blob: 96fdfcfeb6c598110b79968beb67d61d3c8b9efa [file] [log] [blame]
"""Script to generate Chromium's Abseil .def file at roll time.
This script generates //third_party/abseil-app/absl/symbols_x64.def at Abseil
roll time.
Since Abseil doesn't export symbols, Chromium is forced to consider all
Abseil's symbols as publicly visible. On POSIX it is possible to use
-fvisibility=default but on Windows a .def file with all the symbols
is needed.
Unless you are on a Windows machine, you need to set up your Chromium
checkout for cross-compilation by following the instructions at
import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
# Matches a mangled symbol that has 'absl' in it, this should be a good
# enough heuristic to select Abseil symbols to list in the .def file.
ABSL_SYM_RE = re.compile(r'0* [BT] (?P<symbol>(\?+)[^\?].*absl.*)')
def _DebugOrRelease(is_debug):
return 'dbg' if is_debug else 'rel'
def _GenerateDefFile(cpu, is_debug, extra_gn_args=[], suffix=None):
"""Generates a .def file for the absl component build on the specified CPU."""
if extra_gn_args:
assert suffix != None, 'suffix is needed when extra_gn_args is used'
flavor = _DebugOrRelease(is_debug)
gn_args = [
'ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"',
'is_component_build = true',
'is_debug = {}'.format(str(is_debug).lower()),
'proprietary_codecs = true',
'symbol_level = 0',
'target_cpu = "{}"'.format(cpu),
'target_os = "win"',
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as out_dir:'[%s - %s] Creating tmp out dir in %s', cpu, flavor, out_dir)
subprocess.check_call(['gn', 'gen', out_dir, '--args=' + ' '.join(gn_args)],
cwd=os.getcwd())'[%s - %s] gn gen completed', cpu, flavor)
['autoninja', '-C', out_dir, 'third_party/abseil-cpp:absl_component_deps'],
cwd=os.getcwd())'[%s - %s] autoninja completed', cpu, flavor)
obj_files = []
for root, _dirnames, filenames in os.walk(
os.path.join(out_dir, 'obj', 'third_party', 'abseil-cpp')):
matched_files = fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.obj')
obj_files.extend((os.path.join(root, f) for f in matched_files))'[%s - %s] Found %d object files.', cpu, flavor, len(obj_files))
absl_symbols = set()
for f in obj_files:
stdout = subprocess.check_output(['llvm-nm-9', f], cwd=os.getcwd())
for line in stdout.splitlines():
match = re.match(ABSL_SYM_RE, line.decode('utf-8'))
if match:
absl_symbols.add('symbol'))'[%s - %s] Found %d absl symbols.', cpu, flavor, len(absl_symbols))
if extra_gn_args:
def_file = os.path.join('third_party', 'abseil-cpp',
'symbols_{}_{}_{}.def'.format(cpu, flavor, suffix))
def_file = os.path.join('third_party', 'abseil-cpp',
'symbols_{}_{}.def'.format(cpu, flavor))
with open(def_file, 'w') as f:
for s in sorted(absl_symbols):
f.write(' {}\n'.format(s))
# Hack, it looks like there is a race in the directory cleanup.
time.sleep(3)'[%s - %s] .def file successfully generated.', cpu, flavor)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not os.getcwd().endswith('chromium/src'):
logging.error('Run this script from Chromium\'s src/ directory.')
_GenerateDefFile('x86', True)
_GenerateDefFile('x86', False)
_GenerateDefFile('x64', True)
_GenerateDefFile('x64', False)
_GenerateDefFile('x64', False, ['is_asan = true'], 'asan')
_GenerateDefFile('arm64', True)
_GenerateDefFile('arm64', False)