blob: efa220cf9fbe6740c235c830beaf86d22e098287 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:googleapis/pubsub/v1.dart' as pubsub;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'common.dart';
import 'service_scope.dart' as ss;
import 'src/common_utils.dart';
export 'common.dart';
part 'src/pubsub_impl.dart';
const Symbol _pubsubKey = #gcloud.pubsub;
/// Access the [PubSub] object available in the current service scope.
/// The returned object will be the one which was previously registered with
/// [registerPubSubService] within the current (or a parent) service scope.
/// Accessing this getter outside of a service scope will result in an error.
/// See the `package:gcloud/service_scope.dart` library for more information.
PubSub get pubsubService => ss.lookup(_pubsubKey) as PubSub;
/// Registers the [pubsub] object within the current service scope.
/// The provided `pubsub` object will be available via the top-level
/// `pubsubService` getter.
/// Calling this function outside of a service scope will result in an error.
/// Calling this function more than once inside the same service scope is not
/// allowed.
void registerPubSubService(PubSub pubsub) {
ss.register(_pubsubKey, pubsub);
/// A Cloud Pub/Sub client.
/// Connects to the Cloud Pub/Sub service and gives access to its operations.
/// Google Cloud Pub/Sub is a reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging
/// service from Google Cloud Platform. A detailed overview is available on
/// [Pub/Sub docs](
/// To access Pub/Sub, an authenticate HTTP client is required. This client
/// should as a minimum provide access to the scopes `PubSub.Scopes`.
/// The following example shows how to access Pub/Sub using a service account
/// and pull a message from a subscription.
/// import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
/// import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart' as auth;
/// import 'package:gcloud/pubsub.dart';
/// Future<http.Client> createClient() {
/// // Service account credentials retrieved from Cloud Console.
/// String creds =
/// r'''
/// {
/// "private_key_id": ...,
/// "private_key": ...,
/// "client_email": ...,
/// "client_id": ...,
/// "type": "service_account"
/// }''';
/// return auth.clientViaServiceAccount(
/// new auth.ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(creds),
/// PubSub.Scopes);
/// }
/// main() {
/// var project = 'my-project';
/// var client;
/// var pubsub;
/// createClient().then((c) {
/// client = c;
/// pubsub = new PubSub(client, project);
/// return pubsub.lookupSubscription('my-subscription');
/// })
/// .then((Subscription subscription) => subscription.pull())
/// .then((PullEvent event) => print('Message ${event.message.asString}'))
/// .whenComplete(() => client.close());
/// }
/// When working with topics and subscriptions they are referred to using
/// names. These names can be either relative names or absolute names.
/// An absolute name of a topic starts with `projects/` and has the form:
/// projects/<project-id>/topics/<relative-name>
/// When a relative topic name is used, its absolute name is generated by
/// pre-pending `projects/<project-id>/topics/`, where `<project-id>` is the
/// project id passed to the constructor.
/// An absolute name of a subscription starts with `projects/` and has the
/// form:
/// projects/<project-id>/subscriptions/<relative-name>
/// When a relative subscription name is used, its absolute name is
/// generated by pre-pending `projects/<project-id>/subscriptions/`, where
/// `<project-id>` is the project id passed to the constructor.
abstract class PubSub {
/// List of required OAuth2 scopes for Pub/Sub operation.
// ignore: constant_identifier_names
static const SCOPES = [pubsub.PubsubApi.pubsubScope];
/// Access Pub/Sub using an authenticated client.
/// The [client] is an authenticated HTTP client. This client must
/// provide access to at least the scopes in `PubSub.Scopes`.
/// The [project] is the name of the Google Cloud project.
/// Returns an object providing access to Pub/Sub. The passed-in [client] will
/// not be closed automatically. The caller is responsible for closing it.
factory PubSub(http.Client client, String project) {
var emulator = Platform.environment['PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST'];
return emulator == null
? _PubSubImpl(client, project)
: _PubSubImpl.rootUrl(client, project, 'http://$emulator/');
/// The name of the project.
String get project;
/// Create a new topic named [name].
/// The [name] can be either an absolute name or a relative name.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with the newly created topic.
Future<Topic> createTopic(String name);
/// Delete topic named [name].
/// The [name] can be either an absolute name or a relative name.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with `null` when the operation
/// is finished.
Future deleteTopic(String name);
/// Look up topic named [name].
/// The [name] can be either an absolute name or a relative name.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with the topic.
Future<Topic> lookupTopic(String name);
/// Lists all topics.
/// Returns a `Stream` of topics.
Stream<Topic> listTopics();
/// Start paging through all topics.
/// The maximum number of topics in each page is specified in [pageSize].
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with a `Page` object holding the
/// first page. Use the `Page` object to move to the next page of topics.
Future<Page<Topic>> pageTopics({int pageSize = 50});
/// Create a new subscription named [name] listening on topic [topic].
/// If [endpoint] is passed this will create a push subscription.
/// Otherwise this will create a pull subscription.
/// The [name] can be either an absolute name or a relative name.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with the newly created subscription.
Future<Subscription> createSubscription(String name, String topic,
{Uri endpoint});
/// Delete subscription named [name].
/// The [name] can be either an absolute name or a relative name.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with the subscription.
Future deleteSubscription(String name);
/// Lookup subscription with named [name].
/// The [name] can be either an absolute name or a relative name.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with the subscription.
Future<Subscription> lookupSubscription(String name);
/// List subscriptions.
/// If [query] is passed this will list all subscriptions matching the query.
/// Otherwise this will list all subscriptions.
/// The only supported query string is the name of a topic. If a name of a
/// topic is passed as [query], this will list all subscriptions on that
/// topic.
/// Returns a `Stream` of subscriptions.
Stream<Subscription> listSubscriptions([String query]);
/// Start paging through subscriptions.
/// If [topic] is passed this will list all subscriptions to that topic.
/// Otherwise this will list all subscriptions.
/// The maximum number of subscriptions in each page is specified in
/// [pageSize]
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with a `Page` object holding the
/// first page. Use the `Page` object to move to the next page of
/// subscriptions.
Future<Page<Subscription>> pageSubscriptions(
{String topic, int pageSize = 50});
/// A Pub/Sub topic.
/// A topic is used by a publisher to publish (send) messages.
abstract class Topic {
/// The relative name of this topic.
String get name;
/// The name of the project for this topic.
String get project;
/// The absolute name of this topic.
String get absoluteName;
/// Delete this topic.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with `null` when the operation
/// is finished.
Future delete();
/// Publish a message.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with `null` when the operation
/// is finished.
Future publish(Message message);
/// Publish a string as a message.
/// The message will get the attributes specified in [attributes].
/// The [attributes] are passed together with the message to the receiver.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with `null` when the operation
/// is finished.
Future publishString(String message, {Map<String, String> attributes});
/// Publish bytes as a message.
/// The message will get the attributes specified in [attributes].
/// The [attributes] are passed together with the message to the receiver.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with `null` when the operation
/// is finished.
Future publishBytes(List<int> message, {Map<String, String> attributes});
/// A Pub/Sub subscription
/// A subscription is used to receive messages. A subscriber application
/// create a subscription on a topic to receive messages from it.
/// Subscriptions can be either pull subscriptions or push subscriptions.
/// For a pull subscription the receiver calls the `Subscription.pull`
/// method on the subscription object to get the next message.
/// For a push subscription a HTTPS endpoint is configured. This endpoint get
/// POST requests with the messages.
abstract class Subscription {
/// The relative name of this subscription.
String get name;
/// The name of the project for this subscription.
String get project;
/// The absolute name of this subscription.
String get absoluteName;
/// The topic subscribed to.
Topic get topic;
/// Whether this is a push subscription.
/// A push subscription is configured with an endpoint URI, and messages
/// are automatically sent to this endpoint without needing to call [pull].
bool get isPush;
/// Whether this is a pull subscription.
/// A subscription without a configured endpoint URI is a pull subscription.
/// Messages are not delivered automatically, but must instead be requested
/// using [pull].
bool get isPull;
/// The URI for the push endpoint.
/// If this is a pull subscription this is `null`.
Uri? get endpoint;
/// Update the push configuration with a new endpoint.
/// if [endpoint] is `null`, the subscription stops delivering messages
/// automatically, and becomes a pull subscription, if it isn't already.
/// If [endpoint] is not `null`, the subscription will be a push
/// subscription, if it wasn't already, and Pub/Sub will start automatically
/// delivering message to the endpoint URI.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes when the operation completes.
Future updatePushConfiguration(Uri endpoint);
/// Delete this subscription.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes when the operation completes.
Future delete();
/// Pull a message from the subscription.
/// If `wait` is `true` (the default), the method will wait for a message
/// to become available, and will then complete the `Future` with a
/// `PullEvent` containing the message.
/// If [wait] is `false`, the method will complete the returned `Future`
/// with `null` if it finds that there are no messages available.
Future<PullEvent?> pull({bool wait = true});
/// The content of a Pub/Sub message.
/// All Pub/Sub messages consist of a body of binary data and has an optional
/// set of attributes (key-value pairs) associated with it.
/// A `Message` contains the message body a list of bytes. The message body can
/// be read and written as a String, in which case the string is converted to
/// or from UTF-8 automatically.
abstract class Message {
/// Creates a new message with a String for the body. The String will
/// be UTF-8 encoded to create the actual binary body for the message.
/// Message attributes can be passed in the [attributes] map.
factory Message.withString(String message, {Map<String, String> attributes}) =
/// Creates a new message with a binary body.
/// Message attributes can be passed in the [attributes] Map.
factory Message.withBytes(List<int> message,
{Map<String, String> attributes}) = _MessageImpl.withBytes;
/// The message body as a String.
/// The binary body is decoded into a String using an UTF-8 decoder.
/// If the body is not UTF-8 encoded use the [asBytes] getter and manually
/// apply the correct decoding.
String get asString;
/// The message body as bytes.
List<int> get asBytes;
/// The attributes for this message.
Map<String, String> get attributes;
/// A Pub/Sub pull event.
/// Instances of this class are returned when pulling messages with
/// [Subscription.pull].
abstract class PullEvent {
/// The message content.
Message get message;
/// Acknowledge reception of this message.
/// Returns a `Future` which completes with `null` when the acknowledge has
/// been processed.
Future acknowledge();
/// Pub/Sub push event.
/// This class can be used in a HTTP server for decoding messages pushed to
/// an endpoint.
/// When a message is received on a push endpoint use the [PushEvent.fromJson]
/// constructor with the HTTP body to decode the received message.
/// E.g. with a `dart:io` HTTP handler:
/// void pushHandler(HttpRequest request) {
/// // Decode the JSON body.
/// request.transform(UTF8.decoder).join('').then((body) {
/// // Decode the JSON into a push message.
/// var message = new PushMessage.fromJson(body)
/// // Process the message...
/// // Respond with status code 20X to acknowledge the message.
/// response.statusCode = statusCode;
/// response.close();
/// });
/// }
abstract class PushEvent {
/// The message content.
Message get message;
/// The absolute name of the subscription.
String get subscriptionName;
/// Create a `PushMessage` from JSON received on a Pub/Sub push endpoint.
factory PushEvent.fromJson(String json) = _PushEventImpl.fromJson;