| /* |
| * Nuklear - v1.17 - public domain |
| * no warrenty implied; use at your own risk. |
| * authored from 2015-2016 by Micha Mettke |
| */ |
| /* |
| * ============================================================== |
| * |
| * API |
| * |
| * =============================================================== |
| */ |
| #ifndef NK_GLFW_GL2_H_ |
| #define NK_GLFW_GL2_H_ |
| |
| #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> |
| |
| enum nk_glfw_init_state{ |
| }; |
| NK_API struct nk_context* nk_glfw3_init(GLFWwindow *win, enum nk_glfw_init_state); |
| NK_API void nk_glfw3_font_stash_begin(struct nk_font_atlas **atlas); |
| NK_API void nk_glfw3_font_stash_end(void); |
| |
| NK_API void nk_glfw3_new_frame(void); |
| NK_API void nk_glfw3_render(enum nk_anti_aliasing , int max_vertex_buffer, int max_element_buffer); |
| NK_API void nk_glfw3_shutdown(void); |
| |
| NK_API void nk_glfw3_char_callback(GLFWwindow *win, unsigned int codepoint); |
| NK_API void nk_gflw3_scroll_callback(GLFWwindow *win, double xoff, double yoff); |
| |
| #endif |
| |
| /* |
| * ============================================================== |
| * |
| * |
| * =============================================================== |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef NK_GLFW_TEXT_MAX |
| #define NK_GLFW_TEXT_MAX 256 |
| #endif |
| |
| struct nk_glfw_device { |
| struct nk_buffer cmds; |
| struct nk_draw_null_texture null; |
| GLuint font_tex; |
| }; |
| |
| struct nk_glfw_vertex { |
| float position[2]; |
| float uv[2]; |
| nk_byte col[4]; |
| }; |
| |
| static struct nk_glfw { |
| GLFWwindow *win; |
| int width, height; |
| int display_width, display_height; |
| struct nk_glfw_device ogl; |
| struct nk_context ctx; |
| struct nk_font_atlas atlas; |
| struct nk_vec2 fb_scale; |
| unsigned int text[NK_GLFW_TEXT_MAX]; |
| int text_len; |
| float scroll; |
| } glfw; |
| |
| NK_INTERN void |
| nk_glfw3_device_upload_atlas(const void *image, int width, int height) |
| { |
| struct nk_glfw_device *dev = &glfw.ogl; |
| glGenTextures(1, &dev->font_tex); |
| glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, dev->font_tex); |
| glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, (GLsizei)width, (GLsizei)height, 0, |
| } |
| |
| NK_API void |
| nk_glfw3_render(enum nk_anti_aliasing AA, int max_vertex_buffer, int max_element_buffer) |
| { |
| /* setup global state */ |
| struct nk_glfw_device *dev = &glfw.ogl; |
| glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); |
| glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); |
| glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); |
| glEnable(GL_BLEND); |
| glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); |
| |
| /* setup viewport/project */ |
| glViewport(0,0,(GLsizei)glfw.display_width,(GLsizei)glfw.display_height); |
| glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); |
| glPushMatrix(); |
| glLoadIdentity(); |
| glOrtho(0.0f, glfw.width, glfw.height, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); |
| glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); |
| glPushMatrix(); |
| glLoadIdentity(); |
| |
| glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); |
| glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); |
| glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); |
| { |
| GLsizei vs = sizeof(struct nk_glfw_vertex); |
| size_t vp = offsetof(struct nk_glfw_vertex, position); |
| size_t vt = offsetof(struct nk_glfw_vertex, uv); |
| size_t vc = offsetof(struct nk_glfw_vertex, col); |
| |
| /* convert from command queue into draw list and draw to screen */ |
| const struct nk_draw_command *cmd; |
| const nk_draw_index *offset = NULL; |
| struct nk_buffer vbuf, ebuf; |
| |
| /* fill convert configuration */ |
| struct nk_convert_config config; |
| static const struct nk_draw_vertex_layout_element vertex_layout[] = { |
| {NK_VERTEX_POSITION, NK_FORMAT_FLOAT, NK_OFFSETOF(struct nk_glfw_vertex, position)}, |
| {NK_VERTEX_TEXCOORD, NK_FORMAT_FLOAT, NK_OFFSETOF(struct nk_glfw_vertex, uv)}, |
| {NK_VERTEX_COLOR, NK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8, NK_OFFSETOF(struct nk_glfw_vertex, col)}, |
| }; |
| NK_MEMSET(&config, 0, sizeof(config)); |
| config.vertex_layout = vertex_layout; |
| config.vertex_size = sizeof(struct nk_glfw_vertex); |
| config.vertex_alignment = NK_ALIGNOF(struct nk_glfw_vertex); |
| config.null = dev->null; |
| config.circle_segment_count = 22; |
| config.curve_segment_count = 22; |
| config.arc_segment_count = 22; |
| config.global_alpha = 1.0f; |
| config.shape_AA = AA; |
| config.line_AA = AA; |
| |
| /* convert shapes into vertexes */ |
| nk_buffer_init_default(&vbuf); |
| nk_buffer_init_default(&ebuf); |
| nk_convert(&glfw.ctx, &dev->cmds, &vbuf, &ebuf, &config); |
| |
| /* setup vertex buffer pointer */ |
| {const void *vertices = nk_buffer_memory_const(&vbuf); |
| glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, vs, (const void*)((const nk_byte*)vertices + vp)); |
| glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, vs, (const void*)((const nk_byte*)vertices + vt)); |
| glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, vs, (const void*)((const nk_byte*)vertices + vc));} |
| |
| /* iterate over and execute each draw command */ |
| offset = (const nk_draw_index*)nk_buffer_memory_const(&ebuf); |
| nk_draw_foreach(cmd, &glfw.ctx, &dev->cmds) |
| { |
| if (!cmd->elem_count) continue; |
| glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLuint)cmd->texture.id); |
| glScissor( |
| (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.x * glfw.fb_scale.x), |
| (GLint)((glfw.height - (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.y + cmd->clip_rect.h)) * glfw.fb_scale.y), |
| (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.w * glfw.fb_scale.x), |
| (GLint)(cmd->clip_rect.h * glfw.fb_scale.y)); |
| glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, (GLsizei)cmd->elem_count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, offset); |
| offset += cmd->elem_count; |
| } |
| nk_clear(&glfw.ctx); |
| nk_buffer_free(&vbuf); |
| nk_buffer_free(&ebuf); |
| } |
| |
| /* default OpenGL state */ |
| glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); |
| glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); |
| glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); |
| |
| glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); |
| glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); |
| glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); |
| glDisable(GL_BLEND); |
| glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); |
| |
| glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); |
| glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); |
| glPopMatrix(); |
| glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); |
| glPopMatrix(); |
| glPopAttrib(); |
| } |
| |
| NK_API void |
| nk_glfw3_char_callback(GLFWwindow *win, unsigned int codepoint) |
| { |
| (void)win; |
| if (glfw.text_len < NK_GLFW_TEXT_MAX) |
| glfw.text[glfw.text_len++] = codepoint; |
| } |
| |
| NK_API void |
| nk_gflw3_scroll_callback(GLFWwindow *win, double xoff, double yoff) |
| { |
| (void)win; (void)xoff; |
| glfw.scroll += (float)yoff; |
| } |
| |
| NK_INTERN void |
| nk_glfw3_clipbard_paste(nk_handle usr, struct nk_text_edit *edit) |
| { |
| const char *text = glfwGetClipboardString(glfw.win); |
| if (text) nk_textedit_paste(edit, text, nk_strlen(text)); |
| (void)usr; |
| } |
| |
| NK_INTERN void |
| nk_glfw3_clipbard_copy(nk_handle usr, const char *text, int len) |
| { |
| char *str = 0; |
| (void)usr; |
| if (!len) return; |
| str = (char*)malloc((size_t)len+1); |
| if (!str) return; |
| NK_MEMCPY(str, text, (size_t)len); |
| str[len] = '\0'; |
| glfwSetClipboardString(glfw.win, str); |
| free(str); |
| } |
| |
| NK_API struct nk_context* |
| nk_glfw3_init(GLFWwindow *win, enum nk_glfw_init_state init_state) |
| { |
| glfw.win = win; |
| if (init_state == NK_GLFW3_INSTALL_CALLBACKS) { |
| glfwSetScrollCallback(win, nk_gflw3_scroll_callback); |
| glfwSetCharCallback(win, nk_glfw3_char_callback); |
| } |
| |
| nk_init_default(&glfw.ctx, 0); |
| glfw.ctx.clip.copy = nk_glfw3_clipbard_copy; |
| glfw.ctx.clip.paste = nk_glfw3_clipbard_paste; |
| glfw.ctx.clip.userdata = nk_handle_ptr(0); |
| nk_buffer_init_default(&glfw.ogl.cmds); |
| return &glfw.ctx; |
| } |
| |
| NK_API void |
| nk_glfw3_font_stash_begin(struct nk_font_atlas **atlas) |
| { |
| nk_font_atlas_init_default(&glfw.atlas); |
| nk_font_atlas_begin(&glfw.atlas); |
| *atlas = &glfw.atlas; |
| } |
| |
| NK_API void |
| nk_glfw3_font_stash_end(void) |
| { |
| const void *image; int w, h; |
| image = nk_font_atlas_bake(&glfw.atlas, &w, &h, NK_FONT_ATLAS_RGBA32); |
| nk_glfw3_device_upload_atlas(image, w, h); |
| nk_font_atlas_end(&glfw.atlas, nk_handle_id((int)glfw.ogl.font_tex), &glfw.ogl.null); |
| if (glfw.atlas.default_font) |
| nk_style_set_font(&glfw.ctx, &glfw.atlas.default_font->handle); |
| } |
| |
| NK_API void |
| nk_glfw3_new_frame(void) |
| { |
| int i; |
| double x, y; |
| struct nk_context *ctx = &glfw.ctx; |
| struct GLFWwindow *win = glfw.win; |
| |
| glfwGetWindowSize(win, &glfw.width, &glfw.height); |
| glfwGetFramebufferSize(win, &glfw.display_width, &glfw.display_height); |
| glfw.fb_scale.x = (float)glfw.display_width/(float)glfw.width; |
| glfw.fb_scale.y = (float)glfw.display_height/(float)glfw.height; |
| |
| nk_input_begin(ctx); |
| for (i = 0; i < glfw.text_len; ++i) |
| nk_input_unicode(ctx, glfw.text[i]); |
| |
| /* optional grabbing behavior */ |
| if (ctx->input.mouse.grab) |
| glfwSetInputMode(glfw.win, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN); |
| else if (ctx->input.mouse.ungrab) |
| glfwSetInputMode(glfw.win, GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL); |
| |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_DEL, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_DELETE) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_ENTER, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_ENTER) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TAB, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_TAB) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_BACKSPACE, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_BACKSPACE) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_UP, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_UP) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_DOWN, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_DOWN) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_START, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_HOME) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_END, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_END) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_SCROLL_START, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_HOME) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_SCROLL_END, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_END) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_SCROLL_DOWN, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_SCROLL_UP, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_PAGE_UP) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_SHIFT, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) == GLFW_PRESS|| |
| glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| |
| if (glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) == GLFW_PRESS || |
| glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL) == GLFW_PRESS) { |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_COPY, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_C) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_PASTE, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_P) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_CUT, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_X) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_UNDO, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_Z) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_REDO, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_R) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_WORD_LEFT, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_LEFT) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_WORD_RIGHT, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_LINE_START, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_B) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_TEXT_LINE_END, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_E) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| } else { |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_LEFT, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_LEFT) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_RIGHT, glfwGetKey(win, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_COPY, 0); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_PASTE, 0); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_CUT, 0); |
| nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_SHIFT, 0); |
| } |
| |
| glfwGetCursorPos(win, &x, &y); |
| nk_input_motion(ctx, (int)x, (int)y); |
| if (ctx->input.mouse.grabbed) { |
| glfwSetCursorPos(glfw.win, ctx->input.mouse.prev.x, ctx->input.mouse.prev.y); |
| ctx->input.mouse.pos.x = ctx->input.mouse.prev.x; |
| ctx->input.mouse.pos.y = ctx->input.mouse.prev.y; |
| } |
| |
| nk_input_button(ctx, NK_BUTTON_LEFT, (int)x, (int)y, glfwGetMouseButton(win, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_button(ctx, NK_BUTTON_MIDDLE, (int)x, (int)y, glfwGetMouseButton(win, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_button(ctx, NK_BUTTON_RIGHT, (int)x, (int)y, glfwGetMouseButton(win, GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) == GLFW_PRESS); |
| nk_input_scroll(ctx, glfw.scroll); |
| nk_input_end(&glfw.ctx); |
| glfw.text_len = 0; |
| glfw.scroll = 0; |
| } |
| |
| NK_API |
| void nk_glfw3_shutdown(void) |
| { |
| struct nk_glfw_device *dev = &glfw.ogl; |
| nk_font_atlas_clear(&glfw.atlas); |
| nk_free(&glfw.ctx); |
| glDeleteTextures(1, &dev->font_tex); |
| nk_buffer_free(&dev->cmds); |
| NK_MEMSET(&glfw, 0, sizeof(glfw)); |
| } |
| |
| #endif |