blob: acbeeab79aedd59ab342d9ded88d602e4c9b8174 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
// TODO(cbracken) make generic
/// Retries the specified function with the specified interval and returns
/// the result on successful completion.
Future<dynamic> retry(Future Function() f, Duration interval,
{Duration? timeout}) async {
var keepGoing = true;
Future<dynamic> withTimeout(Future Function() f, {Duration? duration}) {
if (duration == null) {
return f();
return f().timeout(duration, onTimeout: () {
keepGoing = false;
final msg = duration.inSeconds == 0
? '${duration.inMilliseconds}ms'
: '${duration.inSeconds}s';
throw StateError('Failed to complete within $msg');
return withTimeout(() async {
while (keepGoing) {
try {
return await f();
} catch (_) {
if (keepGoing) {
await Future<dynamic>.delayed(interval);
}, duration: timeout);
/// Scrapes and returns the Dart VM service URI from a string, or null if not
/// found.
/// Potentially useful as a means to extract it from log statements.
Uri? extractVMServiceUri(String str) {
final listeningMessageRegExp = RegExp(
r'(?:Observatory|The Dart VM service is) listening on ((http|//)[a-zA-Z0-9:/=_\-\.\[\]]+)',
final match = listeningMessageRegExp.firstMatch(str);
if (match != null) {
return Uri.parse(match[1]!);
return null;
/// Returns an open port by creating a temporary Socket
Future<int> getOpenPort() async {
ServerSocket socket;
try {
socket = await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0);
} catch (_) {
// try again v/ V6 only. Slight possibility that V4 is disabled
socket =
await ServerSocket.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv6, 0, v6Only: true);
try {
return socket.port;
} finally {
await socket.close();
final muliLineIgnoreStart = RegExp(r'//\s*coverage:ignore-start[\w\d\s]*$');
final muliLineIgnoreEnd = RegExp(r'//\s*coverage:ignore-end[\w\d\s]*$');
final singleLineIgnore = RegExp(r'//\s*coverage:ignore-line[\w\d\s]*$');
final ignoreFile = RegExp(r'//\s*coverage:ignore-file[\w\d\s]*$');
/// Return list containing inclusive range of lines to be ignored by coverage.
/// If there is a error in balancing the statements it will throw a FormatException,
/// unless `coverage:ignore-file` is found.
/// Return [0, lines.length] if the whole file is ignored.
/// ```
/// 1. final str = ''; // coverage:ignore-line
/// 2. final str = '';
/// 3. final str = ''; // coverage:ignore-start
/// 4. final str = '';
/// 5. final str = ''; // coverage:ignore-end
/// ```
/// Returns
/// ```
/// [
/// [1,1],
/// [3,5],
/// ]
/// ```
List<List<int>> getIgnoredLines(String filePath, List<String>? lines) {
final ignoredLines = <List<int>>[];
if (lines == null) return ignoredLines;
final allLines = [
[0, lines.length]
FormatException? err;
var i = 0;
while (i < lines.length) {
if (lines[i].contains(ignoreFile)) return allLines;
if (lines[i].contains(muliLineIgnoreEnd)) {
err ??= FormatException(
'unmatched coverage:ignore-end found at $filePath:${i + 1}',
if (lines[i].contains(singleLineIgnore)) ignoredLines.add([i + 1, i + 1]);
if (lines[i].contains(muliLineIgnoreStart)) {
final start = i;
var isUnmatched = true;
while (i < lines.length) {
if (lines[i].contains(ignoreFile)) return allLines;
if (lines[i].contains(muliLineIgnoreStart)) {
err ??= FormatException(
'coverage:ignore-start found at $filePath:${i + 1}'
' before previous coverage:ignore-start ended',
if (lines[i].contains(muliLineIgnoreEnd)) {
ignoredLines.add([start + 1, i + 1]);
isUnmatched = false;
if (isUnmatched) {
err ??= FormatException(
'coverage:ignore-start found at $filePath:${start + 1}'
' has no matching coverage:ignore-end',
if (err == null) {
return ignoredLines;
throw err;
extension StandardOutExtension on Stream<List<int>> {
Stream<String> lines() =>
transform(SystemEncoding().decoder).transform(const LineSplitter());
Future<Uri> serviceUriFromProcess(Stream<String> procStdout) {
// Capture the VM service URI.
final serviceUriCompleter = Completer<Uri>();
procStdout.listen((line) {
if (!serviceUriCompleter.isCompleted) {
final serviceUri = extractVMServiceUri(line);
if (serviceUri != null) {
return serviceUriCompleter.future;