blob: dcd16cf4e4b8e0d1fad7c17adc09b0479d539ed4 [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a generated file (see the discoveryapis_generator project).
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: comment_references
// ignore_for_file: file_names
// ignore_for_file: library_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: prefer_expression_function_bodies
// ignore_for_file: prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_cast
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_lambdas
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_string_interpolations
/// Admin SDK API - reports_v1
/// Admin SDK lets administrators of enterprise domains to view and manage
/// resources like user, groups etc. It also provides audit and usage reports of
/// domain.
/// For more information, see <>
/// Create an instance of [ReportsApi] to access these resources:
/// - [ActivitiesResource]
/// - [ChannelsResource]
/// - [CustomerUsageReportsResource]
/// - [EntityUsageReportsResource]
/// - [UserUsageReportResource]
library admin.reports_v1;
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:core' as core;
import 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart' as commons;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../src/user_agent.dart';
export 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart'
show ApiRequestError, DetailedApiRequestError;
/// Admin SDK lets administrators of enterprise domains to view and manage
/// resources like user, groups etc.
/// It also provides audit and usage reports of domain.
class ReportsApi {
/// View audit reports for your G Suite domain
static const adminReportsAuditReadonlyScope =
/// View usage reports for your G Suite domain
static const adminReportsUsageReadonlyScope =
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ActivitiesResource get activities => ActivitiesResource(_requester);
ChannelsResource get channels => ChannelsResource(_requester);
CustomerUsageReportsResource get customerUsageReports =>
EntityUsageReportsResource get entityUsageReports =>
UserUsageReportResource get userUsageReport =>
ReportsApi(http.Client client,
{core.String rootUrl = '',
core.String servicePath = ''})
: _requester =
commons.ApiRequester(client, rootUrl, servicePath, userAgent);
class ActivitiesResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ActivitiesResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Retrieves a list of activities for a specific customer's account and
/// application such as the Admin console application or the Google Drive
/// application.
/// For more information, see the guides for administrator and Google Drive
/// activity reports. For more information about the activity report's
/// parameters, see the activity parameters reference guides.
/// Request parameters:
/// [userKey] - Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data
/// should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a
/// user's unique G Suite profile ID or their primary email address.
/// [applicationName] - Application name for which the events are to be
/// retrieved.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(access_transparency)|(admin)|(calendar)|(chat)|(chrome)|(context_aware_access)|(data_studio)|(drive)|(gcp)|(gplus)|(groups)|(groups_enterprise)|(jamboard)|(login)|(meet)|(mobile)|(rules)|(saml)|(token)|(user_accounts)`.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "application_name_undefined"
/// - "access_transparency" : The G Suite Access Transparency activity reports
/// return information about different types of Access Transparency activity
/// events.
/// - "admin" : The Admin console application's activity reports return
/// account information about different types of administrator activity
/// events.
/// - "calendar" : The G Suite Calendar application's activity reports return
/// information about various Calendar activity events.
/// - "chat" : The Chat activity reports return information about various Chat
/// activity events.
/// - "drive" : The Google Drive application's activity reports return
/// information about various Google Drive activity events. The Drive activity
/// report is only available for G Suite Business customers.
/// - "gcp" : The Google Cloud Platform application's activity reports return
/// information about various GCP activity events.
/// - "gplus" : The Google+ application's activity reports return information
/// about various Google+ activity events.
/// - "groups" : The Google Groups application's activity reports return
/// information about various Groups activity events.
/// - "groups_enterprise" : The Enterprise Groups activity reports return
/// information about various Enterprise group activity events.
/// - "jamboard" : The Jamboard activity reports return information about
/// various Jamboard activity events.
/// - "login" : The Login application's activity reports return account
/// information about different types of Login activity events.
/// - "meet" : The Meet Audit activity report return information about
/// different types of Meet Audit activity events.
/// - "mobile" : The Mobile Audit activity report return information about
/// different types of Mobile Audit activity events.
/// - "rules" : The Rules activity report return information about different
/// types of Rules activity events.
/// - "saml" : The SAML activity report return information about different
/// types of SAML activity events.
/// - "token" : The Token application's activity reports return account
/// information about different types of Token activity events.
/// - "user_accounts" : The User Accounts application's activity reports
/// return account information about different types of User Accounts activity
/// events.
/// - "context_aware_access" : The Context-aware access activity reports
/// return information about users' access denied events due to Context-aware
/// access rules.
/// - "chrome" : The Chrome activity reports return information about unsafe
/// events reported in the context of the WebProtect features of BeyondCorp.
/// - "data_studio" : The Data Studio activity reports return information
/// about various types of Data Studio activity events.
/// [actorIpAddress] - The Internet Protocol (IP) Address of host where the
/// event was performed. This is an additional way to filter a report's
/// summary using the IP address of the user whose activity is being reported.
/// This IP address may or may not reflect the user's physical location. For
/// example, the IP address can be the user's proxy server's address or a
/// virtual private network (VPN) address. This parameter supports both IPv4
/// and IPv6 address versions.
/// [customerId] - The unique ID of the customer to retrieve data for.
/// Value must have pattern `C.+|my_customer`.
/// [endTime] - Sets the end of the range of time shown in the report. The
/// date is in the RFC 3339 format, for example 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z. The
/// default value is the approximate time of the API request. An API report
/// has three basic time concepts: - *Date of the API's request for a report*:
/// When the API created and retrieved the report. - *Report's start time*:
/// The beginning of the timespan shown in the report. The `startTime` must be
/// before the `endTime` (if specified) and the current time when the request
/// is made, or the API returns an error. - *Report's end time*: The end of
/// the timespan shown in the report. For example, the timespan of events
/// summarized in a report can start in April and end in May. The report
/// itself can be requested in August. If the `endTime` is not specified, the
/// report returns all activities from the `startTime` until the current time
/// or the most recent 180 days if the `startTime` is more than 180 days in
/// the past.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:(Z)|(\[-+\])(\d\d):(\d\d))`.
/// [eventName] - The name of the event being queried by the API. Each
/// `eventName` is related to a specific G Suite service or feature which the
/// API organizes into types of events. An example is the Google Calendar
/// events in the Admin console application's reports. The Calendar Settings
/// `type` structure has all of the Calendar `eventName` activities reported
/// by the API. When an administrator changes a Calendar setting, the API
/// reports this activity in the Calendar Settings `type` and `eventName`
/// parameters. For more information about `eventName` query strings and
/// parameters, see the list of event names for various applications above in
/// `applicationName`.
/// [filters] - The `filters` query string is a comma-separated list. The list
/// is composed of event parameters that are manipulated by relational
/// operators. Event parameters are in the form `parameter1 name[parameter1
/// value],parameter2 name[parameter2 value],...` These event parameters are
/// associated with a specific `eventName`. An empty report is returned if the
/// filtered request's parameter does not belong to the `eventName`. For more
/// information about `eventName` parameters, see the list of event names for
/// various applications above in `applicationName`. In the following Admin
/// Activity example, the <> operator is URL-encoded in the request's query
/// string (%3C%3E): GET...&eventName=CHANGE_CALENDAR_SETTING
/// &filters=NEW_VALUE%3C%3EREAD_ONLY_ACCESS In the following Drive example,
/// the list can be a view or edit event's `doc_id` parameter with a value
/// that is manipulated by an 'equal to' (==) or 'not equal to' (<>)
/// relational operator. In the first example, the report returns each edited
/// document's `doc_id`. In the second example, the report returns each viewed
/// document's `doc_id` that equals the value 12345 and does not return any
/// viewed document's which have a `doc_id` value of 98765. The <> operator is
/// URL-encoded in the request's query string (%3C%3E):
/// GET...&eventName=edit&filters=doc_id
/// GET...&eventName=view&filters=doc_id==12345,doc_id%3C%3E98765 The
/// relational operators include: - `==` - 'equal to'. - `<>` - 'not equal
/// to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E). - `<` - 'less than'. It is URL-encoded
/// (%3C). - `<=` - 'less than or equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C=). - `>` -
/// 'greater than'. It is URL-encoded (%3E). - `>=` - 'greater than or equal
/// to'. It is URL-encoded (%3E=). *Note:* The API doesn't accept multiple
/// values of a parameter. If a particular parameter is supplied more than
/// once in the API request, the API only accepts the last value of that
/// request parameter. In addition, if an invalid request parameter is
/// supplied in the API request, the API ignores that request parameter and
/// returns the response corresponding to the remaining valid request
/// parameters. If no parameters are requested, all parameters are returned.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(.+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,<>\].+,)*(.+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,<>\].+)`.
/// [groupIdFilter] - Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user
/// activities are filtered, i.e, the response will contain activities for
/// only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids
/// mentioned here. Format: "id:abc123,id:xyz456"
/// Value must have pattern `(id:\[a-z0-9\]+(,id:\[a-z0-9\]+)*)`.
/// [maxResults] - Determines how many activity records are shown on each
/// response page. For example, if the request sets `maxResults=1` and the
/// report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response's
/// `nextPageToken` property has the token to the second page. The
/// `maxResults` query string is optional in the request. The default value is
/// 1000.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [orgUnitID] - ID of the organizational unit to report on. Activity records
/// will be shown only for users who belong to the specified organizational
/// unit. Data before Dec 17, 2018 doesn't appear in the filtered results.
/// Value must have pattern `(id:\[a-z0-9\]+)`.
/// [pageToken] - The token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages
/// has a `nextPageToken` property in the response. In your follow-on request
/// getting the next page of the report, enter the `nextPageToken` value in
/// the `pageToken` query string.
/// [startTime] - Sets the beginning of the range of time shown in the report.
/// The date is in the RFC 3339 format, for example 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z.
/// The report returns all activities from `startTime` until `endTime`. The
/// `startTime` must be before the `endTime` (if specified) and the current
/// time when the request is made, or the API returns an error.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:(Z)|(\[-+\])(\d\d):(\d\d))`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Activities].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Activities> list(
core.String userKey,
core.String applicationName, {
core.String actorIpAddress,
core.String customerId,
core.String endTime,
core.String eventName,
core.String filters,
core.String groupIdFilter, maxResults,
core.String orgUnitID,
core.String pageToken,
core.String startTime,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (userKey == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter userKey is required.');
if (applicationName == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter applicationName is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (actorIpAddress != null) {
_queryParams['actorIpAddress'] = [actorIpAddress];
if (customerId != null) {
_queryParams['customerId'] = [customerId];
if (endTime != null) {
_queryParams['endTime'] = [endTime];
if (eventName != null) {
_queryParams['eventName'] = [eventName];
if (filters != null) {
_queryParams['filters'] = [filters];
if (groupIdFilter != null) {
_queryParams['groupIdFilter'] = [groupIdFilter];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams['maxResults'] = ['${maxResults}'];
if (orgUnitID != null) {
_queryParams['orgUnitID'] = [orgUnitID];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (startTime != null) {
_queryParams['startTime'] = [startTime];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'admin/reports/v1/activity/users/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$userKey') +
'/applications/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Activities.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Start receiving notifications for account activities.
/// For more information, see Receiving Push Notifications.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [userKey] - Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data
/// should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a
/// user's unique G Suite profile ID or their primary email address.
/// [applicationName] - Application name for which the events are to be
/// retrieved.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(access_transparency)|(admin)|(calendar)|(chat)|(chrome)|(context_aware_access)|(data_studio)|(drive)|(gcp)|(gplus)|(groups)|(groups_enterprise)|(jamboard)|(login)|(meet)|(mobile)|(rules)|(saml)|(token)|(user_accounts)`.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "application_name_unspecified"
/// - "access_transparency" : The G Suite Access Transparency activity reports
/// return information about different types of Access Transparency activity
/// events.
/// - "admin" : The Admin console application's activity reports return
/// account information about different types of administrator activity
/// events.
/// - "calendar" : The G Suite Calendar application's activity reports return
/// information about various Calendar activity events.
/// - "chat" : The Chat activity reports return information about various Chat
/// activity events.
/// - "drive" : The Google Drive application's activity reports return
/// information about various Google Drive activity events. The Drive activity
/// report is only available for G Suite Business customers.
/// - "gcp" : The Google Cloud Platform application's activity reports return
/// information about various GCP activity events.
/// - "gplus" : The Google+ application's activity reports return information
/// about various Google+ activity events.
/// - "groups" : The Google Groups application's activity reports return
/// information about various Groups activity events.
/// - "groups_enterprise" : The Enterprise Groups activity reports return
/// information about various Enterprise group activity events.
/// - "jamboard" : The Jamboard activity reports return information about
/// various Jamboard activity events.
/// - "login" : The Login application's activity reports return account
/// information about different types of Login activity events.
/// - "meet" : The Meet Audit activity report return information about
/// different types of Meet Audit activity events.
/// - "mobile" : The Mobile Audit activity report return information about
/// different types of Mobile Audit activity events.
/// - "rules" : The Rules activity report return information about different
/// types of Rules activity events.
/// - "saml" : The SAML activity report return information about different
/// types of SAML activity events.
/// - "token" : The Token application's activity reports return account
/// information about different types of Token activity events.
/// - "user_accounts" : The User Accounts application's activity reports
/// return account information about different types of User Accounts activity
/// events.
/// - "context_aware_access" : The Context-aware access activity reports
/// return information about users' access denied events due to Context-aware
/// access rules.
/// - "chrome" : The Chrome activity reports return information about unsafe
/// events reported in the context of the WebProtect features of BeyondCorp.
/// - "data_studio" : The Data Studio activity reports return information
/// about various types of Data Studio activity events.
/// [actorIpAddress] - The Internet Protocol (IP) Address of host where the
/// event was performed. This is an additional way to filter a report's
/// summary using the IP address of the user whose activity is being reported.
/// This IP address may or may not reflect the user's physical location. For
/// example, the IP address can be the user's proxy server's address or a
/// virtual private network (VPN) address. This parameter supports both IPv4
/// and IPv6 address versions.
/// [customerId] - The unique ID of the customer to retrieve data for.
/// Value must have pattern `C.+|my_customer`.
/// [endTime] - Sets the end of the range of time shown in the report. The
/// date is in the RFC 3339 format, for example 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z. The
/// default value is the approximate time of the API request. An API report
/// has three basic time concepts: - *Date of the API's request for a report*:
/// When the API created and retrieved the report. - *Report's start time*:
/// The beginning of the timespan shown in the report. The `startTime` must be
/// before the `endTime` (if specified) and the current time when the request
/// is made, or the API returns an error. - *Report's end time*: The end of
/// the timespan shown in the report. For example, the timespan of events
/// summarized in a report can start in April and end in May. The report
/// itself can be requested in August. If the `endTime` is not specified, the
/// report returns all activities from the `startTime` until the current time
/// or the most recent 180 days if the `startTime` is more than 180 days in
/// the past.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:(Z)|(\[-+\])(\d\d):(\d\d))`.
/// [eventName] - The name of the event being queried by the API. Each
/// `eventName` is related to a specific G Suite service or feature which the
/// API organizes into types of events. An example is the Google Calendar
/// events in the Admin console application's reports. The Calendar Settings
/// `type` structure has all of the Calendar `eventName` activities reported
/// by the API. When an administrator changes a Calendar setting, the API
/// reports this activity in the Calendar Settings `type` and `eventName`
/// parameters. For more information about `eventName` query strings and
/// parameters, see the list of event names for various applications above in
/// `applicationName`.
/// [filters] - The `filters` query string is a comma-separated list. The list
/// is composed of event parameters that are manipulated by relational
/// operators. Event parameters are in the form `parameter1 name[parameter1
/// value],parameter2 name[parameter2 value],...` These event parameters are
/// associated with a specific `eventName`. An empty report is returned if the
/// filtered request's parameter does not belong to the `eventName`. For more
/// information about `eventName` parameters, see the list of event names for
/// various applications above in `applicationName`. In the following Admin
/// Activity example, the <> operator is URL-encoded in the request's query
/// string (%3C%3E): GET...&eventName=CHANGE_CALENDAR_SETTING
/// &filters=NEW_VALUE%3C%3EREAD_ONLY_ACCESS In the following Drive example,
/// the list can be a view or edit event's `doc_id` parameter with a value
/// that is manipulated by an 'equal to' (==) or 'not equal to' (<>)
/// relational operator. In the first example, the report returns each edited
/// document's `doc_id`. In the second example, the report returns each viewed
/// document's `doc_id` that equals the value 12345 and does not return any
/// viewed document's which have a `doc_id` value of 98765. The <> operator is
/// URL-encoded in the request's query string (%3C%3E):
/// GET...&eventName=edit&filters=doc_id
/// GET...&eventName=view&filters=doc_id==12345,doc_id%3C%3E98765 The
/// relational operators include: - `==` - 'equal to'. - `<>` - 'not equal
/// to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E). - `<` - 'less than'. It is URL-encoded
/// (%3C). - `<=` - 'less than or equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C=). - `>` -
/// 'greater than'. It is URL-encoded (%3E). - `>=` - 'greater than or equal
/// to'. It is URL-encoded (%3E=). *Note:* The API doesn't accept multiple
/// values of a parameter. If a particular parameter is supplied more than
/// once in the API request, the API only accepts the last value of that
/// request parameter. In addition, if an invalid request parameter is
/// supplied in the API request, the API ignores that request parameter and
/// returns the response corresponding to the remaining valid request
/// parameters. If no parameters are requested, all parameters are returned.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(.+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,<>\].+,)*(.+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,<>\].+)`.
/// [groupIdFilter] - Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user
/// activities are filtered, i.e, the response will contain activities for
/// only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids
/// mentioned here. Format: "id:abc123,id:xyz456"
/// Value must have pattern `(id:\[a-z0-9\]+(,id:\[a-z0-9\]+)*)`.
/// [maxResults] - Determines how many activity records are shown on each
/// response page. For example, if the request sets `maxResults=1` and the
/// report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response's
/// `nextPageToken` property has the token to the second page. The
/// `maxResults` query string is optional in the request. The default value is
/// 1000.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [orgUnitID] - ID of the organizational unit to report on. Activity records
/// will be shown only for users who belong to the specified organizational
/// unit. Data before Dec 17, 2018 doesn't appear in the filtered results.
/// Value must have pattern `(id:\[a-z0-9\]+)`.
/// [pageToken] - The token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages
/// has a `nextPageToken` property in the response. In your follow-on request
/// getting the next page of the report, enter the `nextPageToken` value in
/// the `pageToken` query string.
/// [startTime] - Sets the beginning of the range of time shown in the report.
/// The date is in the RFC 3339 format, for example 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z.
/// The report returns all activities from `startTime` until `endTime`. The
/// `startTime` must be before the `endTime` (if specified) and the current
/// time when the request is made, or the API returns an error.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:(Z)|(\[-+\])(\d\d):(\d\d))`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Channel].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Channel> watch(
Channel request,
core.String userKey,
core.String applicationName, {
core.String actorIpAddress,
core.String customerId,
core.String endTime,
core.String eventName,
core.String filters,
core.String groupIdFilter, maxResults,
core.String orgUnitID,
core.String pageToken,
core.String startTime,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (userKey == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter userKey is required.');
if (applicationName == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter applicationName is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (actorIpAddress != null) {
_queryParams['actorIpAddress'] = [actorIpAddress];
if (customerId != null) {
_queryParams['customerId'] = [customerId];
if (endTime != null) {
_queryParams['endTime'] = [endTime];
if (eventName != null) {
_queryParams['eventName'] = [eventName];
if (filters != null) {
_queryParams['filters'] = [filters];
if (groupIdFilter != null) {
_queryParams['groupIdFilter'] = [groupIdFilter];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams['maxResults'] = ['${maxResults}'];
if (orgUnitID != null) {
_queryParams['orgUnitID'] = [orgUnitID];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (startTime != null) {
_queryParams['startTime'] = [startTime];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'admin/reports/v1/activity/users/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$userKey') +
'/applications/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$applicationName') +
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Channel.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class ChannelsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ChannelsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Stop watching resources through this channel.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> stop(
Channel request, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'admin/reports_v1/channels/stop';
await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
class CustomerUsageReportsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
CustomerUsageReportsResource(commons.ApiRequester client)
: _requester = client;
/// Retrieves a report which is a collection of properties and statistics for
/// a specific customer's account.
/// For more information, see the Customers Usage Report guide. For more
/// information about the customer report's parameters, see the Customers
/// Usage parameters reference guides.
/// Request parameters:
/// [date] - Represents the date the usage occurred. The timestamp is in the
/// ISO 8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd. We recommend you use your account's time zone
/// for this.
/// Value must have pattern `(\d){4}-(\d){2}-(\d){2}`.
/// [customerId] - The unique ID of the customer to retrieve data for.
/// Value must have pattern `C.+|my_customer`.
/// [pageToken] - Token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages has
/// a `nextPageToken` property in the response. For your follow-on requests
/// getting all of the report's pages, enter the `nextPageToken` value in the
/// `pageToken` query string.
/// [parameters] - The `parameters` query string is a comma-separated list of
/// event parameters that refine a report's results. The parameter is
/// associated with a specific application. The application values for the
/// Customers usage report include `accounts`, `app_maker`, `apps_scripts`,
/// `calendar`, `classroom`, `cros`, `docs`, `gmail`, `gplus`,
/// `device_management`, `meet`, and `sites`. A `parameters` query string is
/// in the CSV form of `app_name1:param_name1, app_name2:param_name2`. *Note:*
/// The API doesn't accept multiple values of a parameter. If a particular
/// parameter is supplied more than once in the API request, the API only
/// accepts the last value of that request parameter. In addition, if an
/// invalid request parameter is supplied in the API request, the API ignores
/// that request parameter and returns the response corresponding to the
/// remaining valid request parameters. An example of an invalid request
/// parameter is one that does not belong to the application. If no parameters
/// are requested, all parameters are returned.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(((accounts)|(app_maker)|(apps_scripts)|(classroom)|(cros)|(gmail)|(calendar)|(docs)|(gplus)|(sites)|(device_management)|(drive)|(meet)):\[^,\]+,)*(((accounts)|(app_maker)|(apps_scripts)|(classroom)|(cros)|(gmail)|(calendar)|(docs)|(gplus)|(sites)|(device_management)|(drive)|(meet)):\[^,\]+)`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [UsageReports].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<UsageReports> get(
core.String date, {
core.String customerId,
core.String pageToken,
core.String parameters,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (date == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter date is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (customerId != null) {
_queryParams['customerId'] = [customerId];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (parameters != null) {
_queryParams['parameters'] = [parameters];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'admin/reports/v1/usage/dates/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return UsageReports.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class EntityUsageReportsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
EntityUsageReportsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Retrieves a report which is a collection of properties and statistics for
/// entities used by users within the account.
/// For more information, see the Entities Usage Report guide. For more
/// information about the entities report's parameters, see the Entities Usage
/// parameters reference guides.
/// Request parameters:
/// [entityType] - Represents the type of entity for the report.
/// Value must have pattern `(gplus_communities)`.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "entity_type_undefined"
/// - "gplus_communities" : Returns a report on Google+ communities.
/// [entityKey] - Represents the key of the object to filter the data with.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "entityKeyUndefined"
/// - "all" : Returns activity events for all users.
/// - "entityKey" : Represents an app-specific identifier for the entity. For
/// details on how to obtain the `entityKey` for a particular `entityType`,
/// see the Entities Usage parameters reference guides.
/// [date] - Represents the date the usage occurred. The timestamp is in the
/// ISO 8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd. We recommend you use your account's time zone
/// for this.
/// Value must have pattern `(\d){4}-(\d){2}-(\d){2}`.
/// [customerId] - The unique ID of the customer to retrieve data for.
/// Value must have pattern `C.+|my_customer`.
/// [filters] - The `filters` query string is a comma-separated list of an
/// application's event parameters where the parameter's value is manipulated
/// by a relational operator. The `filters` query string includes the name of
/// the application whose usage is returned in the report. The application
/// values for the Entities usage report include `accounts`, `docs`, and
/// `gmail`. Filters are in the form `[application name]:parameter
/// name[parameter value],...`. In this example, the `<>` 'not equal to'
/// operator is URL-encoded in the request's query string (%3C%3E): GET
/// ?parameters=gplus:community_name,gplus:num_total_members
/// &filters=gplus:num_total_members%3C%3E0 The relational operators include:
/// - `==` - 'equal to'. - `<>` - 'not equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E).
/// - `<` - 'less than'. It is URL-encoded (%3C). - `<=` - 'less than or equal
/// to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C=). - `>` - 'greater than'. It is URL-encoded
/// (%3E). - `>=` - 'greater than or equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3E=).
/// Filters can only be applied to numeric parameters.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(((gplus)):\[a-z0-9_\]+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,!=\]\[^,\]+,)*(((gplus)):\[a-z0-9_\]+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,!=\]\[^,\]+)`.
/// [maxResults] - Determines how many activity records are shown on each
/// response page. For example, if the request sets `maxResults=1` and the
/// report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response's
/// `nextPageToken` property has the token to the second page.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [pageToken] - Token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages has
/// a `nextPageToken` property in the response. In your follow-on request
/// getting the next page of the report, enter the `nextPageToken` value in
/// the `pageToken` query string.
/// [parameters] - The `parameters` query string is a comma-separated list of
/// event parameters that refine a report's results. The parameter is
/// associated with a specific application. The application values for the
/// Entities usage report are only `gplus`. A `parameter` query string is in
/// the CSV form of `[app_name1:param_name1], [app_name2:param_name2]...`.
/// *Note:* The API doesn't accept multiple values of a parameter. If a
/// particular parameter is supplied more than once in the API request, the
/// API only accepts the last value of that request parameter. In addition, if
/// an invalid request parameter is supplied in the API request, the API
/// ignores that request parameter and returns the response corresponding to
/// the remaining valid request parameters. An example of an invalid request
/// parameter is one that does not belong to the application. If no parameters
/// are requested, all parameters are returned.
/// Value must have pattern `(((gplus)):\[^,\]+,)*(((gplus)):\[^,\]+)`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [UsageReports].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<UsageReports> get(
core.String entityType,
core.String entityKey,
core.String date, {
core.String customerId,
core.String filters, maxResults,
core.String pageToken,
core.String parameters,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (entityType == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter entityType is required.');
if (entityKey == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter entityKey is required.');
if (date == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter date is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (customerId != null) {
_queryParams['customerId'] = [customerId];
if (filters != null) {
_queryParams['filters'] = [filters];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams['maxResults'] = ['${maxResults}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (parameters != null) {
_queryParams['parameters'] = [parameters];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'admin/reports/v1/usage/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$entityType') +
'/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$entityKey') +
'/dates/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return UsageReports.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class UserUsageReportResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
UserUsageReportResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Retrieves a report which is a collection of properties and statistics for
/// a set of users with the account.
/// For more information, see the User Usage Report guide. For more
/// information about the user report's parameters, see the Users Usage
/// parameters reference guides.
/// Request parameters:
/// [userKey] - Represents the profile ID or the user email for which the data
/// should be filtered. Can be `all` for all information, or `userKey` for a
/// user's unique G Suite profile ID or their primary email address.
/// [date] - Represents the date the usage occurred. The timestamp is in the
/// ISO 8601 format, yyyy-mm-dd. We recommend you use your account's time zone
/// for this.
/// Value must have pattern `(\d){4}-(\d){2}-(\d){2}`.
/// [customerId] - The unique ID of the customer to retrieve data for.
/// Value must have pattern `C.+|my_customer`.
/// [filters] - The `filters` query string is a comma-separated list of an
/// application's event parameters where the parameter's value is manipulated
/// by a relational operator. The `filters` query string includes the name of
/// the application whose usage is returned in the report. The application
/// values for the Users Usage Report include `accounts`, `docs`, and `gmail`.
/// Filters are in the form `[application name]:parameter name[parameter
/// value],...`. In this example, the `<>` 'not equal to' operator is
/// URL-encoded in the request's query string (%3C%3E): GET
/// ?parameters=accounts:last_login_time
/// &filters=accounts:last_login_time%3C%3E2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z The
/// relational operators include: - `==` - 'equal to'. - `<>` - 'not equal
/// to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C%3E). - `<` - 'less than'. It is URL-encoded
/// (%3C). - `<=` - 'less than or equal to'. It is URL-encoded (%3C=). - `>` -
/// 'greater than'. It is URL-encoded (%3E). - `>=` - 'greater than or equal
/// to'. It is URL-encoded (%3E=).
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(((accounts)|(classroom)|(cros)|(gmail)|(calendar)|(docs)|(gplus)|(sites)|(device_management)|(drive)):\[a-z0-9_\]+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,!=\]\[^,\]+,)*(((accounts)|(classroom)|(cros)|(gmail)|(calendar)|(docs)|(gplus)|(sites)|(device_management)|(drive)):\[a-z0-9_\]+\[<,<=,==,>=,>,!=\]\[^,\]+)`.
/// [groupIdFilter] - Comma separated group ids (obfuscated) on which user
/// activities are filtered, i.e, the response will contain activities for
/// only those users that are a part of at least one of the group ids
/// mentioned here. Format: "id:abc123,id:xyz456"
/// Value must have pattern `(id:\[a-z0-9\]+(,id:\[a-z0-9\]+)*)`.
/// [maxResults] - Determines how many activity records are shown on each
/// response page. For example, if the request sets `maxResults=1` and the
/// report has two activities, the report has two pages. The response's
/// `nextPageToken` property has the token to the second page. The
/// `maxResults` query string is optional.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [orgUnitID] - ID of the organizational unit to report on. User activity
/// will be shown only for users who belong to the specified organizational
/// unit. Data before Dec 17, 2018 doesn't appear in the filtered results.
/// Value must have pattern `(id:\[a-z0-9\]+)`.
/// [pageToken] - Token to specify next page. A report with multiple pages has
/// a `nextPageToken` property in the response. In your follow-on request
/// getting the next page of the report, enter the `nextPageToken` value in
/// the `pageToken` query string.
/// [parameters] - The `parameters` query string is a comma-separated list of
/// event parameters that refine a report's results. The parameter is
/// associated with a specific application. The application values for the
/// Customers Usage report include `accounts`, `app_maker`, `apps_scripts`,
/// `calendar`, `classroom`, `cros`, `docs`, `gmail`, `gplus`,
/// `device_management`, `meet`, and `sites`. A `parameters` query string is
/// in the CSV form of `app_name1:param_name1, app_name2:param_name2`. *Note:*
/// The API doesn't accept multiple values of a parameter. If a particular
/// parameter is supplied more than once in the API request, the API only
/// accepts the last value of that request parameter. In addition, if an
/// invalid request parameter is supplied in the API request, the API ignores
/// that request parameter and returns the response corresponding to the
/// remaining valid request parameters. An example of an invalid request
/// parameter is one that does not belong to the application. If no parameters
/// are requested, all parameters are returned.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `(((accounts)|(classroom)|(cros)|(gmail)|(calendar)|(docs)|(gplus)|(sites)|(device_management)|(drive)):\[^,\]+,)*(((accounts)|(classroom)|(cros)|(gmail)|(calendar)|(docs)|(gplus)|(sites)|(device_management)|(drive)):\[^,\]+)`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [UsageReports].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<UsageReports> get(
core.String userKey,
core.String date, {
core.String customerId,
core.String filters,
core.String groupIdFilter, maxResults,
core.String orgUnitID,
core.String pageToken,
core.String parameters,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (userKey == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter userKey is required.');
if (date == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter date is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (customerId != null) {
_queryParams['customerId'] = [customerId];
if (filters != null) {
_queryParams['filters'] = [filters];
if (groupIdFilter != null) {
_queryParams['groupIdFilter'] = [groupIdFilter];
if (maxResults != null) {
_queryParams['maxResults'] = ['${maxResults}'];
if (orgUnitID != null) {
_queryParams['orgUnitID'] = [orgUnitID];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (parameters != null) {
_queryParams['parameters'] = [parameters];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'admin/reports/v1/usage/users/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$userKey') +
'/dates/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return UsageReports.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// JSON template for a collection of activities.
class Activities {
/// ETag of the resource.
core.String etag;
/// Each activity record in the response.
core.List<Activity> items;
/// The type of API resource.
/// For an activity report, the value is `reports#activities`.
core.String kind;
/// Token for retrieving the follow-on next page of the report.
/// The `nextPageToken` value is used in the request's `pageToken` query
/// string.
core.String nextPageToken;
Activities.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('etag')) {
etag = _json['etag'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('items')) {
items = (_json['items'] as core.List)
.map<Activity>((value) =>
Activity.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (etag != null) {
_json['etag'] = etag;
if (items != null) {
_json['items'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/// User doing the action.
class ActivityActor {
/// The type of actor.
core.String callerType;
/// The primary email address of the actor.
/// May be absent if there is no email address associated with the actor.
core.String email;
/// Only present when `callerType` is `KEY`.
/// Can be the `consumer_key` of the requestor for OAuth 2LO API requests or
/// an identifier for robot accounts.
core.String key;
/// The unique G Suite profile ID of the actor.
/// May be absent if the actor is not a G Suite user.
core.String profileId;
ActivityActor.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('callerType')) {
callerType = _json['callerType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('email')) {
email = _json['email'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('key')) {
key = _json['key'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('profileId')) {
profileId = _json['profileId'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (callerType != null) {
_json['callerType'] = callerType;
if (email != null) {
_json['email'] = email;
if (key != null) {
_json['key'] = key;
if (profileId != null) {
_json['profileId'] = profileId;
return _json;
/// Nested parameter value pairs associated with this parameter.
/// Complex value type for a parameter are returned as a list of parameter
/// values. For example, the address parameter may have a value as `[{parameter:
/// [{name: city, value: abc}]}]`
class ActivityEventsParametersMessageValue {
/// Parameter values
core.List<NestedParameter> parameter;
ActivityEventsParametersMessageValue.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('parameter')) {
parameter = (_json['parameter'] as core.List)
.map<NestedParameter>((value) => NestedParameter.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (parameter != null) {
_json['parameter'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;
class ActivityEventsParametersMultiMessageValue {
/// Parameter values
core.List<NestedParameter> parameter;
ActivityEventsParametersMultiMessageValue.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('parameter')) {
parameter = (_json['parameter'] as core.List)
.map<NestedParameter>((value) => NestedParameter.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (parameter != null) {
_json['parameter'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;
class ActivityEventsParameters {
/// Boolean value of the parameter.
core.bool boolValue;
/// Integer value of the parameter.
core.String intValue;
/// Nested parameter value pairs associated with this parameter.
/// Complex value type for a parameter are returned as a list of parameter
/// values. For example, the address parameter may have a value as
/// `[{parameter: [{name: city, value: abc}]}]`
ActivityEventsParametersMessageValue messageValue;
/// Integer values of the parameter.
core.List<core.String> multiIntValue;
/// List of `messageValue` objects.
core.List<ActivityEventsParametersMultiMessageValue> multiMessageValue;
/// String values of the parameter.
core.List<core.String> multiValue;
/// The name of the parameter.
core.String name;
/// String value of the parameter.
core.String value;
ActivityEventsParameters.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('boolValue')) {
boolValue = _json['boolValue'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('intValue')) {
intValue = _json['intValue'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('messageValue')) {
messageValue = ActivityEventsParametersMessageValue.fromJson(
_json['messageValue'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('multiIntValue')) {
multiIntValue = (_json['multiIntValue'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('multiMessageValue')) {
multiMessageValue = (_json['multiMessageValue'] as core.List)
.map<ActivityEventsParametersMultiMessageValue>((value) =>
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('multiValue')) {
multiValue = (_json['multiValue'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('value')) {
value = _json['value'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (boolValue != null) {
_json['boolValue'] = boolValue;
if (intValue != null) {
_json['intValue'] = intValue;
if (messageValue != null) {
_json['messageValue'] = messageValue.toJson();
if (multiIntValue != null) {
_json['multiIntValue'] = multiIntValue;
if (multiMessageValue != null) {
_json['multiMessageValue'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (multiValue != null) {
_json['multiValue'] = multiValue;
if (name != null) {
_json['name'] = name;
if (value != null) {
_json['value'] = value;
return _json;
class ActivityEvents {
/// Name of the event.
/// This is the specific name of the activity reported by the API. And each
/// `eventName` is related to a specific G Suite service or feature which the
/// API organizes into types of events. For `eventName` request parameters in
/// general: - If no `eventName` is given, the report returns all possible
/// instances of an `eventName`. - When you request an `eventName`, the API's
/// response returns all activities which contain that `eventName`. It is
/// possible that the returned activities will have other `eventName`
/// properties in addition to the one requested. For more information about
/// `eventName` properties, see the list of event names for various
/// applications above in `applicationName`.
core.String name;
/// Parameter value pairs for various applications.
/// For more information about `eventName` parameters, see the list of event
/// names for various applications above in `applicationName`.
core.List<ActivityEventsParameters> parameters;
/// Type of event.
/// The G Suite service or feature that an administrator changes is identified
/// in the `type` property which identifies an event using the `eventName`
/// property. For a full list of the API's `type` categories, see the list of
/// event names for various applications above in `applicationName`.
core.String type;
ActivityEvents.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('parameters')) {
parameters = (_json['parameters'] as core.List)
.map<ActivityEventsParameters>((value) =>
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (name != null) {
_json['name'] = name;
if (parameters != null) {
_json['parameters'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (type != null) {
_json['type'] = type;
return _json;
/// Unique identifier for each activity record.
class ActivityId {
/// Application name to which the event belongs.
/// For possible values see the list of applications above in
/// `applicationName`.
core.String applicationName;
/// The unique identifier for a G suite account.
core.String customerId;
/// Time of occurrence of the activity.
/// This is in UNIX epoch time in seconds.
core.DateTime time;
/// Unique qualifier if multiple events have the same time.
core.String uniqueQualifier;
ActivityId.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('applicationName')) {
applicationName = _json['applicationName'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('customerId')) {
customerId = _json['customerId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('time')) {
time = core.DateTime.parse(_json['time'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('uniqueQualifier')) {
uniqueQualifier = _json['uniqueQualifier'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (applicationName != null) {
_json['applicationName'] = applicationName;
if (customerId != null) {
_json['customerId'] = customerId;
if (time != null) {
_json['time'] = (time).toIso8601String();
if (uniqueQualifier != null) {
_json['uniqueQualifier'] = uniqueQualifier;
return _json;
/// JSON template for the activity resource.
class Activity {
/// User doing the action.
ActivityActor actor;
/// ETag of the entry.
core.String etag;
/// Activity events in the report.
core.List<ActivityEvents> events;
/// Unique identifier for each activity record.
ActivityId id;
/// IP address of the user doing the action.
/// This is the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the user when logging into G
/// Suite which may or may not reflect the user's physical location. For
/// example, the IP address can be the user's proxy server's address or a
/// virtual private network (VPN) address. The API supports IPv4 and IPv6.
core.String ipAddress;
/// The type of API resource.
/// For an activity report, the value is `audit#activity`.
core.String kind;
/// This is the domain that is affected by the report's event.
/// For example domain of Admin console or the Drive application's document
/// owner.
core.String ownerDomain;
Activity.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('actor')) {
actor = ActivityActor.fromJson(
_json['actor'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('etag')) {
etag = _json['etag'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('events')) {
events = (_json['events'] as core.List)
.map<ActivityEvents>((value) => ActivityEvents.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = ActivityId.fromJson(
_json['id'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('ipAddress')) {
ipAddress = _json['ipAddress'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('ownerDomain')) {
ownerDomain = _json['ownerDomain'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (actor != null) {
_json['actor'] = actor.toJson();
if (etag != null) {
_json['etag'] = etag;
if (events != null) {
_json['events'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id.toJson();
if (ipAddress != null) {
_json['ipAddress'] = ipAddress;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (ownerDomain != null) {
_json['ownerDomain'] = ownerDomain;
return _json;
/// A notification channel used to watch for resource changes.
class Channel {
/// The address where notifications are delivered for this channel.
core.String address;
/// Date and time of notification channel expiration, expressed as a Unix
/// timestamp, in milliseconds.
/// Optional.
core.String expiration;
/// A UUID or similar unique string that identifies this channel.
core.String id;
/// Identifies this as a notification channel used to watch for changes to a
/// resource, which is "`api#channel`".
core.String kind;
/// Additional parameters controlling delivery channel behavior.
/// Optional.
core.Map<core.String, core.String> params;
/// A Boolean value to indicate whether payload is wanted.
/// Optional.
core.bool payload;
/// An opaque ID that identifies the resource being watched on this channel.
/// Stable across different API versions.
core.String resourceId;
/// A version-specific identifier for the watched resource.
core.String resourceUri;
/// An arbitrary string delivered to the target address with each notification
/// delivered over this channel.
/// Optional.
core.String token;
/// The type of delivery mechanism used for this channel.
/// The value should be set to `"web_hook"`.
core.String type;
Channel.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('address')) {
address = _json['address'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('expiration')) {
expiration = _json['expiration'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('params')) {
params =
(_json['params'] as core.Map).cast<core.String, core.String>().map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('payload')) {
payload = _json['payload'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceId')) {
resourceId = _json['resourceId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceUri')) {
resourceUri = _json['resourceUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('token')) {
token = _json['token'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (address != null) {
_json['address'] = address;
if (expiration != null) {
_json['expiration'] = expiration;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (params != null) {
_json['params'] = params;
if (payload != null) {
_json['payload'] = payload;
if (resourceId != null) {
_json['resourceId'] = resourceId;
if (resourceUri != null) {
_json['resourceUri'] = resourceUri;
if (token != null) {
_json['token'] = token;
if (type != null) {
_json['type'] = type;
return _json;
/// JSON template for a parameter used in various reports.
class NestedParameter {
/// Boolean value of the parameter.
core.bool boolValue;
/// Integer value of the parameter.
core.String intValue;
/// Multiple boolean values of the parameter.
core.List<core.bool> multiBoolValue;
/// Multiple integer values of the parameter.
core.List<core.String> multiIntValue;
/// Multiple string values of the parameter.
core.List<core.String> multiValue;
/// The name of the parameter.
core.String name;
/// String value of the parameter.
core.String value;
NestedParameter.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('boolValue')) {
boolValue = _json['boolValue'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('intValue')) {
intValue = _json['intValue'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('multiBoolValue')) {
multiBoolValue = (_json['multiBoolValue'] as core.List)
.map<core.bool>((value) => value as core.bool)
if (_json.containsKey('multiIntValue')) {
multiIntValue = (_json['multiIntValue'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('multiValue')) {
multiValue = (_json['multiValue'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('value')) {
value = _json['value'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (boolValue != null) {
_json['boolValue'] = boolValue;
if (intValue != null) {
_json['intValue'] = intValue;
if (multiBoolValue != null) {
_json['multiBoolValue'] = multiBoolValue;
if (multiIntValue != null) {
_json['multiIntValue'] = multiIntValue;
if (multiValue != null) {
_json['multiValue'] = multiValue;
if (name != null) {
_json['name'] = name;
if (value != null) {
_json['value'] = value;
return _json;
/// Information about the type of the item.
/// Output only.
class UsageReportEntity {
/// The unique identifier of the customer's account.
/// Output only.
core.String customerId;
/// Object key.
/// Only relevant if entity.type = "OBJECT" Note: external-facing name of
/// report is "Entities" rather than "Objects".
/// Output only.
core.String entityId;
/// The user's immutable G Suite profile identifier.
/// Output only.
core.String profileId;
/// The type of item.
/// The value is `user`.
/// Output only.
core.String type;
/// The user's email address.
/// Only relevant if entity.type = "USER"
/// Output only.
core.String userEmail;
UsageReportEntity.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('customerId')) {
customerId = _json['customerId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('entityId')) {
entityId = _json['entityId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('profileId')) {
profileId = _json['profileId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('userEmail')) {
userEmail = _json['userEmail'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (customerId != null) {
_json['customerId'] = customerId;
if (entityId != null) {
_json['entityId'] = entityId;
if (profileId != null) {
_json['profileId'] = profileId;
if (type != null) {
_json['type'] = type;
if (userEmail != null) {
_json['userEmail'] = userEmail;
return _json;
class UsageReportParameters {
/// Boolean value of the parameter.
/// Output only.
core.bool boolValue;
/// The RFC 3339 formatted value of the parameter, for example
/// 2010-10-28T10:26:35.000Z.
core.DateTime datetimeValue;
/// Integer value of the parameter.
/// Output only.
core.String intValue;
/// Nested message value of the parameter.
/// Output only.
/// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`,
/// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values.
core.List<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>> msgValue;
/// The name of the parameter.
/// For the User Usage Report parameter names, see the User Usage parameters
/// reference.
core.String name;
/// String value of the parameter.
/// Output only.
core.String stringValue;
UsageReportParameters.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('boolValue')) {
boolValue = _json['boolValue'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('datetimeValue')) {
datetimeValue =
core.DateTime.parse(_json['datetimeValue'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('intValue')) {
intValue = _json['intValue'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('msgValue')) {
msgValue = (_json['msgValue'] as core.List)
.map<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>>((value) =>
(value as core.Map).cast<core.String, core.Object>().map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.Object,
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('stringValue')) {
stringValue = _json['stringValue'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (boolValue != null) {
_json['boolValue'] = boolValue;
if (datetimeValue != null) {
_json['datetimeValue'] = (datetimeValue).toIso8601String();
if (intValue != null) {
_json['intValue'] = intValue;
if (msgValue != null) {
_json['msgValue'] = msgValue;
if (name != null) {
_json['name'] = name;
if (stringValue != null) {
_json['stringValue'] = stringValue;
return _json;
/// JSON template for a usage report.
class UsageReport {
/// The date of the report request.
/// Output only.
core.String date;
/// Information about the type of the item.
/// Output only.
UsageReportEntity entity;
/// ETag of the resource.
core.String etag;
/// The type of API resource.
/// For a usage report, the value is `admin#reports#usageReport`.
core.String kind;
/// Parameter value pairs for various applications.
/// For the Entity Usage Report parameters and values, see \[the Entity Usage
/// parameters
/// reference\](/admin-sdk/reports/v1/reference/usage-ref-appendix-a/entities).
/// Output only.
core.List<UsageReportParameters> parameters;
UsageReport.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('date')) {
date = _json['date'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('entity')) {
entity = UsageReportEntity.fromJson(
_json['entity'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('etag')) {
etag = _json['etag'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('parameters')) {
parameters = (_json['parameters'] as core.List)
.map<UsageReportParameters>((value) => UsageReportParameters.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (date != null) {
_json['date'] = date;
if (entity != null) {
_json['entity'] = entity.toJson();
if (etag != null) {
_json['etag'] = etag;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (parameters != null) {
_json['parameters'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;
class UsageReportsWarningsData {
/// Key associated with a key-value pair to give detailed information on the
/// warning.
core.String key;
/// Value associated with a key-value pair to give detailed information on the
/// warning.
core.String value;
UsageReportsWarningsData.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('key')) {
key = _json['key'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('value')) {
value = _json['value'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (key != null) {
_json['key'] = key;
if (value != null) {
_json['value'] = value;
return _json;
class UsageReportsWarnings {
/// Machine readable code or warning type.
/// The warning code value is `200`.
core.String code;
/// Key-value pairs to give detailed information on the warning.
core.List<UsageReportsWarningsData> data;
/// The human readable messages for a warning are: - Data is not available
/// warning - Sorry, data for date yyyy-mm-dd for application "`application
/// name`" is not available.
/// - Partial data is available warning - Data for date yyyy-mm-dd for
/// application "`application name`" is not available right now, please try
/// again after a few hours.
core.String message;
UsageReportsWarnings.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('code')) {
code = _json['code'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('data')) {
data = (_json['data'] as core.List)
.map<UsageReportsWarningsData>((value) =>
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('message')) {
message = _json['message'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (code != null) {
_json['code'] = code;
if (data != null) {
_json['data'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (message != null) {
_json['message'] = message;
return _json;
class UsageReports {
/// ETag of the resource.
core.String etag;
/// The type of API resource.
/// For a usage report, the value is `admin#reports#usageReports`.
core.String kind;
/// Token to specify next page.
/// A report with multiple pages has a `nextPageToken` property in the
/// response. For your follow-on requests getting all of the report's pages,
/// enter the `nextPageToken` value in the `pageToken` query string.
core.String nextPageToken;
/// Various application parameter records.
core.List<UsageReport> usageReports;
/// Warnings, if any.
core.List<UsageReportsWarnings> warnings;
UsageReports.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('etag')) {
etag = _json['etag'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('usageReports')) {
usageReports = (_json['usageReports'] as core.List)
.map<UsageReport>((value) => UsageReport.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('warnings')) {
warnings = (_json['warnings'] as core.List)
.map<UsageReportsWarnings>((value) => UsageReportsWarnings.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (etag != null) {
_json['etag'] = etag;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
if (usageReports != null) {
_json['usageReports'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (warnings != null) {
_json['warnings'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;