blob: 10520c91b106436b26aabcda474c8233059d0218 [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a generated file (see the discoveryapis_generator project).
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: comment_references
// ignore_for_file: file_names
// ignore_for_file: library_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: prefer_expression_function_bodies
// ignore_for_file: prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_cast
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_lambdas
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_string_interpolations
/// Manufacturer Center API - v1
/// Public API for managing Manufacturer Center related data.
/// For more information, see <>
/// Create an instance of [ManufacturerCenterApi] to access these resources:
/// - [AccountsResource]
/// - [AccountsProductsResource]
library manufacturers.v1;
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:core' as core;
import 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart' as commons;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../src/user_agent.dart';
export 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart'
show ApiRequestError, DetailedApiRequestError;
/// Public API for managing Manufacturer Center related data.
class ManufacturerCenterApi {
/// Manage your product listings for Google Manufacturer Center
static const manufacturercenterScope =
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsResource get accounts => AccountsResource(_requester);
ManufacturerCenterApi(http.Client client,
{core.String rootUrl = '',
core.String servicePath = ''})
: _requester =
commons.ApiRequester(client, rootUrl, servicePath, userAgent);
class AccountsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsProductsResource get products => AccountsProductsResource(_requester);
AccountsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
class AccountsProductsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
AccountsProductsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Deletes the product from a Manufacturer Center account.
/// Request parameters:
/// [parent] - Parent ID in the format `accounts/{account_id}`. `account_id` -
/// The ID of the Manufacturer Center account.
/// Value must have pattern `^accounts/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [name] - Name in the format
/// `{target_country}:{content_language}:{product_id}`. `target_country` - The
/// target country of the product as a CLDR territory code (for example, US).
/// `content_language` - The content language of the product as a two-letter
/// ISO 639-1 language code (for example, en). `product_id` - The ID of the
/// product. For more information, see
/// Value must have pattern `^\[^/\]+$`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Empty].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Empty> delete(
core.String parent,
core.String name, {
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$parent') +
'/products/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Empty.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Gets the product from a Manufacturer Center account, including product
/// issues.
/// A recently updated product takes around 15 minutes to process. Changes are
/// only visible after it has been processed. While some issues may be
/// available once the product has been processed, other issues may take days
/// to appear.
/// Request parameters:
/// [parent] - Parent ID in the format `accounts/{account_id}`. `account_id` -
/// The ID of the Manufacturer Center account.
/// Value must have pattern `^accounts/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [name] - Name in the format
/// `{target_country}:{content_language}:{product_id}`. `target_country` - The
/// target country of the product as a CLDR territory code (for example, US).
/// `content_language` - The content language of the product as a two-letter
/// ISO 639-1 language code (for example, en). `product_id` - The ID of the
/// product. For more information, see
/// Value must have pattern `^\[^/\]+$`.
/// [include] - The information to be included in the response. Only sections
/// listed here will be returned.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Product].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Product> get(
core.String parent,
core.String name, {
core.List<core.String>? include,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (include != null) 'include': include,
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$parent') +
'/products/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Product.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Lists all the products in a Manufacturer Center account.
/// Request parameters:
/// [parent] - Parent ID in the format `accounts/{account_id}`. `account_id` -
/// The ID of the Manufacturer Center account.
/// Value must have pattern `^accounts/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [include] - The information to be included in the response. Only sections
/// listed here will be returned.
/// [pageSize] - Maximum number of product statuses to return in the response,
/// used for paging.
/// [pageToken] - The token returned by the previous request.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [ListProductsResponse].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ListProductsResponse> list(
core.String parent, {
core.List<core.String>? include, pageSize,
core.String? pageToken,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (include != null) 'include': include,
if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'],
if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken],
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url =
'v1/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$parent') + '/products';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return ListProductsResponse.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Inserts or updates the attributes of the product in a Manufacturer Center
/// account.
/// Creates a product with the provided attributes. If the product already
/// exists, then all attributes are replaced with the new ones. The checks at
/// upload time are minimal. All required attributes need to be present for a
/// product to be valid. Issues may show up later after the API has accepted a
/// new upload for a product and it is possible to overwrite an existing valid
/// product with an invalid product. To detect this, you should retrieve the
/// product and check it for issues once the new version is available.
/// Uploaded attributes first need to be processed before they can be
/// retrieved. Until then, new products will be unavailable, and retrieval of
/// previously uploaded products will return the original state of the
/// product.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [parent] - Parent ID in the format `accounts/{account_id}`. `account_id` -
/// The ID of the Manufacturer Center account.
/// Value must have pattern `^accounts/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [name] - Name in the format
/// `{target_country}:{content_language}:{product_id}`. `target_country` - The
/// target country of the product as a CLDR territory code (for example, US).
/// `content_language` - The content language of the product as a two-letter
/// ISO 639-1 language code (for example, en). `product_id` - The ID of the
/// product. For more information, see
/// Value must have pattern `^\[^/\]+$`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Empty].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Empty> update(
Attributes request,
core.String parent,
core.String name, {
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariableReserved('$parent') +
'/products/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Empty.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Attributes of the product.
/// For more information, see
class Attributes {
/// The additional images of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.List<Image>? additionalImageLink;
/// The target age group of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? ageGroup;
/// The brand name of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? brand;
/// The capacity of the product.
/// For more information, see
Capacity? capacity;
/// The color of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? color;
/// The count of the product.
/// For more information, see
Count? count;
/// The description of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? description;
/// The disclosure date of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? disclosureDate;
/// A list of excluded destinations.
core.List<core.String>? excludedDestination;
/// The rich format description of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.List<FeatureDescription>? featureDescription;
/// The flavor of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? flavor;
/// The format of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? format;
/// The target gender of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? gender;
/// The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.List<core.String>? gtin;
/// The image of the product.
/// For more information, see
Image? imageLink;
/// A list of included destinations.
core.List<core.String>? includedDestination;
/// The item group id of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? itemGroupId;
/// The material of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? material;
/// The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? mpn;
/// The pattern of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? pattern;
/// The details of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.List<ProductDetail>? productDetail;
/// The product highlights.
/// For more information, see
core.List<core.String>? productHighlight;
/// The name of the group of products related to the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? productLine;
/// The canonical name of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? productName;
/// The URL of the detail page of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? productPageUrl;
/// The type or category of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.List<core.String>? productType;
/// The release date of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? releaseDate;
/// Rich product content.
/// For more information, see
core.List<core.String>? richProductContent;
/// The scent of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? scent;
/// The size of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? size;
/// The size system of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? sizeSystem;
/// The size type of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? sizeType;
/// The suggested retail price (MSRP) of the product.
/// For more information, see
Price? suggestedRetailPrice;
/// The target client id.
/// Should only be used in the accounts of the data partners.
core.String? targetClientId;
/// The theme of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? theme;
/// The title of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? title;
/// The videos of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.List<core.String>? videoLink;
Attributes.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('additionalImageLink')) {
additionalImageLink = (_json['additionalImageLink'] as core.List)
.map<Image>((value) =>
Image.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('ageGroup')) {
ageGroup = _json['ageGroup'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('brand')) {
brand = _json['brand'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('capacity')) {
capacity = Capacity.fromJson(
_json['capacity'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('color')) {
color = _json['color'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('count')) {
count =
Count.fromJson(_json['count'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('description')) {
description = _json['description'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('disclosureDate')) {
disclosureDate = _json['disclosureDate'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('excludedDestination')) {
excludedDestination = (_json['excludedDestination'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('featureDescription')) {
featureDescription = (_json['featureDescription'] as core.List)
.map<FeatureDescription>((value) => FeatureDescription.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('flavor')) {
flavor = _json['flavor'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('format')) {
format = _json['format'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('gender')) {
gender = _json['gender'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('gtin')) {
gtin = (_json['gtin'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('imageLink')) {
imageLink = Image.fromJson(
_json['imageLink'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('includedDestination')) {
includedDestination = (_json['includedDestination'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('itemGroupId')) {
itemGroupId = _json['itemGroupId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('material')) {
material = _json['material'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('mpn')) {
mpn = _json['mpn'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('pattern')) {
pattern = _json['pattern'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('productDetail')) {
productDetail = (_json['productDetail'] as core.List)
.map<ProductDetail>((value) => ProductDetail.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('productHighlight')) {
productHighlight = (_json['productHighlight'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('productLine')) {
productLine = _json['productLine'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('productName')) {
productName = _json['productName'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('productPageUrl')) {
productPageUrl = _json['productPageUrl'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('productType')) {
productType = (_json['productType'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('releaseDate')) {
releaseDate = _json['releaseDate'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('richProductContent')) {
richProductContent = (_json['richProductContent'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('scent')) {
scent = _json['scent'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('size')) {
size = _json['size'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('sizeSystem')) {
sizeSystem = _json['sizeSystem'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('sizeType')) {
sizeType = _json['sizeType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('suggestedRetailPrice')) {
suggestedRetailPrice = Price.fromJson(
_json['suggestedRetailPrice'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('targetClientId')) {
targetClientId = _json['targetClientId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('theme')) {
theme = _json['theme'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('title')) {
title = _json['title'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('videoLink')) {
videoLink = (_json['videoLink'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (additionalImageLink != null)
additionalImageLink!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (ageGroup != null) 'ageGroup': ageGroup!,
if (brand != null) 'brand': brand!,
if (capacity != null) 'capacity': capacity!.toJson(),
if (color != null) 'color': color!,
if (count != null) 'count': count!.toJson(),
if (description != null) 'description': description!,
if (disclosureDate != null) 'disclosureDate': disclosureDate!,
if (excludedDestination != null)
'excludedDestination': excludedDestination!,
if (featureDescription != null)
featureDescription!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (flavor != null) 'flavor': flavor!,
if (format != null) 'format': format!,
if (gender != null) 'gender': gender!,
if (gtin != null) 'gtin': gtin!,
if (imageLink != null) 'imageLink': imageLink!.toJson(),
if (includedDestination != null)
'includedDestination': includedDestination!,
if (itemGroupId != null) 'itemGroupId': itemGroupId!,
if (material != null) 'material': material!,
if (mpn != null) 'mpn': mpn!,
if (pattern != null) 'pattern': pattern!,
if (productDetail != null)
productDetail!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (productHighlight != null) 'productHighlight': productHighlight!,
if (productLine != null) 'productLine': productLine!,
if (productName != null) 'productName': productName!,
if (productPageUrl != null) 'productPageUrl': productPageUrl!,
if (productType != null) 'productType': productType!,
if (releaseDate != null) 'releaseDate': releaseDate!,
if (richProductContent != null)
'richProductContent': richProductContent!,
if (scent != null) 'scent': scent!,
if (size != null) 'size': size!,
if (sizeSystem != null) 'sizeSystem': sizeSystem!,
if (sizeType != null) 'sizeType': sizeType!,
if (suggestedRetailPrice != null)
'suggestedRetailPrice': suggestedRetailPrice!.toJson(),
if (targetClientId != null) 'targetClientId': targetClientId!,
if (theme != null) 'theme': theme!,
if (title != null) 'title': title!,
if (videoLink != null) 'videoLink': videoLink!,
/// The capacity of a product.
/// For more information, see
class Capacity {
/// The unit of the capacity, i.e., MB, GB, or TB.
core.String? unit;
/// The numeric value of the capacity.
core.String? value;
Capacity.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('unit')) {
unit = _json['unit'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('value')) {
value = _json['value'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (unit != null) 'unit': unit!,
if (value != null) 'value': value!,
/// The number of products in a single package.
/// For more information, see
class Count {
/// The unit in which these products are counted.
core.String? unit;
/// The numeric value of the number of products in a package.
core.String? value;
Count.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('unit')) {
unit = _json['unit'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('value')) {
value = _json['value'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (unit != null) 'unit': unit!,
if (value != null) 'value': value!,
/// The destination status.
class DestinationStatus {
/// The name of the destination.
core.String? destination;
/// The status of the destination.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "UNKNOWN" : Unspecified status, never used.
/// - "ACTIVE" : The product is used for this destination.
/// - "PENDING" : The decision is still pending.
/// - "DISAPPROVED" : The product is disapproved. Please look at the issues.
core.String? status;
DestinationStatus.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('destination')) {
destination = _json['destination'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('status')) {
status = _json['status'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (destination != null) 'destination': destination!,
if (status != null) 'status': status!,
/// A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
/// empty messages in your APIs.
/// A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API
/// method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns
/// (google.protobuf.Empty); } The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON
/// object `{}`.
class Empty {
// ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
core.Map _json);
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {};
/// A feature description of the product.
/// For more information, see
class FeatureDescription {
/// A short description of the feature.
core.String? headline;
/// An optional image describing the feature.
Image? image;
/// A detailed description of the feature.
core.String? text;
FeatureDescription.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('headline')) {
headline = _json['headline'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('image')) {
image =
Image.fromJson(_json['image'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('text')) {
text = _json['text'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (headline != null) 'headline': headline!,
if (image != null) 'image': image!.toJson(),
if (text != null) 'text': text!,
/// An image.
class Image {
/// The URL of the image.
/// For crawled images, this is the provided URL. For uploaded images, this is
/// a serving URL from Google if the image has been processed successfully.
core.String? imageUrl;
/// The status of the image.
/// @OutputOnly
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "STATUS_UNSPECIFIED" : The image status is unspecified. Should not be
/// used.
/// - "PENDING_PROCESSING" : The image was uploaded and is being processed.
/// - "PENDING_CRAWL" : The image crawl is still pending.
/// - "OK" : The image was processed and it meets the requirements.
/// - "ROBOTED" : The image URL is protected by robots.txt file and cannot be
/// crawled.
/// - "XROBOTED" : The image URL is protected by X-Robots-Tag and cannot be
/// crawled.
/// - "CRAWL_ERROR" : There was an error while crawling the image.
/// - "PROCESSING_ERROR" : The image cannot be processed.
/// - "DECODING_ERROR" : The image cannot be decoded.
/// - "TOO_BIG" : The image is too big.
/// - "CRAWL_SKIPPED" : The image was manually overridden and will not be
/// crawled.
/// - "HOSTLOADED" : The image crawl was postponed to avoid overloading the
/// host.
/// - "HTTP_404" : The image URL returned a "404 Not Found" error.
core.String? status;
/// The type of the image, i.e., crawled or uploaded.
/// @OutputOnly
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : Type is unspecified. Should not be used.
/// - "CRAWLED" : The image was crawled from a provided URL.
/// - "UPLOADED" : The image was uploaded.
core.String? type;
Image.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('imageUrl')) {
imageUrl = _json['imageUrl'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('status')) {
status = _json['status'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (imageUrl != null) 'imageUrl': imageUrl!,
if (status != null) 'status': status!,
if (type != null) 'type': type!,
/// Product issue.
class Issue {
/// If present, the attribute that triggered the issue.
/// For more information about attributes, see
core.String? attribute;
/// Longer description of the issue focused on how to resolve it.
core.String? description;
/// The destination this issue applies to.
core.String? destination;
/// What needs to happen to resolve the issue.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "RESOLUTION_UNSPECIFIED" : Unspecified resolution, never used.
/// - "USER_ACTION" : The user who provided the data must act in order to
/// resolve the issue (for example by correcting some data).
/// - "PENDING_PROCESSING" : The issue will be resolved automatically (for
/// example image crawl or Google review). No action is required now.
/// Resolution might lead to another issue (for example if crawl fails).
core.String? resolution;
/// The severity of the issue.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED" : Unspecified severity, never used.
/// - "ERROR" : Error severity. The issue prevents the usage of the whole
/// item.
/// - "WARNING" : Warning severity. The issue is either one that prevents the
/// usage of the attribute that triggered it or one that will soon prevent the
/// usage of the whole item.
/// - "INFO" : Info severity. The issue is one that doesn't require immediate
/// attention. It is, for example, used to communicate which attributes are
/// still pending review.
core.String? severity;
/// The timestamp when this issue appeared.
core.String? timestamp;
/// Short title describing the nature of the issue.
core.String? title;
/// The server-generated type of the issue, for example,
core.String? type;
Issue.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('attribute')) {
attribute = _json['attribute'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('description')) {
description = _json['description'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('destination')) {
destination = _json['destination'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('resolution')) {
resolution = _json['resolution'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('severity')) {
severity = _json['severity'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('timestamp')) {
timestamp = _json['timestamp'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('title')) {
title = _json['title'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (attribute != null) 'attribute': attribute!,
if (description != null) 'description': description!,
if (destination != null) 'destination': destination!,
if (resolution != null) 'resolution': resolution!,
if (severity != null) 'severity': severity!,
if (timestamp != null) 'timestamp': timestamp!,
if (title != null) 'title': title!,
if (type != null) 'type': type!,
class ListProductsResponse {
/// The token for the retrieval of the next page of product statuses.
core.String? nextPageToken;
/// List of the products.
core.List<Product>? products;
ListProductsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('products')) {
products = (_json['products'] as core.List)
.map<Product>((value) =>
Product.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (nextPageToken != null) 'nextPageToken': nextPageToken!,
if (products != null)
'products': products!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
/// A price.
class Price {
/// The numeric value of the price.
core.String? amount;
/// The currency in which the price is denoted.
core.String? currency;
Price.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('amount')) {
amount = _json['amount'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('currency')) {
currency = _json['currency'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (amount != null) 'amount': amount!,
if (currency != null) 'currency': currency!,
/// Product data.
class Product {
/// Attributes of the product uploaded to the Manufacturer Center.
/// Manually edited attributes are taken into account.
Attributes? attributes;
/// The content language of the product as a two-letter ISO 639-1 language
/// code (for example, en).
core.String? contentLanguage;
/// The status of the destinations.
core.List<DestinationStatus>? destinationStatuses;
/// A server-generated list of issues associated with the product.
core.List<Issue>? issues;
/// Name in the format `{target_country}:{content_language}:{product_id}`.
/// `target_country` - The target country of the product as a CLDR territory
/// code (for example, US). `content_language` - The content language of the
/// product as a two-letter ISO 639-1 language code (for example, en).
/// `product_id` - The ID of the product. For more information, see
core.String? name;
/// Parent ID in the format `accounts/{account_id}`.
/// `account_id` - The ID of the Manufacturer Center account.
core.String? parent;
/// The ID of the product.
/// For more information, see
core.String? productId;
/// The target country of the product as a CLDR territory code (for example,
/// US).
core.String? targetCountry;
Product.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('attributes')) {
attributes = Attributes.fromJson(
_json['attributes'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('contentLanguage')) {
contentLanguage = _json['contentLanguage'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('destinationStatuses')) {
destinationStatuses = (_json['destinationStatuses'] as core.List)
.map<DestinationStatus>((value) => DestinationStatus.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('issues')) {
issues = (_json['issues'] as core.List)
.map<Issue>((value) =>
Issue.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('parent')) {
parent = _json['parent'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('productId')) {
productId = _json['productId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('targetCountry')) {
targetCountry = _json['targetCountry'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (attributes != null) 'attributes': attributes!.toJson(),
if (contentLanguage != null) 'contentLanguage': contentLanguage!,
if (destinationStatuses != null)
destinationStatuses!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (issues != null)
'issues': issues!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
if (parent != null) 'parent': parent!,
if (productId != null) 'productId': productId!,
if (targetCountry != null) 'targetCountry': targetCountry!,
/// A product detail of the product.
/// For more information, see
class ProductDetail {
/// The name of the attribute.
core.String? attributeName;
/// The value of the attribute.
core.String? attributeValue;
/// A short section name that can be reused between multiple product details.
core.String? sectionName;
ProductDetail.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('attributeName')) {
attributeName = _json['attributeName'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('attributeValue')) {
attributeValue = _json['attributeValue'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('sectionName')) {
sectionName = _json['sectionName'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object?> toJson() => {
if (attributeName != null) 'attributeName': attributeName!,
if (attributeValue != null) 'attributeValue': attributeValue!,
if (sectionName != null) 'sectionName': sectionName!,