blob: e08b25111f0c57196b0a758e631a44a5ef382d07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:coverage/src/util.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/parser.dart';
/// Returns a Dart based hit-map containing coverage report for the provided
/// Chrome [preciseCoverage].
/// [sourceProvider] returns the source content for the Chrome scriptId, or null
/// if not available.
/// [sourceMapProvider] returns the associated source map content for the Chrome
/// scriptId, or null if not available.
/// [sourceUriProvider] returns the uri for the provided sourceUrl and
/// associated scriptId.
/// Chrome coverage information for which the corresponding source map or source
/// content is null will be ignored.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> parseChromeCoverage(
List<Map<String, dynamic>> preciseCoverage,
Future<String> Function(String scriptId) sourceProvider,
Future<String> Function(String scriptId) sourceMapProvider,
Future<Uri> Function(String sourceUrl, String scriptId) sourceUriProvider,
) async {
final coverageReport = <Uri, Map<int, bool>>{};
for (Map<String, dynamic> entry in preciseCoverage) {
final String scriptId = entry['scriptId'];
final mapResponse = await sourceMapProvider(scriptId);
if (mapResponse == null) continue;
SingleMapping mapping;
try {
mapping = parse(mapResponse);
} on FormatException {
} on ArgumentError {
final compiledSource = await sourceProvider(scriptId);
if (compiledSource == null) continue;
final coverageInfo = _coverageInfoFor(entry);
final offsetCoverage = _offsetCoverage(coverageInfo, compiledSource.length);
final coveredPositions = _coveredPositions(compiledSource, offsetCoverage);
for (var lineEntry in mapping.lines) {
for (var columnEntry in lineEntry.entries) {
if (columnEntry.sourceUrlId == null) continue;
final sourceUrl = mapping.urls[columnEntry.sourceUrlId];
// Ignore coverage information for the SDK.
if (sourceUrl.startsWith('org-dartlang-sdk:')) continue;
final uri = await sourceUriProvider(sourceUrl, scriptId);
final coverage = coverageReport.putIfAbsent(uri, () => <int, bool>{});
final current = coverage[columnEntry.sourceLine + 1] ?? false;
coverage[columnEntry.sourceLine + 1] = current ||
_Position(lineEntry.line + 1, columnEntry.column + 1));
final coverageHitMaps = <Uri, Map<int, int>>{};
coverageReport.forEach((uri, coverage) {
final hitMap = <int, int>{};
for (var line in coverage.keys.toList()..sort()) {
hitMap[line] = coverage[line] ? 1 : 0;
coverageHitMaps[uri] = hitMap;
final allCoverage = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
coverageHitMaps.forEach((uri, hitMap) {
allCoverage.add(toScriptCoverageJson(uri, hitMap));
return <String, dynamic>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': allCoverage};
/// Returns all covered positions in a provided source.
Set<_Position> _coveredPositions(
String compiledSource, List<bool> offsetCoverage) {
final positions = Set<_Position>();
// Line is 1 based.
var line = 1;
// Column is 1 based.
var column = 0;
for (var offset = 0; offset < compiledSource.length; offset++) {
if (compiledSource[offset] == '\n') {
column = 0;
} else {
if (offsetCoverage[offset]) positions.add(_Position(line, column));
return positions;
/// Returns coverage information for a Chrome entry.
List<_CoverageInfo> _coverageInfoFor(Map<String, dynamic> entry) {
final result = <_CoverageInfo>[];
for (Map<String, dynamic> functions in entry['functions']) {
for (Map<String, dynamic> range in functions['ranges']) {
range['count'] > 0,
return result;
/// Returns the coverage information for each offset.
List<bool> _offsetCoverage(List<_CoverageInfo> coverageInfo, int sourceLength) {
final offsetCoverage = List.filled(sourceLength, false);
// Sort coverage information by their size.
// Coverage information takes granularity as precedence.
coverageInfo.sort((a, b) =>
(b.endOffset - b.startOffset).compareTo(a.endOffset - a.startOffset));
for (var range in coverageInfo) {
for (var i = range.startOffset; i < range.endOffset; i++) {
offsetCoverage[i] = range.isCovered;
return offsetCoverage;
class _CoverageInfo {
_CoverageInfo(this.startOffset, this.endOffset, this.isCovered);
/// 0 based byte offset.
final int startOffset;
/// 0 based byte offset.
final int endOffset;
final bool isCovered;
/// A covered position in a source file where [line] and [column] are 1 based.
class _Position {
_Position(this.line, this.column);
final int line;
final int column;
int get hashCode => hash2(line, column);
bool operator ==(dynamic o) =>
o is _Position && o.line == line && o.column == column;