blob: ee443885ed7e98125cefec03f49e7bf65876dfae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'util.dart';
const _retryInterval = Duration(milliseconds: 200);
/// Collects coverage for all isolates in the running VM.
/// Collects a hit-map containing merged coverage for all isolates in the Dart
/// VM associated with the specified [serviceUri]. Returns a map suitable for
/// input to the coverage formatters that ship with this package.
/// [serviceUri] must specify the http/https URI of the service port of a
/// running Dart VM and must not be null.
/// If [resume] is true, all isolates will be resumed once coverage collection
/// is complete.
/// If [waitPaused] is true, collection will not begin until all isolates are
/// in the paused state.
/// If [includeDart] is true, code coverage for core `dart:*` libraries will be
/// collected.
/// If [scopedOutput] is non-empty, coverage will be restricted so that only
/// scripts that start with any of the provided paths are considered.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> collect(Uri serviceUri, bool resume,
bool waitPaused, bool includeDart, Set<String> scopedOutput,
{Duration timeout}) async {
scopedOutput ??= Set<String>();
if (serviceUri == null) throw ArgumentError('serviceUri must not be null');
// Create websocket URI. Handle any trailing slashes.
final pathSegments =
serviceUri.pathSegments.where((c) => c.isNotEmpty).toList()..add('ws');
final uri = serviceUri.replace(scheme: 'ws', pathSegments: pathSegments);
VmService service;
await retry(() async {
try {
final options = const CompressionOptions(enabled: false);
final socket = await WebSocket.connect('$uri', compression: options);
final controller = StreamController<String>();
socket.listen((dynamic data) => controller.add(data));
service = VmService(, (String message) => socket.add(message),
log: StdoutLog(), disposeHandler: () => socket.close());
await service.getVM().timeout(_retryInterval);
} on TimeoutException {
}, _retryInterval, timeout: timeout);
try {
if (waitPaused) {
await _waitIsolatesPaused(service, timeout: timeout);
return await _getAllCoverage(service, includeDart, scopedOutput);
} finally {
if (resume) {
await _resumeIsolates(service);
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _getAllCoverage(
VmService service, bool includeDart, Set<String> scopedOutput) async {
scopedOutput ??= Set<String>();
final vm = await service.getVM();
final allCoverage = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
for (var isolateRef in vm.isolates) {
if (scopedOutput.isNotEmpty) {
final scripts = await service.getScripts(;
for (var script in scripts.scripts) {
final uri = Uri.parse(script.uri);
if (uri.scheme != 'package') continue;
final scope = uri.path.split('/').first;
// Skip scripts which should not be included in the report.
if (!scopedOutput.contains(scope)) continue;
final scriptReport = await service.getSourceReport(, <String>[SourceReportKind.kCoverage],
forceCompile: true, scriptId:;
final coverage = await _getCoverageJson(
service, isolateRef, scriptReport, includeDart);
} else {
final SourceReport isolateReport = await service.getSourceReport(,
forceCompile: true,
final coverage = await _getCoverageJson(
service, isolateRef, isolateReport, includeDart);
return <String, dynamic>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': allCoverage};
Future _resumeIsolates(VmService service) async {
final vm = await service.getVM();
for (var isolateRef in vm.isolates) {
final Isolate isolate = await service.getIsolate(;
if (isolate.pauseEvent.kind != EventKind.kResume) {
await service.resume(;
Future _waitIsolatesPaused(VmService service, {Duration timeout}) async {
final pauseEvents = Set<String>.from(<String>[
Future allPaused() async {
final VM vm = await service.getVM();
for (var isolateRef in vm.isolates) {
final Isolate isolate = await service.getIsolate(;
if (!pauseEvents.contains(isolate.pauseEvent.kind)) {
throw "Unpaused isolates remaining.";
return retry(allPaused, _retryInterval, timeout: timeout);
/// Returns the line number to which the specified token position maps.
/// Performs a binary search within the script's token position table to locate
/// the line in question.
int _getLineFromTokenPos(Script script, int tokenPos) {
// TODO(cbracken): investigate whether caching this lookup results in
// significant performance gains.
var min = 0;
var max = script.tokenPosTable.length;
while (min < max) {
final mid = min + ((max - min) >> 1);
final row = script.tokenPosTable[mid];
if (row[1] > tokenPos) {
max = mid;
} else {
for (var i = 1; i < row.length; i += 2) {
if (row[i] == tokenPos) return row.first;
min = mid + 1;
return null;
/// Returns a JSON coverage list backward-compatible with pre-1.16.0 SDKs.
Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> _getCoverageJson(VmService service,
IsolateRef isolateRef, SourceReport report, bool includeDart) async {
// script uri -> { line -> hit count }
final hitMaps = <Uri, Map<int, int>>{};
final scripts = <ScriptRef, Script>{};
for (var range in report.ranges) {
final scriptRef = report.scripts[range.scriptIndex];
final Uri scriptUri = Uri.parse(report.scripts[range.scriptIndex].uri);
// Not returned in scripts section of source report.
if (scriptUri.scheme == 'evaluate') continue;
// Skip scripts from dart:.
if (!includeDart && scriptUri.scheme == 'dart') continue;
if (!scripts.containsKey(scriptRef)) {
scripts[scriptRef] = await service.getObject(,;
final script = scripts[scriptRef];
// Look up the hit map for this script (shared across isolates).
final hitMap = hitMaps.putIfAbsent(scriptUri, () => <int, int>{});
// Collect hits and misses.
final coverage = range.coverage;
if (coverage == null) continue;
for (final tokenPos in coverage.hits) {
final line = _getLineFromTokenPos(script, tokenPos);
if (line == null) {
print('tokenPos $tokenPos has no line mapping for script $scriptUri');
hitMap[line] = hitMap.containsKey(line) ? hitMap[line] + 1 : 1;
for (final tokenPos in coverage.misses) {
final line = _getLineFromTokenPos(script, tokenPos);
if (line == null) {
print('tokenPos $tokenPos has no line mapping for script $scriptUri');
hitMap.putIfAbsent(line, () => 0);
// Output JSON
final coverage = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
hitMaps.forEach((uri, hitMap) {
coverage.add(_toScriptCoverageJson(uri, hitMap));
return coverage;
/// Returns a JSON hit map backward-compatible with pre-1.16.0 SDKs.
Map<String, dynamic> _toScriptCoverageJson(
Uri scriptUri, Map<int, int> hitMap) {
final json = <String, dynamic>{};
final hits = <int>[];
hitMap.forEach((line, hitCount) {
json['source'] = '$scriptUri';
json['script'] = {
'type': '@Script',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'libraries/1/scripts/${Uri.encodeComponent(scriptUri.toString())}',
'uri': '$scriptUri',
'_kind': 'library',
json['hits'] = hits;
return json;
class StdoutLog extends Log {
void warning(String message) => print(message);
void severe(String message) => print(message);