blob: 608e0a5c6538bb3217b7bbb91d7560ebaa058fdf [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Helper script to import a flutter p12 identity.
import 'dart:io' as io;
const String keychainName = 'build.keychain';
const String keychainPassword = '';
const int totalRetryAttempts = 3;
Future<void> main() async {
final io.File logFile =
final logSink = logFile.openWrite();
void log(String line) {
int exitCode = 1;
try {
exitCode = await innerMain(
passwordPath: io.Platform.environment['FLUTTER_P12_PASSWORD']!,
flutterP12Path: io.Platform.environment['FLUTTER_P12']!,
p12SuffixFilePath: io.Platform.environment['P12_SUFFIX_FILEPATH']!,
codesignPath: io.Platform.environment['CODESIGN_PATH']!,
log: log,
} finally {
await logSink.flush();
await logSink.close();
Future<int> innerMain({
required String passwordPath,
required String flutterP12Path,
required String p12SuffixFilePath,
required String codesignPath,
required void Function(String) log,
}) async {
String security(List<String> args, {bool allowNonzero = false}) {
log('Executing ${<String>['/usr/bin/security', ...args]}');
final io.ProcessResult result =
io.Process.runSync('/usr/bin/security', args);
log('process finished with exitCode ${result.exitCode}');
if (!allowNonzero && result.exitCode != 0) {
throw io.ProcessException(
'/usr/bin/security', args, 'failed', result.exitCode);
return result.stdout as String;
try {
final String rawPassword = io.File(passwordPath).readAsStringSync();
// Only filepath with a .p12 suffix will be recognized
// Delete build.keychain if it exists
security(const <String>['delete-keychain', keychainName], allowNonzero: true);
// Create keychain.
security(const <String>[
// TODO(fujino): cache this via CIPD
final io.File g2CertFile = await _downloadFile(
// Link from
remoteUri: Uri.parse(''),
localPath: './DeveloperIDG2CA.cer',
// LOAD certificate authority into the build keychain
await security(<String>[
'-k', keychainName,
// -T allows the specified program to access this identity
'-T', codesignPath,
'-T', '/usr/bin/codesign',
// Retrieve current list of keychains on the search list of current machine.
final keychains = security(const <String>['list-keychains', '-d', 'user'])
.map<String?>((String line) {
final RegExp pattern = RegExp(r'^\s*".*\/([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)-db"');
final RegExpMatch? match = pattern.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) {
return null;
// The first (and only) capture group is the name of the keychain
print('User keychains on this machine: $keychains');
// Add keychain name to search list.
// Without this, future commands such as `security import`,
// `security find-identity` and `codesign ...` will fail to find the cert
// in our newly created keychain.
// TODO(fujino): we probably don't need $keychains here, only keychainName should be required
'-s', ...keychains, keychainName,
// For diagnostic purposes, list keychains AFTER adding our newly created
// keychain to the search list.
security(const <String>['list-keychains', '-d', 'user']);
// Set $keychainName as default.
// Unlock keychainName to allow sign commands to use its certs.
security(<String>['unlock-keychain', '-p', keychainPassword, keychainName]);
// This will be exponentially increased on retries
int sleepSeconds = 2;
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < totalRetryAttempts; attempt++) {
'-k', keychainName,
'-P', rawPassword,
// -T allows the specified program to access this identity
'-T', codesignPath,
'-T', '/usr/bin/codesign',
final String identities =
security(const <String>['find-identity', '-v', keychainName]);
if (identities.contains('FLUTTER.IO LLC')) {
log('successfully found a Flutter identity in the $keychainName keychain');
return 0;
log('failed to find a Flutter identity in the $keychainName keychain on attempt $attempt');
await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: sleepSeconds));
sleepSeconds *= sleepSeconds;
} finally {
security(const <String>[
// Find all matching certificates, not just the first
log('failed to find a Flutter identity after $totalRetryAttempts attempts.');
return 1;
Future<io.File> _downloadFile({
required Uri remoteUri,
required String localPath,
}) async {
final io.HttpClient client = io.HttpClient();
final io.HttpClientRequest request = await client.getUrl(remoteUri);
final io.HttpClientResponse response = await request.close();
final io.File g2CertFile = io.File(localPath);
final io.IOSink sink = g2CertFile.openWrite();
await response.pipe(sink);
return g2CertFile;