blob: c3ebebdf5af466b54637a1ec6389d03eb871f066 [file] [log] [blame]
library googleapis.adsense.v1_4;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:collection" as collection;
import "dart:async" as async;
import "dart:convert" as convert;
import "package:crypto/crypto.dart" as crypto;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../src/common_internal.dart' as common_internal;
import '../common/common.dart' as common;
export '../common/common.dart' show ApiRequestError;
export '../common/common.dart' show DetailedApiRequestError;
* Gives AdSense publishers access to their inventory and the ability to
* generate reports
class AdsenseApi {
/** View and manage your AdSense data */
static const AdsenseScope = "";
/** View your AdSense data */
static const AdsenseReadonlyScope = "";
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsResourceApi get accounts => new AccountsResourceApi(_requester);
AdclientsResourceApi get adclients => new AdclientsResourceApi(_requester);
AdunitsResourceApi get adunits => new AdunitsResourceApi(_requester);
AlertsResourceApi get alerts => new AlertsResourceApi(_requester);
CustomchannelsResourceApi get customchannels => new CustomchannelsResourceApi(_requester);
MetadataResourceApi get metadata => new MetadataResourceApi(_requester);
PaymentsResourceApi get payments => new PaymentsResourceApi(_requester);
ReportsResourceApi get reports => new ReportsResourceApi(_requester);
SavedadstylesResourceApi get savedadstyles => new SavedadstylesResourceApi(_requester);
UrlchannelsResourceApi get urlchannels => new UrlchannelsResourceApi(_requester);
AdsenseApi(http.Client client) :
_requester = new common_internal.ApiRequester(client, "", "adsense/v1.4/");
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsAdclientsResourceApi get adclients => new AccountsAdclientsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsAdunitsResourceApi get adunits => new AccountsAdunitsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsAlertsResourceApi get alerts => new AccountsAlertsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsCustomchannelsResourceApi get customchannels => new AccountsCustomchannelsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsPaymentsResourceApi get payments => new AccountsPaymentsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsReportsResourceApi get reports => new AccountsReportsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsSavedadstylesResourceApi get savedadstyles => new AccountsSavedadstylesResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsUrlchannelsResourceApi get urlchannels => new AccountsUrlchannelsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Get information about the selected AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to get information about.
* [tree] - Whether the tree of sub accounts should be returned.
* Completes with a [Account].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Account> get(core.String accountId, {core.bool tree}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (tree != null) {
_queryParams["tree"] = ["${tree}"];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Account.fromJson(data));
* List all accounts available to this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of accounts to include in the response,
* used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through accounts. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [Accounts].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Accounts> list({ maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Accounts.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsAdclientsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsAdclientsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all ad clients in the specified account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account for which to list ad clients.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of ad clients to include in the response,
* used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through ad clients. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [AdClients].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdClients> list(core.String accountId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdClients.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsAdunitsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsAdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi get customchannels => new AccountsAdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsAdunitsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Gets the specified ad unit in the specified ad client for the specified
* account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the ad client belongs.
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to get the ad unit.
* [adUnitId] - Ad unit to retrieve.
* Completes with a [AdUnit].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdUnit> get(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, core.String adUnitId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (adUnitId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adUnitId is required.");
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adUnitId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdUnit.fromJson(data));
* Get ad code for the specified ad unit.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account which contains the ad client.
* [adClientId] - Ad client with contains the ad unit.
* [adUnitId] - Ad unit to get the code for.
* Completes with a [AdCode].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdCode> getAdCode(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, core.String adUnitId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (adUnitId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adUnitId is required.");
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adUnitId') + '/adcode';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdCode.fromJson(data));
* List all ad units in the specified ad client for the specified account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the ad client belongs.
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to list ad units.
* [includeInactive] - Whether to include inactive ad units. Default: true.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of ad units to include in the response,
* used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through ad units. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [AdUnits].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdUnits> list(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, {core.bool includeInactive, maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (includeInactive != null) {
_queryParams["includeInactive"] = ["${includeInactive}"];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdUnits.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsAdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsAdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all custom channels which the specified ad unit belongs to.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the ad client belongs.
* [adClientId] - Ad client which contains the ad unit.
* [adUnitId] - Ad unit for which to list custom channels.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of custom channels to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through custom channels.
* To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of
* "nextPageToken" from the previous response.
* Completes with a [CustomChannels].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<CustomChannels> list(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, core.String adUnitId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (adUnitId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adUnitId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adUnitId') + '/customchannels';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new CustomChannels.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsAlertsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsAlertsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Dismiss (delete) the specified alert from the specified publisher AdSense
* account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account which contains the ad unit.
* [alertId] - Alert to delete.
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future delete(core.String accountId, core.String alertId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (alertId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter alertId is required.");
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/alerts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$alertId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
* List the alerts for the specified AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account for which to retrieve the alerts.
* [locale] - The locale to use for translating alert messages. The account
* locale will be used if this is not supplied. The AdSense default (English)
* will be used if the supplied locale is invalid or unsupported.
* Completes with a [Alerts].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Alerts> list(core.String accountId, {core.String locale}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (locale != null) {
_queryParams["locale"] = [locale];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/alerts';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Alerts.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsCustomchannelsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsCustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi get adunits => new AccountsCustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsCustomchannelsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Get the specified custom channel from the specified ad client for the
* specified account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the ad client belongs.
* [adClientId] - Ad client which contains the custom channel.
* [customChannelId] - Custom channel to retrieve.
* Completes with a [CustomChannel].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<CustomChannel> get(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, core.String customChannelId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (customChannelId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter customChannelId is required.");
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/customchannels/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$customChannelId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new CustomChannel.fromJson(data));
* List all custom channels in the specified ad client for the specified
* account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the ad client belongs.
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to list custom channels.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of custom channels to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through custom channels.
* To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of
* "nextPageToken" from the previous response.
* Completes with a [CustomChannels].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<CustomChannels> list(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/customchannels';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new CustomChannels.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsCustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsCustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all ad units in the specified custom channel.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the ad client belongs.
* [adClientId] - Ad client which contains the custom channel.
* [customChannelId] - Custom channel for which to list ad units.
* [includeInactive] - Whether to include inactive ad units. Default: true.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of ad units to include in the response,
* used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through ad units. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [AdUnits].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdUnits> list(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, core.String customChannelId, {core.bool includeInactive, maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (customChannelId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter customChannelId is required.");
if (includeInactive != null) {
_queryParams["includeInactive"] = ["${includeInactive}"];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/customchannels/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$customChannelId') + '/adunits';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdUnits.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsPaymentsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsPaymentsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List the payments for the specified AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account for which to retrieve the payments.
* Completes with a [Payments].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Payments> list(core.String accountId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/payments';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Payments.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsReportsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsReportsSavedResourceApi get saved => new AccountsReportsSavedResourceApi(_requester);
AccountsReportsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Generate an AdSense report based on the report request sent in the query
* parameters. Returns the result as JSON; to retrieve output in CSV format
* specify "alt=csv" as a query parameter.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account upon which to report.
* [startDate] - Start of the date range to report on in "YYYY-MM-DD" format,
* inclusive.
* Value must have pattern
* "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|(today|startOfMonth|startOfYear)(([\-\+]\d+[dwmy]){0,3}?)|(latest-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(-\d+y)?)|(latest-latest-(\d{2})(-\d+m)?)".
* [endDate] - End of the date range to report on in "YYYY-MM-DD" format,
* inclusive.
* Value must have pattern
* "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|(today|startOfMonth|startOfYear)(([\-\+]\d+[dwmy]){0,3}?)|(latest-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(-\d+y)?)|(latest-latest-(\d{2})(-\d+m)?)".
* [currency] - Optional currency to use when reporting on monetary metrics.
* Defaults to the account's currency if not set.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z]+".
* [dimension] - Dimensions to base the report on.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [filter] - Filters to be run on the report.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+(==|=@).+".
* [locale] - Optional locale to use for translating report output to a local
* language. Defaults to "en_US" if not specified.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of rows of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "50000".
* [metric] - Numeric columns to include in the report.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [sort] - The name of a dimension or metric to sort the resulting report on,
* optionally prefixed with "+" to sort ascending or "-" to sort descending.
* If no prefix is specified, the column is sorted ascending.
* Value must have pattern "(\+|-)?[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [startIndex] - Index of the first row of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "5000".
* [useTimezoneReporting] - Whether the report should be generated in the
* AdSense account's local timezone. If false default PST/PDT timezone will be
* used.
* [downloadOptions] - Options for downloading. A download can be either a
* Metadata (default) or Media download. Partial Media downloads are possible
* as well.
* Completes with a
* - [AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse] for Metadata downloads (see
* [downloadOptions]).
* - [common.Media] for Media downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future generate(core.String accountId, core.String startDate, core.String endDate, {core.String currency, core.List<core.String> dimension, core.List<core.String> filter, core.String locale, maxResults, core.List<core.String> metric, core.List<core.String> sort, startIndex, core.bool useTimezoneReporting, common.DownloadOptions downloadOptions: common.DownloadOptions.Metadata}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (startDate == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter startDate is required.");
_queryParams["startDate"] = [startDate];
if (endDate == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter endDate is required.");
_queryParams["endDate"] = [endDate];
if (currency != null) {
_queryParams["currency"] = [currency];
if (dimension != null) {
_queryParams["dimension"] = dimension;
if (filter != null) {
_queryParams["filter"] = filter;
if (locale != null) {
_queryParams["locale"] = [locale];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (metric != null) {
_queryParams["metric"] = metric;
if (sort != null) {
_queryParams["sort"] = sort;
if (startIndex != null) {
_queryParams["startIndex"] = ["${startIndex}"];
if (useTimezoneReporting != null) {
_queryParams["useTimezoneReporting"] = ["${useTimezoneReporting}"];
_downloadOptions = downloadOptions;
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/reports';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
if (_downloadOptions == null ||
_downloadOptions == common.DownloadOptions.Metadata) {
return _response.then((data) => new AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse.fromJson(data));
} else {
return _response;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsReportsSavedResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsReportsSavedResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Generate an AdSense report based on the saved report ID sent in the query
* parameters.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the saved reports belong.
* [savedReportId] - The saved report to retrieve.
* [locale] - Optional locale to use for translating report output to a local
* language. Defaults to "en_US" if not specified.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of rows of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "50000".
* [startIndex] - Index of the first row of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "5000".
* Completes with a [AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse> generate(core.String accountId, core.String savedReportId, {core.String locale, maxResults, startIndex}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (savedReportId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter savedReportId is required.");
if (locale != null) {
_queryParams["locale"] = [locale];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (startIndex != null) {
_queryParams["startIndex"] = ["${startIndex}"];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/reports/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$savedReportId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse.fromJson(data));
* List all saved reports in the specified AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the saved reports belong.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of saved reports to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "100".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through saved reports. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [SavedReports].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<SavedReports> list(core.String accountId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/reports/saved';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new SavedReports.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsSavedadstylesResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsSavedadstylesResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List a specific saved ad style for the specified account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account for which to get the saved ad style.
* [savedAdStyleId] - Saved ad style to retrieve.
* Completes with a [SavedAdStyle].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<SavedAdStyle> get(core.String accountId, core.String savedAdStyleId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (savedAdStyleId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter savedAdStyleId is required.");
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/savedadstyles/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$savedAdStyleId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new SavedAdStyle.fromJson(data));
* List all saved ad styles in the specified account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account for which to list saved ad styles.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of saved ad styles to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through saved ad styles.
* To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of
* "nextPageToken" from the previous response.
* Completes with a [SavedAdStyles].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<SavedAdStyles> list(core.String accountId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/savedadstyles';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new SavedAdStyles.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AccountsUrlchannelsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsUrlchannelsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all URL channels in the specified ad client for the specified account.
* Request parameters:
* [accountId] - Account to which the ad client belongs.
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to list URL channels.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of URL channels to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through URL channels. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [UrlChannels].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<UrlChannels> list(core.String accountId, core.String adClientId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (accountId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter accountId is required.");
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'accounts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$accountId') + '/adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/urlchannels';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new UrlChannels.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdclientsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AdclientsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all ad clients in this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of ad clients to include in the response,
* used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through ad clients. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [AdClients].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdClients> list({ maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'adclients';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdClients.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdunitsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi get customchannels => new AdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi(_requester);
AdunitsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Gets the specified ad unit in the specified ad client.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to get the ad unit.
* [adUnitId] - Ad unit to retrieve.
* Completes with a [AdUnit].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdUnit> get(core.String adClientId, core.String adUnitId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (adUnitId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adUnitId is required.");
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adUnitId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdUnit.fromJson(data));
* Get ad code for the specified ad unit.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client with contains the ad unit.
* [adUnitId] - Ad unit to get the code for.
* Completes with a [AdCode].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdCode> getAdCode(core.String adClientId, core.String adUnitId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (adUnitId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adUnitId is required.");
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adUnitId') + '/adcode';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdCode.fromJson(data));
* List all ad units in the specified ad client for this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to list ad units.
* [includeInactive] - Whether to include inactive ad units. Default: true.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of ad units to include in the response,
* used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through ad units. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [AdUnits].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdUnits> list(core.String adClientId, {core.bool includeInactive, maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (includeInactive != null) {
_queryParams["includeInactive"] = ["${includeInactive}"];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdUnits.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AdunitsCustomchannelsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all custom channels which the specified ad unit belongs to.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client which contains the ad unit.
* [adUnitId] - Ad unit for which to list custom channels.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of custom channels to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through custom channels.
* To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of
* "nextPageToken" from the previous response.
* Completes with a [CustomChannels].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<CustomChannels> list(core.String adClientId, core.String adUnitId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (adUnitId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adUnitId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/adunits/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adUnitId') + '/customchannels';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new CustomChannels.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class AlertsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
AlertsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Dismiss (delete) the specified alert from the publisher's AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [alertId] - Alert to delete.
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future delete(core.String alertId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (alertId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter alertId is required.");
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'alerts/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$alertId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
* List the alerts for this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [locale] - The locale to use for translating alert messages. The account
* locale will be used if this is not supplied. The AdSense default (English)
* will be used if the supplied locale is invalid or unsupported.
* Completes with a [Alerts].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Alerts> list({core.String locale}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (locale != null) {
_queryParams["locale"] = [locale];
_url = 'alerts';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Alerts.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class CustomchannelsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
CustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi get adunits => new CustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi(_requester);
CustomchannelsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Get the specified custom channel from the specified ad client.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client which contains the custom channel.
* [customChannelId] - Custom channel to retrieve.
* Completes with a [CustomChannel].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<CustomChannel> get(core.String adClientId, core.String customChannelId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (customChannelId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter customChannelId is required.");
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/customchannels/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$customChannelId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new CustomChannel.fromJson(data));
* List all custom channels in the specified ad client for this AdSense
* account.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to list custom channels.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of custom channels to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through custom channels.
* To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of
* "nextPageToken" from the previous response.
* Completes with a [CustomChannels].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<CustomChannels> list(core.String adClientId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/customchannels';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new CustomChannels.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class CustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
CustomchannelsAdunitsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all ad units in the specified custom channel.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client which contains the custom channel.
* [customChannelId] - Custom channel for which to list ad units.
* [includeInactive] - Whether to include inactive ad units. Default: true.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of ad units to include in the response,
* used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through ad units. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [AdUnits].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdUnits> list(core.String adClientId, core.String customChannelId, {core.bool includeInactive, maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (customChannelId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter customChannelId is required.");
if (includeInactive != null) {
_queryParams["includeInactive"] = ["${includeInactive}"];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/customchannels/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$customChannelId') + '/adunits';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdUnits.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class MetadataResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
MetadataDimensionsResourceApi get dimensions => new MetadataDimensionsResourceApi(_requester);
MetadataMetricsResourceApi get metrics => new MetadataMetricsResourceApi(_requester);
MetadataResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
/** Not documented yet. */
class MetadataDimensionsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
MetadataDimensionsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List the metadata for the dimensions available to this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [Metadata].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Metadata> list() {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
_url = 'metadata/dimensions';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Metadata.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class MetadataMetricsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
MetadataMetricsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List the metadata for the metrics available to this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [Metadata].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Metadata> list() {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
_url = 'metadata/metrics';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Metadata.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class PaymentsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
PaymentsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List the payments for this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [Payments].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Payments> list() {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
_url = 'payments';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Payments.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class ReportsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
ReportsSavedResourceApi get saved => new ReportsSavedResourceApi(_requester);
ReportsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Generate an AdSense report based on the report request sent in the query
* parameters. Returns the result as JSON; to retrieve output in CSV format
* specify "alt=csv" as a query parameter.
* Request parameters:
* [startDate] - Start of the date range to report on in "YYYY-MM-DD" format,
* inclusive.
* Value must have pattern
* "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|(today|startOfMonth|startOfYear)(([\-\+]\d+[dwmy]){0,3}?)|(latest-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(-\d+y)?)|(latest-latest-(\d{2})(-\d+m)?)".
* [endDate] - End of the date range to report on in "YYYY-MM-DD" format,
* inclusive.
* Value must have pattern
* "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|(today|startOfMonth|startOfYear)(([\-\+]\d+[dwmy]){0,3}?)|(latest-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(-\d+y)?)|(latest-latest-(\d{2})(-\d+m)?)".
* [accountId] - Accounts upon which to report.
* [currency] - Optional currency to use when reporting on monetary metrics.
* Defaults to the account's currency if not set.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z]+".
* [dimension] - Dimensions to base the report on.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [filter] - Filters to be run on the report.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+(==|=@).+".
* [locale] - Optional locale to use for translating report output to a local
* language. Defaults to "en_US" if not specified.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of rows of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "50000".
* [metric] - Numeric columns to include in the report.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [sort] - The name of a dimension or metric to sort the resulting report on,
* optionally prefixed with "+" to sort ascending or "-" to sort descending.
* If no prefix is specified, the column is sorted ascending.
* Value must have pattern "(\+|-)?[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [startIndex] - Index of the first row of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "5000".
* [useTimezoneReporting] - Whether the report should be generated in the
* AdSense account's local timezone. If false default PST/PDT timezone will be
* used.
* [downloadOptions] - Options for downloading. A download can be either a
* Metadata (default) or Media download. Partial Media downloads are possible
* as well.
* Completes with a
* - [AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse] for Metadata downloads (see
* [downloadOptions]).
* - [common.Media] for Media downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future generate(core.String startDate, core.String endDate, {core.List<core.String> accountId, core.String currency, core.List<core.String> dimension, core.List<core.String> filter, core.String locale, maxResults, core.List<core.String> metric, core.List<core.String> sort, startIndex, core.bool useTimezoneReporting, common.DownloadOptions downloadOptions: common.DownloadOptions.Metadata}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (startDate == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter startDate is required.");
_queryParams["startDate"] = [startDate];
if (endDate == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter endDate is required.");
_queryParams["endDate"] = [endDate];
if (accountId != null) {
_queryParams["accountId"] = accountId;
if (currency != null) {
_queryParams["currency"] = [currency];
if (dimension != null) {
_queryParams["dimension"] = dimension;
if (filter != null) {
_queryParams["filter"] = filter;
if (locale != null) {
_queryParams["locale"] = [locale];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (metric != null) {
_queryParams["metric"] = metric;
if (sort != null) {
_queryParams["sort"] = sort;
if (startIndex != null) {
_queryParams["startIndex"] = ["${startIndex}"];
if (useTimezoneReporting != null) {
_queryParams["useTimezoneReporting"] = ["${useTimezoneReporting}"];
_downloadOptions = downloadOptions;
_url = 'reports';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
if (_downloadOptions == null ||
_downloadOptions == common.DownloadOptions.Metadata) {
return _response.then((data) => new AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse.fromJson(data));
} else {
return _response;
/** Not documented yet. */
class ReportsSavedResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
ReportsSavedResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Generate an AdSense report based on the saved report ID sent in the query
* parameters.
* Request parameters:
* [savedReportId] - The saved report to retrieve.
* [locale] - Optional locale to use for translating report output to a local
* language. Defaults to "en_US" if not specified.
* Value must have pattern "[a-zA-Z_]+".
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of rows of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "50000".
* [startIndex] - Index of the first row of report data to return.
* Value must be between "0" and "5000".
* Completes with a [AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse> generate(core.String savedReportId, {core.String locale, maxResults, startIndex}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (savedReportId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter savedReportId is required.");
if (locale != null) {
_queryParams["locale"] = [locale];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (startIndex != null) {
_queryParams["startIndex"] = ["${startIndex}"];
_url = 'reports/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$savedReportId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse.fromJson(data));
* List all saved reports in this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of saved reports to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "100".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through saved reports. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [SavedReports].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<SavedReports> list({ maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'reports/saved';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new SavedReports.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class SavedadstylesResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
SavedadstylesResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Get a specific saved ad style from the user's account.
* Request parameters:
* [savedAdStyleId] - Saved ad style to retrieve.
* Completes with a [SavedAdStyle].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<SavedAdStyle> get(core.String savedAdStyleId) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (savedAdStyleId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter savedAdStyleId is required.");
_url = 'savedadstyles/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$savedAdStyleId');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new SavedAdStyle.fromJson(data));
* List all saved ad styles in the user's account.
* Request parameters:
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of saved ad styles to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through saved ad styles.
* To retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of
* "nextPageToken" from the previous response.
* Completes with a [SavedAdStyles].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<SavedAdStyles> list({ maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'savedadstyles';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new SavedAdStyles.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class UrlchannelsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
UrlchannelsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List all URL channels in the specified ad client for this AdSense account.
* Request parameters:
* [adClientId] - Ad client for which to list URL channels.
* [maxResults] - The maximum number of URL channels to include in the
* response, used for paging.
* Value must be between "0" and "10000".
* [pageToken] - A continuation token, used to page through URL channels. To
* retrieve the next page, set this parameter to the value of "nextPageToken"
* from the previous response.
* Completes with a [UrlChannels].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<UrlChannels> list(core.String adClientId, { maxResults, core.String pageToken}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (adClientId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter adClientId is required.");
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
_url = 'adclients/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$adClientId') + '/urlchannels';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new UrlChannels.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class Account {
/** Unique identifier of this account. */
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#account. */
core.String kind;
/** Name of this account. */
core.String name;
/** Whether this account is premium. */
core.bool premium;
/** Sub accounts of the this account. */
core.List<Account> subAccounts;
/** AdSense timezone of this account. */
core.String timezone;
Account.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("premium")) {
premium = _json["premium"];
if (_json.containsKey("subAccounts")) {
subAccounts = _json["subAccounts"].map((value) => new Account.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("timezone")) {
timezone = _json["timezone"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (premium != null) {
_json["premium"] = premium;
if (subAccounts != null) {
_json["subAccounts"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (timezone != null) {
_json["timezone"] = timezone;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class Accounts {
/** ETag of this response for caching purposes. */
core.String etag;
/** The accounts returned in this list response. */
core.List<Account> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#accounts. */
core.String kind;
* Continuation token used to page through accounts. To retrieve the next page
* of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
core.String nextPageToken;
Accounts.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("etag")) {
etag = _json["etag"];
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new Account.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (etag != null) {
_json["etag"] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdClient {
/** Whether this ad client is opted in to ARC. */
core.bool arcOptIn;
* ARC review mode this ad client is in. Empty if the client is not opted in
core.String arcReviewMode;
/** Unique identifier of this ad client. */
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#adClient. */
core.String kind;
* This ad client's product code, which corresponds to the PRODUCT_CODE report
* dimension.
core.String productCode;
/** Whether this ad client supports being reported on. */
core.bool supportsReporting;
AdClient.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("arcOptIn")) {
arcOptIn = _json["arcOptIn"];
if (_json.containsKey("arcReviewMode")) {
arcReviewMode = _json["arcReviewMode"];
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("productCode")) {
productCode = _json["productCode"];
if (_json.containsKey("supportsReporting")) {
supportsReporting = _json["supportsReporting"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (arcOptIn != null) {
_json["arcOptIn"] = arcOptIn;
if (arcReviewMode != null) {
_json["arcReviewMode"] = arcReviewMode;
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (productCode != null) {
_json["productCode"] = productCode;
if (supportsReporting != null) {
_json["supportsReporting"] = supportsReporting;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdClients {
/** ETag of this response for caching purposes. */
core.String etag;
/** The ad clients returned in this list response. */
core.List<AdClient> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#adClients. */
core.String kind;
* Continuation token used to page through ad clients. To retrieve the next
* page of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
core.String nextPageToken;
AdClients.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("etag")) {
etag = _json["etag"];
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new AdClient.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (etag != null) {
_json["etag"] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdCode {
/** The ad code snippet. */
core.String adCode;
/** Kind this is, in this case adsense#adCode. */
core.String kind;
AdCode.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("adCode")) {
adCode = _json["adCode"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (adCode != null) {
_json["adCode"] = adCode;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
return _json;
* The colors which are included in the style. These are represented as six
* hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the leading
* hash.
class AdStyleColors {
/** The color of the ad background. */
core.String background;
/** The color of the ad border. */
core.String border;
/** The color of the ad text. */
core.String text;
/** The color of the ad title. */
core.String title;
/** The color of the ad url. */
core.String url;
AdStyleColors.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("background")) {
background = _json["background"];
if (_json.containsKey("border")) {
border = _json["border"];
if (_json.containsKey("text")) {
text = _json["text"];
if (_json.containsKey("title")) {
title = _json["title"];
if (_json.containsKey("url")) {
url = _json["url"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (background != null) {
_json["background"] = background;
if (border != null) {
_json["border"] = border;
if (text != null) {
_json["text"] = text;
if (title != null) {
_json["title"] = title;
if (url != null) {
_json["url"] = url;
return _json;
/** The font which is included in the style. */
class AdStyleFont {
/** The family of the font. */
core.String family;
/** The size of the font. */
core.String size;
AdStyleFont.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("family")) {
family = _json["family"];
if (_json.containsKey("size")) {
size = _json["size"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (family != null) {
_json["family"] = family;
if (size != null) {
_json["size"] = size;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdStyle {
* The colors which are included in the style. These are represented as six
* hexadecimal characters, similar to HTML color codes, but without the
* leading hash.
AdStyleColors colors;
/** The style of the corners in the ad. */
core.String corners;
/** The font which is included in the style. */
AdStyleFont font;
/** Kind this is, in this case adsense#adStyle. */
core.String kind;
AdStyle.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("colors")) {
colors = new AdStyleColors.fromJson(_json["colors"]);
if (_json.containsKey("corners")) {
corners = _json["corners"];
if (_json.containsKey("font")) {
font = new AdStyleFont.fromJson(_json["font"]);
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (colors != null) {
_json["colors"] = (colors).toJson();
if (corners != null) {
_json["corners"] = corners;
if (font != null) {
_json["font"] = (font).toJson();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
return _json;
/** The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available. */
class AdUnitContentAdsSettingsBackupOption {
/** Color to use when type is set to COLOR. */
core.String color;
/** Type of the backup option. Possible values are BLANK, COLOR and URL. */
core.String type;
/** URL to use when type is set to URL. */
core.String url;
AdUnitContentAdsSettingsBackupOption.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("color")) {
color = _json["color"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
if (_json.containsKey("url")) {
url = _json["url"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (color != null) {
_json["color"] = color;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
if (url != null) {
_json["url"] = url;
return _json;
* Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads (AFMC).
class AdUnitContentAdsSettings {
/** The backup option to be used in instances where no ad is available. */
AdUnitContentAdsSettingsBackupOption backupOption;
/** Size of this ad unit. */
core.String size;
/** Type of this ad unit. */
core.String type;
AdUnitContentAdsSettings.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("backupOption")) {
backupOption = new AdUnitContentAdsSettingsBackupOption.fromJson(_json["backupOption"]);
if (_json.containsKey("size")) {
size = _json["size"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (backupOption != null) {
_json["backupOption"] = (backupOption).toJson();
if (size != null) {
_json["size"] = size;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
return _json;
/** Settings specific to feed ads (AFF). */
class AdUnitFeedAdsSettings {
/** The position of the ads relative to the feed entries. */
core.String adPosition;
* The frequency at which ads should appear in the feed (i.e. every N
* entries).
*/ frequency;
/** The minimum length an entry should be in order to have attached ads. */ minimumWordCount;
/** The type of ads which should appear. */
core.String type;
AdUnitFeedAdsSettings.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("adPosition")) {
adPosition = _json["adPosition"];
if (_json.containsKey("frequency")) {
frequency = _json["frequency"];
if (_json.containsKey("minimumWordCount")) {
minimumWordCount = _json["minimumWordCount"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (adPosition != null) {
_json["adPosition"] = adPosition;
if (frequency != null) {
_json["frequency"] = frequency;
if (minimumWordCount != null) {
_json["minimumWordCount"] = minimumWordCount;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
return _json;
/** Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC). */
class AdUnitMobileContentAdsSettings {
/** The markup language to use for this ad unit. */
core.String markupLanguage;
/** The scripting language to use for this ad unit. */
core.String scriptingLanguage;
/** Size of this ad unit. */
core.String size;
/** Type of this ad unit. */
core.String type;
AdUnitMobileContentAdsSettings.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("markupLanguage")) {
markupLanguage = _json["markupLanguage"];
if (_json.containsKey("scriptingLanguage")) {
scriptingLanguage = _json["scriptingLanguage"];
if (_json.containsKey("size")) {
size = _json["size"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (markupLanguage != null) {
_json["markupLanguage"] = markupLanguage;
if (scriptingLanguage != null) {
_json["scriptingLanguage"] = scriptingLanguage;
if (size != null) {
_json["size"] = size;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdUnit {
* Identity code of this ad unit, not necessarily unique across ad clients.
core.String code;
* Settings specific to content ads (AFC) and highend mobile content ads
* (AFMC).
AdUnitContentAdsSettings contentAdsSettings;
/** Custom style information specific to this ad unit. */
AdStyle customStyle;
/** Settings specific to feed ads (AFF). */
AdUnitFeedAdsSettings feedAdsSettings;
* Unique identifier of this ad unit. This should be considered an opaque
* identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#adUnit. */
core.String kind;
/** Settings specific to WAP mobile content ads (AFMC). */
AdUnitMobileContentAdsSettings mobileContentAdsSettings;
/** Name of this ad unit. */
core.String name;
/** ID of the saved ad style which holds this ad unit's style information. */
core.String savedStyleId;
* Status of this ad unit. Possible values are:
* NEW: Indicates that the ad unit was created within the last seven days and
* does not yet have any activity associated with it.
* ACTIVE: Indicates that there has been activity on this ad unit in the last
* seven days.
* INACTIVE: Indicates that there has been no activity on this ad unit in the
* last seven days.
core.String status;
AdUnit.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("code")) {
code = _json["code"];
if (_json.containsKey("contentAdsSettings")) {
contentAdsSettings = new AdUnitContentAdsSettings.fromJson(_json["contentAdsSettings"]);
if (_json.containsKey("customStyle")) {
customStyle = new AdStyle.fromJson(_json["customStyle"]);
if (_json.containsKey("feedAdsSettings")) {
feedAdsSettings = new AdUnitFeedAdsSettings.fromJson(_json["feedAdsSettings"]);
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("mobileContentAdsSettings")) {
mobileContentAdsSettings = new AdUnitMobileContentAdsSettings.fromJson(_json["mobileContentAdsSettings"]);
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("savedStyleId")) {
savedStyleId = _json["savedStyleId"];
if (_json.containsKey("status")) {
status = _json["status"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (code != null) {
_json["code"] = code;
if (contentAdsSettings != null) {
_json["contentAdsSettings"] = (contentAdsSettings).toJson();
if (customStyle != null) {
_json["customStyle"] = (customStyle).toJson();
if (feedAdsSettings != null) {
_json["feedAdsSettings"] = (feedAdsSettings).toJson();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (mobileContentAdsSettings != null) {
_json["mobileContentAdsSettings"] = (mobileContentAdsSettings).toJson();
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (savedStyleId != null) {
_json["savedStyleId"] = savedStyleId;
if (status != null) {
_json["status"] = status;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdUnits {
/** ETag of this response for caching purposes. */
core.String etag;
/** The ad units returned in this list response. */
core.List<AdUnit> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#adUnits. */
core.String kind;
* Continuation token used to page through ad units. To retrieve the next page
* of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
core.String nextPageToken;
AdUnits.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("etag")) {
etag = _json["etag"];
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new AdUnit.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (etag != null) {
_json["etag"] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdsenseReportsGenerateResponseHeaders {
* The currency of this column. Only present if the header type is
core.String currency;
/** The name of the header. */
core.String name;
* The type of the header; one of DIMENSION, METRIC_TALLY, METRIC_RATIO, or
core.String type;
AdsenseReportsGenerateResponseHeaders.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("currency")) {
currency = _json["currency"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (currency != null) {
_json["currency"] = currency;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse {
* The averages of the report. This is the same length as any other row in the
* report; cells corresponding to dimension columns are empty.
core.List<core.String> averages;
/** The requested end date in yyyy-mm-dd format. */
core.String endDate;
* The header information of the columns requested in the report. This is a
* list of headers; one for each dimension in the request, followed by one for
* each metric in the request.
core.List<AdsenseReportsGenerateResponseHeaders> headers;
/** Kind this is, in this case adsense#report. */
core.String kind;
* The output rows of the report. Each row is a list of cells; one for each
* dimension in the request, followed by one for each metric in the request.
* The dimension cells contain strings, and the metric cells contain numbers.
core.List<core.List<core.String>> rows;
/** The requested start date in yyyy-mm-dd format. */
core.String startDate;
* The total number of rows matched by the report request. Fewer rows may be
* returned in the response due to being limited by the row count requested or
* the report row limit.
core.String totalMatchedRows;
* The totals of the report. This is the same length as any other row in the
* report; cells corresponding to dimension columns are empty.
core.List<core.String> totals;
/** Any warnings associated with generation of the report. */
core.List<core.String> warnings;
AdsenseReportsGenerateResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("averages")) {
averages = _json["averages"];
if (_json.containsKey("endDate")) {
endDate = _json["endDate"];
if (_json.containsKey("headers")) {
headers = _json["headers"].map((value) => new AdsenseReportsGenerateResponseHeaders.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("rows")) {
rows = _json["rows"];
if (_json.containsKey("startDate")) {
startDate = _json["startDate"];
if (_json.containsKey("totalMatchedRows")) {
totalMatchedRows = _json["totalMatchedRows"];
if (_json.containsKey("totals")) {
totals = _json["totals"];
if (_json.containsKey("warnings")) {
warnings = _json["warnings"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (averages != null) {
_json["averages"] = averages;
if (endDate != null) {
_json["endDate"] = endDate;
if (headers != null) {
_json["headers"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (rows != null) {
_json["rows"] = rows;
if (startDate != null) {
_json["startDate"] = startDate;
if (totalMatchedRows != null) {
_json["totalMatchedRows"] = totalMatchedRows;
if (totals != null) {
_json["totals"] = totals;
if (warnings != null) {
_json["warnings"] = warnings;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class Alert {
* Unique identifier of this alert. This should be considered an opaque
* identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
core.String id;
/** Whether this alert can be dismissed. */
core.bool isDismissible;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#alert. */
core.String kind;
/** The localized alert message. */
core.String message;
/** Severity of this alert. Possible values: INFO, WARNING, SEVERE. */
core.String severity;
* Type of this alert. Possible values: SELF_HOLD, MIGRATED_TO_BILLING3,
core.String type;
Alert.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("isDismissible")) {
isDismissible = _json["isDismissible"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("message")) {
message = _json["message"];
if (_json.containsKey("severity")) {
severity = _json["severity"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (isDismissible != null) {
_json["isDismissible"] = isDismissible;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (message != null) {
_json["message"] = message;
if (severity != null) {
_json["severity"] = severity;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class Alerts {
/** The alerts returned in this list response. */
core.List<Alert> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#alerts. */
core.String kind;
Alerts.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new Alert.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
return _json;
/** The targeting information of this custom channel, if activated. */
class CustomChannelTargetingInfo {
/** The name used to describe this channel externally. */
core.String adsAppearOn;
/** The external description of the channel. */
core.String description;
* The locations in which ads appear. (Only valid for content and mobile
* content ads). Acceptable values for content ads are: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER,
* mobile content ads are: TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, MULTIPLE_LOCATIONS.
core.String location;
/** The language of the sites ads will be displayed on. */
core.String siteLanguage;
CustomChannelTargetingInfo.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("adsAppearOn")) {
adsAppearOn = _json["adsAppearOn"];
if (_json.containsKey("description")) {
description = _json["description"];
if (_json.containsKey("location")) {
location = _json["location"];
if (_json.containsKey("siteLanguage")) {
siteLanguage = _json["siteLanguage"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (adsAppearOn != null) {
_json["adsAppearOn"] = adsAppearOn;
if (description != null) {
_json["description"] = description;
if (location != null) {
_json["location"] = location;
if (siteLanguage != null) {
_json["siteLanguage"] = siteLanguage;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class CustomChannel {
/** Code of this custom channel, not necessarily unique across ad clients. */
core.String code;
* Unique identifier of this custom channel. This should be considered an
* opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular
* format.
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#customChannel. */
core.String kind;
/** Name of this custom channel. */
core.String name;
/** The targeting information of this custom channel, if activated. */
CustomChannelTargetingInfo targetingInfo;
CustomChannel.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("code")) {
code = _json["code"];
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("targetingInfo")) {
targetingInfo = new CustomChannelTargetingInfo.fromJson(_json["targetingInfo"]);
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (code != null) {
_json["code"] = code;
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (targetingInfo != null) {
_json["targetingInfo"] = (targetingInfo).toJson();
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class CustomChannels {
/** ETag of this response for caching purposes. */
core.String etag;
/** The custom channels returned in this list response. */
core.List<CustomChannel> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#customChannels. */
core.String kind;
* Continuation token used to page through custom channels. To retrieve the
* next page of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
core.String nextPageToken;
CustomChannels.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("etag")) {
etag = _json["etag"];
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new CustomChannel.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (etag != null) {
_json["etag"] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class Metadata {
/** Not documented yet. */
core.List<ReportingMetadataEntry> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#metadata. */
core.String kind;
Metadata.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new ReportingMetadataEntry.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class Payment {
/** Unique identifier of this Payment. */
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#payment. */
core.String kind;
/** The amount to be paid. */
core.String paymentAmount;
/** The currency code for the amount to be paid. */
core.String paymentAmountCurrencyCode;
* The date this payment was/will be credited to the user, or none if the
* payment threshold has not been met.
core.String paymentDate;
Payment.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("paymentAmount")) {
paymentAmount = _json["paymentAmount"];
if (_json.containsKey("paymentAmountCurrencyCode")) {
paymentAmountCurrencyCode = _json["paymentAmountCurrencyCode"];
if (_json.containsKey("paymentDate")) {
paymentDate = _json["paymentDate"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (paymentAmount != null) {
_json["paymentAmount"] = paymentAmount;
if (paymentAmountCurrencyCode != null) {
_json["paymentAmountCurrencyCode"] = paymentAmountCurrencyCode;
if (paymentDate != null) {
_json["paymentDate"] = paymentDate;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class Payments {
* The list of Payments for the account. One or both of a) the account's most
* recent payment; and b) the account's upcoming payment.
core.List<Payment> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#payments. */
core.String kind;
Payments.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new Payment.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class ReportingMetadataEntry {
* For metrics this is a list of dimension IDs which the metric is compatible
* with, for dimensions it is a list of compatibility groups the dimension
* belongs to.
core.List<core.String> compatibleDimensions;
* The names of the metrics the dimension or metric this reporting metadata
* entry describes is compatible with.
core.List<core.String> compatibleMetrics;
* Unique identifier of this reporting metadata entry, corresponding to the
* name of the appropriate dimension or metric.
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#reportingMetadataEntry. */
core.String kind;
* The names of the dimensions which the dimension or metric this reporting
* metadata entry describes requires to also be present in order for the
* report to be valid. Omitting these will not cause an error or warning, but
* may result in data which cannot be correctly interpreted.
core.List<core.String> requiredDimensions;
* The names of the metrics which the dimension or metric this reporting
* metadata entry describes requires to also be present in order for the
* report to be valid. Omitting these will not cause an error or warning, but
* may result in data which cannot be correctly interpreted.
core.List<core.String> requiredMetrics;
* The codes of the projects supported by the dimension or metric this
* reporting metadata entry describes.
core.List<core.String> supportedProducts;
ReportingMetadataEntry.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("compatibleDimensions")) {
compatibleDimensions = _json["compatibleDimensions"];
if (_json.containsKey("compatibleMetrics")) {
compatibleMetrics = _json["compatibleMetrics"];
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("requiredDimensions")) {
requiredDimensions = _json["requiredDimensions"];
if (_json.containsKey("requiredMetrics")) {
requiredMetrics = _json["requiredMetrics"];
if (_json.containsKey("supportedProducts")) {
supportedProducts = _json["supportedProducts"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (compatibleDimensions != null) {
_json["compatibleDimensions"] = compatibleDimensions;
if (compatibleMetrics != null) {
_json["compatibleMetrics"] = compatibleMetrics;
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (requiredDimensions != null) {
_json["requiredDimensions"] = requiredDimensions;
if (requiredMetrics != null) {
_json["requiredMetrics"] = requiredMetrics;
if (supportedProducts != null) {
_json["supportedProducts"] = supportedProducts;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class SavedAdStyle {
/** The AdStyle itself. */
AdStyle adStyle;
* Unique identifier of this saved ad style. This should be considered an
* opaque identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular
* format.
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#savedAdStyle. */
core.String kind;
/** The user selected name of this SavedAdStyle. */
core.String name;
SavedAdStyle.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("adStyle")) {
adStyle = new AdStyle.fromJson(_json["adStyle"]);
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (adStyle != null) {
_json["adStyle"] = (adStyle).toJson();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class SavedAdStyles {
/** ETag of this response for caching purposes. */
core.String etag;
/** The saved ad styles returned in this list response. */
core.List<SavedAdStyle> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#savedAdStyles. */
core.String kind;
* Continuation token used to page through ad units. To retrieve the next page
* of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
core.String nextPageToken;
SavedAdStyles.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("etag")) {
etag = _json["etag"];
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new SavedAdStyle.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (etag != null) {
_json["etag"] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class SavedReport {
/** Unique identifier of this saved report. */
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#savedReport. */
core.String kind;
/** This saved report's name. */
core.String name;
SavedReport.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class SavedReports {
/** ETag of this response for caching purposes. */
core.String etag;
/** The saved reports returned in this list response. */
core.List<SavedReport> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#savedReports. */
core.String kind;
* Continuation token used to page through saved reports. To retrieve the next
* page of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
core.String nextPageToken;
SavedReports.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("etag")) {
etag = _json["etag"];
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new SavedReport.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (etag != null) {
_json["etag"] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class UrlChannel {
* Unique identifier of this URL channel. This should be considered an opaque
* identifier; it is not safe to rely on it being in any particular format.
core.String id;
/** Kind of resource this is, in this case adsense#urlChannel. */
core.String kind;
* URL Pattern of this URL channel. Does not include "http://" or "https://".
* Example:
core.String urlPattern;
UrlChannel.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("urlPattern")) {
urlPattern = _json["urlPattern"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (urlPattern != null) {
_json["urlPattern"] = urlPattern;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class UrlChannels {
/** ETag of this response for caching purposes. */
core.String etag;
/** The URL channels returned in this list response. */
core.List<UrlChannel> items;
/** Kind of list this is, in this case adsense#urlChannels. */
core.String kind;
* Continuation token used to page through URL channels. To retrieve the next
* page of results, set the next request's "pageToken" value to this.
core.String nextPageToken;
UrlChannels.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("etag")) {
etag = _json["etag"];
if (_json.containsKey("items")) {
items = _json["items"].map((value) => new UrlChannel.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (etag != null) {
_json["etag"] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json["items"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
return _json;