blob: 6428bdd78cf7eb29fdf869c97a4f258373e50515 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.flutter.engine.engine_lint;
message InputProperties {
string goma_jobs = 1;
string jazzy_version = 2;
// Lint all source files unconditionally.
bool lint_all = 3;
// Lint only files changed in the tip-of-tree commit.
bool lint_head = 4;
// If those are both false, then the commit should be on a branch, and the
// files that are changed on the branch w.r.t. the upstream parent will be
// linted.
// Lint the files used for the host build.
bool lint_host = 5;
// Lint the files used for the Android embedder.
bool lint_android = 6;
// Lint the files used for the iOS embedder.
bool lint_ios = 7;
// Bot architecture.
string cpu = 8;
message EnvProperties {
string SWARMING_TASK_ID = 1;