding versioned xcode instead of the whole `osx_sdk`.
if self._cleanup_cache or self._cache_polluted(devicelab=devicelab):
'Cleaning up Xcode cache', self._xcode_dir(devicelab=devicelab)
def _ensure_mac_toolchain(self, tool_dir):
ef = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
ef.add_package(self._tool_pkg, self._tool_ver)
self.m.cipd.ensure(tool_dir, ef)
def _install_xcode(self, tool_dir, kind, app_dir):
"""Installs xcode using mac_toolchain."""
'install xcode',
tool_dir.join('mac_toolchain'), 'install', '-kind', kind,
'-xcode-version', self._sdk_version, '-output-dir', app_dir,
'-cipd-package-prefix', 'flutter_internal/ios/xcode',
'-with-runtime=%s' % (not bool(self._runtime_versions))
def _ensure_sdk(self, kind, devicelab=False):
"""Ensures the mac_toolchain tool and OSX SDK packages are installed.
Returns Path to the installed sdk app bundle."""
app_dir = self._xcode_dir(devicelab=devicelab)
tool_dir = self.m.path.mkdtemp().join('osx_sdk') if devicelab else app_dir
sdk_app = self.m.path.join(app_dir, '')
self._install_xcode(tool_dir, kind, sdk_app)
if devicelab:
return sdk_app
# Skips runtime installation if it already exists. Otherwise,
# installs each runtime version under `osx_sdk` for cache sharing,
# and then copies over to the destination.
if self._runtime_versions:
'Ensuring runtimes directory',
self.m.path.join(sdk_app, *_RUNTIMESPATH)
for version in self._runtime_versions:
runtime_name = 'iOS %s.simruntime' % version.lower(
).replace('ios-', '').replace('-', '.')
dest = self.m.path.join(sdk_app, *_RUNTIMESPATH, runtime_name)
if not self.m.path.exists(dest):
runtime_cache_dir = self.m.path['cache'].join(_XCODE_CACHE_PATH).join(
'xcode_runtime_%s' % version.lower()
'install xcode runtime %s' % version.lower(),
# Move the runtimes
path_with_version = runtime_cache_dir.join(runtime_name)
# If the runtime was the default for xcode the cipd bundle contains a directory called iOS.simruntime otherwise
# it contains a folder called "iOS <version>.simruntime".
source = path_with_version if self.m.path.exists(path_with_version) else runtime_cache_dir.join('iOS.simruntime')
self.m.file.copytree('Copy runtime to %s' % dest, source, dest, symlinks=True)
return sdk_app
def _cache_polluted(self, devicelab=False):
"""Checks if cache is polluted.
CIPD ensures package whenever called, but just checks on some levels, like
`.xcode_versions` and `.cipd`. It misses the case where the `xcode` and runtime
are finished installing, but the files are not finished copying over to destination.
The above case causes cache polluted where xcode is installed incompletely:
the xcode path exists but no runtime exists.
All installed xcode contains runtime, either the default one or the extra
specified runtimes by tests.
This is a workaround to detect incomplete xcode installation as cipd is not
able to detect some incomplete installation cases and reinstall.
cache_polluted = False
sdk_app_dir = self._xcode_dir(devicelab=devicelab)
if not self.m.path.exists(sdk_app_dir):
self.m.step('xcode not installed', ['echo', sdk_app_dir])
return cache_polluted
if not self._runtime_exists(devicelab=devicelab):
cache_polluted = True
self.m.step('cache polluted due to missing runtime', ['echo', 'xcode is installed without runtime'])
return cache_polluted
def _xcode_dir(self, devicelab=False):
"""Returns xcode cache dir.
For a devicelab task, the path is prefixed at `/opt/flutter/xcode`.
For a host only task without runtime, the path looks like
a host only task with runtimes, the path looks like
if devicelab:
return '/opt/flutter/xcode/%s' % self._sdk_version
runtime_version = None
sdk_version = 'xcode_' + self._sdk_version
if self._runtime_versions:
runtime_version = "_".join(self._runtime_versions)
sdk_version = sdk_version + '_runtime_' + runtime_version
return self.m.path['cache'].join(_XCODE_CACHE_PATH).join(sdk_version)
def _runtime_exists(self, devicelab=False):
"""Checks runtime existence in the installed xcode.
Checks `iOS.simruntime` for default runtime.
Checks each specific runtime version for specified ones.
runtime_exists = True
sdk_app_dir = self.m.path.join(
self._xcode_dir(devicelab=devicelab), ''
if self._runtime_versions:
for version in self._runtime_versions:
runtime_name = 'iOS %s.simruntime' % version.lower(
).replace('ios-', '').replace('-', '.')
runtime_path = self.m.path.join(
sdk_app_dir, *_RUNTIMESPATH, runtime_name
if not self.m.path.exists(runtime_path):
runtime_exists = False
self.m.step('runtime: %s does not exist' % runtime_name, ['echo', runtime_path])
runtime_path = self.m.path.join(
sdk_app_dir, *_RUNTIMESPATH, 'iOS.simruntime'
if not self.m.path.exists(runtime_path):
runtime_exists = False
self.m.step('iOS.simruntime does not exists', ['echo', runtime_path])
return runtime_exists