[fuchsia] Remove support for VDL

The Flutter tests have moved to using `ffx product-bundle` and
`ffx emu`, https://flutter-review.googlesource.com/c/recipes/+/36960 removed the use of VDL from them. There's a lot of code that can be removed here:
- Logic to download the image archives: these come from ffx product-bundle now.
- Logic to download the packages: same thing
- All logic associated to the emulator files: ffx emu abstracts all of this.
- Logic to download a custom SDK: The tests use the SDK that is fetched by gclient. The one that was previously fetched was only used to start VDL.
- All remaining VDL support code.

led runs:
  - Linux Fuchsia: https://ci.chromium.org/raw/build/logs.chromium.org/flutter/led/sebmarchand_google.com/240675f6bc8838ce8902cd9bd13537d246c3a2827326f7b32f5ca2d8e1109304/+/build.proto?server=chromium-swarm.appspot.com
  - Linux Fuchsia FEMU: https://ci.chromium.org/raw/build/logs.chromium.org/flutter/led/sebmarchand_google.com/addf7bc29671a6d479488607fc324312bd15811cd6628ebd58d967dc9175dce2/+/build.proto?server=chromium-swarm.appspot.com
  - Linux Fuchsia arm64 FEMU: https://ci.chromium.org/raw/build/logs.chromium.org/flutter/led/sebmarchand_google.com/418810d88477506397ac308620e7265d3b2093f78b1ebe9da999359e02aea916/+/build.proto?server=chromium-swarm.appspot.com

Note that is significantly reduces the number of steps on the bots as we don't download the SDK+images anymore (we don't need them).

Change-Id: I3a553a556f2122021efba10b720fa644ad6a54c8
Reviewed-on: https://flutter-review.googlesource.com/c/recipes/+/39980
Commit-Queue: Sébastien Marchand <sebmarchand@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Zach Anderson <zra@google.com>
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/__init__.py b/recipe_modules/sdk/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e6bd5..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'flutter/gsutil',
-    'flutter/tar',
-    'recipe_engine/buildbucket',
-    'recipe_engine/context',
-    'recipe_engine/file',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    "recipe_engine/raw_io",
-    'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/api.py b/recipe_modules/sdk/api.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a0554fd..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import attr
-from recipe_engine import recipe_api
-from recipe_engine.config_types import Path
-SDK_GCS_BUCKET = 'fuchsia'
-class ImageFilePaths(object):
-  """Required files from fuchsia image to start FEMU."""
-  # Recipe API, required
-  _api = attr.ib(type=recipe_api.RecipeApi)
-  # Files from fuchsia image
-  build_args = attr.ib(type=Path, default=None)
-  kernel_file = attr.ib(type=Path, default=None)
-  system_fvm = attr.ib(type=Path, default=None)
-  zircona = attr.ib(type=Path, default=None)
-  def _exists(self, p):
-    return p and self._api.path.exists(p)
-  def _exist(self):
-    return all([
-        self._exists(self.build_args),
-        self._exists(self.kernel_file),
-        self._exists(self.system_fvm),
-        self._exists(self.zircona),
-    ])
-  def _report_missing(self):
-    result = []
-    if not self._exists(self.build_args):
-      result.append(self.build_args)
-    if not self._exists(self.kernel_file):
-      result.append(self.kernel_file)
-    if not self._exists(self.system_fvm):
-      result.append(self.system_fvm)
-    if not self._exists(self.zircona):
-      result.append(self.zircona)
-    return result
-class PackageFilePaths(object):
-  # Recipe API, required
-  _api = attr.ib(type=recipe_api.RecipeApi, init=True)
-  # Files from fuchsia packages
-  tar_file = attr.ib(type=Path, default=None)
-  amber_files = attr.ib(type=Path, default=None)
-  pm = attr.ib(type=Path, default=None)
-  def _exists(self, p):
-    return p and self._api.path.exists(p)
-  def _exist(self):
-    return all([
-        self._exists(self.tar_file),
-        self._exists(self.amber_files),
-        self._exists(self.pm),
-    ])
-  def _report_missing(self):
-    result = []
-    if not self._exists(self.tar_file):
-      result.append(self.tar_file)
-    if not self._exists(self.amber_files):
-      result.append(self.amber_files)
-    if not self._exists(self.pm):
-      result.append(self.pm)
-    return result
-class SDKApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
-  """Downloads Fuchsia SDK files required to start FEMU."""
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    super(SDKApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    self._image_paths = ImageFilePaths(api=self.m)
-    self._package_paths = PackageFilePaths(api=self.m)
-    self._sdk_path = None
-    self._version = None
-  def _fetch_sdk(self):
-    """Downloads Fuchsia SDK from GCS and untar."""
-    with self.m.step.nest('ensure sdk'):
-      with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
-        # Ensure cache path has the correct permission
-        cache_path = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join(
-            self.version, 'fuchsia_sdk', self.platform_name
-        )
-        self.m.file.ensure_directory('init fuchsia_sdk cache', cache_path)
-        if not self.m.file.listdir(name='check sdk cache content',
-                                   source=cache_path, test_data=()):
-          # Copy GN image to temp directory
-          sdk_file = 'gn.tar.gz'
-          local_tmp_root = self.m.path.mkdtemp('fuchsia_sdk_tmp')
-          self.m.gsutil.download(
-              src_bucket=SDK_GCS_BUCKET,
-              src=self.m.path.join(
-                  'development',
-                  self.version,
-                  'sdk',
-                  self.sdk_platform_name,
-                  sdk_file,
-              ),
-              dest=local_tmp_root,
-          )
-          # Extract sdk
-          self.m.tar.extract(
-              step_name='extract sdk gz',
-              path=self.m.path.join(local_tmp_root, sdk_file),
-              directory=cache_path,
-          )
-        # Save cache path
-        self._sdk_path = cache_path
-  def _fetch_image(self):
-    """Downloads Fuchsia image from GCS. Untar and store the required paths for FEMU."""
-    with self.m.step.nest('ensure image'):
-      with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
-        image_to_download = self._select_image_to_download()
-        # Ensure cache path has the correct permission
-        cache_path = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join(
-            self.version, 'fuchsia_image', self.platform_name
-        )
-        self.m.file.ensure_directory('init fuchsia_image cache', cache_path)
-        if not self.m.file.listdir(name='check image cache content',
-                                   source=cache_path, test_data=()):
-          # Copy image to temp directory
-          local_tmp_path = self.m.path.mkdtemp('fuchsia_image_tmp')
-          self.m.gsutil.download(
-              src_bucket=SDK_GCS_BUCKET,
-              src=self.m.path.join(
-                  'development', self.version, 'images', image_to_download
-              ),
-              dest=local_tmp_path,
-          )
-          # Extract image
-          self.m.tar.extract(
-              step_name='extract image tgz',
-              path=self.m.path.join(local_tmp_path, image_to_download),
-              directory=cache_path,
-          )
-        # Assemble files required for FEMU
-        for p in self.m.file.listdir(
-            name='set image files',
-            source=cache_path,
-            test_data=(
-                'buildargs.gn',
-                'qemu-kernel.kernel',
-                'zircon-a.zbi',
-                'zircon-r.zbi',
-                'storage-sparse.blk',
-                'storage-full.blk',
-            ),
-        ):
-          base = self.m.path.basename(p)
-          if base == 'buildargs.gn':
-            self._image_paths.build_args = p
-          elif base == 'qemu-kernel.kernel':
-            self._image_paths.kernel_file = p
-          elif base == 'storage-full.blk':
-            self._image_paths.system_fvm = p
-          elif base == 'zircon-a.zbi':
-            self._image_paths.zircona = p
-  def _fetch_packages(self):
-    with self.m.step.nest('ensure packages'):
-      with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
-        package_to_download = self._select_package_to_download()
-        # Ensure cache path has the correct permission
-        cache_path = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join(
-            self.version, 'fuchsia_packages', self.platform_name
-        )
-        self.m.file.ensure_directory('init fuchsia_packages cache', cache_path)
-        if not self.m.file.listdir(name='check packages cache content',
-                                   source=cache_path, test_data=()):
-          # Copy packages to cache directory.
-          # TODO(yuanzhi) Copy to tmp. We need to keep this in cache because fuchsia_ctl
-          # used by the flutter team expects packages as .tar.gz input. However, we should
-          # use fuchsia device controller (FDC) that comes with VDL for FEMU based testing
-          # eventually.
-          self.m.gsutil.download(
-              src_bucket=SDK_GCS_BUCKET,
-              src=self.m.path.join(
-                  'development', self.version, 'packages', package_to_download
-              ),
-              dest=cache_path,
-          )
-          # Extract package, this will produce the following subdirectories:
-          # |cache_path|
-          #   |__ amber-files
-          #      |__ keys
-          #      |__ repository
-          #   |__ pm
-          self.m.tar.extract(
-              step_name='extract package tar.gz',
-              path=self.m.path.join(cache_path, package_to_download),
-              directory=cache_path,
-          )
-        self._package_paths.tar_file = cache_path.join(package_to_download)
-        self._package_paths.amber_files = cache_path.join('amber-files')
-        self._package_paths.pm = cache_path.join('pm')
-  def authorize_zbi(
-      self,
-      ssh_key_path,
-      zbi_input_path,
-      zbi_output_path=None,
-      zbi_tool_path=None
-  ):
-    """Use zbi tool to extend BootFS with SSH authorization key.
-    Arguments:
-      ssh_key_path: path to public ssh key file.
-      zbi_input_path: path to zircon-a.zbi file.
-      zbi_output_path: (optional) output path to store extended zbi image file.
-        if None, we will replace zircon file specified in zbi_input_path
-      zbi_tool_path: (optional) path to the zbi binary tool.
-        if None, we will fetch the zbi tool from fuchsia sdk in GCS.
-    """
-    zbi_path = None
-    if zbi_tool_path:
-      zbi_path = zbi_tool_path
-    if not zbi_path:
-      zbi_path = self.m.path.join(self.sdk_path, 'tools', 'x64', 'zbi')
-    if not zbi_output_path:
-      zbi_output_path = zbi_input_path
-    self.m.step(
-        "authorize zbi",
-        [
-            zbi_path,
-            "--output",
-            self.m.raw_io.output_text(leak_to=zbi_output_path),
-            zbi_input_path,
-            "--entry",
-            "%s=%s" % ('data/ssh/authorized_keys', ssh_key_path),
-        ],
-    )
-  def _select_package_to_download(self):
-    """Maps platform parameters to Package names."""
-    return 'qemu-{arch}.tar.gz'.format(arch=self._select_arch())
-  def _select_image_to_download(self):
-    """Maps platform parameters to Image names."""
-    return 'qemu-{arch}.tgz'.format(arch=self._select_arch())
-  def _select_arch(self):
-    """Maps platform parameters to SDK names."""
-    if self.m.platform.arch == 'arm' and self.m.platform.bits == 64:
-      return 'arm64'
-    elif self.m.platform.arch == 'intel' and self.m.platform.bits == 64:
-      return 'x64'
-    raise self.m.step.StepFailure(
-        'Cannot find supported tools. arch %s, bit %s' %
-        (self.m.platform.arch, self.m.platform.bits)
-    )
-  @property
-  def sdk_platform_name(self):
-    """Derives the sdk package platform name, resembles the CIPD platform name."""
-    name = ''
-    if self.m.platform.is_linux:
-      name = 'linux-amd64'
-    elif self.m.platform.is_mac:
-      name = 'mac-amd64'
-    return name
-  @property
-  def platform_name(self):
-    return '%s_%s_%s' % (
-        self.m.platform.name,
-        self.m.platform.arch,
-        self.m.platform.bits,
-    )
-  @property
-  def version(self):
-    return self._version
-  @version.setter
-  def version(self, value):
-    self._version = value
-  @property
-  def image_paths(self):
-    """Downloads and unpacks Fuchsia image files from GCS.
-    Raises:
-      StepFailure: When cannot find image files matching host architecture.
-      StepFailure: When image files do not exist after download and unpack from GCS.
-    """
-    assert self.version
-    self._fetch_image()
-    if not self._image_paths._exist():
-      missing = self._image_paths._report_missing()
-      ex = self.m.step.StepFailure(
-          'Image paths do not exist. {missing_paths}'.format(
-              missing_paths=missing
-          )
-      )
-      ex.missing_paths = missing
-      raise ex
-    return self._image_paths
-  @property
-  def package_paths(self):
-    """Downloads and unpacks Fuchsia package files from GCS.
-    Raises:
-      StepFailure: When cannot find package files matching host architecture.
-      StepFailure: When package files do not exist after download and unpack from GCS.
-    """
-    assert self.version
-    self._fetch_packages()
-    if not self._package_paths._exist():
-      missing = self._package_paths._report_missing()
-      ex = self.m.step.StepFailure(
-          'Package paths do not exist. {missing_paths}'.format(
-              missing_paths=missing
-          )
-      )
-      ex.missing_paths = missing
-      raise ex
-    return self._package_paths
-  @property
-  def sdk_path(self):
-    """Downloads and unpacks Fuchsia sdk files from GCS.
-    Raises:
-      StepFailure: When cannot find sdk files matching host architecture.
-    """
-    assert self.version
-    self._fetch_sdk()
-    return self._sdk_path
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/ensure_arm_sdk.json b/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/ensure_arm_sdk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1731296..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/ensure_arm_sdk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-arm64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-arm64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-arm64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64/qemu-arm64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-arm64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_2/qemu-arm64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/mac-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/mac_arm_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]"
-    ],
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-arm64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_3/qemu-arm64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]"
-    ],
-    "name": "authorize zbi (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/ensure_intel_sdk.json b/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/ensure_intel_sdk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index eb4739a..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/ensure_intel_sdk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_2/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]"
-    ],
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_3/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]"
-    ],
-    "name": "authorize zbi (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/has_cache_sdk.json b/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/has_cache_sdk.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d2da765..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/has_cache_sdk.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (2).set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]"
-    ],
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_2/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image (3).set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]"
-    ],
-    "name": "authorize zbi (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/missing_image_file.json b/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/missing_image_file.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b8399e4..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/missing_image_file.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "failure": {
-      "failure": {},
-      "humanReason": "Image paths do not exist. [Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_image', 'linux_intel_64', 'buildargs.gn'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_image', 'linux_intel_64', 'qemu-kernel.kernel'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_image', 'linux_intel_64', 'storage-full.blk'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_image', 'linux_intel_64', 'zircon-a.zbi')]"
-    },
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/missing_package_file.json b/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/missing_package_file.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e9ab50..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/missing_package_file.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "failure": {
-      "failure": {},
-      "humanReason": "Package paths do not exist. [Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_packages', 'linux_intel_64', 'qemu-x64.tar.gz'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_packages', 'linux_intel_64', 'amber-files'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_packages', 'linux_intel_64', 'pm')]"
-    },
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/no_bit_match.json b/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/no_bit_match.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 03beb62..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.expected/no_bit_match.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "failure": {
-      "failure": {},
-      "humanReason": "Cannot find supported tools. arch intel, bit 32"
-    },
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.py b/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 63cd172..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/sdk/examples/full.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'flutter/sdk',
-    'fuchsia/status_check',
-    'recipe_engine/file',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-def RunSteps(api):
-  api.sdk._select_image_to_download()
-  api.sdk._select_package_to_download()
-  api.sdk.version = '0.20200101.0.1'
-  api.sdk.image_paths
-  api.sdk.package_paths
-  api.sdk.authorize_zbi(
-      ssh_key_path=api.path['cache'],
-      zbi_input_path=api.sdk.image_paths.zircona
-  )
-  api.sdk.authorize_zbi(
-      ssh_key_path=api.path['cache'],
-      zbi_input_path=api.sdk.image_paths.zircona,
-      zbi_output_path=api.path['cache'],
-      zbi_tool_path=api.path['cache'],
-  )
-def GenTests(api):
-  yield api.status_check.test('ensure_intel_sdk') + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-      ),
-  ) + api.platform('linux', 64, 'intel')
-  yield api.status_check.test('ensure_arm_sdk') + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/buildargs.gn'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/storage-full.blk'),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/mac_arm_64/zircon-a.zbi'),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64/pm'),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64/amber-files'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/mac_arm_64/qemu-arm64.tar.gz'
-      ),
-  ) + api.platform('mac', 64, 'arm')
-  yield api.status_check.test(
-      'no_bit_match', status='failure'
-  ) + api.platform('linux', 32)
-  yield api.status_check.test('has_cache_sdk') + api.override_step_data(
-      'ensure image.check image cache content',
-      api.file.listdir([
-          'buildargs.gn', 'qemu-kernel.kernel', 'storage-full.blk',
-          'zircon-a.zbi'
-      ]),
-  ) + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-      ),
-  )
-  yield api.status_check.test(
-      'missing_image_file', status='failure'
-  ) + api.override_step_data(
-      'ensure image.check image cache content',
-      api.file.listdir([
-          'buildargs.gn', 'qemu-kernel.kernel', 'storage-full.blk',
-          'zircon-a.zbi'
-      ]),
-  ) + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-      ),
-  )
-  yield api.status_check.test(
-      'missing_package_file', status='failure'
-  ) + api.override_step_data(
-      'ensure image.check image cache content',
-      api.file.listdir([
-          'buildargs.gn', 'qemu-kernel.kernel', 'storage-full.blk',
-          'zircon-a.zbi'
-      ]),
-  ) + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'),
-  )
diff --git a/recipe_modules/vdl/__init__.py b/recipe_modules/vdl/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d9c8e2b..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/vdl/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'flutter/sdk',
-    'flutter/ssh',
-    'recipe_engine/buildbucket',
-    'recipe_engine/cipd',
-    'recipe_engine/context',
-    'recipe_engine/file',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/vdl/api.py b/recipe_modules/vdl/api.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9c002e..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/vdl/api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import functools
-from recipe_engine import recipe_api
-VDL_CIPD_PREFIX = 'fuchsia/vdl/${platform}'
-# Fuchsia provides back-tagging for certain packages when they are rolled
-# into the Fuchsia tree. This `integration` ref will always point at what
-# is currently used by Fuchsia @ HEAD. It would be better to export this
-# in the SDK so it is coupled to the SDK version but that is not done.
-device_spec {{
-  horizontal_resolution: {horizontal_resolution}
-  vertical_resolution: {vertical_resolution}
-  vm_heap: {vm_heap}
-  ram: {ram}
-  cache: {cache}
-  screen_density: {screen_density}
-class VDLApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
-  """Fetches VDL and AEMU to start FEMU."""
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    super(VDLApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    self._aemu_version_tag = DEFAULT_AEMU_VERSION_TAG
-    self._vdl_version_tag = DEFAULT_VDL_VERSION_TAG
-    self._device_proto_path = None
-  @functools.cached_property
-  def vdl_path(self):
-    """Fetches and installs VDL from CIPD."""
-    with self.m.step.nest('ensure vdl'):
-      with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
-        ensure_file = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
-        ensure_file.add_package(VDL_CIPD_PREFIX, self._vdl_version_tag)
-        cache_path = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join('vdl')
-        self.m.cipd.ensure(root=cache_path, ensure_file=ensure_file)
-        return cache_path.join('device_launcher')
-  @functools.cached_property
-  def aemu_dir(self):
-    """Fetches and installs AEMU from CIPD."""
-    with self.m.step.nest('ensure aemu'):
-      with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
-        ensure_file = self.m.cipd.EnsureFile()
-        ensure_file.add_package(
-            'fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/${platform}', self._aemu_version_tag
-        )
-        cache_path = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join('aemu')
-        self.m.cipd.ensure(root=cache_path, ensure_file=ensure_file)
-        return cache_path
-  def create_device_proto(
-      self,
-      horizontal_resolution=480,
-      vertical_resolution=800,
-      vm_heap=192,
-      ram=4096,
-      cache=32,
-      screen_density=240,
-  ):
-    """Generates virtual device textproto file used by VDL to configure AEMU."""
-    device_spec_cache = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join(
-        'device_spec'
-    )
-    self.m.file.ensure_directory(
-        'init device spec cache at ', device_spec_cache
-    )
-    device_spec_location = device_spec_cache.join('virtual_device.textproto')
-    self.m.file.write_text(
-        name='generate %s' % device_spec_location,
-        dest=device_spec_location,
-        text_data=_DEVICE_SPEC_TEMPLATE.format(
-            horizontal_resolution=horizontal_resolution,
-            vertical_resolution=vertical_resolution,
-            vm_heap=vm_heap,
-            ram=ram,
-            cache=cache,
-            screen_density=screen_density,
-        ),
-    )
-    self._device_proto_path = device_spec_location
-    return device_spec_location
-  def set_aemu_cipd_tag(self, tag):
-    """Changes the default aemu cipd package tag.
-    Must be called before calling `aemu_dir`.
-    """
-    self._aemu_version_tag = tag
-  def set_vdl_cipd_tag(self, tag):
-    """Changes the default vdl cipd package tag.
-    Must be called before calling `vdl_path`.
-    """
-    self._vdl_version_tag = tag
-  def get_image_paths(self, sdk_version):
-    """Downloads and unpacks fuchsia image from GCS.
-    Args:
-      sdk_version: Fuchsia sdk version to fetch.
-    Raises:
-      StepFailure: When cannot find image files matching host architecture.
-      StepFailure: When image files do not exist after download and unpack from GCS.
-    """
-    self.m.sdk.version = sdk_version
-    return self.m.sdk.image_paths
-  def get_package_paths(self, sdk_version):
-    """Downloads and unpacks fuchsia packages from GCS.
-    Args:
-      sdk_version: Fuchsia sdk version to fetch.
-    Raises:
-      StepFailure: When cannot find package files matching host architecture.
-      StepFailure: When package files do not exist after download and unpack from GCS.
-    """
-    self.m.sdk.version = sdk_version
-    return self.m.sdk.package_paths
-  def gen_ssh_files(self):
-    """Generate ssh private-public key pairs.
-    Raises:
-      StepFailure: When ssh key paths do not contain valid files.
-    """
-    return self.m.ssh.ssh_paths
-  def assemble_femu_startup_files(
-      self,
-      sdk_version,
-      vdl_tag=None,
-      aemu_tag=None,
-      create_links=True,
-      extra_files={},
-  ):
-    """
-    Assembles all required files to start FEMU.
-    Args:
-      sdk_version: Fuchsia sdk version to fetch.
-      vdl_tag: Changes the default vdl cipd package tag.
-      aemu_tag: Changes the default aemu cipd package tag.
-      create_links: True will create symlinks. False will not.
-        If set to false, user has to call symlink_tree.create_links().
-      extra_files: A dictionary to add additional files to root dir.
-        key: Source of the file, must be type Path.
-        value: Relative path to root_dir.
-        Example: {
-          [CACHE]/builder/fileOld.txt : "fileNew.txt"
-        }
-        This will add a new link from fileOld.txt to root_dir/fileNew.txt
-        in the symlink_tree.
-    Raises:
-      StepFailure: When ssh key paths do not contain valid files.
-      StepFailure: When cannot find package files matching host architecture.
-      StepFailure: When cannot find image files matching host architecture.
-      StepFailure: When package files do not exist after download and unpack from GCS.
-      StepFailure: When image files do not exist after download and unpack from GCS.
-    """
-    root_dir = self.m.path.mkdtemp('vdl_runfiles_')
-    symlink_tree = self.m.file.symlink_tree(root=root_dir)
-    def add(src, name_rel_to_root):
-      symlink_tree.register_link(
-          target=src,
-          linkname=symlink_tree.root.join(name_rel_to_root),
-      )
-    def add_vdl_files():
-      if vdl_tag:
-        self.set_vdl_cipd_tag(tag=vdl_tag)
-      if aemu_tag:
-        self.set_aemu_cipd_tag(tag=aemu_tag)
-      add(self.vdl_path, 'device_launcher')
-      add(self.aemu_dir, 'aemu')
-      add(self.create_device_proto(), 'virtual_device.textproto')
-    def add_package_files():
-      fuchsia_packages = self.get_package_paths(sdk_version=sdk_version)
-      add(fuchsia_packages.pm, self.m.path.basename(fuchsia_packages.pm))
-      add(fuchsia_packages.tar_file, 'package_archive')
-      add(
-          fuchsia_packages.amber_files,
-          self.m.path.basename(fuchsia_packages.amber_files),
-      )
-    def add_image_files():
-      ssh_files = self.gen_ssh_files()
-      add(ssh_files.id_public, self.m.path.basename(ssh_files.id_public))
-      add(ssh_files.id_private, self.m.path.basename(ssh_files.id_private))
-      fuchsia_images = self.get_image_paths(sdk_version=sdk_version)
-      add(fuchsia_images.build_args, 'qemu_buildargs')
-      add(fuchsia_images.kernel_file, 'qemu_kernel')
-      add(fuchsia_images.system_fvm, 'qemu_fvm')
-      add(self.m.sdk.sdk_path.join('tools', 'x64', 'far'), 'far')
-      add(self.m.sdk.sdk_path.join('tools', 'x64', 'fvm'), 'fvm')
-      # Provision and add zircon-a
-      authorized_zircona = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join(
-          'zircon-authorized.zbi'
-      )
-      self.m.sdk.authorize_zbi(
-          ssh_key_path=ssh_files.id_public,
-          zbi_input_path=fuchsia_images.zircona,
-          zbi_output_path=authorized_zircona,
-      )
-      add(authorized_zircona, 'qemu_zircona-ed25519')
-      # Generate and add ssh_config
-      ssh_config = self.m.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join('ssh_config')
-      self.m.ssh.generate_ssh_config(
-          private_key_path=self.m.path.basename(ssh_files.id_private),
-          dest=ssh_config,
-      )
-      add(ssh_config, 'ssh_config')
-    def add_extra_files():
-      for src in extra_files:
-        add(src, extra_files[src])
-    add_vdl_files()
-    add_image_files()
-    add_package_files()
-    add_extra_files()
-    if create_links:
-      symlink_tree.create_links('create tree of vdl runfiles')
-    return root_dir, symlink_tree
diff --git a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/ensure_vdl.json b/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/ensure_vdl.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 4282bd8..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/ensure_vdl.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,774 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure vdl"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/vdl",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/vdl/${platform} g3-revision:vdl_fuchsia_20200729_RC00",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure vdl.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-g3-revision:vdl_\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/vdl/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure aemu"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/aemu",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/${platform} git_revision:825431f5e4eb46770606ad91697974348d3706da",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure aemu.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-git_revision:825\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init device spec cache at "
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\ndevice_spec {\n  horizontal_resolution: 480\n  vertical_resolution: 800\n  vm_heap: 192\n  ram: 4096\n  cache: 32\n  screen_density: 240\n}\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate [CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@device_spec {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  horizontal_resolution: 480@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vertical_resolution: 800@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vm_heap: 192@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  ram: 4096@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  cache: 32@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  screen_density: 240@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@virtual_device.textproto@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/symlink.py",
-      "--link-json",
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/package_archive\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/aemu\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/aemu\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/virtual_device.textproto\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/vdl/device_launcher\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/device_launcher\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/file1\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/foo\"], \"[CACHE]/file2\": [\"[CLEANUP]/vdl_runfiles__tmp_1/bar\"]}"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "create tree of vdl runfiles"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_image_files.json b/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_image_files.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1e9f5..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_image_files.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure vdl"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/vdl",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/vdl/${platform} g3-revision:vdl_fuchsia_20200729_RC00",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure vdl.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-g3-revision:vdl_\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/vdl/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure aemu"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/aemu",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/${platform} git_revision:825431f5e4eb46770606ad91697974348d3706da",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure aemu.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-git_revision:825\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init device spec cache at "
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\ndevice_spec {\n  horizontal_resolution: 480\n  vertical_resolution: 800\n  vm_heap: 192\n  ram: 4096\n  cache: 32\n  screen_density: 240\n}\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate [CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@device_spec {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  horizontal_resolution: 480@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vertical_resolution: 800@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vm_heap: 192@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  ram: 4096@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  cache: 32@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  screen_density: 240@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@virtual_device.textproto@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "failure": {
-      "failure": {},
-      "humanReason": "SSH paths do not exist. [Path([CACHE], 'builder', 'ssh', 'ssh_host_key')]"
-    },
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_package_files.json b/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_package_files.json
deleted file mode 100644
index cc1e9f5..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_package_files.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure vdl"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/vdl",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/vdl/${platform} g3-revision:vdl_fuchsia_20200729_RC00",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure vdl.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-g3-revision:vdl_\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/vdl/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure aemu"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/aemu",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/${platform} git_revision:825431f5e4eb46770606ad91697974348d3706da",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure aemu.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-git_revision:825\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init device spec cache at "
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\ndevice_spec {\n  horizontal_resolution: 480\n  vertical_resolution: 800\n  vm_heap: 192\n  ram: 4096\n  cache: 32\n  screen_density: 240\n}\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate [CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@device_spec {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  horizontal_resolution: 480@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vertical_resolution: 800@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vm_heap: 192@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  ram: 4096@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  cache: 32@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  screen_density: 240@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@virtual_device.textproto@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "failure": {
-      "failure": {},
-      "humanReason": "SSH paths do not exist. [Path([CACHE], 'builder', 'ssh', 'ssh_host_key')]"
-    },
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_ssh_files.json b/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_ssh_files.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 85b11c0..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.expected/vdl_missing_ssh_files.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure vdl"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/vdl",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/vdl/${platform} g3-revision:vdl_fuchsia_20200729_RC00",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure vdl.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-g3-revision:vdl_\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/vdl/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure aemu"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/aemu",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/${platform} git_revision:825431f5e4eb46770606ad91697974348d3706da",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure aemu.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-git_revision:825\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/third_party/android/aemu/release/resolved-platform\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init device spec cache at "
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\ndevice_spec {\n  horizontal_resolution: 480\n  vertical_resolution: 800\n  vm_heap: 192\n  ram: 4096\n  cache: 32\n  screen_density: 240\n}\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate [CACHE]/builder/device_spec/virtual_device.textproto",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@device_spec {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  horizontal_resolution: 480@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vertical_resolution: 800@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  vm_heap: 192@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  ram: 4096@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  cache: 32@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@  screen_density: 240@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@virtual_device.textproto@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@virtual_device.textproto@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "failure": {
-      "failure": {},
-      "humanReason": "SSH paths do not exist. [Path([CACHE], 'builder', 'ssh', 'ssh_host_key'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', 'ssh', 'ssh_host_key.pub'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', 'ssh', 'id_ed25519'), Path([CACHE], 'builder', 'ssh', 'id_ed25519.pub')]"
-    },
-    "name": "$result"
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.py b/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 45fa50f..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/vdl/examples/full.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'flutter/vdl',
-    'fuchsia/status_check',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-def RunSteps(api):
-  api.vdl.assemble_femu_startup_files(
-      sdk_version='0.20200101.0.1',
-      vdl_tag='g3-revision:vdl_fuchsia_20200729_RC00',
-      aemu_tag='git_revision:825431f5e4eb46770606ad91697974348d3706da',
-      extra_files={
-          api.path['cache'].join('file1'): 'foo',
-          api.path['cache'].join('file2'): 'bar',
-      },
-  )
-def GenTests(api):
-  yield api.status_check.test('ensure_vdl') + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('file1'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('file2'),
-  )
-  yield api.status_check.test(
-      'vdl_missing_image_files', status='failure'
-  ) + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-  )
-  yield api.status_check.test(
-      'vdl_missing_package_files', status='failure'
-  ) + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-      api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-  )
-  yield api.status_check.test(
-      'vdl_missing_ssh_files', status='failure'
-  ) + api.path.exists(
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'),
-      api.path['cache']
-      .join('builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-      ),
-      api.path['cache'].join(
-          'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-      ),
-  )
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/arm64_emulator_arch.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/arm64_emulator_arch.json
index d498448..020cbd9 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/arm64_emulator_arch.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/arm64_emulator_arch.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2511,7 +1163,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/arm64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_arm64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/arm64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_arm64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/dangerous_test_commands.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/dangerous_test_commands.json
index 19d7fa9..a15f489 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/dangerous_test_commands.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/dangerous_test_commands.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/femu_with_package_list.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/femu_with_package_list.json
index ee6bb10..8bf8a0e 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/femu_with_package_list.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/femu_with_package_list.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2524,7 +1176,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v1_test_component-321.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v1_test_component-321.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v1_test_component-321.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v1_test_component-321.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/invalid_emulator_arch.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/invalid_emulator_arch.json
index 0d65515..214379f 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/invalid_emulator_arch.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/invalid_emulator_arch.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2504,7 +1156,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/multiple_non_root_fars.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/multiple_non_root_fars.json
index e2d2554..c2e0dde 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/multiple_non_root_fars.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/multiple_non_root_fars.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2514,7 +1166,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/flutter-embedder-test-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter-embedder-test-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/gen/flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/integration_flutter_tests/embedder/child-view/child-view/child-view.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/child-view.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/gen/flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/integration_flutter_tests/embedder/parent-view/parent-view/parent-view.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/parent-view.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/flutter-embedder-test-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter-embedder-test-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/gen/flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/integration_flutter_tests/embedder/child-view/child-view/child-view.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/child-view.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/gen/flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/integration_flutter_tests/embedder/parent-view/parent-view/parent-view.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/parent-view.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/no_zircon_file.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/no_zircon_file.json
index eefd2c5..214379f 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/no_zircon_file.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/no_zircon_file.json
@@ -1065,82 +1065,12 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
+    "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@- package: v2_test-123.far@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@  test_command: test run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/v2_test#meta/v2_test.cm@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@yaml@@@"
@@ -1151,7 +1081,43 @@
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/flutter/testing/fuchsia/test_suites.yaml",
+      "/path/to/tmp/"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "retrieve list of test suites.read",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@test_suites.yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@test_suites.yaml@- package: v2_test-123.far@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@test_suites.yaml@  test_command: test run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/v2_test#meta/v2_test.cm@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@test_suites.yaml@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "vpython3",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::yaml]/resources/parse_yaml.py",
+      "--yaml_file",
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/flutter/testing/fuchsia/test_suites.yaml",
+      "--json_file",
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
@@ -1172,34 +1138,25 @@
     "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
+    "name": "retrieve list of test suites.parse",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@[@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"v2_test-123.far\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"test_command\": \"test run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/v2_test#meta/v2_test.cm\"@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@]@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
+      "python3",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[fuchsia::cas_util]/resources/hardlink.py",
+      "--link-json",
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
@@ -1219,9 +1176,80 @@
     "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
+    "name": "create tree of runfiles"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "vpython3",
+      "-u",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
+      "--json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json",
+      "copy",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::cas]/resources/infra.sha1",
+      "/path/to/tmp/"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "read infra revision",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@infra.sha1@git_revision:mock_infra_git_revision@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@infra.sha1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [],
+    "name": "install infra/tools/luci/cas"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "vpython3",
+      "-u",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
+      "--json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json",
+      "ensure-directory",
+      "--mode",
+      "0777",
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/infra/tools/luci/cas/git_revision%3Amock_infra_git_revision"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "install infra/tools/luci/cas.ensure package directory",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
@@ -1229,9 +1257,9 @@
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/infra/tools/luci/cas/git_revision%3Amock_infra_git_revision",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
+      "infra/tools/luci/cas/${platform} git_revision:mock_infra_git_revision",
@@ -1255,15 +1283,15 @@
     "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
+    "name": "install infra/tools/luci/cas.ensure_installed",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-git_revision:moc\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"infra/tools/luci/cas/resolved-platform\"@@@",
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
@@ -1273,12 +1301,16 @@
     "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/infra/tools/luci/cas/git_revision%3Amock_infra_git_revision/cas",
+      "archive",
+      "-cas-instance",
+      "projects/example-cas-server/instances/default_instance",
+      "-dump-digest",
+      "/path/to/tmp/",
+      "-paths-json",
+      "[[\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1\", \".\"]]",
+      "-log-level",
+      "debug"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
@@ -1298,30 +1330,190 @@
     "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
+    "name": "archive FEMU Run Files",
+    "timeout": 900.0,
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_LINK@CAS UI@https://cas-viewer.appspot.com/projects/example-cas-server/instances/default_instance/blobs/e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855/0/tree@@@"
+    "cmd": [
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "config",
+      "set",
+      "overnet.cso",
+      "disabled"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "name": "disable CSO in ffx"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "daemon",
+      "stop"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "name": "restart ffx daemon"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "config",
+      "analytics",
+      "disable"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "name": "disable ffx analytics"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "emu",
+      "list"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "name": "list emulators"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "emu",
+      "stop",
+      "--all"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "name": "stop all emulator instances"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "product-bundle",
+      "get",
+      "terminal.qemu-x64"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "env": {
+      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
+    },
+    "env_prefixes": {
+      "PATH": [
+        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
+      ]
+    },
+    "env_suffixes": {
+        "0"
+      ],
+      "PATH": [
+        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
+      ]
+    },
+    "name": "get terminal.qemu-x64 product bundle"
+  },
+  {
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [],
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test",
     "~followup_annotations": [
     "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "-v",
+      "emu",
+      "start",
+      "terminal.qemu-x64",
+      "--headless",
+      "--log",
+      "[CLEANUP]/emulator_log_tmp_1"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1338,37 +1530,18 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.launch x64 emulator",
     "~followup_annotations": [
     "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "target",
+      "list"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1385,26 +1558,18 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.list all targets in the collection",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "target",
+      "show"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1421,34 +1586,20 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.retrieve femu information",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/fserve",
+      "-image",
+      "qemu-x64",
+      "-server-port",
+      "8084"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1465,25 +1616,17 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.start fserve",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/fpublish",
+      "v2_test-123.far"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1500,56 +1643,19 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.publishing v2_test-123.far",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "test",
+      "run",
+      "fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/v2_test#meta/v2_test.cm"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1566,93 +1672,18 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.run ffx test",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "log",
+      "dump"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1669,23 +1700,19 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.ffx log dump",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@emulator_log@log@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@emulator_log@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/fserve",
+      "-kill"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1702,23 +1729,20 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.kill fserve",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
     "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
+      "[CACHE]/builder/src/fuchsia/sdk/linux/tools/x64/ffx",
+      "-v",
+      "emu",
+      "stop",
+      "--all"
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
+    "cwd": "[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1",
     "env": {
       "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
@@ -1735,57 +1759,12 @@
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
+    "name": "run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.stop x64 emulator",
     "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "failure": {
-      "failure": {},
-      "humanReason": "Image paths do not exist. [Path([CACHE], 'builder', '0.20200101.0.1', 'fuchsia_image', 'linux_intel_64', 'zircon-a.zbi')]"
-    },
     "name": "$result"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_on_test_specified_arch.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_on_test_specified_arch.json
index 2721ea3..f371b48 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_on_test_specified_arch.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_on_test_specified_arch.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2542,7 +1194,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/dart_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/dart_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart_aot_runner-0.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_with_dart_aot_behavior.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_with_dart_aot_behavior.json
index 77f9a00..af7a4d5 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_with_dart_aot_behavior.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/run_with_dart_aot_behavior.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2517,7 +1169,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_profile_x64/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_profile_x64/dart_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_profile_x64/gen/flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart_runner/tests/startup_integration_test/dart_jit_runner/dart_jit_echo_server/dart_jit_echo_server/dart_jit_echo_server.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart_jit_echo_server.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_profile_x64/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart-aot-runner-integration-test-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_profile_x64/dart_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_profile_x64/gen/flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart_runner/tests/startup_integration_test/dart_jit_runner/dart_jit_echo_server/dart_jit_echo_server/dart_jit_echo_server.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/dart_jit_echo_server.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu.json
index b685289..0c85043 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2516,7 +1168,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v1_test_component-321.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v1_test_component-321.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v1_test_component-321.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v1_test_component-321.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu_with_cso.json b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu_with_cso.json
index d714ad8..1794c04 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu_with_cso.json
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.expected/start_femu_with_cso.json
@@ -1065,1354 +1065,6 @@
     "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.init fuchsia_packages cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.check packages cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::gsutil]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/gsutil\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/gsutil version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure gsutil.install path/to/gsutil.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/gsutil\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/packages/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[flutter::tar]/resources/tool_manifest.json",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.read manifest",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"path\": \"path/to/bsdtar\",@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@  \"version\": \"version:pinned-version\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@tool_manifest.json@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@tool_manifest.json@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@2@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure package directory",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "-root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version",
-      "-ensure-file",
-      "path/to/bsdtar version:pinned-version",
-      "-max-threads",
-      "0",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.ensure bsdtar.install path/to/bsdtar.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@3@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-version:pinned-v\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"path/to/bsdtar\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure packages.extract package tar.gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "init ssh cache"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "check ssh cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-h",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/ssh_host_key",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen host",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "ssh-keygen",
-      "-t",
-      "ed25519",
-      "-f",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519",
-      "-P",
-      "",
-      "-N",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ssh-keygen device",
-    "timeout": 600
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure image"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.init fuchsia_image cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.check image cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/images/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_image_tmp_tmp_1/qemu-x64.tgz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.extract image tgz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure image.set image files",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-sparse.blk@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@listdir@[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-r.zbi@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_1/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk.extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_2/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (2).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_3/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (3).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "ensure-directory",
-      "--mode",
-      "0777",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).init fuchsia_sdk cache",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "listdir",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).check sdk cache content",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@listdir@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/gsutil/version%3Apinned-version/gsutil",
-      "-o",
-      "GSUtil:software_update_check_period=0",
-      "cp",
-      "gs://fuchsia/development/0.20200101.0.1/sdk/linux-amd64/gn.tar.gz",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).gsutil cp",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd_tool/path/to/bsdtar/version%3Apinned-version/bsdtar",
-      "--extract",
-      "--verbose",
-      "-f",
-      "[CLEANUP]/fuchsia_sdk_tmp_tmp_4/gn.tar.gz",
-      "-C",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "ensure sdk (4).extract sdk gz",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/zbi",
-      "--output",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi",
-      "--entry",
-      "data/ssh/authorized_keys=[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "name": "authorize zbi"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "vpython3",
-      "-u",
-      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "copy",
-      "\nHost *\n  CheckHostIP no\n  StrictHostKeyChecking no\n  ForwardAgent no\n  ForwardX11 no\n  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null\n  User fuchsia\n  IdentitiesOnly yes\n  IdentityFile id_ed25519\n  ServerAliveInterval 2\n  ServerAliveCountMax 5\n  ControlMaster auto\n  ControlPersist 1m\n  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p\n  ConnectTimeout 5\n",
-      "[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma/client"
-    },
-    "env_prefixes": {
-      "PATH": [
-        "[CACHE]/builder/src/third_party/dart/tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin"
-      ]
-    },
-    "env_suffixes": {
-        "0"
-      ],
-      "PATH": [
-        "RECIPE_REPO[depot_tools]"
-      ]
-    },
-    "infra_step": true,
-    "name": "generate ssh_config at [CACHE]/builder/ssh_config",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@Host *@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  CheckHostIP no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  StrictHostKeyChecking no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardAgent no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ForwardX11 no@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  User fuchsia@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentitiesOnly yes@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  IdentityFile id_ed25519@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveInterval 2@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ServerAliveCountMax 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlMaster auto@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPersist 1m@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@ssh_config@  ConnectTimeout 5@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@ssh_config@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
     "name": "retrieve list of test suites",
     "~followup_annotations": [
       "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@yaml@# This is a comment.@@@",
@@ -2516,7 +1168,7 @@
-      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_buildargs\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_kernel\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/amber-files\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/pm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/fvm\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/fvm\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_sdk/linux_intel_64/tools/x64/symbolizer\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/symbolizer\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v1_test_component-321.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v1_test_component-321.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/id_ed25519.pub\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/ssh_config\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/ssh_config\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/zircon-authorized.zbi\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/qemu_zircona-ed25519\"]}"
+      "{\"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_bucket/flutter/x64/debug/aot/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/flutter_aot_runner-0.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v1_test_component-321.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v1_test_component-321.far\"], \"[CACHE]/builder/src/out/fuchsia_debug_x64/v2_test-123.far\": [\"[CLEANUP]/femu_runfiles__tmp_1/v2_test-123.far\"]}"
     "cwd": "[CACHE]/builder",
     "env": {
diff --git a/recipes/engine/femu_test.py b/recipes/engine/femu_test.py
index 6069423..7a2082f 100644
--- a/recipes/engine/femu_test.py
+++ b/recipes/engine/femu_test.py
@@ -16,11 +16,9 @@
-    'flutter/sdk',
-    'flutter/vdl',
@@ -135,42 +133,6 @@
-  def addPackageFiles():
-    fuchsia_packages = api.vdl.get_package_paths(sdk_version=sdk_version)
-    add(fuchsia_packages.pm, api.path.basename(fuchsia_packages.pm))
-    add(fuchsia_packages.amber_files,
-        api.path.basename(fuchsia_packages.amber_files))
-  def addImageFiles():
-    ssh_files = api.vdl.gen_ssh_files()
-    add(ssh_files.id_public, api.path.basename(ssh_files.id_public))
-    add(ssh_files.id_private, api.path.basename(ssh_files.id_private))
-    fuchsia_images = api.vdl.get_image_paths(sdk_version=sdk_version)
-    add(fuchsia_images.build_args, "qemu_buildargs")
-    add(fuchsia_images.kernel_file, "qemu_kernel")
-    add(fuchsia_images.system_fvm, "qemu_fvm")
-    add(api.sdk.sdk_path.join("tools", "x64", "far"), "far")
-    add(api.sdk.sdk_path.join("tools", "x64", "fvm"), "fvm")
-    add(api.sdk.sdk_path.join("tools", "x64", "symbolizer"), "symbolizer")
-    ## Provision and add zircon-a
-    authorized_zircona = api.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join(
-        'zircon-authorized.zbi')
-    api.sdk.authorize_zbi(
-        ssh_key_path=ssh_files.id_public,
-        zbi_input_path=fuchsia_images.zircona,
-        zbi_output_path=authorized_zircona,
-    )
-    add(authorized_zircona, "qemu_zircona-ed25519")
-    ## Generate and add ssh_config
-    ssh_config = api.buildbucket.builder_cache_path.join('ssh_config')
-    api.ssh.generate_ssh_config(
-        private_key_path=api.path.basename(ssh_files.id_private),
-        dest=ssh_config)
-    add(ssh_config, "ssh_config")
   def addFlutterTests():
     arch = GetEmulatorArch(api)
@@ -211,8 +173,6 @@
           add(checkout.join('out', 'fuchsia_debug_%s' % arch, path), basename)
-  addPackageFiles()
-  addImageFiles()
   cas_tree.create_links("create tree of runfiles")
@@ -399,33 +359,6 @@
       api.step_data('run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.launch x64 emulator', retcode=1),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -471,33 +404,6 @@
       api.step_data('run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.publishing v2_test-123.far', retcode=1),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -537,33 +443,6 @@
       api.step_data('run FEMU test on x64.run flutter-embedder-test.publishing flutter-embedder-test-0.far', retcode=1),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -578,34 +457,23 @@
           ), clobber=False,),
+    api.step_data(
+          'retrieve list of test suites.parse',
+          api.json.output([{
+              'package':
+                  'v2_test-123.far',
+              'test_command':
+                  'test run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/v2_test#meta/v2_test.cm'
+          }])),
+      api.step_data(
+          'retrieve list of test suites.read',
+          api.file.read_text("""# This is a comment.
+- package: v2_test-123.far
+  test_command: test run fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/v2_test#meta/v2_test.cm""")),
           'read manifest',
           api.file.read_json({'id': '0.20200101.0.1'}),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -652,33 +520,6 @@
           api.file.read_json({'id': '0.20200101.0.1'}),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -720,33 +561,6 @@
       api.step_data('run FEMU test on x64.run dart-jit-runner-integration-test.publishing dart_aot_runner-0.far', retcode=1),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -779,33 +593,6 @@
           api.file.read_json({'id': '0.20200101.0.1'}),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -863,33 +650,6 @@
           api.file.read_json({'id': '0.20200101.0.1'}),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -925,33 +685,6 @@
           api.file.read_json({'id': '0.20200101.0.1'}),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),
   yield api.test(
@@ -992,32 +725,5 @@
       api.step_data('run FEMU test on x64.run v2_test.launch x64 emulator', retcode=1),
-      api.platform('linux', 64),
-      api.path.exists(
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/buildargs.gn'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/qemu-kernel.kernel'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/storage-full.blk'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_image/linux_intel_64/zircon-a.zbi'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/pm'),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/amber-files'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join(
-              'builder/0.20200101.0.1/fuchsia_packages/linux_intel_64/qemu-x64.tar.gz'
-          ),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/id_ed25519'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub'),
-          api.path['cache'].join('builder/ssh/ssh_host_key'),
-      ),