blob: 701fa5cb7c44a3facf9635997d3d95b3f36bbb2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:coverage/coverage.dart';
import 'package:coverage/src/util.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_util.dart';
final _isolateLibPath = p.join('test', 'test_files', 'test_app_isolate.dart');
final _sampleAppFileUri = p.toUri(p.absolute(testAppPath)).toString();
final _isolateLibFileUri = p.toUri(p.absolute(_isolateLibPath)).toString();
void main() {
test('collect throws when serviceUri is null', () {
expect(() => collect(null, true, false, false, Set<String>()),
test('collect_coverage_api', () async {
final Map<String, dynamic> json = await _collectCoverage();
expect(json.keys, unorderedEquals(<String>['type', 'coverage']));
expect(json, containsPair('type', 'CodeCoverage'));
final List coverage = json['coverage'];
expect(coverage, isNotEmpty);
final sources = coverage.fold(<String, dynamic>{},
(Map<String, dynamic> map, dynamic value) {
final String sourceUri = value['source'];
map.putIfAbsent(sourceUri, () => <Map>[]).add(value);
return map;
for (Map sampleCoverageData in sources[_sampleAppFileUri]) {
expect(sampleCoverageData['hits'], isNotNull);
for (var sampleCoverageData in sources[_isolateLibFileUri]) {
expect(sampleCoverageData['hits'], isNotEmpty);
test('collect_coverage_api with scoped output', () async {
final Map<String, dynamic> json =
await _collectCoverage(scopedOutput: Set<String>()..add('coverage'));
expect(json.keys, unorderedEquals(<String>['type', 'coverage']));
expect(json, containsPair('type', 'CodeCoverage'));
final List coverage = json['coverage'];
expect(coverage, isNotEmpty);
final sources = coverage.fold(<String, dynamic>{},
(Map<String, dynamic> map, dynamic value) {
final String sourceUri = value['source'];
map.putIfAbsent(sourceUri, () => <Map>[]).add(value);
return map;
for (var key in sources.keys) {
final uri = Uri.parse(key);
expect(uri.path.startsWith('coverage'), isTrue);
test('collect_coverage_api with isolateIds', () async {
final Map<String, dynamic> json = await _collectCoverage(isolateIds: true);
expect(json.keys, unorderedEquals(<String>['type', 'coverage']));
expect(json, containsPair('type', 'CodeCoverage'));
final List coverage = json['coverage'];
expect(coverage, isNotEmpty);
final Map<String, dynamic> testAppCoverage =
_getScriptCoverage(coverage, 'test_app.dart');
List<int> hits = testAppCoverage['hits'];
_expectHitCount(hits, 44, 0);
_expectHitCount(hits, 48, 0);
final Map<String, dynamic> isolateCoverage =
_getScriptCoverage(coverage, 'test_app_isolate.dart');
hits = isolateCoverage['hits'];
_expectHitCount(hits, 9, 1);
_expectHitCount(hits, 16, 1);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _collectCoverage(
{Set<String> scopedOutput, bool isolateIds = false}) async {
scopedOutput ??= Set<String>();
final openPort = await getOpenPort();
// run the sample app, with the right flags
final sampleProcess = await runTestApp(openPort);
// Capture the VM service URI.
final serviceUriCompleter = Completer<Uri>();
final isolateIdCompleter = Completer<String>();
.listen((line) {
if (!serviceUriCompleter.isCompleted) {
final Uri serviceUri = extractObservatoryUri(line);
if (serviceUri != null) {
if (line.contains('isolateId = ')) {
isolateIdCompleter.complete(line.split(' = ')[1]);
final Uri serviceUri = await serviceUriCompleter.future;
final String isolateId = await isolateIdCompleter.future;
final Set<String> isolateIdSet = isolateIds ? Set.of([isolateId]) : null;
return collect(serviceUri, true, true, false, scopedOutput,
timeout: timeout, isolateIds: isolateIdSet);
// Returns the first coverage hitmap for the script with with the specified
// script filename, ignoring leading path.
Map<String, dynamic> _getScriptCoverage(
List<Map<String, dynamic>> coverage, String filename) {
for (Map<String, dynamic> isolateCoverage in coverage) {
final Uri script = Uri.parse(isolateCoverage['script']['uri']);
if (script.pathSegments.last == filename) {
return isolateCoverage;
return null;
/// Tests that the specified hitmap has the specified hit count for the
/// specified line.
void _expectHitCount(List<int> hits, int line, int hitCount) {
final int hitIndex = hits.indexOf(line);
if (hitIndex < 0) {
fail('No hit count for line $line');
final int actual = hits[hitIndex + 1];
expect(actual, equals(hitCount),
reason: 'Expected line $line to have $hitCount hits, but found $actual.');