| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % GLFW Users Guide |
| % API Version: 2.7 |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| % Document class |
| \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,oneside]{report} |
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| % Document title and API version |
| \newcommand{\glfwdoctype}[1][0]{Users Guide} |
| \newcommand{\glfwapiver}[1][0]{2.7} |
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| \input{glfwdoc.sty} |
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| \hypersetup{pdftitle={GLFW Users Guide}} |
| \hypersetup{pdfauthor={Marcus Geelnard}} |
| \hypersetup{pdfkeywords={GLFW,OpenGL,guide,manual}} |
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| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Document body |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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| \begin{document} |
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| \pagestyle{plain} |
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| % Title page |
| \glfwmaketitle |
| |
| % Summary, trademarks and table of contents |
| \pagenumbering{roman} |
| \setcounter{page}{1} |
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| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Summary and Trademarks |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \chapter*{Summary} |
| |
| This document is a users guide for the \GLFW\ API that gives a practical |
| introduction to using \GLFW . For a more detailed description of the |
| \GLFW\ API you should refer to the \textit{GLFW Reference Manual}. |
| \vspace{10cm} |
| |
| \large |
| Trademarks |
| |
| \small |
| OpenGL and IRIX are registered trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc.\linebreak |
| Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.\linebreak |
| Mac OS is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.\linebreak |
| Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.\linebreak |
| FreeBSD is a registered trademark of Wind River Systems, Inc.\linebreak |
| Solaris is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.\linebreak |
| UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.\linebreak |
| X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group.\linebreak |
| POSIX is a trademark of IEEE.\linebreak |
| Truevision, TARGA and TGA are registered trademarks of Truevision, Inc.\linebreak |
| IBM is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation.\linebreak |
| |
| All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. |
| \normalsize |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Table of contents |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \tableofcontents |
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| % Document chapters starts here... |
| \pagenumbering{arabic} |
| \setcounter{page}{1} |
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| \pagestyle{fancy} |
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| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Introduction |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \chapter{Introduction} |
| \thispagestyle{fancy} |
| \GLFW\ is a portable API (Application Program Interface) that handles |
| operating system specific tasks related to \OpenGL\ programming. While |
| \OpenGL\ in general is portable, easy to use and often results in tidy and |
| compact code, the operating system specific mechanisms that are required |
| to set up and manage an \OpenGL\ window are quite the opposite. \GLFW\ tries |
| to remedy this by providing the following functionality: |
| |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item Opening and managing an \OpenGL\ window. |
| \item Keyboard, mouse and joystick input. |
| \item A high precision timer. |
| \item Support for querying and using \OpenGL\ extensions. |
| \end{itemize} |
| \vspace{18pt} |
| |
| All this functionality is implemented as a set of easy-to-use functions, |
| which makes it possible to write an \OpenGL\ application framework in just a |
| few lines of code. The \GLFW\ API is completely operating system and |
| platform independent, which makes it very simple to port \GLFW\ based \OpenGL\ |
| applications to a variety of platforms. |
| |
| Currently supported platforms are: |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item Microsoft Windows\textsuperscript{\textregistered} 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/.NET Server. |
| \item Unix\textsuperscript{\textregistered} or Unix-like systems running the |
| X Window System\texttrademark, e.g. Linux\textsuperscript{\textregistered}, |
| IRIX\textsuperscript{\textregistered}, FreeBSD\textsuperscript{\textregistered}, |
| Solaris\texttrademark, QNX\textsuperscript{\textregistered} and |
| Mac OS\textsuperscript{\textregistered} X. |
| \item Mac OS\textsuperscript{\textregistered} X (Carbon)\footnote{Support for joysticks missing at the time of writing.} |
| \end{itemize} |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Getting Started |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \chapter{Getting Started} |
| \thispagestyle{fancy} |
| In this chapter you will learn how to write a simple \OpenGL\ application |
| using \GLFW . We start by initializing \GLFW , then we open a window and |
| read some user keyboard input. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Initializing GLFW} |
| Before using any of the \GLFW\ functions, it is necessary to call |
| \textbf{glfwInit}. It initializes internal working variables that are used |
| by other \GLFW\ functions. The C syntax is: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwInit( void ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| \textbf{glfwInit} returns GL\_TRUE if initialization succeeded, or |
| GL\_FALSE if it failed. |
| |
| When your application is done using \GLFW , typically at the very end of |
| the program, you should call \textbf{glfwTerminate}, which makes a clean |
| up and places \GLFW\ in a non-initialized state (i.e. it is necessary to |
| call \textbf{glfwInit} again before using any \GLFW\ functions). The C |
| syntax is: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwTerminate( void ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Among other things, \textbf{glfwTerminate} closes the \OpenGL\ window |
| unless it was closed manually. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Opening An OpenGL Window} |
| Opening an \OpenGL\ window is done with the function |
| \textbf{glfwOpenWindow}. The function takes nine arguments, which are used |
| to describe the following properties of the window to open: |
| |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item Window dimensions (width and height) in pixels. |
| \item Color and alpha buffer depth. |
| \item Depth buffer (Z-buffer) depth. |
| \item Stencil buffer depth. |
| \item Fullscreen or windowed mode. |
| \end{itemize} |
| |
| The C language syntax for \textbf{glfwOpenWindow} is: |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwOpenWindow( int width, int height, |
| int redbits, int greenbits, int bluebits, |
| int alphabits, int depthbits, int stencilbits, |
| int mode ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| \textbf{glfwOpenWindow} returns GL\_TRUE if the window was opened |
| correctly, or GL\_FALSE if \GLFW\ failed to open the window. |
| |
| \GLFW\ tries to open a window that best matches the requested parameters. |
| Some parameters may be omitted by setting them to zero, which will result |
| in \GLFW\ either using a default value, or the related functionality to be |
| disabled. For instance, if \textit{width} and \textit{height} are both |
| zero, \GLFW\ will use a window resolution of 640x480. If |
| \textit{depthbits} is zero, the opened window may not have a depth buffer. |
| |
| The \textit{mode} argument is used to specify if the window is to be a |
| s.c. fullscreen window, or a regular window. |
| |
| If \textit{mode} is GLFW\_FULLSCREEN, the window will cover the entire |
| screen and no window borders will be visible. If possible, the video mode |
| will be changed to the mode that closest matches the \textit{width}, |
| \textit{height}, \textit{redbits}, \textit{greenbits}, \textit{bluebits} |
| and \textit{alphabits} arguments. Furthermore, the mouse pointer will be |
| hidden, and screensavers are prohibited. This is usually the best mode for |
| games and demos. |
| |
| If \textit{mode} is GLFW\_WINDOW, the window will be opened as a normal |
| window on the desktop. The mouse pointer will not be hidden, and |
| screensavers are allowed to be activated. |
| |
| To close the window, you can either use \textbf{glfwTerminate}, as |
| described earlier, or you can use the more explicit approach by calling |
| \textbf{glfwCloseWindow}, which has the C syntax: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwCloseWindow( void ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Using Keyboard Input} |
| \GLFW\ provides several means for receiving user input, which will be |
| discussed in more detail in chapter \ref{par:inputhandling}. One of the |
| simplest ways of checking for keyboard input is to use the function |
| \textbf{glfwGetKey}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetKey( int key ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| It queries the current status of individual keyboard keys. The argument |
| \textit{key} specifies which key to check, and it can be either an |
| uppercase printable ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) character (e.g. `A', `3' or `.'), |
| or a special key identifier (see the \textit{GLFW Reference Manual} for a |
| list of special key identifiers). \textbf{glfwGetKey} returns GLFW\_PRESS |
| (or 1) if the key is currently held down, or GLFW\_RELEASE (or 0) if the |
| key is not being held down. For example: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| A_pressed = glfwGetKey( 'A' ); |
| esc_pressed = glfwGetKey( GLFW_KEY_ESC ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| In order for \textbf{glfwGetKey} to have any effect, you need to poll for |
| input events on a regular basis. This can be done in one of two ways: |
| |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| \item Implicitly by calling \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} often. |
| \item Explicitly by calling \textbf{glfwPollEvents} often. |
| \end{enumerate} |
| |
| In general you do not have to care about this, since you will normally |
| call \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} to swap front and back rendering buffers |
| every animation frame anyway. If, however, this is not the case, you |
| should call \textbf{glfwPollEvents} in the order of 10-100 times per |
| second in order for \GLFW\ to maintain an up to date input state. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Putting It Together: A Minimal GLFW Application} |
| Now that you know how to initialize \GLFW , open a window and poll for |
| keyboard input, let us exemplify this with a simple \OpenGL\ program. In |
| the following example some error-checking has been omitted for the sake of |
| brevity: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| #include <GL/glfw.h> |
| |
| int main( void ) |
| { |
| int running = GL_TRUE; |
| |
| // Initialize GLFW |
| glfwInit(); |
| |
| // Open an OpenGL window |
| if( !glfwOpenWindow( 300,300, 0,0,0,0,0,0, GLFW_WINDOW ) ) |
| { |
| glfwTerminate(); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| // Main loop |
| while( running ) |
| { |
| // OpenGL rendering goes here... |
| glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT ); |
| |
| // Swap front and back rendering buffers |
| glfwSwapBuffers(); |
| |
| // Check if ESC key was pressed or window was closed |
| running = !glfwGetKey( GLFW_KEY_ESC ) && |
| glfwGetWindowParam( GLFW_OPENED ); |
| } |
| |
| // Close window and terminate GLFW |
| glfwTerminate(); |
| |
| // Exit program |
| return 0; |
| } |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The program opens a 300x300 window and runs in a loop until the escape key |
| is pressed, or the window was closed. All the \OpenGL\ ``rendering'' that |
| is done in this example is to clear the window. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Window Operations |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \chapter{Window Operations} |
| \thispagestyle{fancy} |
| In this chapter, you will learn more about window related \GLFW\ |
| functionality, including: setting and getting window properties, buffer |
| swap control and video mode querying. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Setting Window Properties} |
| In the previous chapter the \textbf{glfwOpenWindow} function was |
| described, which specifies the sizes of the color, alpha, depth and |
| stencil buffers. It is also possible to request an accumulator buffer, |
| auxiliary buffers and stereo rendering by using the |
| \textbf{glfwOpenWindowHint} function: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwOpenWindowHint( int target, int hint ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The \textit{target} argument can be one of the constants listed in table~ |
| \ref{tab:winhints}, and \textit{hint} is the value to assign to the |
| specified target. |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \begin{table}[p] |
| \begin{center} |
| \begin{tabular}{|l|l|p{7.0cm}|} \hline \raggedright |
| \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Default} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline |
| GLFW\_REFRESH\_RATE & 0 & Vertical monitor refresh rate in Hz (only used for fullscreen windows). Zero means system default.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_RED\_BITS & 0 & Number of bits for the red channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_GREEN\_BITS & 0 & Number of bits for the green channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_BLUE\_BITS & 0 & Number of bits for the blue channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_ALPHA\_BITS & 0 & Number of bits for the alpha channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_AUX\_BUFFERS & 0 & Number of auxiliary buffers.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_STEREO & GL\_FALSE & Specify if stereo rendering should be supported (can be GL\_TRUE or GL\_FALSE).\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_WINDOW\_NO\_RESIZE & GL\_FALSE & Specify whether the window can be resized (not used for fullscreen windows).\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_FSAA\_SAMPLES & 0 & Number of samples to use for the multisampling buffer. Zero disables multisampling.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_OPENGL\_VERSION\_MAJOR & 0 & Major number of the desired OpenGL version. |
| The default requests the highest OpenGL version equal to or lower than 2.1.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_OPENGL\_VERSION\_MINOR & 0 & Minor number of the desired OpenGL version. |
| The default requests the highest OpenGL version equal to or lower than 2.1.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_OPENGL\_FORWARD\_COMPAT & GL\_FALSE & Specify whether the OpenGL context should be forward compatible (i.e. disallow legacy functionality). |
| This hint is ignored for OpenGL version 2.1 and below.\\ \hline |
| \end{tabular} |
| \end{center} |
| \caption{Targets for \textbf{glfwOpenWindowHint}} |
| \label{tab:winhints} |
| \end{table} |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| For a hint to have any effect, the \textbf{glfwOpenWindowHint} function |
| must be called before opening the window with the \textbf{glfwOpenWindow} |
| function. |
| |
| To request an accumulator buffer, set the GLFW\_ACCUM\_x\_BITS targets to |
| values greater than zero (usually eight or sixteen bits per component). |
| To request auxiliary buffers, set the GLFW\_AUX\_BUFFERS target to a value |
| greater than zero. To request a stereo rendering capable window, set the |
| GLFW\_STEREO target to GL\_TRUE. |
| |
| If you want to enable fullscreen antialiasing, set the GLFW\_FSAA\_SAMPLES |
| target to a value greater than zero. If the windowing system is unable to |
| fulfil the request, \GLFW\ will degrade gracefully and disable FSAA if necessary. |
| |
| The GLFW\_REFRESH\_RATE target should be used with caution, since it may |
| result in suboptimal operation, or even a blank or damaged screen. |
| |
| If you want to create a context with OpenGL version 3.0 or above you have to |
| accordingly. If you don't do this, the highest OpenGL version available for a |
| context is 2.1 or lower. |
| |
| Besides the parameters that are given with the \textbf{glfwOpenWindow} and |
| \textbf{glfwOpenWindowHint} functions, a few more properties of a window |
| can be changed after the window has been opened, namely the window title, |
| window size, and window position. |
| |
| To change the window title of an open window, use the |
| \textbf{glfwSetWindowTitle} function: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetWindowTitle( const char *title ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| \textit{title} is a null terminated ISO~8859-1 (8-bit Latin~1) string that |
| will be used as the window title. It will also be used as the application |
| name (for instance in the application list when using \texttt{ALT+TAB} |
| under Windows, or as the icon name when the window is iconified under |
| the X Window System). The default window name is ``GLFW Window'', which |
| will be used unless \textbf{glfwSetWindowTitle} is called after the window |
| has been opened. |
| |
| To change the size of a window, call \textbf{glfwSetWindowSize}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetWindowSize( int width, int height ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Where \textit{width} and \textit{height} are the new dimensions of the |
| window. |
| |
| To change the position of a window, call \textbf{glfwSetWindowPos}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetWindowPos( int x, int y ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Where \textit{x} and \textit{y} are the new desktop coordinates of the |
| window. This function does not have any effect when in fullscreen mode. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Getting Window Properties} |
| When opening a window, the opened window will not necessarily have the |
| requested properties, so you should always check the parameters that your |
| application relies on (e.g. number of stencil bits) using |
| \textbf{glfwGetWindowParam}, which has the C syntax: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetWindowParam( int param ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{param} can be one of the tokens listed in table |
| \ref{tab:winparams}, and the return value is an integer holding the |
| requested value. |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \begin{table}[p] |
| \begin{center} |
| \begin{tabular}{|l|p{9.5cm}|} \hline \raggedright |
| \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline |
| GLFW\_OPENED & GL\_TRUE if window is opened, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACTIVE & GL\_TRUE if window has focus, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ICONIFIED & GL\_TRUE if window is iconified, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCELERATED & GL\_TRUE if window is hardware accelerated, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_RED\_BITS & Number of bits for the red color component.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_GREEN\_BITS & Number of bits for the green color component.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_BLUE\_BITS & Number of bits for the blue color component.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ALPHA\_BITS & Number of bits for the alpha buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_DEPTH\_BITS & Number of bits for the depth buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_STENCIL\_BITS & Number of bits for the stencil buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_REFRESH\_RATE & Vertical monitor refresh rate in Hz. Zero indicates an unknown or a default refresh rate.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_RED\_BITS & Number of bits for the red channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_GREEN\_BITS & Number of bits for the green channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_BLUE\_BITS & Number of bits for the blue channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_ACCUM\_ALPHA\_BITS & Number of bits for the alpha channel of the accumulator buffer.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_AUX\_BUFFERS & Number of auxiliary buffers.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_STEREO & GL\_TRUE if stereo rendering is supported, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_WINDOW\_NO\_RESIZE & GL\_TRUE if the window cannot be resized, else GL\_FALSE.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_FSAA\_SAMPLES & Number of multisampling buffer samples. Zero indicated multisampling is disabled.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_OPENGL\_VERSION\_MAJOR & Major number of the desired OpenGL version.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_OPENGL\_VERSION\_MINOR & Minor number of the desired OpenGL version.\\ \hline |
| GLFW\_OPENGL\_FORWARD\_COMPAT & GL\_TRUE if the OpenGL context is forward compatible (i.e. disallows legacy functionality), else GL\_FALSE. |
| This is always GL\_FALSE for OpenGL version 2.1 and below.\\ \hline |
| \end{tabular} |
| \end{center} |
| \caption{Window parameters for \textbf{glfwGetWindowParam}} |
| \label{tab:winparams} |
| \end{table} |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Another useful function is \textbf{glfwSetWindowSizeCallback}, which |
| specifies a user function that will be called every time the window size |
| has changed. The C syntax is: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetWindowSizeCallback( GLFWwindowsizefun cbfun ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The user function \textit{fun} should be of the type: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void GLFWCALL fun( int width, int height ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The first argument passed to the user function is the width of the window, |
| and the second argument is the height of the window. Here is an example |
| of how to use a window size callback function: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int WinWidth, WinHeight; |
| |
| void GLFWCALL WindowResize( int width, int height ) |
| { |
| WinWidth = width; |
| WinHeight = height; |
| } |
| |
| int main( void ) |
| { |
| ... |
| glfwSetWindowSizeCallback( WindowResize ); |
| ... |
| } |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Using a callback function for getting the window size is mostly useful for |
| windowed applications, since the window size may be changed at any time by |
| the user. It can also be used to determine the actual fullscreen |
| resolution. |
| |
| An alternative to using a callback function for getting the window size, |
| is to use the function \textbf{glfwGetWindowSize}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwGetWindowSize( int *width, int *height ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The \textit{width} and \textit{height} arguments are filled out with the |
| current window dimensions. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Buffer Swapping} |
| \GLFW\ windows are always double buffered. That means that you have two |
| rendering buffers; a front buffer and a back buffer. The front buffer is |
| the buffer that is being displayed, and the back buffer is not displayed. |
| \OpenGL\ lets you select which of these two buffers you want to render to |
| (with the \textbf{glDrawBuffer} command), but the default (and preferred) |
| rendering buffer is the back buffer. This way you will avoid flickering |
| and artifacts caused by graphics being only partly drawn at the same time |
| as the video raster beam is displaying the graphics on the monitor. |
| |
| When an entire frame has been rendered to the back buffer, it is time to |
| swap the back and the front buffers in order to display the rendered |
| frame, and begin rendering a new frame. This is done with the command |
| \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers}. The C syntax is: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSwapBuffers( void ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Besides swapping the front and back rendering buffers, |
| \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} also calls \textbf{glfwPollEvents}\footnote{This |
| behavior can be disabled by calling \textbf{glfwDisable} with the argument |
| GLFW\_AUTO\_POLL\_EVENTS.}. This is to ensure frequent polling of events, |
| such as keyboard and mouse input, and window reshaping events. |
| |
| Sometimes it can be useful to select when the buffer swap will occur. With |
| the function \textbf{glfwSwapInterval} it is possible to select the |
| minimum number of vertical retraces the video raster line should do before |
| swapping the buffers: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSwapInterval( int interval ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| If \textit{interval} is zero, the swap will take place immediately when |
| \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} is called, without waiting for a vertical retrace |
| (also known as ``vsync off''). Otherwise at least \textit{interval} |
| retraces will pass between each buffer swap (also known as ``vsync on''). |
| Using a swap interval of zero can be useful for benchmarking purposes, |
| when it is not desirable to measure the time it takes to wait for the |
| vertical retrace. However, a swap interval of 1 generally gives better |
| visual quality. |
| |
| It should be noted that not all \OpenGL\ implementations and hardware |
| support this function, in which case \textbf{glfwSwapInterval} will have |
| no effect. Sometimes it is only possible to affect the swap interval |
| through driver settings (e.g. the display settings under Windows, or as an |
| environment variable setting under Unix). |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Querying Video Modes} |
| Although \GLFW\ generally does a good job at selecting a suitable video |
| mode for you when you open a fullscreen window, it is sometimes useful to |
| know exactly which modes are available on a certain system. For example, |
| you may want to present the user with a list of video modes to select |
| from. To get a list of available video modes, you can use the function |
| \textbf{glfwGetVideoModes}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetVideoModes( GLFWvidmode *list, int maxcount ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{list} is a vector of GLFWvidmode structures, and |
| \textit{maxcount} is the maximum number of video modes that your vector |
| can hold. \textbf{glfwGetVideoModes} will return the actual number of |
| video modes detected on the system. |
| |
| The GLFWvidmode structure looks like this: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| typedef struct { |
| int Width, Height; // Video resolution |
| int RedBits; // Red bits per pixel |
| int GreenBits; // Green bits per pixel |
| int BlueBits; // Blue bits per pixel |
| } GLFWvidmode; |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Here is an example of retrieving all available video modes: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int nummodes; |
| GLFWvidmode list[ 200 ]; |
| nummodes = glfwGetVideoModes( list, 200 ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The returned list is sorted, first by color depth ($RedBits + GreenBits + |
| BlueBits$), and then by resolution ($Width\times Height$), with the |
| lowest resolution, fewest bits per pixel mode first. |
| |
| To get the desktop video mode, use the function |
| \textbf{glfwGetDesktopMode}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwGetDesktopMode( GLFWvidmode *mode ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The function returns the resolution and color depth of the user desktop in |
| the mode structure. Note that the user desktop mode is independent of the |
| current video mode if a \GLFW\ fullscreen window has been opened. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Input Handling |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \chapter{Input Handling} |
| \label{par:inputhandling} |
| \thispagestyle{fancy} |
| In this chapter you will learn how to use keyboard, mouse and joystick |
| input, using either polling or callback functions. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Event Polling} |
| The first thing to know about input handling in \GLFW\ is that all |
| keyboard and mouse input is collected by checking for input events. This |
| has do be done manually by calling either \textbf{glfwPollEvents} or |
| \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} (which implicitly calls \textbf{glfwPollEvents} |
| for you). Normally this does not have to be a concern, since |
| \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} is called every frame, which should be often |
| enough (about 10-100 times per second for a normal \OpenGL\ application). |
| One exception is when rendering is paused, and then the program waits for |
| input to begin animation again. In this case \textbf{glfwPollEvents} has |
| to be called repeatedly until any new input events arrive. |
| |
| If it is not desirable that \textbf{glfwPollEvents is} called implicitly |
| from \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers}, call \textbf{glfwDisable} with the argument |
| |
| Note that event polling is not needed for joystick input, since all |
| relevant joystick state is gathered every time a joystick function is |
| called. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Keyboard Input} |
| \GLFW\ gives three options for getting keyboard input: |
| |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item Manually polling the state of individual keys. |
| \item Automatically receive new key state for any key, using a callback |
| function. |
| \item Automatically receive characters, using a callback function. |
| \end{itemize} |
| |
| Depending on what the keyboard input will be used for, either of the |
| methods may be more suitable. The main difference between the two last |
| options is that while characters are affected by modifier keys (such as |
| shift), key state is independent of any modifier keys. Also, special keys |
| (such as function keys, cursor keys and modifier keys) are not reported to |
| the character callback function. |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Key state} |
| To check if a key is held down or not at any given moment, use the |
| function \textbf{glfwGetKey}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetKey( int key ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| It queries the current status of individual keyboard keys. The argument |
| \textit{key} specifies which key to check, and it can be either an |
| uppercase ISO~8859-1 character, or a special key identifier. |
| \textbf{glfwGetKey} returns GLFW\_PRESS (or 1) if the key is currently |
| held down, or GLFW\_RELEASE (or 0) if the key is not being held down. |
| |
| In most situations, it may be useful to know if a key has been pressed and |
| released between two calls to \textbf{glfwGetKey} (especially if the |
| animation is fairly slow, which may allow the user to press and release a |
| key between two calls to \textbf{glfwGetKey}). This can be accomplished by |
| enabling sticky keys, which is done by calling \textbf{glfwEnable} with |
| the argument GLFW\_STICKY\_KEYS, as in the following example: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| glfwEnable( GLFW_STICKY_KEYS ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| When sticky keys are enabled, a key will not be released until it is |
| checked with \textbf{glfwGetKey}. To disable sticky keys, call |
| \textbf{glfwDisable} witht the argument GLFW\_STICKY\_KEYS. Then all keys |
| that are not currently held down will be released, and future key releases |
| will take place immediately when the user releases the key, without |
| waiting for \textbf{glfwGetKey} to check the key. By default sticky keys |
| are disabled. |
| |
| Sticky keys are often very useful and should be used in most cases where |
| \textbf{glfwGetKey} is used. There is however a danger involved with |
| enabling sticky keys, and that is that keys that are pressed by the user |
| but are not checked with \textbf{glfwGetKey}, may remain ``pressed'' for a |
| very long time. A typical situation where this may be dangerous is in a |
| program that consists of two or more sections (e.g. a menu section and a |
| game section). If the first section enables sticky keys but does not check |
| for keys which the second section checks for, there is a potential of |
| recording many key presses in the first section that will be detected in |
| the second section. To avoid this problem, always disable sticky keys |
| before leaving a section of a program. |
| |
| An alternative to using \textbf{glfwGetKey} is to register a keyboard |
| input callback function with \textbf{glfwSetKeyCallback}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetKeyCallback( GLFWkeyfun cbfun ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{fun} is a pointer to a callback function. The |
| callback function shall take two integer arguments. The first is the key |
| identifier, and the second is the new key state, which can be GLFW\_PRESS |
| or GLFW\_RELEASE. To unregister a callback function, call |
| \textbf{glfwSetKeyCallback} with \textit{fun} = NULL. |
| |
| A callback function can be useful in some situations. For instance it can |
| replace multiple \textbf{glfwGetKey} calls with a switch/case statement. |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Character input} |
| If the keyboard is to be used as a text input device (e.g. in a user |
| dialog) rather than as a set of independent buttons, a character callback |
| function is more suitable. To register a character callback function, use |
| \textbf{glfwSetCharCallback}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetCharCallback( GLFWcharfun cbfun ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{fun} is a pointer to a callback function. The |
| callback function shall take two integer arguments. The first is a Unicode |
| character code, and the second is GLFW\_PRESS if the key that generated |
| the character was pressed, or GLFW\_RELEASE if it was released. To |
| unregister a callback function, call \textbf{glfwSetCharCallback} with |
| \textit{fun} = NULL. |
| |
| The Unicode character set is an international standard for encoding |
| characters. It is much more comprehensive than seven or eight bit |
| character sets (e.g. US-ASCII and Latin~1), and includes characters for |
| most written languages in the world. It should be noted that Unicode |
| character codes 0 to 255 are the same as for ISO~8859-1 (Latin~1), so as |
| long as a proper range check is performed on the Unicode character code, |
| it can be used just as an eight bit Latin~1 character code (which can be |
| useful if full Unicode support is not possible). |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Key repeat} |
| By default, \GLFW\ does not report key repeats when a key is held down. |
| To activate key repeat, call \textbf{glfwEnable} with the argument |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| glfwEnable( GLFW_KEY_REPEAT ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| This will let a registered key or character callback function receive key |
| repeat events when a key is held down. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Special system keys} |
| On most systems there are some special system keys that are normally not |
| intercepted by an application. For instance, under Windows it is possible |
| to switch programs by pressing \texttt{ALT+TAB}, which brings up a list of |
| running programs to select from. In certain situations it can be desirable |
| to prevent such special system keys from interfering with the program. |
| With \GLFW\ it is possible to do by calling \textbf{glfwDisable} with the |
| argument GLFW\_SYSTEM\_KEYS: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| glfwDisable( GLFW_SYSTEM_KEYS ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| By doing so, most system keys will have no effect and will not interfere |
| with your program. System keys can be re-enabled by calling |
| \textbf{glfwEnable} with the argument GLFW\_SYSTEM\_KEYS. By default, |
| system keys are enabled. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Mouse Input} |
| Just like for keyboard input, mouse input can be realized with either |
| polling or callback functions. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Mouse position} |
| To read the mouse position, you can use the function |
| \textbf{glfwGetMousePos}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwGetMousePos( int *x, int *y ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The arguments \textit{x} and \textit{y} point to integer variables that |
| will be updated with the current absolute mouse position. An alternative |
| is to use a callback function instead, which can be set with |
| \textbf{glfwSetMousePosCallback}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetMousePosCallback( GLFWmouseposfun cbfun ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The function that \textit{fun} points to will be called every time the |
| mouse position changes. The first argument to the callback function is |
| the mouse x position, and the second argument is the mouse y position. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Mouse buttons} |
| To query the state of a mouse button, call \textbf{glfwGetMouseButton}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetMouseButton( int button ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{button} can be one of the following mouse button |
| GLFW\_MOUSE\_BUTTON\_MIDDLE. \textbf{glfwGetMouseButton} will return |
| GLFW\_PRESS (which is a non-zero value) if the corresponding mouse |
| button is held down, otherwise it will return GLFW\_RELEASE (which is |
| equal to zero). |
| |
| Just as it is possible to make keys ``sticky'', it is also possible to |
| make mouse buttons appear as held down until the button is checked for |
| with \textbf{glfwGetMouseButton}. To enable sticky mouse buttons, call |
| \textbf{glfwEnable} with the argument GLFW\_STICKY\_MOUSE\_BUTTONS. |
| |
| When sticky mouse buttons are enabled, a mouse button will not be released |
| until it is checked with \textbf{glfwGetMouseButton}. To disable sticky |
| mouse buttons, call \textbf{glfwDisable} with the argument |
| GLFW\_STICKY\_MOUSE\_BUTTONS. Then all mouse buttons that are not |
| currently held down will be released, and future mouse button releases |
| will take place immediately when the user releases the mouse button, |
| without waiting for \textbf{glfwGetMouseButton} to check for the mouse |
| button. By default sticky mouse buttons are disabled. |
| |
| There is also a callback function for mouse button activities, which can |
| be set with \textbf{glfwSetMouseButtonCallback}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetMouseButtonCallback( GLFWmousebuttonfun fun ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{fun} specifies a function that will be called |
| whenever a mouse button is pressed or released, or NULL to unregister a |
| callback function. The first argument to the callback function is a mouse |
| button identifier, and the second is either GLFW\_PRESS or GLFW\_RELEASE, |
| depending on the new state of the corresponding mouse button. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Mouse wheel} |
| Some mice have a mouse wheel, which can be thought of as a third mouse |
| axis. To get the position of the mouse wheel, call |
| \textbf{glfwGetMouseWheel}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetMouseWheel( void ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The function returns an integer that represents the position of the mouse |
| wheel. When the user turns the wheel, the wheel position will increase or |
| decrease. |
| |
| It is also possible to register a callback function for mouse wheel events |
| with the \textbf{glfwSetMouseWheelCallback} function: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetMouseWheelCallback( GLFWmousewheelfun fun ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{fun} specifies a function that will be called |
| whenever the mouse wheel is moved, or NULL to unregister a callback |
| function. The argument to the callback function is the position of the |
| mouse wheel. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Hiding the mouse cursor} |
| It is possible to hide the mouse cursor with the function call: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| glfwDisable( GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Hiding the mouse cursor has three effects: |
| |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| \item The cursor becomes invisible. |
| \item The cursor is guaranteed to be confined to the window. |
| \item Mouse coordinates are not limited to the window size. |
| \end{enumerate} |
| |
| To show the mouse cursor again, call \textbf{glfwEnable} with the |
| argument GLFW\_MOUSE\_CURSOR: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| glfwEnable( GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| By default the mouse cursor is hidden if a window is opened in fullscreen |
| mode, otherwise it is not hidden. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Joystick Input} |
| \GLFW\ has support for up to sixteen joysticks, and an infinite\footnote{% |
| There are of course actual limitations posed by the underlying hardware, |
| drivers and operation system.} number of axes and buttons per joystick. |
| Unlike keyboard and mouse input, joystick input does not need an opened |
| window, and \textbf{glfwPollEvents} or \textbf{glfwSwapBuffers} does not |
| have to be called in order for joystick state to be updated. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Joystick capabilities} |
| First, it is often necessary to determine if a joystick is connected, and |
| what its capabilities are. To get this information the function |
| \textbf{glfwGetJoystickParam} can be used: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetJoystickParam( int joy, int param ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The \textit{joy} argument specifies which joystick to retrieve the |
| parameter from, and it should be GLFW\_JOYSTICK\_\textit{n}, where |
| \textit{n} is in the range 1 to 16. The \textit{param} argument specifies |
| which parameter to retrieve. To determine if a joystick is connected, |
| \textit{param} should be GLFW\_PRESENT, which will cause the function to |
| return GL\_TRUE if the joystick is connected, or GL\_FALSE if it is not. |
| To determine the number of axes or buttons that are supported by the |
| joystick, \textit{param} should be GLFW\_AXES or GLFW\_BUTTONS, |
| respectively. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Joystick position} |
| To get the current axis positions of the joystick, the |
| \textbf{glfwGetJoystickPos} is used: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetJoystickPos( int joy, float *pos, int numaxes ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| As with \textbf{glfwGetJoystickParam}, the \textit{joy} argument |
| specifies which joystick to retrieve information from. The |
| \textit{numaxes} argument specifies how many axes to return, and the |
| \textit{pos} argument specifies an array in which all the axis positions |
| are stored. The function returns the actual number of axes that were |
| returned, which could be less than \textit{numaxes} if the joystick does |
| not support all the requested axes, or if the joystick is not connected. |
| |
| For instance, to get the position of the first two axes (the X and Y axes) |
| of joystick 1, the following code can be used: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| float position[ 2 ]; |
| |
| glfwGetJoystickPos( GLFW_JOYSTICK_1, position, 2 ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| After this call, the first element of the \textit{position} array will |
| hold the X axis position of the joystick, and the second element will hold |
| the Y axis position. In this example we do not use the information about |
| how many axes were really returned. |
| |
| The position of an axis can be in the range -1.0 to 1.0, where positive |
| values represent right, forward or up directions, while negative values |
| represent left, back or down directions. If a requested axis is not |
| supported by the joystick, the corresponding array element will be set |
| to zero. The same goes for the situation when the joystick is not |
| connected (all axes are treated as unsupported). |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Joystick buttons} |
| A function similar to the \textbf{glfwGetJoystickPos} function is |
| available for querying the state of joystick buttons, namely the |
| \textbf{glfwGetJoystickButtons} function: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwGetJoystickButtons( int joy, unsigned char *buttons, |
| int numbuttons ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The function works just like the \textbf{glfwGetJoystickAxis} function, |
| except that it returns the state of joystick buttons instead of axis |
| positions. Each button in the array specified by the \textit{buttons} |
| argument can be either GLFW\_PRESS or GLFW\_RELEASE, telling if the |
| corresponding button is currently held down or not. Unsupported buttons |
| will have the value GLFW\_RELEASE. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Timing |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \chapter{Timing} |
| \thispagestyle{fancy} |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{High Resolution Timer} |
| In most applications, it is useful to know exactly how much time has |
| passed between point $A$ and point $B$ in a program. A typical situation |
| is in a game, where you need to know how much time has passed between two |
| rendered frames in order to calculate the correct movement and physics |
| etc. Another example is when you want to benchmark a certain piece of |
| code. |
| |
| \GLFW\ provides a high-resolution timer, which reports a double precision |
| floating point value representing the number of seconds that have passed |
| since \textbf{glfwInit} was called. The timer is accessed with the |
| function \textbf{glfwGetTime}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| double glfwGetTime( void ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The precision of the timer depends on which computer and operating |
| system you are running, but it is almost guaranteed to be better than |
| $10~ms$, and in most cases it is much better than $1~ms$ (on a modern PC |
| you can get resolutions in the order of $1~ns$). |
| |
| It is possible to set the value of the high precision timer using the |
| \textbf{glfwSetTime} function: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glfwSetTime( double time ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{time} is the time, in seconds, that the timer should |
| be set to. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % OpenGL Extension Support |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \chapter{OpenGL Extension Support} |
| \thispagestyle{fancy} |
| One of the benefits of \OpenGL\ is that it is extensible. Independent |
| hardware vendors (IHVs) may include functionality in their \OpenGL\ |
| implementations that exceed that of the \OpenGL\ standard. |
| |
| An extension is defined by: |
| |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| \item An extension name (e.g. GL\_ARB\_multitexture). |
| \item New OpenGL tokens (e.g. GL\_TEXTURE1\_ARB). |
| \item New OpenGL functions (e.g. \textbf{glActiveTextureARB}). |
| \end{enumerate} |
| |
| A list of official extensions, together with their definitions, can be |
| found at the \textit{OpenGL Extension Registry} |
| (\url{http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/registry/}). |
| |
| To use a certain extension, the following steps must be performed: |
| |
| \begin{enumerate} |
| \item A compile time check for the support of the extension. |
| \item A run time check for the support of the extension. |
| \item Fetch function pointers for the extended \OpenGL\ functions (done at |
| run time). |
| \end{enumerate} |
| |
| How this is done using \GLFW\ is described in the following sections. |
| Please note that this chapter covers some advanced topics, and is quite |
| specific to the C programming language. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Compile Time Check} |
| The compile time check is necessary to perform in order to know if the |
| compiler include files have defined the necessary tokens. It is very easy |
| to do. The include file \texttt{GL/gl.h} will define a constant with the |
| same name as the extension, if all the extension tokens are defined. Here |
| is an example of how to check for the extension GL\_ARB\_multitexture: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| #ifdef GL_ARB_multitexture |
| // Extension is supported by the include files |
| #else |
| // Extension is not supported by the include files |
| // Update your <GL/gl.h> file! |
| #endif |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Runtime Check} |
| Even if the compiler include files have defined all the necessary tokens, |
| the target system may not support the extension (perhaps it has a |
| different graphic card with a different \OpenGL\ implementation, or it has |
| an older driver). That is why it is necessary to do a run time check for |
| the extension support as well. This is done with the \GLFW\ function |
| \textbf{glfwExtensionSupported}, which has the C syntax: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int glfwExtensionSupported( const char *extension ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{extension} is a null terminated ISO~8859-1 string |
| with the extension name. \textbf{glfwExtensionSupported} returns GL\_TRUE |
| if the extension is supported, otherwise it returns GL\_FALSE. |
| |
| Let us extend the previous example of checking for support of the |
| extension GL\_ARB\_multitexture. This time we add a run time check, and a |
| variable which we set to GL\_TRUE if the extension is supported, or |
| GL\_FALSE if it is not supported. |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| int multitexture_supported; |
| |
| #ifdef GL_ARB_multitexture |
| // Check if extension is supported at run time |
| multitexture_supported = |
| glfwExtensionSupported( "GL_ARB_multitexture" ); |
| #else |
| // Extension is not supported by the include files |
| // Update your <GL/gl.h> file! |
| multitexture_supported = GL_FALSE; |
| #endif |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Now it is easy to check for the extension within the program, simply do: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| if( multitexture_supported ) |
| { |
| // Use multi texturing |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| // Use some other solution (or fail) |
| } |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \section{Fetching Function Pointers} |
| Some extensions (not all) require the use of new \OpenGL\ functions, which |
| are not necessarily defined by your link libraries. Thus it is necessary |
| to get the function pointers dynamically at run time. This is done with |
| the \GLFW\ function \textbf{glfwGetProcAddress}: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void * glfwGetProcAddress( const char *procname ) |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| The argument \textit{procname} is a null terminated ISO~8859-1 string |
| holding the name of the \OpenGL\ function. \textbf{glfwGetProcAddress} |
| returns the address to the function if the function is available, |
| otherwise NULL is returned. |
| |
| Obviously, fetching the function pointer is trivial. For instance, if we |
| want to obtain the pointer to \textbf{glActiveTextureARB}, we simply call: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| glActiveTextureARB = glfwGetProcAddress( "glActiveTextureARB" ); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| However, there are many possible naming and type definition conflicts |
| involved with such an operation, which may result in compiler warnings or |
| errors. My proposed solution is the following: |
| |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item Do not use the function name for the variable name. Use something |
| similar (perhaps with a prefix or suffix), and then use |
| \texttt{\#define} to map the function name to your variable. |
| \item The standard type definition naming convention for function pointers |
| is \texttt{PFN\textit{xxxx}PROC}, where \texttt{\textit{xxxx}} is |
| the uppercase version of the function name (e.g. |
| \texttt{PFNGLACTIVETEXTUREARBPROC}). Either make sure that a |
| compatible \texttt{gl.h} and/or \texttt{glext.h} file is used by |
| your compiler and rely on it to do the type definitions for you, or |
| use a custom type definition naming convention (e.g. |
| \texttt{\textit{xxxx}\_T} or something) and do the type definitions |
| yourself. |
| \end{itemize} |
| |
| Here is an example of how to do it (here we use our own function pointer |
| type defintion): |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| // Type definition of the function pointer |
| typedef void (APIENTRY * GLACTIVETEXTUREARB_T) (GLenum texture); |
| |
| // Function pointer |
| #define glActiveTextureARB _ActiveTextureARB |
| |
| // Extension availability flag |
| int multitexture_supported; |
| |
| #ifdef GL_ARB_multitexture |
| // Check if extension is supported at run time |
| if( glfwExtensionSupported( "GL_ARB_multitexture" ) ) |
| { |
| // Get the function pointer |
| glfwGetProcAddress( "glActiveTextureARB" ); |
| |
| multitexture_supported = GL_TRUE; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| multitexture_supported = GL_FALSE; |
| } |
| #else |
| // Extension is not supported by the include files |
| multitexture_supported = GL_FALSE; |
| #endif |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Please note that the code example is not 100\% complete. First of all, |
| the GL\_ARB\_multitexture extension defines many more functions than the |
| single function that the code example defines. Secondly, checking if an |
| extension is supported using \textbf{glfwExtensionSupported} is not enough |
| to ensure that the corresponding functions will be valid. You also need to |
| check if the function pointers returned by \textbf{glfwGetProcAddress} are |
| non-NULL values. |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| \subsection{Function pointer type definitions} |
| To make a function pointer type definition, you need to know the function |
| prototype. This can often be found in the extension definitions (e.g. at |
| the \textit{OpenGL Extension Registry}). All the functions that are |
| defined for an extension are listed with their C prototype definitions |
| under the section \textit{New Procedures and Functions} in the extension |
| definition. |
| |
| For instance, if we look at the definition of the |
| GL\_ARB\_texture\_compression extension, we find a list of new functions. |
| One of the functions looks like this: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void GetCompressedTexImageARB(enum target, int lod, void *img); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| Like in most official \OpenGL\ documentation, all the \texttt{GL} and |
| \texttt{gl} prefixes have been left out. In other words, the real function |
| prototype would look like this: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| void glGetCompressedTexImageARB(GLenum target, GLint lod, void *img); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| All we have to do to turn this prototype definition into a function |
| pointer type definition, is to replace the function name with |
| \texttt{(APIENTRY * \textit{xxxx}\_T)}, where \textit{xxxx} is the |
| uppercase version of the name (according to the proposed naming |
| convention). The keyword \texttt{APIENTRY} is needed to be compatible |
| between different platforms. The \GLFW\ include file \texttt{GL/glfw.h} |
| always makes sure that \texttt{APIENTRY} is properly defined, regardless |
| of which platform the program is compiled on. |
| |
| In other words, for the function \textbf{glGetCompressedTexImageARB} we |
| get: |
| |
| \begin{lstlisting} |
| (GLenum target, GLint level, void *img); |
| \end{lstlisting} |
| |
| |
| |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % Index |
| %------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| % ... |
| |
| \end{document} |