| |
| include_directories(${GLFW_SOURCE_DIR}/src |
| ${GLFW_BINARY_DIR}/src |
| ${glfw_INCLUDE_DIRS}) |
| |
| if (MSVC) |
| add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) |
| endif() |
| |
| set(common_HEADERS ${GLFW_SOURCE_DIR}/include/GL/glfw3.h internal.h) |
| set(common_SOURCES clipboard.c context.c gamma.c init.c input.c joystick.c |
| monitor.c time.c window.c) |
| |
| if (_GLFW_COCOA) |
| set(glfw_HEADERS ${common_HEADERS} cocoa_platform.h) |
| set(glfw_SOURCES ${common_SOURCES} cocoa_clipboard.m cocoa_gamma.c |
| cocoa_init.m cocoa_joystick.m cocoa_monitor.m cocoa_time.c |
| cocoa_window.m) |
| |
| list(APPEND glfw_SOURCES cocoa_native.m) |
| endif() |
| elseif (_GLFW_WIN32) |
| set(glfw_HEADERS ${common_HEADERS} win32_platform.h) |
| set(glfw_SOURCES ${common_SOURCES} win32_clipboard.c win32_gamma.c |
| win32_init.c win32_joystick.c win32_monitor.c win32_time.c |
| win32_window.c) |
| |
| list(APPEND glfw_SOURCES win32_native.c) |
| endif() |
| elseif (_GLFW_X11) |
| set(glfw_HEADERS ${common_HEADERS} x11_platform.h) |
| set(glfw_SOURCES ${common_SOURCES} x11_clipboard.c x11_gamma.c x11_init.c |
| x11_joystick.c x11_keysym2unicode.c x11_monitor.c |
| x11_time.c x11_window.c) |
| |
| list(APPEND glfw_SOURCES x11_native.c) |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| |
| if (_GLFW_EGL) |
| list(APPEND glfw_HEADERS ${common_HEADERS} egl_platform.h) |
| list(APPEND glfw_SOURCES ${common_SOURCES} egl_context.c) |
| elseif (_GLFW_NSGL) |
| list(APPEND glfw_HEADERS ${common_HEADERS} nsgl_platform.h) |
| list(APPEND glfw_SOURCES ${common_SOURCES} nsgl_context.m) |
| elseif (_GLFW_WGL) |
| list(APPEND glfw_HEADERS ${common_HEADERS} wgl_platform.h) |
| list(APPEND glfw_SOURCES ${common_SOURCES} wgl_context.c) |
| elseif (_GLFW_X11) |
| list(APPEND glfw_HEADERS ${common_HEADERS} glx_platform.h) |
| list(APPEND glfw_SOURCES ${common_SOURCES} glx_context.c) |
| endif() |
| |
| if (APPLE) |
| # For some reason, CMake doesn't know about .m |
| set_source_files_properties(${glfw_SOURCES} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE C) |
| endif() |
| |
| add_library(glfw ${glfw_SOURCES} ${glfw_HEADERS}) |
| set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "${GLFW_LIB_NAME}") |
| |
| # Include version information in the output |
| set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES VERSION ${GLFW_VERSION}) |
| if (UNIX) |
| set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES SOVERSION ${GLFW_VERSION_MAJOR}) |
| endif() |
| |
| if (WIN32) |
| # The GLFW DLL needs a special compile-time macro and import library name |
| set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES PREFIX "" IMPORT_PREFIX "") |
| |
| if (MINGW) |
| set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES IMPORT_SUFFIX "dll.a") |
| else() |
| set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES IMPORT_SUFFIX "dll.lib") |
| endif() |
| elseif (APPLE) |
| # Append -fno-common to the compile flags to work around a bug in |
| # Apple's GCC |
| get_target_property(glfw_CFLAGS glfw COMPILE_FLAGS) |
| if (NOT glfw_CFLAGS) |
| set(glfw_CFLAGS "") |
| endif() |
| set_target_properties(glfw PROPERTIES |
| COMPILE_FLAGS "${glfw_CFLAGS} -fno-common") |
| endif() |
| |
| target_link_libraries(glfw ${glfw_LIBRARIES}) |
| target_link_libraries(glfw LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES) |
| endif() |
| |
| install(TARGETS glfw DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX} ) |
| |