blob: 0c25614f7c0fdf06c85518e758b3d42e06d40f77 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Fast fail the script on failures.
set -e
# Run pub get to fetch packages.
pub get
# Verify that the libraries are error and warning-free.
echo "Running dartanalyzer..."
dartanalyzer $DARTANALYZER_FLAGS \
bin/collect_coverage.dart \
bin/format_coverage.dart \
# Verify that dartfmt has been run.
echo "Checking dartfmt..."
if [[ $(dartfmt -n --set-exit-if-changed lib/ test/) ]]; then
echo "Failed dartfmt check: run dartfmt -w lib/ test/"
exit 1
# Run the tests.
echo "Running tests..."
pub run test --reporter expanded
# Gather coverage and upload to Coveralls.
if [ "$COVERALLS_TOKEN" ] && [ "$TRAVIS_DART_VERSION" = "dev" ]; then
echo "Collecting coverage on port $OBS_PORT..."
# Start tests in one VM.
dart --disable-service-auth-codes \
--enable-vm-service=$OBS_PORT \
--pause-isolates-on-exit \
test/test_all.dart &
# Run the coverage collector to generate the JSON coverage report.
dart bin/collect_coverage.dart \
--port=$OBS_PORT \
--out=var/coverage.json \
--wait-paused \
echo "Generating LCOV report..."
dart bin/format_coverage.dart \
--lcov \
--in=var/coverage.json \
--out=var/ \
--packages=.packages \