blob: c7b372f36eded03fcbc9a8b192f6d2b5fd9cc19c [file] [log] [blame]
library googleapis_beta.pubsub.v1beta1;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:collection" as collection;
import "dart:async" as async;
import "dart:convert" as convert;
import "package:crypto/crypto.dart" as crypto;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../src/common_internal.dart' as common_internal;
import '../common/common.dart' as common;
export '../common/common.dart' show ApiRequestError;
export '../common/common.dart' show DetailedApiRequestError;
* Provides reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications.
class PubsubApi {
/** View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services */
static const CloudPlatformScope = "";
/** View and manage Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions */
static const PubsubScope = "";
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
SubscriptionsResourceApi get subscriptions => new SubscriptionsResourceApi(_requester);
TopicsResourceApi get topics => new TopicsResourceApi(_requester);
PubsubApi(http.Client client) :
_requester = new common_internal.ApiRequester(client, "", "pubsub/v1beta1/");
/** Not documented yet. */
class SubscriptionsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
SubscriptionsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Acknowledges a particular received message: the Pub/Sub system can remove
* the given message from the subscription. Acknowledging a message whose Ack
* deadline has expired may succeed, but the message could have been already
* redelivered. Acknowledging a message more than once will not result in an
* error. This is only used for messages received via pull.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future acknowledge(AcknowledgeRequest request) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'subscriptions/acknowledge';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
* Creates a subscription on a given topic for a given subscriber. If the
* subscription already exists, returns ALREADY_EXISTS. If the corresponding
* topic doesn't exist, returns NOT_FOUND.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [Subscription].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Subscription> create(Subscription request) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
_url = 'subscriptions';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Subscription.fromJson(data));
* Deletes an existing subscription. All pending messages in the subscription
* are immediately dropped. Calls to Pull after deletion will return
* Request parameters:
* [subscription] - The subscription to delete.
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future delete(core.String subscription) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (subscription == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter subscription is required.");
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'subscriptions/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$subscription');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
* Gets the configuration details of a subscription.
* Request parameters:
* [subscription] - The name of the subscription to get.
* Completes with a [Subscription].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Subscription> get(core.String subscription) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (subscription == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter subscription is required.");
_url = 'subscriptions/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$subscription');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Subscription.fromJson(data));
* Lists matching subscriptions.
* Request parameters:
* [maxResults] - Maximum number of subscriptions to return.
* [pageToken] - The value obtained in the last ListSubscriptionsResponse for
* continuation.
* [query] - A valid label query expression.
* Completes with a [ListSubscriptionsResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ListSubscriptionsResponse> list({ maxResults, core.String pageToken, core.String query}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
if (query != null) {
_queryParams["query"] = [query];
_url = 'subscriptions';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new ListSubscriptionsResponse.fromJson(data));
* Modifies the Ack deadline for a message received from a pull request.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future modifyAckDeadline(ModifyAckDeadlineRequest request) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'subscriptions/modifyAckDeadline';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
* Modifies the PushConfig for a specified subscription. This method can be
* used to suspend the flow of messages to an end point by clearing the
* PushConfig field in the request. Messages will be accumulated for delivery
* even if no push configuration is defined or while the configuration is
* modified.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future modifyPushConfig(ModifyPushConfigRequest request) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'subscriptions/modifyPushConfig';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
* Pulls a single message from the server. If return_immediately is true, and
* no messages are available in the subscription, this method returns
* FAILED_PRECONDITION. The system is free to return an UNAVAILABLE error if
* no messages are available in a reasonable amount of time (to reduce system
* load).
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [PullResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<PullResponse> pull(PullRequest request) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
_url = 'subscriptions/pull';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new PullResponse.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class TopicsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
TopicsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Creates the given topic with the given name.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [Topic].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Topic> create(Topic request) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
_url = 'topics';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Topic.fromJson(data));
* Deletes the topic with the given name. All subscriptions to this topic are
* also deleted. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not exist. After a topic
* is deleted, a new topic may be created with the same name.
* Request parameters:
* [topic] - Name of the topic to delete.
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future delete(core.String topic) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (topic == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter topic is required.");
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'topics/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$topic');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
* Gets the configuration of a topic. Since the topic only has the name
* attribute, this method is only useful to check the existence of a topic. If
* other attributes are added in the future, they will be returned here.
* Request parameters:
* [topic] - The name of the topic to get.
* Completes with a [Topic].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Topic> get(core.String topic) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (topic == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter topic is required.");
_url = 'topics/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$topic');
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new Topic.fromJson(data));
* Lists matching topics.
* Request parameters:
* [maxResults] - Maximum number of topics to return.
* [pageToken] - The value obtained in the last ListTopicsResponse for
* continuation.
* [query] - A valid label query expression.
* Completes with a [ListTopicsResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ListTopicsResponse> list({ maxResults, core.String pageToken, core.String query}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams["maxResults"] = ["${maxResults}"];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams["pageToken"] = [pageToken];
if (query != null) {
_queryParams["query"] = [query];
_url = 'topics';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new ListTopicsResponse.fromJson(data));
* Adds a message to the topic. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not exist.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future publish(PublishRequest request) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
_downloadOptions = null;
_url = 'topics/publish';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => null);
/** Not documented yet. */
class AcknowledgeRequest {
* The Ack ID for the message being acknowledged. This was returned by the
* Pub/Sub system in the Pull response.
core.List<core.String> ackId;
/** The subscription whose message is being acknowledged. */
core.String subscription;
AcknowledgeRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("ackId")) {
ackId = _json["ackId"];
if (_json.containsKey("subscription")) {
subscription = _json["subscription"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (ackId != null) {
_json["ackId"] = ackId;
if (subscription != null) {
_json["subscription"] = subscription;
return _json;
/** A key-value pair applied to a given object. */
class Label {
* The key of a label is a syntactically valid URL (as per RFC 1738) with the
* "scheme" and initial slashes omitted and with the additional restrictions
* noted below. Each key should be globally unique. The "host" portion is
* called the "namespace" and is not necessarily resolvable to a network
* endpoint. Instead, the namespace indicates what system or entity defines
* the semantics of the label. Namespaces do not restrict the set of objects
* to which a label may be associated.
* Keys are defined by the following grammar:
* key = hostname "/" kpath kpath = ksegment *[ "/" ksegment ] ksegment =
* alphadigit | *[ alphadigit | "-" | "_" | "." ]
* where "hostname" and "alphadigit" are defined as in RFC 1738.
* Example key:
core.String key;
/** An integer value. */
core.String numValue;
/** A string value. */
core.String strValue;
Label.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("key")) {
key = _json["key"];
if (_json.containsKey("numValue")) {
numValue = _json["numValue"];
if (_json.containsKey("strValue")) {
strValue = _json["strValue"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (key != null) {
_json["key"] = key;
if (numValue != null) {
_json["numValue"] = numValue;
if (strValue != null) {
_json["strValue"] = strValue;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class ListSubscriptionsResponse {
* If not empty, indicates that there are more subscriptions that match the
* request and this value should be passed to the next
* ListSubscriptionsRequest to continue.
core.String nextPageToken;
/** The subscriptions that match the request. */
core.List<Subscription> subscription;
ListSubscriptionsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
if (_json.containsKey("subscription")) {
subscription = _json["subscription"].map((value) => new Subscription.fromJson(value)).toList();
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
if (subscription != null) {
_json["subscription"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class ListTopicsResponse {
* If not empty, indicates that there are more topics that match the request,
* and this value should be passed to the next ListTopicsRequest to continue.
core.String nextPageToken;
/** The resulting topics. */
core.List<Topic> topic;
ListTopicsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("nextPageToken")) {
nextPageToken = _json["nextPageToken"];
if (_json.containsKey("topic")) {
topic = _json["topic"].map((value) => new Topic.fromJson(value)).toList();
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json["nextPageToken"] = nextPageToken;
if (topic != null) {
_json["topic"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class ModifyAckDeadlineRequest {
/** The new Ack deadline. Must be >= 0. */ ackDeadlineSeconds;
/** The Ack ID. */
core.String ackId;
/** The name of the subscription from which messages are being pulled. */
core.String subscription;
ModifyAckDeadlineRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("ackDeadlineSeconds")) {
ackDeadlineSeconds = _json["ackDeadlineSeconds"];
if (_json.containsKey("ackId")) {
ackId = _json["ackId"];
if (_json.containsKey("subscription")) {
subscription = _json["subscription"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (ackDeadlineSeconds != null) {
_json["ackDeadlineSeconds"] = ackDeadlineSeconds;
if (ackId != null) {
_json["ackId"] = ackId;
if (subscription != null) {
_json["subscription"] = subscription;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class ModifyPushConfigRequest {
* An empty push_config indicates that the Pub/Sub system should pause pushing
* messages from the given subscription.
PushConfig pushConfig;
/** The name of the subscription. */
core.String subscription;
ModifyPushConfigRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("pushConfig")) {
pushConfig = new PushConfig.fromJson(_json["pushConfig"]);
if (_json.containsKey("subscription")) {
subscription = _json["subscription"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (pushConfig != null) {
_json["pushConfig"] = (pushConfig).toJson();
if (subscription != null) {
_json["subscription"] = subscription;
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class PublishRequest {
/** The message to publish. */
PubsubMessage message;
/** The name of the topic for which the message is being added. */
core.String topic;
PublishRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("message")) {
message = new PubsubMessage.fromJson(_json["message"]);
if (_json.containsKey("topic")) {
topic = _json["topic"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (message != null) {
_json["message"] = (message).toJson();
if (topic != null) {
_json["topic"] = topic;
return _json;
/** An event indicating a received message or truncation event. */
class PubsubEvent {
* Indicates that this subscription has been deleted. (Note that pull
* subscribers will always receive NOT_FOUND in response in their pull request
* on the subscription, rather than seeing this boolean.)
core.bool deleted;
/** A received message. */
PubsubMessage message;
/** The subscription that received the event. */
core.String subscription;
/** Indicates that this subscription has been truncated. */
core.bool truncated;
PubsubEvent.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("deleted")) {
deleted = _json["deleted"];
if (_json.containsKey("message")) {
message = new PubsubMessage.fromJson(_json["message"]);
if (_json.containsKey("subscription")) {
subscription = _json["subscription"];
if (_json.containsKey("truncated")) {
truncated = _json["truncated"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (deleted != null) {
_json["deleted"] = deleted;
if (message != null) {
_json["message"] = (message).toJson();
if (subscription != null) {
_json["subscription"] = subscription;
if (truncated != null) {
_json["truncated"] = truncated;
return _json;
/** A message data and its labels. */
class PubsubMessage {
/** The message payload. */
core.String data;
core.List<> get dataAsBytes {
return crypto.CryptoUtils.base64StringToBytes(data);
void set dataAsBytes(core.List<> _bytes) {
data = crypto.CryptoUtils.bytesToBase64(_bytes, urlSafe: true);
* Optional list of labels for this message. Keys in this collection must be
* unique.
core.List<Label> label;
PubsubMessage.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("data")) {
data = _json["data"];
if (_json.containsKey("label")) {
label = _json["label"].map((value) => new Label.fromJson(value)).toList();
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (data != null) {
_json["data"] = data;
if (label != null) {
_json["label"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
return _json;
/** Not documented yet. */
class PullRequest {
* If this is specified as true the system will respond immediately even if it
* is not able to return a message in the Pull response. Otherwise the system
* is allowed to wait until at least one message is available rather than
* returning FAILED_PRECONDITION. The client may cancel the request if it does
* not wish to wait any longer for the response.
core.bool returnImmediately;
/** The subscription from which a message should be pulled. */
core.String subscription;
PullRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("returnImmediately")) {
returnImmediately = _json["returnImmediately"];
if (_json.containsKey("subscription")) {
subscription = _json["subscription"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (returnImmediately != null) {
_json["returnImmediately"] = returnImmediately;
if (subscription != null) {
_json["subscription"] = subscription;
return _json;
* Either a PubsubMessage or a truncation event. One of these two must be
* populated.
class PullResponse {
/** This ID must be used to acknowledge the received event or message. */
core.String ackId;
/** A pubsub message or truncation event. */
PubsubEvent pubsubEvent;
PullResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("ackId")) {
ackId = _json["ackId"];
if (_json.containsKey("pubsubEvent")) {
pubsubEvent = new PubsubEvent.fromJson(_json["pubsubEvent"]);
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (ackId != null) {
_json["ackId"] = ackId;
if (pubsubEvent != null) {
_json["pubsubEvent"] = (pubsubEvent).toJson();
return _json;
/** Configuration for a push delivery endpoint. */
class PushConfig {
* A URL locating the endpoint to which messages should be pushed. For
* example, a Webhook endpoint might use "".
core.String pushEndpoint;
PushConfig.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("pushEndpoint")) {
pushEndpoint = _json["pushEndpoint"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (pushEndpoint != null) {
_json["pushEndpoint"] = pushEndpoint;
return _json;
/** A subscription resource. */
class Subscription {
* For either push or pull delivery, the value is the maximum time after a
* subscriber receives a message before the subscriber should acknowledge or
* Nack the message. If the Ack deadline for a message passes without an Ack
* or a Nack, the Pub/Sub system will eventually redeliver the message. If a
* subscriber acknowledges after the deadline, the Pub/Sub system may accept
* the Ack, but it is possible that the message has been already delivered
* again. Multiple Acks to the message are allowed and will succeed.
* For push delivery, this value is used to set the request timeout for the
* call to the push endpoint.
* For pull delivery, this value is used as the initial value for the Ack
* deadline. It may be overridden for a specific pull request (message) with
* ModifyAckDeadline. While a message is outstanding (i.e. it has been
* delivered to a pull subscriber and the subscriber has not yet Acked or
* Nacked), the Pub/Sub system will not deliver that message to another pull
* subscriber (on a best-effort basis).
*/ ackDeadlineSeconds;
/** Name of the subscription. */
core.String name;
* If push delivery is used with this subscription, this field is used to
* configure it.
PushConfig pushConfig;
* The name of the topic from which this subscription is receiving messages.
core.String topic;
Subscription.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("ackDeadlineSeconds")) {
ackDeadlineSeconds = _json["ackDeadlineSeconds"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("pushConfig")) {
pushConfig = new PushConfig.fromJson(_json["pushConfig"]);
if (_json.containsKey("topic")) {
topic = _json["topic"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (ackDeadlineSeconds != null) {
_json["ackDeadlineSeconds"] = ackDeadlineSeconds;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (pushConfig != null) {
_json["pushConfig"] = (pushConfig).toJson();
if (topic != null) {
_json["topic"] = topic;
return _json;
/** A topic resource. */
class Topic {
/** Name of the topic. */
core.String name;
Topic.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
return _json;