blob: 304786135596f21a34bb1020140691661bfa74f3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Flutter Engine tester recipe.
Recipe to run engine scoped tests using prebuilts stored in CAS..
This recipe expects configurations with the following format:
"test_dependencies": [
"dependency": "chrome_and_driver", "version": "version:111.0"
"resolved_deps": [
"full_build": "f5b9de6cc9f4b05833aa128717d3112c133e2363e4303df9a1951540c79e72a3/87"
"full_build": "32b40edba8bfbf7729374eaa4aa44bf0d89c385f080f64b56c9fbce7172e4a71/84"
'tasks': [
'language': 'dart',
'name': 'felt test: chrome-unit-linux',
'parameters': [
'script': 'flutter/lib/web_ui/dev/felt'
test_dependnecies - is a list of dictionaries with third party dependencies required for the tests.
resolved_deps - is a list of dictionaries with CAS hashes pointing to full sub-build archives.
tasks - is a list of dictionaries with the scripts to run in this test sub-build.
This recipe will be called from the engine_v2/engine_v2 recipe using the shard_util_v2 module. The
test configuration is defined in the engine build configurations files as global tests.
import copy
from contextlib import contextmanager
from google.protobuf import struct_pb2
from import InputProperties
from import EnvProperties
from import build as build_pb2
DEPS = [
PROPERTIES = InputProperties
ENV_PROPERTIES = EnvProperties
def run_tests(api, test, checkout, env, env_prefixes):
"""Runs sub-build tests."""
# Install dependencies.
deps = test.get('test_dependencies', [])
api.flutter_deps.required_deps(env, env_prefixes, deps)
out_path = checkout.join('out')
# Download build dependencies.
for dep in test.get('resolved_deps', []):
out_hash = dep.get('full_build')'Download {out_hash}', out_hash, out_path)
for task in test.get('tasks', []):
command = [task.get('language')] if task.get('language') else []
# Ideally local tests should be completely hermetic and in theory we can run
# them in parallel using futures. I haven't found a flutter engine
# configuration with more than one local test but once we find it we
# should run the list of tests using parallelism.
# TODO(godofredoc): Optimize to run multiple local tests in parallel.
command.extend(task.get('parameters', []))
step_name = api.test_utils.test_step_name(task.get('name'))
def run_test():
return api.step(step_name, command)
# Run within another context to make the logs env variable available to
# test scripts.
with api.context(env=env, env_prefixes=env_prefixes):
api.retry.wrap(run_test, step_name=task.get('name'))
def Test(api, checkout, env, env_prefixes):
"""Runs a global test using prebuilts."""
test ='build')
with api.context(env=env, env_prefixes=env_prefixes,
cwd=checkout.join('flutter')), api.depot_tools.on_path():
run_tests(api, test, checkout, env, env_prefixes)
def RunSteps(api, properties, env_properties):
# Sets the engine environment and checkouts the source code.
checkout = api.path['cache'].join('builder', 'src')
api.file.rmtree('Clobber build output', checkout.join('out'))
cache_root = api.path['cache'].join('builder')
api.file.ensure_directory('Ensure checkout cache', cache_root)
env, env_prefixes = api.repo_util.engine_environment(
# Engine path is used inconsistently across the engine repo. We'll start
# with [cache]/builder and will adjust it to start using it consistently.
env['ENGINE_PATH'] = api.path['cache'].join('builder')
api.repo_util.engine_checkout(cache_root, env, env_prefixes)
Test(api, checkout, env, env_prefixes)
def GenTests(api):
build = {
"test_dependencies": [{
"dependency": "chrome_and_driver", "version": "version:111.0"
}], "resolved_deps": [{
}, {
}], 'tasks': [{
'language': 'dart', 'name': 'felt test: chrome-unit-linux',
'parameters': ['test', '--browser=chrome', '--require-skia-gold'],
'script': 'flutter/lib/web_ui/dev/felt'
yield api.test(