blob: 2c4afbe2a1b1a3603f289ef59c3a8a5154e09f22 [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a generated file (see the discoveryapis_generator project).
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: comment_references
// ignore_for_file: file_names
// ignore_for_file: library_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: prefer_expression_function_bodies
// ignore_for_file: prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_cast
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_lambdas
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_string_interpolations
/// Drive API - v3
/// Manages files in Drive including uploading, downloading, searching,
/// detecting changes, and updating sharing permissions.
/// For more information, see <>
/// Create an instance of [DriveApi] to access these resources:
/// - [AboutResource]
/// - [ChangesResource]
/// - [ChannelsResource]
/// - [CommentsResource]
/// - [DrivesResource]
/// - [FilesResource]
/// - [PermissionsResource]
/// - [RepliesResource]
/// - [RevisionsResource]
/// - [TeamdrivesResource]
library drive.v3;
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:core' as core;
import 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart' as commons;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../src/user_agent.dart';
export 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart'
/// Manages files in Drive including uploading, downloading, searching,
/// detecting changes, and updating sharing permissions.
class DriveApi {
/// See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files
static const driveScope = '';
/// See, create, and delete its own configuration data in your Google Drive
static const driveAppdataScope =
/// View and manage Google Drive files and folders that you have opened or
/// created with this app
static const driveFileScope = '';
/// View and manage metadata of files in your Google Drive
static const driveMetadataScope =
/// View metadata for files in your Google Drive
static const driveMetadataReadonlyScope =
/// View the photos, videos and albums in your Google Photos
static const drivePhotosReadonlyScope =
/// See and download all your Google Drive files
static const driveReadonlyScope =
/// Modify your Google Apps Script scripts' behavior
static const driveScriptsScope =
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
AboutResource get about => AboutResource(_requester);
ChangesResource get changes => ChangesResource(_requester);
ChannelsResource get channels => ChannelsResource(_requester);
CommentsResource get comments => CommentsResource(_requester);
DrivesResource get drives => DrivesResource(_requester);
FilesResource get files => FilesResource(_requester);
PermissionsResource get permissions => PermissionsResource(_requester);
RepliesResource get replies => RepliesResource(_requester);
RevisionsResource get revisions => RevisionsResource(_requester);
TeamdrivesResource get teamdrives => TeamdrivesResource(_requester);
DriveApi(http.Client client,
{core.String rootUrl = '',
core.String servicePath = 'drive/v3/'})
: _requester =
commons.ApiRequester(client, rootUrl, servicePath, userAgent);
class AboutResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
AboutResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Gets information about the user, the user's Drive, and system
/// capabilities.
/// Request parameters:
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [About].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<About> get({
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'about';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return About.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class ChangesResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ChangesResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Gets the starting pageToken for listing future changes.
/// Request parameters:
/// [driveId] - The ID of the shared drive for which the starting pageToken
/// for listing future changes from that shared drive is returned.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [teamDriveId] - Deprecated use driveId instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [StartPageToken].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<StartPageToken> getStartPageToken({
core.String driveId,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String teamDriveId,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (driveId != null) {
_queryParams['driveId'] = [driveId];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (teamDriveId != null) {
_queryParams['teamDriveId'] = [teamDriveId];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'changes/startPageToken';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return StartPageToken.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Lists the changes for a user or shared drive.
/// Request parameters:
/// [pageToken] - The token for continuing a previous list request on the next
/// page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous
/// response or to the response from the getStartPageToken method.
/// [driveId] - The shared drive from which changes are returned. If specified
/// the change IDs will be reflective of the shared drive; use the combined
/// drive ID and change ID as an identifier.
/// [includeCorpusRemovals] - Whether changes should include the file resource
/// if the file is still accessible by the user at the time of the request,
/// even when a file was removed from the list of changes and there will be no
/// further change entries for this file.
/// [includeItemsFromAllDrives] - Whether both My Drive and shared drive items
/// should be included in results.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [includeRemoved] - Whether to include changes indicating that items have
/// been removed from the list of changes, for example by deletion or loss of
/// access.
/// [includeTeamDriveItems] - Deprecated use includeItemsFromAllDrives
/// instead.
/// [pageSize] - The maximum number of changes to return per page.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [restrictToMyDrive] - Whether to restrict the results to changes inside
/// the My Drive hierarchy. This omits changes to files such as those in the
/// Application Data folder or shared files which have not been added to My
/// Drive.
/// [spaces] - A comma-separated list of spaces to query within the user
/// corpus. Supported values are 'drive', 'appDataFolder' and 'photos'.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [teamDriveId] - Deprecated use driveId instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [ChangeList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ChangeList> list(
core.String pageToken, {
core.String driveId,
core.bool includeCorpusRemovals,
core.bool includeItemsFromAllDrives,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool includeRemoved,
core.bool includeTeamDriveItems, pageSize,
core.bool restrictToMyDrive,
core.String spaces,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String teamDriveId,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (pageToken == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter pageToken is required.');
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (driveId != null) {
_queryParams['driveId'] = [driveId];
if (includeCorpusRemovals != null) {
_queryParams['includeCorpusRemovals'] = ['${includeCorpusRemovals}'];
if (includeItemsFromAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['includeItemsFromAllDrives'] = [
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (includeRemoved != null) {
_queryParams['includeRemoved'] = ['${includeRemoved}'];
if (includeTeamDriveItems != null) {
_queryParams['includeTeamDriveItems'] = ['${includeTeamDriveItems}'];
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (restrictToMyDrive != null) {
_queryParams['restrictToMyDrive'] = ['${restrictToMyDrive}'];
if (spaces != null) {
_queryParams['spaces'] = [spaces];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (teamDriveId != null) {
_queryParams['teamDriveId'] = [teamDriveId];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'changes';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return ChangeList.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Subscribes to changes for a user.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [pageToken] - The token for continuing a previous list request on the next
/// page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous
/// response or to the response from the getStartPageToken method.
/// [driveId] - The shared drive from which changes are returned. If specified
/// the change IDs will be reflective of the shared drive; use the combined
/// drive ID and change ID as an identifier.
/// [includeCorpusRemovals] - Whether changes should include the file resource
/// if the file is still accessible by the user at the time of the request,
/// even when a file was removed from the list of changes and there will be no
/// further change entries for this file.
/// [includeItemsFromAllDrives] - Whether both My Drive and shared drive items
/// should be included in results.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [includeRemoved] - Whether to include changes indicating that items have
/// been removed from the list of changes, for example by deletion or loss of
/// access.
/// [includeTeamDriveItems] - Deprecated use includeItemsFromAllDrives
/// instead.
/// [pageSize] - The maximum number of changes to return per page.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [restrictToMyDrive] - Whether to restrict the results to changes inside
/// the My Drive hierarchy. This omits changes to files such as those in the
/// Application Data folder or shared files which have not been added to My
/// Drive.
/// [spaces] - A comma-separated list of spaces to query within the user
/// corpus. Supported values are 'drive', 'appDataFolder' and 'photos'.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [teamDriveId] - Deprecated use driveId instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Channel].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Channel> watch(
Channel request,
core.String pageToken, {
core.String driveId,
core.bool includeCorpusRemovals,
core.bool includeItemsFromAllDrives,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool includeRemoved,
core.bool includeTeamDriveItems, pageSize,
core.bool restrictToMyDrive,
core.String spaces,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String teamDriveId,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (pageToken == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter pageToken is required.');
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (driveId != null) {
_queryParams['driveId'] = [driveId];
if (includeCorpusRemovals != null) {
_queryParams['includeCorpusRemovals'] = ['${includeCorpusRemovals}'];
if (includeItemsFromAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['includeItemsFromAllDrives'] = [
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (includeRemoved != null) {
_queryParams['includeRemoved'] = ['${includeRemoved}'];
if (includeTeamDriveItems != null) {
_queryParams['includeTeamDriveItems'] = ['${includeTeamDriveItems}'];
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (restrictToMyDrive != null) {
_queryParams['restrictToMyDrive'] = ['${restrictToMyDrive}'];
if (spaces != null) {
_queryParams['spaces'] = [spaces];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (teamDriveId != null) {
_queryParams['teamDriveId'] = [teamDriveId];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'changes/watch';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Channel.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class ChannelsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ChannelsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Stop watching resources through this channel
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> stop(
Channel request, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'channels/stop';
await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
class CommentsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
CommentsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Creates a new comment on a file.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Comment].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Comment> create(
Comment request,
core.String fileId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/comments';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Comment.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Deletes a comment.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> delete(
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Gets a comment by ID.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [includeDeleted] - Whether to return deleted comments. Deleted comments
/// will not include their original content.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Comment].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Comment> get(
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId, {
core.bool includeDeleted,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (includeDeleted != null) {
_queryParams['includeDeleted'] = ['${includeDeleted}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Comment.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Lists a file's comments.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [includeDeleted] - Whether to include deleted comments. Deleted comments
/// will not include their original content.
/// [pageSize] - The maximum number of comments to return per page.
/// Value must be between "1" and "100".
/// [pageToken] - The token for continuing a previous list request on the next
/// page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous
/// response.
/// [startModifiedTime] - The minimum value of 'modifiedTime' for the result
/// comments (RFC 3339 date-time).
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [CommentList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<CommentList> list(
core.String fileId, {
core.bool includeDeleted, pageSize,
core.String pageToken,
core.String startModifiedTime,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (includeDeleted != null) {
_queryParams['includeDeleted'] = ['${includeDeleted}'];
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (startModifiedTime != null) {
_queryParams['startModifiedTime'] = [startModifiedTime];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/comments';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return CommentList.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Updates a comment with patch semantics.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Comment].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Comment> update(
Comment request,
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Comment.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class DrivesResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
DrivesResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Creates a new shared drive.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [requestId] - An ID, such as a random UUID, which uniquely identifies this
/// user's request for idempotent creation of a shared drive. A repeated
/// request by the same user and with the same request ID will avoid creating
/// duplicates by attempting to create the same shared drive. If the shared
/// drive already exists a 409 error will be returned.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Drive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Drive> create(
Drive request,
core.String requestId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (requestId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter requestId is required.');
_queryParams['requestId'] = [requestId];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'drives';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Drive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Permanently deletes a shared drive for which the user is an organizer.
/// The shared drive cannot contain any untrashed items.
/// Request parameters:
/// [driveId] - The ID of the shared drive.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> delete(
core.String driveId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (driveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter driveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'drives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$driveId');
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Gets a shared drive's metadata by ID.
/// Request parameters:
/// [driveId] - The ID of the shared drive.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if they are an
/// administrator of the domain to which the shared drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Drive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Drive> get(
core.String driveId, {
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (driveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter driveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'drives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$driveId');
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Drive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Hides a shared drive from the default view.
/// Request parameters:
/// [driveId] - The ID of the shared drive.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Drive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Drive> hide(
core.String driveId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (driveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter driveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'drives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$driveId') + '/hide';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Drive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Lists the user's shared drives.
/// Request parameters:
/// [pageSize] - Maximum number of shared drives to return.
/// Value must be between "1" and "100".
/// [pageToken] - Page token for shared drives.
/// [q] - Query string for searching shared drives.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then all shared drives of the domain in which the requester
/// is an administrator are returned.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [DriveList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<DriveList> list({ pageSize,
core.String pageToken,
core.String q,
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (q != null) {
_queryParams['q'] = [q];
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'drives';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return DriveList.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Restores a shared drive to the default view.
/// Request parameters:
/// [driveId] - The ID of the shared drive.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Drive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Drive> unhide(
core.String driveId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (driveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter driveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'drives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$driveId') + '/unhide';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Drive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Updates the metadate for a shared drive.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [driveId] - The ID of the shared drive.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if they are an
/// administrator of the domain to which the shared drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Drive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Drive> update(
Drive request,
core.String driveId, {
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (driveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter driveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'drives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$driveId');
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Drive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class FilesResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
FilesResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Creates a copy of a file and applies any requested updates with patch
/// semantics.
/// Folders cannot be copied.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [enforceSingleParent] - Deprecated. Copying files into multiple folders is
/// no longer supported. Use shortcuts instead.
/// [ignoreDefaultVisibility] - Whether to ignore the domain's default
/// visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose
/// to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this
/// parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still
/// inherited from parent folders.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [keepRevisionForever] - Whether to set the 'keepForever' field in the new
/// head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in
/// Google Drive. Only 200 revisions for the file can be kept forever. If the
/// limit is reached, try deleting pinned revisions.
/// [ocrLanguage] - A language hint for OCR processing during image import
/// (ISO 639-1 code).
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [File].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<File> copy(
File request,
core.String fileId, {
core.bool enforceSingleParent,
core.bool ignoreDefaultVisibility,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool keepRevisionForever,
core.String ocrLanguage,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (enforceSingleParent != null) {
_queryParams['enforceSingleParent'] = ['${enforceSingleParent}'];
if (ignoreDefaultVisibility != null) {
_queryParams['ignoreDefaultVisibility'] = ['${ignoreDefaultVisibility}'];
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (keepRevisionForever != null) {
_queryParams['keepRevisionForever'] = ['${keepRevisionForever}'];
if (ocrLanguage != null) {
_queryParams['ocrLanguage'] = [ocrLanguage];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/copy';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return File.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Creates a new file.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [enforceSingleParent] - Deprecated. Creating files in multiple folders is
/// no longer supported.
/// [ignoreDefaultVisibility] - Whether to ignore the domain's default
/// visibility settings for the created file. Domain administrators can choose
/// to make all uploaded files visible to the domain by default; this
/// parameter bypasses that behavior for the request. Permissions are still
/// inherited from parent folders.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [keepRevisionForever] - Whether to set the 'keepForever' field in the new
/// head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in
/// Google Drive. Only 200 revisions for the file can be kept forever. If the
/// limit is reached, try deleting pinned revisions.
/// [ocrLanguage] - A language hint for OCR processing during image import
/// (ISO 639-1 code).
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [useContentAsIndexableText] - Whether to use the uploaded content as
/// indexable text.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// [uploadMedia] - The media to upload.
/// [uploadOptions] - Options for the media upload. Streaming Media without
/// the length being known ahead of time is only supported via resumable
/// uploads.
/// Completes with a [File].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<File> create(
File request, {
core.bool enforceSingleParent,
core.bool ignoreDefaultVisibility,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool keepRevisionForever,
core.String ocrLanguage,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.bool useContentAsIndexableText,
core.String $fields,
commons.UploadOptions uploadOptions = commons.UploadOptions.Default,
commons.Media uploadMedia,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (enforceSingleParent != null) {
_queryParams['enforceSingleParent'] = ['${enforceSingleParent}'];
if (ignoreDefaultVisibility != null) {
_queryParams['ignoreDefaultVisibility'] = ['${ignoreDefaultVisibility}'];
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (keepRevisionForever != null) {
_queryParams['keepRevisionForever'] = ['${keepRevisionForever}'];
if (ocrLanguage != null) {
_queryParams['ocrLanguage'] = [ocrLanguage];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (useContentAsIndexableText != null) {
_queryParams['useContentAsIndexableText'] = [
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
core.String _url;
if (uploadMedia == null) {
_url = 'files';
} else if (uploadOptions is commons.ResumableUploadOptions) {
_url = '/resumable/upload/drive/v3/files';
} else {
_url = '/upload/drive/v3/files';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadMedia: uploadMedia,
uploadOptions: uploadOptions,
return File.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Permanently deletes a file owned by the user without moving it to the
/// trash.
/// If the file belongs to a shared drive the user must be an organizer on the
/// parent. If the target is a folder, all descendants owned by the user are
/// also deleted.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [enforceSingleParent] - Deprecated. If an item is not in a shared drive
/// and its last parent is deleted but the item itself is not, the item will
/// be placed under its owner's root.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> delete(
core.String fileId, {
core.bool enforceSingleParent,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (enforceSingleParent != null) {
_queryParams['enforceSingleParent'] = ['${enforceSingleParent}'];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId');
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Permanently deletes all of the user's trashed files.
/// Request parameters:
/// [enforceSingleParent] - Deprecated. If an item is not in a shared drive
/// and its last parent is deleted but the item itself is not, the item will
/// be placed under its owner's root.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> emptyTrash({
core.bool enforceSingleParent,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (enforceSingleParent != null) {
_queryParams['enforceSingleParent'] = ['${enforceSingleParent}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'files/trash';
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Exports a Google Doc to the requested MIME type and returns the exported
/// content.
/// Please note that the exported content is limited to 10MB.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [mimeType] - The MIME type of the format requested for this export.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// [downloadOptions] - Options for downloading. A download can be either a
/// Metadata (default) or Media download. Partial Media downloads are possible
/// as well.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<core.Object> export(
core.String fileId,
core.String mimeType, {
core.String $fields,
commons.DownloadOptions downloadOptions = commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (mimeType == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter mimeType is required.');
_queryParams['mimeType'] = [mimeType];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/export';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: downloadOptions,
if (downloadOptions == null ||
downloadOptions == commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata) {
return null;
} else {
return _response;
/// Generates a set of file IDs which can be provided in create or copy
/// requests.
/// Request parameters:
/// [count] - The number of IDs to return.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [space] - The space in which the IDs can be used to create new files.
/// Supported values are 'drive' and 'appDataFolder'.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [GeneratedIds].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<GeneratedIds> generateIds({ count,
core.String space,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (count != null) {
_queryParams['count'] = ['${count}'];
if (space != null) {
_queryParams['space'] = [space];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'files/generateIds';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return GeneratedIds.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Gets a file's metadata or content by ID.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [acknowledgeAbuse] - Whether the user is acknowledging the risk of
/// downloading known malware or other abusive files. This is only applicable
/// when alt=media.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// [downloadOptions] - Options for downloading. A download can be either a
/// Metadata (default) or Media download. Partial Media downloads are possible
/// as well.
/// Completes with a
/// - [File] for Metadata downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
/// - [commons.Media] for Media downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<core.Object> get(
core.String fileId, {
core.bool acknowledgeAbuse,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String $fields,
commons.DownloadOptions downloadOptions = commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (acknowledgeAbuse != null) {
_queryParams['acknowledgeAbuse'] = ['${acknowledgeAbuse}'];
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId');
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: downloadOptions,
if (downloadOptions == null ||
downloadOptions == commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata) {
return File.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
} else {
return _response;
/// Lists or searches files.
/// Request parameters:
/// [corpora] - Groupings of files to which the query applies. Supported
/// groupings are: 'user' (files created by, opened by, or shared directly
/// with the user), 'drive' (files in the specified shared drive as indicated
/// by the 'driveId'), 'domain' (files shared to the user's domain), and
/// 'allDrives' (A combination of 'user' and 'drive' for all drives where the
/// user is a member). When able, use 'user' or 'drive', instead of
/// 'allDrives', for efficiency.
/// [corpus] - The source of files to list. Deprecated: use 'corpora' instead.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "domain" : Files shared to the user's domain.
/// - "user" : Files owned by or shared to the user. If a user has permissions
/// on a Shared Drive, the files inside it won't be retrieved unless the user
/// has created, opened, or shared the file.
/// [driveId] - ID of the shared drive to search.
/// [includeItemsFromAllDrives] - Whether both My Drive and shared drive items
/// should be included in results.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [includeTeamDriveItems] - Deprecated use includeItemsFromAllDrives
/// instead.
/// [orderBy] - A comma-separated list of sort keys. Valid keys are
/// 'createdTime', 'folder', 'modifiedByMeTime', 'modifiedTime', 'name',
/// 'name_natural', 'quotaBytesUsed', 'recency', 'sharedWithMeTime',
/// 'starred', and 'viewedByMeTime'. Each key sorts ascending by default, but
/// may be reversed with the 'desc' modifier. Example usage:
/// ?orderBy=folder,modifiedTime desc,name. Please note that there is a
/// current limitation for users with approximately one million files in which
/// the requested sort order is ignored.
/// [pageSize] - The maximum number of files to return per page. Partial or
/// empty result pages are possible even before the end of the files list has
/// been reached.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [pageToken] - The token for continuing a previous list request on the next
/// page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous
/// response.
/// [q] - A query for filtering the file results. See the "Search for Files"
/// guide for supported syntax.
/// [spaces] - A comma-separated list of spaces to query within the corpus.
/// Supported values are 'drive', 'appDataFolder' and 'photos'.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [teamDriveId] - Deprecated use driveId instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [FileList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<FileList> list({
core.String corpora,
core.String corpus,
core.String driveId,
core.bool includeItemsFromAllDrives,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool includeTeamDriveItems,
core.String orderBy, pageSize,
core.String pageToken,
core.String q,
core.String spaces,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String teamDriveId,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (corpora != null) {
_queryParams['corpora'] = [corpora];
if (corpus != null) {
_queryParams['corpus'] = [corpus];
if (driveId != null) {
_queryParams['driveId'] = [driveId];
if (includeItemsFromAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['includeItemsFromAllDrives'] = [
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (includeTeamDriveItems != null) {
_queryParams['includeTeamDriveItems'] = ['${includeTeamDriveItems}'];
if (orderBy != null) {
_queryParams['orderBy'] = [orderBy];
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (q != null) {
_queryParams['q'] = [q];
if (spaces != null) {
_queryParams['spaces'] = [spaces];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (teamDriveId != null) {
_queryParams['teamDriveId'] = [teamDriveId];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'files';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return FileList.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Updates a file's metadata and/or content.
/// This method supports patch semantics.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [addParents] - A comma-separated list of parent IDs to add.
/// [enforceSingleParent] - Deprecated. Adding files to multiple folders is no
/// longer supported. Use shortcuts instead.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [keepRevisionForever] - Whether to set the 'keepForever' field in the new
/// head revision. This is only applicable to files with binary content in
/// Google Drive. Only 200 revisions for the file can be kept forever. If the
/// limit is reached, try deleting pinned revisions.
/// [ocrLanguage] - A language hint for OCR processing during image import
/// (ISO 639-1 code).
/// [removeParents] - A comma-separated list of parent IDs to remove.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [useContentAsIndexableText] - Whether to use the uploaded content as
/// indexable text.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// [uploadMedia] - The media to upload.
/// [uploadOptions] - Options for the media upload. Streaming Media without
/// the length being known ahead of time is only supported via resumable
/// uploads.
/// Completes with a [File].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<File> update(
File request,
core.String fileId, {
core.String addParents,
core.bool enforceSingleParent,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool keepRevisionForever,
core.String ocrLanguage,
core.String removeParents,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.bool useContentAsIndexableText,
core.String $fields,
commons.UploadOptions uploadOptions = commons.UploadOptions.Default,
commons.Media uploadMedia,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (addParents != null) {
_queryParams['addParents'] = [addParents];
if (enforceSingleParent != null) {
_queryParams['enforceSingleParent'] = ['${enforceSingleParent}'];
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (keepRevisionForever != null) {
_queryParams['keepRevisionForever'] = ['${keepRevisionForever}'];
if (ocrLanguage != null) {
_queryParams['ocrLanguage'] = [ocrLanguage];
if (removeParents != null) {
_queryParams['removeParents'] = [removeParents];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (useContentAsIndexableText != null) {
_queryParams['useContentAsIndexableText'] = [
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
core.String _url;
if (uploadMedia == null) {
_url = 'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId');
} else if (uploadOptions is commons.ResumableUploadOptions) {
_url = '/resumable/upload/drive/v3/files/' +
} else {
_url =
'/upload/drive/v3/files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId');
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadMedia: uploadMedia,
uploadOptions: uploadOptions,
return File.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Subscribes to changes to a file
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [acknowledgeAbuse] - Whether the user is acknowledging the risk of
/// downloading known malware or other abusive files. This is only applicable
/// when alt=media.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// [downloadOptions] - Options for downloading. A download can be either a
/// Metadata (default) or Media download. Partial Media downloads are possible
/// as well.
/// Completes with a
/// - [Channel] for Metadata downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
/// - [commons.Media] for Media downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<core.Object> watch(
Channel request,
core.String fileId, {
core.bool acknowledgeAbuse,
core.String includePermissionsForView,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.String $fields,
commons.DownloadOptions downloadOptions = commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (acknowledgeAbuse != null) {
_queryParams['acknowledgeAbuse'] = ['${acknowledgeAbuse}'];
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/watch';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: downloadOptions,
if (downloadOptions == null ||
downloadOptions == commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata) {
return Channel.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
} else {
return _response;
class PermissionsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
PermissionsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Creates a permission for a file or shared drive.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file or shared drive.
/// [emailMessage] - A plain text custom message to include in the
/// notification email.
/// [enforceSingleParent] - Deprecated. See moveToNewOwnersRoot for details.
/// [moveToNewOwnersRoot] - This parameter will only take effect if the item
/// is not in a shared drive and the request is attempting to transfer the
/// ownership of the item. If set to true, the item will be moved to the new
/// owner's My Drive root folder and all prior parents removed. If set to
/// false, parents are not changed.
/// [sendNotificationEmail] - Whether to send a notification email when
/// sharing to users or groups. This defaults to true for users and groups,
/// and is not allowed for other requests. It must not be disabled for
/// ownership transfers.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [transferOwnership] - Whether to transfer ownership to the specified user
/// and downgrade the current owner to a writer. This parameter is required as
/// an acknowledgement of the side effect.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if the file ID
/// parameter refers to a shared drive and the requester is an administrator
/// of the domain to which the shared drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Permission].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Permission> create(
Permission request,
core.String fileId, {
core.String emailMessage,
core.bool enforceSingleParent,
core.bool moveToNewOwnersRoot,
core.bool sendNotificationEmail,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.bool transferOwnership,
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (emailMessage != null) {
_queryParams['emailMessage'] = [emailMessage];
if (enforceSingleParent != null) {
_queryParams['enforceSingleParent'] = ['${enforceSingleParent}'];
if (moveToNewOwnersRoot != null) {
_queryParams['moveToNewOwnersRoot'] = ['${moveToNewOwnersRoot}'];
if (sendNotificationEmail != null) {
_queryParams['sendNotificationEmail'] = ['${sendNotificationEmail}'];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (transferOwnership != null) {
_queryParams['transferOwnership'] = ['${transferOwnership}'];
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/permissions';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Permission.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Deletes a permission.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file or shared drive.
/// [permissionId] - The ID of the permission.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if the file ID
/// parameter refers to a shared drive and the requester is an administrator
/// of the domain to which the shared drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> delete(
core.String fileId,
core.String permissionId, {
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (permissionId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter permissionId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/permissions/' +
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Gets a permission by ID.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [permissionId] - The ID of the permission.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if the file ID
/// parameter refers to a shared drive and the requester is an administrator
/// of the domain to which the shared drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Permission].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Permission> get(
core.String fileId,
core.String permissionId, {
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (permissionId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter permissionId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/permissions/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Permission.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Lists a file's or shared drive's permissions.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file or shared drive.
/// [includePermissionsForView] - Specifies which additional view's
/// permissions to include in the response. Only 'published' is supported.
/// [pageSize] - The maximum number of permissions to return per page. When
/// not set for files in a shared drive, at most 100 results will be returned.
/// When not set for files that are not in a shared drive, the entire list
/// will be returned.
/// Value must be between "1" and "100".
/// [pageToken] - The token for continuing a previous list request on the next
/// page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous
/// response.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if the file ID
/// parameter refers to a shared drive and the requester is an administrator
/// of the domain to which the shared drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [PermissionList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<PermissionList> list(
core.String fileId, {
core.String includePermissionsForView, pageSize,
core.String pageToken,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (includePermissionsForView != null) {
_queryParams['includePermissionsForView'] = [includePermissionsForView];
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/permissions';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return PermissionList.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Updates a permission with patch semantics.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file or shared drive.
/// [permissionId] - The ID of the permission.
/// [removeExpiration] - Whether to remove the expiration date.
/// [supportsAllDrives] - Whether the requesting application supports both My
/// Drives and shared drives.
/// [supportsTeamDrives] - Deprecated use supportsAllDrives instead.
/// [transferOwnership] - Whether to transfer ownership to the specified user
/// and downgrade the current owner to a writer. This parameter is required as
/// an acknowledgement of the side effect.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if the file ID
/// parameter refers to a shared drive and the requester is an administrator
/// of the domain to which the shared drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Permission].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Permission> update(
Permission request,
core.String fileId,
core.String permissionId, {
core.bool removeExpiration,
core.bool supportsAllDrives,
core.bool supportsTeamDrives,
core.bool transferOwnership,
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (permissionId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter permissionId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (removeExpiration != null) {
_queryParams['removeExpiration'] = ['${removeExpiration}'];
if (supportsAllDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsAllDrives'] = ['${supportsAllDrives}'];
if (supportsTeamDrives != null) {
_queryParams['supportsTeamDrives'] = ['${supportsTeamDrives}'];
if (transferOwnership != null) {
_queryParams['transferOwnership'] = ['${transferOwnership}'];
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/permissions/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Permission.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class RepliesResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
RepliesResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Creates a new reply to a comment.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Reply].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Reply> create(
Reply request,
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$commentId') +
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Reply.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Deletes a reply.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [replyId] - The ID of the reply.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> delete(
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId,
core.String replyId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
if (replyId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter replyId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$commentId') +
'/replies/' +
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Gets a reply by ID.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [replyId] - The ID of the reply.
/// [includeDeleted] - Whether to return deleted replies. Deleted replies will
/// not include their original content.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Reply].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Reply> get(
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId,
core.String replyId, {
core.bool includeDeleted,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
if (replyId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter replyId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (includeDeleted != null) {
_queryParams['includeDeleted'] = ['${includeDeleted}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$commentId') +
'/replies/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Reply.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Lists a comment's replies.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [includeDeleted] - Whether to include deleted replies. Deleted replies
/// will not include their original content.
/// [pageSize] - The maximum number of replies to return per page.
/// Value must be between "1" and "100".
/// [pageToken] - The token for continuing a previous list request on the next
/// page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous
/// response.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [ReplyList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ReplyList> list(
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId, {
core.bool includeDeleted, pageSize,
core.String pageToken,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (includeDeleted != null) {
_queryParams['includeDeleted'] = ['${includeDeleted}'];
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$commentId') +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return ReplyList.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Updates a reply with patch semantics.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [commentId] - The ID of the comment.
/// [replyId] - The ID of the reply.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Reply].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Reply> update(
Reply request,
core.String fileId,
core.String commentId,
core.String replyId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (commentId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter commentId is required.');
if (replyId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter replyId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/comments/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$commentId') +
'/replies/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Reply.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class RevisionsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
RevisionsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Permanently deletes a file version.
/// You can only delete revisions for files with binary content in Google
/// Drive, like images or videos. Revisions for other files, like Google Docs
/// or Sheets, and the last remaining file version can't be deleted.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [revisionId] - The ID of the revision.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> delete(
core.String fileId,
core.String revisionId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (revisionId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter revisionId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/revisions/' +
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Gets a revision's metadata or content by ID.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [revisionId] - The ID of the revision.
/// [acknowledgeAbuse] - Whether the user is acknowledging the risk of
/// downloading known malware or other abusive files. This is only applicable
/// when alt=media.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// [downloadOptions] - Options for downloading. A download can be either a
/// Metadata (default) or Media download. Partial Media downloads are possible
/// as well.
/// Completes with a
/// - [Revision] for Metadata downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
/// - [commons.Media] for Media downloads (see [downloadOptions]).
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<core.Object> get(
core.String fileId,
core.String revisionId, {
core.bool acknowledgeAbuse,
core.String $fields,
commons.DownloadOptions downloadOptions = commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (revisionId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter revisionId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (acknowledgeAbuse != null) {
_queryParams['acknowledgeAbuse'] = ['${acknowledgeAbuse}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/revisions/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: downloadOptions,
if (downloadOptions == null ||
downloadOptions == commons.DownloadOptions.Metadata) {
return Revision.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
} else {
return _response;
/// Lists a file's revisions.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [pageSize] - The maximum number of revisions to return per page.
/// Value must be between "1" and "1000".
/// [pageToken] - The token for continuing a previous list request on the next
/// page. This should be set to the value of 'nextPageToken' from the previous
/// response.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [RevisionList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<RevisionList> list(
core.String fileId, { pageSize,
core.String pageToken,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url =
'files/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') + '/revisions';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return RevisionList.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Updates a revision with patch semantics.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [fileId] - The ID of the file.
/// [revisionId] - The ID of the revision.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Revision].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Revision> update(
Revision request,
core.String fileId,
core.String revisionId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (fileId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter fileId is required.');
if (revisionId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter revisionId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'files/' +
commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$fileId') +
'/revisions/' +
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Revision.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class TeamdrivesResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
TeamdrivesResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
/// Deprecated use drives.create instead.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [requestId] - An ID, such as a random UUID, which uniquely identifies this
/// user's request for idempotent creation of a Team Drive. A repeated request
/// by the same user and with the same request ID will avoid creating
/// duplicates by attempting to create the same Team Drive. If the Team Drive
/// already exists a 409 error will be returned.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [TeamDrive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<TeamDrive> create(
TeamDrive request,
core.String requestId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (requestId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter requestId is required.');
_queryParams['requestId'] = [requestId];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'teamdrives';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return TeamDrive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Deprecated use drives.delete instead.
/// Request parameters:
/// [teamDriveId] - The ID of the Team Drive
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<void> delete(
core.String teamDriveId, {
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (teamDriveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter teamDriveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'teamdrives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$teamDriveId');
await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
downloadOptions: null,
/// Deprecated use drives.get instead.
/// Request parameters:
/// [teamDriveId] - The ID of the Team Drive
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if they are an
/// administrator of the domain to which the Team Drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [TeamDrive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<TeamDrive> get(
core.String teamDriveId, {
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
if (teamDriveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter teamDriveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'teamdrives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$teamDriveId');
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return TeamDrive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Deprecated use drives.list instead.
/// Request parameters:
/// [pageSize] - Maximum number of Team Drives to return.
/// Value must be between "1" and "100".
/// [pageToken] - Page token for Team Drives.
/// [q] - Query string for searching Team Drives.
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then all Team Drives of the domain in which the requester is
/// an administrator are returned.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [TeamDriveList].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<TeamDriveList> list({ pageSize,
core.String pageToken,
core.String q,
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (pageSize != null) {
_queryParams['pageSize'] = ['${pageSize}'];
if (pageToken != null) {
_queryParams['pageToken'] = [pageToken];
if (q != null) {
_queryParams['q'] = [q];
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
const _url = 'teamdrives';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return TeamDriveList.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Deprecated use drives.update instead
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [teamDriveId] - The ID of the Team Drive
/// [useDomainAdminAccess] - Issue the request as a domain administrator; if
/// set to true, then the requester will be granted access if they are an
/// administrator of the domain to which the Team Drive belongs.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [TeamDrive].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<TeamDrive> update(
TeamDrive request,
core.String teamDriveId, {
core.bool useDomainAdminAccess,
core.String $fields,
}) async {
final _body =
request == null ? null : convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
if (teamDriveId == null) {
throw core.ArgumentError('Parameter teamDriveId is required.');
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{};
if (useDomainAdminAccess != null) {
_queryParams['useDomainAdminAccess'] = ['${useDomainAdminAccess}'];
if ($fields != null) {
_queryParams['fields'] = [$fields];
final _url = 'teamdrives/' + commons.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$teamDriveId');
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return TeamDrive.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class AboutDriveThemes {
/// A link to this theme's background image.
core.String backgroundImageLink;
/// The color of this theme as an RGB hex string.
core.String colorRgb;
/// The ID of the theme.
core.String id;
AboutDriveThemes.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('backgroundImageLink')) {
backgroundImageLink = _json['backgroundImageLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('colorRgb')) {
colorRgb = _json['colorRgb'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (backgroundImageLink != null) {
_json['backgroundImageLink'] = backgroundImageLink;
if (colorRgb != null) {
_json['colorRgb'] = colorRgb;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
return _json;
/// The user's storage quota limits and usage.
/// All fields are measured in bytes.
class AboutStorageQuota {
/// The usage limit, if applicable.
/// This will not be present if the user has unlimited storage.
core.String limit;
/// The total usage across all services.
core.String usage;
/// The usage by all files in Google Drive.
core.String usageInDrive;
/// The usage by trashed files in Google Drive.
core.String usageInDriveTrash;
AboutStorageQuota.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('limit')) {
limit = _json['limit'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('usage')) {
usage = _json['usage'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('usageInDrive')) {
usageInDrive = _json['usageInDrive'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('usageInDriveTrash')) {
usageInDriveTrash = _json['usageInDriveTrash'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (limit != null) {
_json['limit'] = limit;
if (usage != null) {
_json['usage'] = usage;
if (usageInDrive != null) {
_json['usageInDrive'] = usageInDrive;
if (usageInDriveTrash != null) {
_json['usageInDriveTrash'] = usageInDriveTrash;
return _json;
class AboutTeamDriveThemes {
/// Deprecated - use driveThemes/backgroundImageLink instead.
core.String backgroundImageLink;
/// Deprecated - use driveThemes/colorRgb instead.
core.String colorRgb;
/// Deprecated - use driveThemes/id instead.
core.String id;
AboutTeamDriveThemes.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('backgroundImageLink')) {
backgroundImageLink = _json['backgroundImageLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('colorRgb')) {
colorRgb = _json['colorRgb'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (backgroundImageLink != null) {
_json['backgroundImageLink'] = backgroundImageLink;
if (colorRgb != null) {
_json['colorRgb'] = colorRgb;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
return _json;
/// Information about the user, the user's Drive, and system capabilities.
class About {
/// Whether the user has installed the requesting app.
core.bool appInstalled;
/// Whether the user can create shared drives.
core.bool canCreateDrives;
/// Deprecated - use canCreateDrives instead.
core.bool canCreateTeamDrives;
/// A list of themes that are supported for shared drives.
core.List<AboutDriveThemes> driveThemes;
/// A map of source MIME type to possible targets for all supported exports.
core.Map<core.String, core.List<core.String>> exportFormats;
/// The currently supported folder colors as RGB hex strings.
core.List<core.String> folderColorPalette;
/// A map of source MIME type to possible targets for all supported imports.
core.Map<core.String, core.List<core.String>> importFormats;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#about".
core.String kind;
/// A map of maximum import sizes by MIME type, in bytes.
core.Map<core.String, core.String> maxImportSizes;
/// The maximum upload size in bytes.
core.String maxUploadSize;
/// The user's storage quota limits and usage.
/// All fields are measured in bytes.
AboutStorageQuota storageQuota;
/// Deprecated - use driveThemes instead.
core.List<AboutTeamDriveThemes> teamDriveThemes;
/// The authenticated user.
User user;
About.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('appInstalled')) {
appInstalled = _json['appInstalled'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canCreateDrives')) {
canCreateDrives = _json['canCreateDrives'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canCreateTeamDrives')) {
canCreateTeamDrives = _json['canCreateTeamDrives'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('driveThemes')) {
driveThemes = (_json['driveThemes'] as core.List)
.map<AboutDriveThemes>((value) => AboutDriveThemes.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('exportFormats')) {
exportFormats = (_json['exportFormats'] as core.Map)
.cast<core.String, core.List>()
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
(item as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('folderColorPalette')) {
folderColorPalette = (_json['folderColorPalette'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('importFormats')) {
importFormats = (_json['importFormats'] as core.Map)
.cast<core.String, core.List>()
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
(item as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('maxImportSizes')) {
maxImportSizes = (_json['maxImportSizes'] as core.Map)
.cast<core.String, core.String>()
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('maxUploadSize')) {
maxUploadSize = _json['maxUploadSize'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('storageQuota')) {
storageQuota = AboutStorageQuota.fromJson(
_json['storageQuota'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('teamDriveThemes')) {
teamDriveThemes = (_json['teamDriveThemes'] as core.List)
.map<AboutTeamDriveThemes>((value) => AboutTeamDriveThemes.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('user')) {
user =
User.fromJson(_json['user'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (appInstalled != null) {
_json['appInstalled'] = appInstalled;
if (canCreateDrives != null) {
_json['canCreateDrives'] = canCreateDrives;
if (canCreateTeamDrives != null) {
_json['canCreateTeamDrives'] = canCreateTeamDrives;
if (driveThemes != null) {
_json['driveThemes'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (exportFormats != null) {
_json['exportFormats'] = exportFormats;
if (folderColorPalette != null) {
_json['folderColorPalette'] = folderColorPalette;
if (importFormats != null) {
_json['importFormats'] = importFormats;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (maxImportSizes != null) {
_json['maxImportSizes'] = maxImportSizes;
if (maxUploadSize != null) {
_json['maxUploadSize'] = maxUploadSize;
if (storageQuota != null) {
_json['storageQuota'] = storageQuota.toJson();
if (teamDriveThemes != null) {
_json['teamDriveThemes'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (user != null) {
_json['user'] = user.toJson();
return _json;
/// A change to a file or shared drive.
class Change {
/// The type of the change.
/// Possible values are file and drive.
core.String changeType;
/// The updated state of the shared drive.
/// Present if the changeType is drive, the user is still a member of the
/// shared drive, and the shared drive has not been deleted.
Drive drive;
/// The ID of the shared drive associated with this change.
core.String driveId;
/// The updated state of the file.
/// Present if the type is file and the file has not been removed from this
/// list of changes.
File file;
/// The ID of the file which has changed.
core.String fileId;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#change".
core.String kind;
/// Whether the file or shared drive has been removed from this list of
/// changes, for example by deletion or loss of access.
core.bool removed;
/// Deprecated - use drive instead.
TeamDrive teamDrive;
/// Deprecated - use driveId instead.
core.String teamDriveId;
/// The time of this change (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime time;
/// Deprecated - use changeType instead.
core.String type;
Change.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('changeType')) {
changeType = _json['changeType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('drive')) {
drive =
Drive.fromJson(_json['drive'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('driveId')) {
driveId = _json['driveId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('file')) {
file =
File.fromJson(_json['file'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('fileId')) {
fileId = _json['fileId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('removed')) {
removed = _json['removed'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('teamDrive')) {
teamDrive = TeamDrive.fromJson(
_json['teamDrive'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('teamDriveId')) {
teamDriveId = _json['teamDriveId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('time')) {
time = core.DateTime.parse(_json['time'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (changeType != null) {
_json['changeType'] = changeType;
if (drive != null) {
_json['drive'] = drive.toJson();
if (driveId != null) {
_json['driveId'] = driveId;
if (file != null) {
_json['file'] = file.toJson();
if (fileId != null) {
_json['fileId'] = fileId;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (removed != null) {
_json['removed'] = removed;
if (teamDrive != null) {
_json['teamDrive'] = teamDrive.toJson();
if (teamDriveId != null) {
_json['teamDriveId'] = teamDriveId;
if (time != null) {
_json['time'] = (time).toIso8601String();
if (type != null) {
_json['type'] = type;
return _json;
/// A list of changes for a user.
class ChangeList {
/// The list of changes.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<Change> changes;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#changeList".
core.String kind;
/// The starting page token for future changes.
/// This will be present only if the end of the current changes list has been
/// reached.
core.String newStartPageToken;
/// The page token for the next page of changes.
/// This will be absent if the end of the changes list has been reached. If
/// the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and
/// pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
ChangeList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('changes')) {
changes = (_json['changes'] as core.List)
.map<Change>((value) =>
Change.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('newStartPageToken')) {
newStartPageToken = _json['newStartPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (changes != null) {
_json['changes'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (newStartPageToken != null) {
_json['newStartPageToken'] = newStartPageToken;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/// An notification channel used to watch for resource changes.
class Channel {
/// The address where notifications are delivered for this channel.
core.String address;
/// Date and time of notification channel expiration, expressed as a Unix
/// timestamp, in milliseconds.
/// Optional.
core.String expiration;
/// A UUID or similar unique string that identifies this channel.
core.String id;
/// Identifies this as a notification channel used to watch for changes to a
/// resource, which is "api#channel".
core.String kind;
/// Additional parameters controlling delivery channel behavior.
/// Optional.
core.Map<core.String, core.String> params;
/// A Boolean value to indicate whether payload is wanted.
/// Optional.
core.bool payload;
/// An opaque ID that identifies the resource being watched on this channel.
/// Stable across different API versions.
core.String resourceId;
/// A version-specific identifier for the watched resource.
core.String resourceUri;
/// An arbitrary string delivered to the target address with each notification
/// delivered over this channel.
/// Optional.
core.String token;
/// The type of delivery mechanism used for this channel.
core.String type;
Channel.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('address')) {
address = _json['address'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('expiration')) {
expiration = _json['expiration'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('params')) {
params =
(_json['params'] as core.Map).cast<core.String, core.String>().map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('payload')) {
payload = _json['payload'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceId')) {
resourceId = _json['resourceId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceUri')) {
resourceUri = _json['resourceUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('token')) {
token = _json['token'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (address != null) {
_json['address'] = address;
if (expiration != null) {
_json['expiration'] = expiration;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (params != null) {
_json['params'] = params;
if (payload != null) {
_json['payload'] = payload;
if (resourceId != null) {
_json['resourceId'] = resourceId;
if (resourceUri != null) {
_json['resourceUri'] = resourceUri;
if (token != null) {
_json['token'] = token;
if (type != null) {
_json['type'] = type;
return _json;
/// The file content to which the comment refers, typically within the anchor
/// region.
/// For a text file, for example, this would be the text at the location of the
/// comment.
class CommentQuotedFileContent {
/// The MIME type of the quoted content.
core.String mimeType;
/// The quoted content itself.
/// This is interpreted as plain text if set through the API.
core.String value;
CommentQuotedFileContent.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('mimeType')) {
mimeType = _json['mimeType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('value')) {
value = _json['value'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (mimeType != null) {
_json['mimeType'] = mimeType;
if (value != null) {
_json['value'] = value;
return _json;
/// A comment on a file.
class Comment {
/// A region of the document represented as a JSON string.
/// See anchor documentation for details on how to define and interpret anchor
/// properties.
core.String anchor;
/// The author of the comment.
/// The author's email address and permission ID will not be populated.
User author;
/// The plain text content of the comment.
/// This field is used for setting the content, while htmlContent should be
/// displayed.
core.String content;
/// The time at which the comment was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime createdTime;
/// Whether the comment has been deleted.
/// A deleted comment has no content.
core.bool deleted;
/// The content of the comment with HTML formatting.
core.String htmlContent;
/// The ID of the comment.
core.String id;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#comment".
core.String kind;
/// The last time the comment or any of its replies was modified (RFC 3339
/// date-time).
core.DateTime modifiedTime;
/// The file content to which the comment refers, typically within the anchor
/// region.
/// For a text file, for example, this would be the text at the location of
/// the comment.
CommentQuotedFileContent quotedFileContent;
/// The full list of replies to the comment in chronological order.
core.List<Reply> replies;
/// Whether the comment has been resolved by one of its replies.
core.bool resolved;
Comment.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('anchor')) {
anchor = _json['anchor'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('author')) {
author =
User.fromJson(_json['author'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('content')) {
content = _json['content'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('createdTime')) {
createdTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['createdTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('deleted')) {
deleted = _json['deleted'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('htmlContent')) {
htmlContent = _json['htmlContent'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('modifiedTime')) {
modifiedTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['modifiedTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('quotedFileContent')) {
quotedFileContent = CommentQuotedFileContent.fromJson(
_json['quotedFileContent'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('replies')) {
replies = (_json['replies'] as core.List)
.map<Reply>((value) =>
Reply.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('resolved')) {
resolved = _json['resolved'] as core.bool;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (anchor != null) {
_json['anchor'] = anchor;
if (author != null) {
_json['author'] = author.toJson();
if (content != null) {
_json['content'] = content;
if (createdTime != null) {
_json['createdTime'] = (createdTime).toIso8601String();
if (deleted != null) {
_json['deleted'] = deleted;
if (htmlContent != null) {
_json['htmlContent'] = htmlContent;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (modifiedTime != null) {
_json['modifiedTime'] = (modifiedTime).toIso8601String();
if (quotedFileContent != null) {
_json['quotedFileContent'] = quotedFileContent.toJson();
if (replies != null) {
_json['replies'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (resolved != null) {
_json['resolved'] = resolved;
return _json;
/// A list of comments on a file.
class CommentList {
/// The list of comments.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<Comment> comments;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#commentList".
core.String kind;
/// The page token for the next page of comments.
/// This will be absent if the end of the comments list has been reached. If
/// the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and
/// pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
CommentList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('comments')) {
comments = (_json['comments'] as core.List)
.map<Comment>((value) =>
Comment.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (comments != null) {
_json['comments'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/// A restriction for accessing the content of the file.
class ContentRestriction {
/// Whether the content of the file is read-only.
/// If a file is read-only, a new revision of the file may not be added,
/// comments may not be added or modified, and the title of the file may not
/// be modified.
core.bool readOnly;
/// Reason for why the content of the file is restricted.
/// This is only mutable on requests that also set readOnly=true.
core.String reason;
/// The user who set the content restriction.
/// Only populated if readOnly is true.
User restrictingUser;
/// The time at which the content restriction was set (formatted RFC 3339
/// timestamp).
/// Only populated if readOnly is true.
core.DateTime restrictionTime;
/// The type of the content restriction.
/// Currently the only possible value is globalContentRestriction.
core.String type;
ContentRestriction.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('readOnly')) {
readOnly = _json['readOnly'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('reason')) {
reason = _json['reason'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('restrictingUser')) {
restrictingUser = User.fromJson(
_json['restrictingUser'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('restrictionTime')) {
restrictionTime =
core.DateTime.parse(_json['restrictionTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (readOnly != null) {
_json['readOnly'] = readOnly;
if (reason != null) {
_json['reason'] = reason;
if (restrictingUser != null) {
_json['restrictingUser'] = restrictingUser.toJson();
if (restrictionTime != null) {
_json['restrictionTime'] = (restrictionTime).toIso8601String();
if (type != null) {
_json['type'] = type;
return _json;
/// An image file and cropping parameters from which a background image for this
/// shared drive is set.
/// This is a write only field; it can only be set on drive.drives.update
/// requests that don't set themeId. When specified, all fields of the
/// backgroundImageFile must be set.
class DriveBackgroundImageFile {
/// The ID of an image file in Google Drive to use for the background image.
core.String id;
/// The width of the cropped image in the closed range of 0 to 1.
/// This value represents the width of the cropped image divided by the width
/// of the entire image. The height is computed by applying a width to height
/// aspect ratio of 80 to 9. The resulting image must be at least 1280 pixels
/// wide and 144 pixels high.
core.double width;
/// The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the cropping area in the
/// background image.
/// This is a value in the closed range of 0 to 1. This value represents the
/// horizontal distance from the left side of the entire image to the left
/// side of the cropping area divided by the width of the entire image.
core.double xCoordinate;
/// The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the cropping area in the
/// background image.
/// This is a value in the closed range of 0 to 1. This value represents the
/// vertical distance from the top side of the entire image to the top side of
/// the cropping area divided by the height of the entire image.
core.double yCoordinate;
DriveBackgroundImageFile.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('width')) {
width = (_json['width'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('xCoordinate')) {
xCoordinate = (_json['xCoordinate'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('yCoordinate')) {
yCoordinate = (_json['yCoordinate'] as core.num).toDouble();
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (width != null) {
_json['width'] = width;
if (xCoordinate != null) {
_json['xCoordinate'] = xCoordinate;
if (yCoordinate != null) {
_json['yCoordinate'] = yCoordinate;
return _json;
/// Capabilities the current user has on this shared drive.
class DriveCapabilities {
/// Whether the current user can add children to folders in this shared drive.
core.bool canAddChildren;
/// Whether the current user can change the copyRequiresWriterPermission
/// restriction of this shared drive.
core.bool canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction;
/// Whether the current user can change the domainUsersOnly restriction of
/// this shared drive.
core.bool canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction;
/// Whether the current user can change the background of this shared drive.
core.bool canChangeDriveBackground;
/// Whether the current user can change the driveMembersOnly restriction of
/// this shared drive.
core.bool canChangeDriveMembersOnlyRestriction;
/// Whether the current user can comment on files in this shared drive.
core.bool canComment;
/// Whether the current user can copy files in this shared drive.
core.bool canCopy;
/// Whether the current user can delete children from folders in this shared
/// drive.
core.bool canDeleteChildren;
/// Whether the current user can delete this shared drive.
/// Attempting to delete the shared drive may still fail if there are
/// untrashed items inside the shared drive.
core.bool canDeleteDrive;
/// Whether the current user can download files in this shared drive.
core.bool canDownload;
/// Whether the current user can edit files in this shared drive
core.bool canEdit;
/// Whether the current user can list the children of folders in this shared
/// drive.
core.bool canListChildren;
/// Whether the current user can add members to this shared drive or remove
/// them or change their role.
core.bool canManageMembers;
/// Whether the current user can read the revisions resource of files in this
/// shared drive.
core.bool canReadRevisions;
/// Whether the current user can rename files or folders in this shared drive.
core.bool canRename;
/// Whether the current user can rename this shared drive.
core.bool canRenameDrive;
/// Whether the current user can share files or folders in this shared drive.
core.bool canShare;
/// Whether the current user can trash children from folders in this shared
/// drive.
core.bool canTrashChildren;
DriveCapabilities.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('canAddChildren')) {
canAddChildren = _json['canAddChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction')) {
canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction =
as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction')) {
canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction =
_json['canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeDriveBackground')) {
canChangeDriveBackground = _json['canChangeDriveBackground'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeDriveMembersOnlyRestriction')) {
canChangeDriveMembersOnlyRestriction =
_json['canChangeDriveMembersOnlyRestriction'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canComment')) {
canComment = _json['canComment'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canCopy')) {
canCopy = _json['canCopy'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDeleteChildren')) {
canDeleteChildren = _json['canDeleteChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDeleteDrive')) {
canDeleteDrive = _json['canDeleteDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDownload')) {
canDownload = _json['canDownload'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canEdit')) {
canEdit = _json['canEdit'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canListChildren')) {
canListChildren = _json['canListChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canManageMembers')) {
canManageMembers = _json['canManageMembers'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canReadRevisions')) {
canReadRevisions = _json['canReadRevisions'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRename')) {
canRename = _json['canRename'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRenameDrive')) {
canRenameDrive = _json['canRenameDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canShare')) {
canShare = _json['canShare'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canTrashChildren')) {
canTrashChildren = _json['canTrashChildren'] as core.bool;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (canAddChildren != null) {
_json['canAddChildren'] = canAddChildren;
if (canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction != null) {
_json['canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction'] =
if (canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction != null) {
_json['canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction'] =
if (canChangeDriveBackground != null) {
_json['canChangeDriveBackground'] = canChangeDriveBackground;
if (canChangeDriveMembersOnlyRestriction != null) {
_json['canChangeDriveMembersOnlyRestriction'] =
if (canComment != null) {
_json['canComment'] = canComment;
if (canCopy != null) {
_json['canCopy'] = canCopy;
if (canDeleteChildren != null) {
_json['canDeleteChildren'] = canDeleteChildren;
if (canDeleteDrive != null) {
_json['canDeleteDrive'] = canDeleteDrive;
if (canDownload != null) {
_json['canDownload'] = canDownload;
if (canEdit != null) {
_json['canEdit'] = canEdit;
if (canListChildren != null) {
_json['canListChildren'] = canListChildren;
if (canManageMembers != null) {
_json['canManageMembers'] = canManageMembers;
if (canReadRevisions != null) {
_json['canReadRevisions'] = canReadRevisions;
if (canRename != null) {
_json['canRename'] = canRename;
if (canRenameDrive != null) {
_json['canRenameDrive'] = canRenameDrive;
if (canShare != null) {
_json['canShare'] = canShare;
if (canTrashChildren != null) {
_json['canTrashChildren'] = canTrashChildren;
return _json;
/// A set of restrictions that apply to this shared drive or items inside this
/// shared drive.
class DriveRestrictions {
/// Whether administrative privileges on this shared drive are required to
/// modify restrictions.
core.bool adminManagedRestrictions;
/// Whether the options to copy, print, or download files inside this shared
/// drive, should be disabled for readers and commenters.
/// When this restriction is set to true, it will override the similarly named
/// field to true for any file inside this shared drive.
core.bool copyRequiresWriterPermission;
/// Whether access to this shared drive and items inside this shared drive is
/// restricted to users of the domain to which this shared drive belongs.
/// This restriction may be overridden by other sharing policies controlled
/// outside of this shared drive.
core.bool domainUsersOnly;
/// Whether access to items inside this shared drive is restricted to its
/// members.
core.bool driveMembersOnly;
DriveRestrictions.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('adminManagedRestrictions')) {
adminManagedRestrictions = _json['adminManagedRestrictions'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('copyRequiresWriterPermission')) {
copyRequiresWriterPermission =
_json['copyRequiresWriterPermission'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('domainUsersOnly')) {
domainUsersOnly = _json['domainUsersOnly'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('driveMembersOnly')) {
driveMembersOnly = _json['driveMembersOnly'] as core.bool;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (adminManagedRestrictions != null) {
_json['adminManagedRestrictions'] = adminManagedRestrictions;
if (copyRequiresWriterPermission != null) {
_json['copyRequiresWriterPermission'] = copyRequiresWriterPermission;
if (domainUsersOnly != null) {
_json['domainUsersOnly'] = domainUsersOnly;
if (driveMembersOnly != null) {
_json['driveMembersOnly'] = driveMembersOnly;
return _json;
/// Representation of a shared drive.
class Drive {
/// An image file and cropping parameters from which a background image for
/// this shared drive is set.
/// This is a write only field; it can only be set on drive.drives.update
/// requests that don't set themeId. When specified, all fields of the
/// backgroundImageFile must be set.
DriveBackgroundImageFile backgroundImageFile;
/// A short-lived link to this shared drive's background image.
core.String backgroundImageLink;
/// Capabilities the current user has on this shared drive.
DriveCapabilities capabilities;
/// The color of this shared drive as an RGB hex string.
/// It can only be set on a drive.drives.update request that does not set
/// themeId.
core.String colorRgb;
/// The time at which the shared drive was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime createdTime;
/// Whether the shared drive is hidden from default view.
core.bool hidden;
/// The ID of this shared drive which is also the ID of the top level folder
/// of this shared drive.
core.String id;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#drive".
core.String kind;
/// The name of this shared drive.
core.String name;
/// A set of restrictions that apply to this shared drive or items inside this
/// shared drive.
DriveRestrictions restrictions;
/// The ID of the theme from which the background image and color will be set.
/// The set of possible driveThemes can be retrieved from a drive.about.get
/// response. When not specified on a drive.drives.create request, a random
/// theme is chosen from which the background image and color are set. This is
/// a write-only field; it can only be set on requests that don't set colorRgb
/// or backgroundImageFile.
core.String themeId;
Drive.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('backgroundImageFile')) {
backgroundImageFile = DriveBackgroundImageFile.fromJson(
_json['backgroundImageFile'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('backgroundImageLink')) {
backgroundImageLink = _json['backgroundImageLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('capabilities')) {
capabilities = DriveCapabilities.fromJson(
_json['capabilities'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('colorRgb')) {
colorRgb = _json['colorRgb'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('createdTime')) {
createdTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['createdTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('hidden')) {
hidden = _json['hidden'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('restrictions')) {
restrictions = DriveRestrictions.fromJson(
_json['restrictions'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('themeId')) {
themeId = _json['themeId'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (backgroundImageFile != null) {
_json['backgroundImageFile'] = backgroundImageFile.toJson();
if (backgroundImageLink != null) {
_json['backgroundImageLink'] = backgroundImageLink;
if (capabilities != null) {
_json['capabilities'] = capabilities.toJson();
if (colorRgb != null) {
_json['colorRgb'] = colorRgb;
if (createdTime != null) {
_json['createdTime'] = (createdTime).toIso8601String();
if (hidden != null) {
_json['hidden'] = hidden;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (name != null) {
_json['name'] = name;
if (restrictions != null) {
_json['restrictions'] = restrictions.toJson();
if (themeId != null) {
_json['themeId'] = themeId;
return _json;
/// A list of shared drives.
class DriveList {
/// The list of shared drives.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<Drive> drives;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#driveList".
core.String kind;
/// The page token for the next page of shared drives.
/// This will be absent if the end of the list has been reached. If the token
/// is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and pagination should
/// be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
DriveList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('drives')) {
drives = (_json['drives'] as core.List)
.map<Drive>((value) =>
Drive.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (drives != null) {
_json['drives'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/// Capabilities the current user has on this file.
/// Each capability corresponds to a fine-grained action that a user may take.
class FileCapabilities {
/// Whether the current user can add children to this folder.
/// This is always false when the item is not a folder.
core.bool canAddChildren;
/// Whether the current user can add a folder from another drive (different
/// shared drive or My Drive) to this folder.
/// This is false when the item is not a folder. Only populated for items in
/// shared drives.
core.bool canAddFolderFromAnotherDrive;
/// Whether the current user can add a parent for the item without removing an
/// existing parent in the same request.
/// Not populated for shared drive files.
core.bool canAddMyDriveParent;
/// Whether the current user can change the copyRequiresWriterPermission
/// restriction of this file.
core.bool canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermission;
/// Deprecated
core.bool canChangeViewersCanCopyContent;
/// Whether the current user can comment on this file.
core.bool canComment;
/// Whether the current user can copy this file.
/// For an item in a shared drive, whether the current user can copy
/// non-folder descendants of this item, or this item itself if it is not a
/// folder.
core.bool canCopy;
/// Whether the current user can delete this file.
core.bool canDelete;
/// Whether the current user can delete children of this folder.
/// This is false when the item is not a folder. Only populated for items in
/// shared drives.
core.bool canDeleteChildren;
/// Whether the current user can download this file.
core.bool canDownload;
/// Whether the current user can edit this file.
/// Other factors may limit the type of changes a user can make to a file. For
/// example, see canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermission or canModifyContent.
core.bool canEdit;
/// Whether the current user can list the children of this folder.
/// This is always false when the item is not a folder.
core.bool canListChildren;
/// Whether the current user can modify the content of this file.
core.bool canModifyContent;
/// Whether the current user can modify restrictions on content of this file.
core.bool canModifyContentRestriction;
/// Whether the current user can move children of this folder outside of the
/// shared drive.
/// This is false when the item is not a folder. Only populated for items in
/// shared drives.
core.bool canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive;
/// Deprecated - use canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive instead.
core.bool canMoveChildrenOutOfTeamDrive;
/// Whether the current user can move children of this folder within this
/// drive.
/// This is false when the item is not a folder. Note that a request to move
/// the child may still fail depending on the current user's access to the
/// child and to the destination folder.
core.bool canMoveChildrenWithinDrive;
/// Deprecated - use canMoveChildrenWithinDrive instead.
core.bool canMoveChildrenWithinTeamDrive;
/// Deprecated - use canMoveItemOutOfDrive instead.
core.bool canMoveItemIntoTeamDrive;
/// Whether the current user can move this item outside of this drive by
/// changing its parent.
/// Note that a request to change the parent of the item may still fail
/// depending on the new parent that is being added.
core.bool canMoveItemOutOfDrive;
/// Deprecated - use canMoveItemOutOfDrive instead.
core.bool canMoveItemOutOfTeamDrive;
/// Whether the current user can move this item within this drive.
/// Note that a request to change the parent of the item may still fail
/// depending on the new parent that is being added and the parent that is
/// being removed.
core.bool canMoveItemWithinDrive;
/// Deprecated - use canMoveItemWithinDrive instead.
core.bool canMoveItemWithinTeamDrive;
/// Deprecated - use canMoveItemWithinDrive or canMoveItemOutOfDrive instead.
core.bool canMoveTeamDriveItem;
/// Whether the current user can read the shared drive to which this file
/// belongs.
/// Only populated for items in shared drives.
core.bool canReadDrive;
/// Whether the current user can read the revisions resource of this file.
/// For a shared drive item, whether revisions of non-folder descendants of
/// this item, or this item itself if it is not a folder, can be read.
core.bool canReadRevisions;
/// Deprecated - use canReadDrive instead.
core.bool canReadTeamDrive;
/// Whether the current user can remove children from this folder.
/// This is always false when the item is not a folder. For a folder in a
/// shared drive, use canDeleteChildren or canTrashChildren instead.
core.bool canRemoveChildren;
/// Whether the current user can remove a parent from the item without adding
/// another parent in the same request.
/// Not populated for shared drive files.
core.bool canRemoveMyDriveParent;
/// Whether the current user can rename this file.
core.bool canRename;
/// Whether the current user can modify the sharing settings for this file.
core.bool canShare;
/// Whether the current user can move this file to trash.
core.bool canTrash;
/// Whether the current user can trash children of this folder.
/// This is false when the item is not a folder. Only populated for items in
/// shared drives.
core.bool canTrashChildren;
/// Whether the current user can restore this file from trash.
core.bool canUntrash;
FileCapabilities.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('canAddChildren')) {
canAddChildren = _json['canAddChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canAddFolderFromAnotherDrive')) {
canAddFolderFromAnotherDrive =
_json['canAddFolderFromAnotherDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canAddMyDriveParent')) {
canAddMyDriveParent = _json['canAddMyDriveParent'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermission')) {
canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermission =
_json['canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermission'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeViewersCanCopyContent')) {
canChangeViewersCanCopyContent =
_json['canChangeViewersCanCopyContent'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canComment')) {
canComment = _json['canComment'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canCopy')) {
canCopy = _json['canCopy'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDelete')) {
canDelete = _json['canDelete'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDeleteChildren')) {
canDeleteChildren = _json['canDeleteChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDownload')) {
canDownload = _json['canDownload'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canEdit')) {
canEdit = _json['canEdit'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canListChildren')) {
canListChildren = _json['canListChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canModifyContent')) {
canModifyContent = _json['canModifyContent'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canModifyContentRestriction')) {
canModifyContentRestriction =
_json['canModifyContentRestriction'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive')) {
canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive =
_json['canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveChildrenOutOfTeamDrive')) {
canMoveChildrenOutOfTeamDrive =
_json['canMoveChildrenOutOfTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveChildrenWithinDrive')) {
canMoveChildrenWithinDrive =
_json['canMoveChildrenWithinDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveChildrenWithinTeamDrive')) {
canMoveChildrenWithinTeamDrive =
_json['canMoveChildrenWithinTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveItemIntoTeamDrive')) {
canMoveItemIntoTeamDrive = _json['canMoveItemIntoTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveItemOutOfDrive')) {
canMoveItemOutOfDrive = _json['canMoveItemOutOfDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveItemOutOfTeamDrive')) {
canMoveItemOutOfTeamDrive =
_json['canMoveItemOutOfTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveItemWithinDrive')) {
canMoveItemWithinDrive = _json['canMoveItemWithinDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveItemWithinTeamDrive')) {
canMoveItemWithinTeamDrive =
_json['canMoveItemWithinTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canMoveTeamDriveItem')) {
canMoveTeamDriveItem = _json['canMoveTeamDriveItem'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canReadDrive')) {
canReadDrive = _json['canReadDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canReadRevisions')) {
canReadRevisions = _json['canReadRevisions'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canReadTeamDrive')) {
canReadTeamDrive = _json['canReadTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRemoveChildren')) {
canRemoveChildren = _json['canRemoveChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRemoveMyDriveParent')) {
canRemoveMyDriveParent = _json['canRemoveMyDriveParent'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRename')) {
canRename = _json['canRename'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canShare')) {
canShare = _json['canShare'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canTrash')) {
canTrash = _json['canTrash'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canTrashChildren')) {
canTrashChildren = _json['canTrashChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canUntrash')) {
canUntrash = _json['canUntrash'] as core.bool;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (canAddChildren != null) {
_json['canAddChildren'] = canAddChildren;
if (canAddFolderFromAnotherDrive != null) {
_json['canAddFolderFromAnotherDrive'] = canAddFolderFromAnotherDrive;
if (canAddMyDriveParent != null) {
_json['canAddMyDriveParent'] = canAddMyDriveParent;
if (canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermission != null) {
_json['canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermission'] =
if (canChangeViewersCanCopyContent != null) {
_json['canChangeViewersCanCopyContent'] = canChangeViewersCanCopyContent;
if (canComment != null) {
_json['canComment'] = canComment;
if (canCopy != null) {
_json['canCopy'] = canCopy;
if (canDelete != null) {
_json['canDelete'] = canDelete;
if (canDeleteChildren != null) {
_json['canDeleteChildren'] = canDeleteChildren;
if (canDownload != null) {
_json['canDownload'] = canDownload;
if (canEdit != null) {
_json['canEdit'] = canEdit;
if (canListChildren != null) {
_json['canListChildren'] = canListChildren;
if (canModifyContent != null) {
_json['canModifyContent'] = canModifyContent;
if (canModifyContentRestriction != null) {
_json['canModifyContentRestriction'] = canModifyContentRestriction;
if (canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive'] = canMoveChildrenOutOfDrive;
if (canMoveChildrenOutOfTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveChildrenOutOfTeamDrive'] = canMoveChildrenOutOfTeamDrive;
if (canMoveChildrenWithinDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveChildrenWithinDrive'] = canMoveChildrenWithinDrive;
if (canMoveChildrenWithinTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveChildrenWithinTeamDrive'] = canMoveChildrenWithinTeamDrive;
if (canMoveItemIntoTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveItemIntoTeamDrive'] = canMoveItemIntoTeamDrive;
if (canMoveItemOutOfDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveItemOutOfDrive'] = canMoveItemOutOfDrive;
if (canMoveItemOutOfTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveItemOutOfTeamDrive'] = canMoveItemOutOfTeamDrive;
if (canMoveItemWithinDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveItemWithinDrive'] = canMoveItemWithinDrive;
if (canMoveItemWithinTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canMoveItemWithinTeamDrive'] = canMoveItemWithinTeamDrive;
if (canMoveTeamDriveItem != null) {
_json['canMoveTeamDriveItem'] = canMoveTeamDriveItem;
if (canReadDrive != null) {
_json['canReadDrive'] = canReadDrive;
if (canReadRevisions != null) {
_json['canReadRevisions'] = canReadRevisions;
if (canReadTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canReadTeamDrive'] = canReadTeamDrive;
if (canRemoveChildren != null) {
_json['canRemoveChildren'] = canRemoveChildren;
if (canRemoveMyDriveParent != null) {
_json['canRemoveMyDriveParent'] = canRemoveMyDriveParent;
if (canRename != null) {
_json['canRename'] = canRename;
if (canShare != null) {
_json['canShare'] = canShare;
if (canTrash != null) {
_json['canTrash'] = canTrash;
if (canTrashChildren != null) {
_json['canTrashChildren'] = canTrashChildren;
if (canUntrash != null) {
_json['canUntrash'] = canUntrash;
return _json;
/// A thumbnail for the file.
/// This will only be used if Google Drive cannot generate a standard thumbnail.
class FileContentHintsThumbnail {
/// The thumbnail data encoded with URL-safe Base64 (RFC 4648 section 5).
core.String image;
core.List<> get imageAsBytes => convert.base64.decode(image);
set imageAsBytes(core.List<> _bytes) {
image =
convert.base64.encode(_bytes).replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('+', '-');
/// The MIME type of the thumbnail.
core.String mimeType;
FileContentHintsThumbnail.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('image')) {
image = _json['image'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('mimeType')) {
mimeType = _json['mimeType'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (image != null) {
_json['image'] = image;
if (mimeType != null) {
_json['mimeType'] = mimeType;
return _json;
/// Additional information about the content of the file.
/// These fields are never populated in responses.
class FileContentHints {
/// Text to be indexed for the file to improve fullText queries.
/// This is limited to 128KB in length and may contain HTML elements.
core.String indexableText;
/// A thumbnail for the file.
/// This will only be used if Google Drive cannot generate a standard
/// thumbnail.
FileContentHintsThumbnail thumbnail;
FileContentHints.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('indexableText')) {
indexableText = _json['indexableText'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('thumbnail')) {
thumbnail = FileContentHintsThumbnail.fromJson(
_json['thumbnail'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (indexableText != null) {
_json['indexableText'] = indexableText;
if (thumbnail != null) {
_json['thumbnail'] = thumbnail.toJson();
return _json;
/// Geographic location information stored in the image.
class FileImageMediaMetadataLocation {
/// The altitude stored in the image.
core.double altitude;
/// The latitude stored in the image.
core.double latitude;
/// The longitude stored in the image.
core.double longitude;
FileImageMediaMetadataLocation.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('altitude')) {
altitude = (_json['altitude'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('latitude')) {
latitude = (_json['latitude'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('longitude')) {
longitude = (_json['longitude'] as core.num).toDouble();
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (altitude != null) {
_json['altitude'] = altitude;
if (latitude != null) {
_json['latitude'] = latitude;
if (longitude != null) {
_json['longitude'] = longitude;
return _json;
/// Additional metadata about image media, if available.
class FileImageMediaMetadata {
/// The aperture used to create the photo (f-number).
core.double aperture;
/// The make of the camera used to create the photo.
core.String cameraMake;
/// The model of the camera used to create the photo.
core.String cameraModel;
/// The color space of the photo.
core.String colorSpace;
/// The exposure bias of the photo (APEX value).
core.double exposureBias;
/// The exposure mode used to create the photo.
core.String exposureMode;
/// The length of the exposure, in seconds.
core.double exposureTime;
/// Whether a flash was used to create the photo.
core.bool flashUsed;
/// The focal length used to create the photo, in millimeters.
core.double focalLength;
/// The height of the image in pixels. height;
/// The ISO speed used to create the photo. isoSpeed;
/// The lens used to create the photo.
core.String lens;
/// Geographic location information stored in the image.
FileImageMediaMetadataLocation location;
/// The smallest f-number of the lens at the focal length used to create the
/// photo (APEX value).
core.double maxApertureValue;
/// The metering mode used to create the photo.
core.String meteringMode;
/// The number of clockwise 90 degree rotations applied from the image's
/// original orientation. rotation;
/// The type of sensor used to create the photo.
core.String sensor;
/// The distance to the subject of the photo, in meters. subjectDistance;
/// The date and time the photo was taken (EXIF DateTime).
core.String time;
/// The white balance mode used to create the photo.
core.String whiteBalance;
/// The width of the image in pixels. width;
FileImageMediaMetadata.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('aperture')) {
aperture = (_json['aperture'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('cameraMake')) {
cameraMake = _json['cameraMake'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('cameraModel')) {
cameraModel = _json['cameraModel'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('colorSpace')) {
colorSpace = _json['colorSpace'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('exposureBias')) {
exposureBias = (_json['exposureBias'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('exposureMode')) {
exposureMode = _json['exposureMode'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('exposureTime')) {
exposureTime = (_json['exposureTime'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('flashUsed')) {
flashUsed = _json['flashUsed'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('focalLength')) {
focalLength = (_json['focalLength'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('height')) {
height = _json['height'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('isoSpeed')) {
isoSpeed = _json['isoSpeed'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('lens')) {
lens = _json['lens'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('location')) {
location = FileImageMediaMetadataLocation.fromJson(
_json['location'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('maxApertureValue')) {
maxApertureValue = (_json['maxApertureValue'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('meteringMode')) {
meteringMode = _json['meteringMode'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('rotation')) {
rotation = _json['rotation'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('sensor')) {
sensor = _json['sensor'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('subjectDistance')) {
subjectDistance = _json['subjectDistance'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('time')) {
time = _json['time'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('whiteBalance')) {
whiteBalance = _json['whiteBalance'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('width')) {
width = _json['width'] as;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (aperture != null) {
_json['aperture'] = aperture;
if (cameraMake != null) {
_json['cameraMake'] = cameraMake;
if (cameraModel != null) {
_json['cameraModel'] = cameraModel;
if (colorSpace != null) {
_json['colorSpace'] = colorSpace;
if (exposureBias != null) {
_json['exposureBias'] = exposureBias;
if (exposureMode != null) {
_json['exposureMode'] = exposureMode;
if (exposureTime != null) {
_json['exposureTime'] = exposureTime;
if (flashUsed != null) {
_json['flashUsed'] = flashUsed;
if (focalLength != null) {
_json['focalLength'] = focalLength;
if (height != null) {
_json['height'] = height;
if (isoSpeed != null) {
_json['isoSpeed'] = isoSpeed;
if (lens != null) {
_json['lens'] = lens;
if (location != null) {
_json['location'] = location.toJson();
if (maxApertureValue != null) {
_json['maxApertureValue'] = maxApertureValue;
if (meteringMode != null) {
_json['meteringMode'] = meteringMode;
if (rotation != null) {
_json['rotation'] = rotation;
if (sensor != null) {
_json['sensor'] = sensor;
if (subjectDistance != null) {
_json['subjectDistance'] = subjectDistance;
if (time != null) {
_json['time'] = time;
if (whiteBalance != null) {
_json['whiteBalance'] = whiteBalance;
if (width != null) {
_json['width'] = width;
return _json;
/// Shortcut file details.
/// Only populated for shortcut files, which have the mimeType field set to
/// application/
class FileShortcutDetails {
/// The ID of the file that this shortcut points to.
core.String targetId;
/// The MIME type of the file that this shortcut points to.
/// The value of this field is a snapshot of the target's MIME type, captured
/// when the shortcut is created.
core.String targetMimeType;
FileShortcutDetails.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('targetId')) {
targetId = _json['targetId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('targetMimeType')) {
targetMimeType = _json['targetMimeType'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (targetId != null) {
_json['targetId'] = targetId;
if (targetMimeType != null) {
_json['targetMimeType'] = targetMimeType;
return _json;
/// Additional metadata about video media.
/// This may not be available immediately upon upload.
class FileVideoMediaMetadata {
/// The duration of the video in milliseconds.
core.String durationMillis;
/// The height of the video in pixels. height;
/// The width of the video in pixels. width;
FileVideoMediaMetadata.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('durationMillis')) {
durationMillis = _json['durationMillis'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('height')) {
height = _json['height'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('width')) {
width = _json['width'] as;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (durationMillis != null) {
_json['durationMillis'] = durationMillis;
if (height != null) {
_json['height'] = height;
if (width != null) {
_json['width'] = width;
return _json;
/// The metadata for a file.
class File {
/// A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are private to the
/// requesting app.
/// Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
/// These properties can only be retrieved using an authenticated request. An
/// authenticated request uses an access token obtained with a OAuth 2 client
/// ID. You cannot use an API key to retrieve private properties.
core.Map<core.String, core.String> appProperties;
/// Capabilities the current user has on this file.
/// Each capability corresponds to a fine-grained action that a user may take.
FileCapabilities capabilities;
/// Additional information about the content of the file.
/// These fields are never populated in responses.
FileContentHints contentHints;
/// Restrictions for accessing the content of the file.
/// Only populated if such a restriction exists.
core.List<ContentRestriction> contentRestrictions;
/// Whether the options to copy, print, or download this file, should be
/// disabled for readers and commenters.
core.bool copyRequiresWriterPermission;
/// The time at which the file was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime createdTime;
/// A short description of the file.
core.String description;
/// ID of the shared drive the file resides in.
/// Only populated for items in shared drives.
core.String driveId;
/// Whether the file has been explicitly trashed, as opposed to recursively
/// trashed from a parent folder.
core.bool explicitlyTrashed;
/// Links for exporting Docs Editors files to specific formats.
core.Map<core.String, core.String> exportLinks;
/// The final component of fullFileExtension.
/// This is only available for files with binary content in Google Drive.
core.String fileExtension;
/// The color for a folder as an RGB hex string.
/// The supported colors are published in the folderColorPalette field of the
/// About resource.
/// If an unsupported color is specified, the closest color in the palette
/// will be used instead.
core.String folderColorRgb;
/// The full file extension extracted from the name field.
/// May contain multiple concatenated extensions, such as "tar.gz". This is
/// only available for files with binary content in Google Drive.
/// This is automatically updated when the name field changes, however it is
/// not cleared if the new name does not contain a valid extension.
core.String fullFileExtension;
/// Whether there are permissions directly on this file.
/// This field is only populated for items in shared drives.
core.bool hasAugmentedPermissions;
/// Whether this file has a thumbnail.
/// This does not indicate whether the requesting app has access to the
/// thumbnail. To check access, look for the presence of the thumbnailLink
/// field.
core.bool hasThumbnail;
/// The ID of the file's head revision.
/// This is currently only available for files with binary content in Google
/// Drive.
core.String headRevisionId;
/// A static, unauthenticated link to the file's icon.
core.String iconLink;
/// The ID of the file.
core.String id;
/// Additional metadata about image media, if available.
FileImageMediaMetadata imageMediaMetadata;
/// Whether the file was created or opened by the requesting app.
core.bool isAppAuthorized;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#file".
core.String kind;
/// The last user to modify the file.
User lastModifyingUser;
/// The MD5 checksum for the content of the file.
/// This is only applicable to files with binary content in Google Drive.
core.String md5Checksum;
/// The MIME type of the file.
/// Google Drive will attempt to automatically detect an appropriate value
/// from uploaded content if no value is provided.
/// The value cannot be changed unless a new revision is uploaded.
/// If a file is created with a Google Doc MIME type, the uploaded content
/// will be imported if possible. The supported import formats are published
/// in the About resource.
core.String mimeType;
/// Whether the file has been modified by this user.
core.bool modifiedByMe;
/// The last time the file was modified by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime modifiedByMeTime;
/// The last time the file was modified by anyone (RFC 3339 date-time).
/// Note that setting modifiedTime will also update modifiedByMeTime for the
/// user.
core.DateTime modifiedTime;
/// The name of the file.
/// This is not necessarily unique within a folder. Note that for immutable
/// items such as the top level folders of shared drives, My Drive root
/// folder, and Application Data folder the name is constant.
core.String name;
/// The original filename of the uploaded content if available, or else the
/// original value of the name field.
/// This is only available for files with binary content in Google Drive.
core.String originalFilename;
/// Whether the user owns the file.
/// Not populated for items in shared drives.
core.bool ownedByMe;
/// The owners of the file.
/// Currently, only certain legacy files may have more than one owner. Not
/// populated for items in shared drives.
core.List<User> owners;
/// The IDs of the parent folders which contain the file.
/// If not specified as part of a create request, the file will be placed
/// directly in the user's My Drive folder.
/// If not specified as part of a copy request, the file will inherit any
/// discoverable parents of the source file. Update requests must use the
/// addParents and removeParents parameters to modify the parents list.
core.List<core.String> parents;
/// List of permission IDs for users with access to this file.
core.List<core.String> permissionIds;
/// The full list of permissions for the file.
/// This is only available if the requesting user can share the file. Not
/// populated for items in shared drives.
core.List<Permission> permissions;
/// A collection of arbitrary key-value pairs which are visible to all apps.
/// Entries with null values are cleared in update and copy requests.
core.Map<core.String, core.String> properties;
/// The number of storage quota bytes used by the file.
/// This includes the head revision as well as previous revisions with
/// keepForever enabled.
core.String quotaBytesUsed;
/// Whether the file has been shared.
/// Not populated for items in shared drives.
core.bool shared;
/// The time at which the file was shared with the user, if applicable (RFC
/// 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime sharedWithMeTime;
/// The user who shared the file with the requesting user, if applicable.
User sharingUser;
/// Shortcut file details.
/// Only populated for shortcut files, which have the mimeType field set to
/// application/
FileShortcutDetails shortcutDetails;
/// The size of the file's content in bytes.
/// This is applicable to binary files in Google Drive and Google Docs files.
core.String size;
/// The list of spaces which contain the file.
/// The currently supported values are 'drive', 'appDataFolder' and 'photos'.
core.List<core.String> spaces;
/// Whether the user has starred the file.
core.bool starred;
/// Deprecated - use driveId instead.
core.String teamDriveId;
/// A short-lived link to the file's thumbnail, if available.
/// Typically lasts on the order of hours. Only populated when the requesting
/// app can access the file's content. If the file isn't shared publicly, the
/// URL returned in Files.thumbnailLink must be fetched using a credentialed
/// request.
core.String thumbnailLink;
/// The thumbnail version for use in thumbnail cache invalidation.
core.String thumbnailVersion;
/// Whether the file has been trashed, either explicitly or from a trashed
/// parent folder.
/// Only the owner may trash a file. The trashed item is excluded from all
/// files.list responses returned for any user who does not own the file.
/// However, all users with access to the file can see the trashed item
/// metadata in an API response. All users with access can copy, download,
/// export, and share the file.
core.bool trashed;
/// The time that the item was trashed (RFC 3339 date-time).
/// Only populated for items in shared drives.
core.DateTime trashedTime;
/// If the file has been explicitly trashed, the user who trashed it.
/// Only populated for items in shared drives.
User trashingUser;
/// A monotonically increasing version number for the file.
/// This reflects every change made to the file on the server, even those not
/// visible to the user.
core.String version;
/// Additional metadata about video media.
/// This may not be available immediately upon upload.
FileVideoMediaMetadata videoMediaMetadata;
/// Whether the file has been viewed by this user.
core.bool viewedByMe;
/// The last time the file was viewed by the user (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime viewedByMeTime;
/// Deprecated - use copyRequiresWriterPermission instead.
core.bool viewersCanCopyContent;
/// A link for downloading the content of the file in a browser.
/// This is only available for files with binary content in Google Drive.
core.String webContentLink;
/// A link for opening the file in a relevant Google editor or viewer in a
/// browser.
core.String webViewLink;
/// Whether users with only writer permission can modify the file's
/// permissions.
/// Not populated for items in shared drives.
core.bool writersCanShare;
File.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('appProperties')) {
appProperties = (_json['appProperties'] as core.Map)
.cast<core.String, core.String>()
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('capabilities')) {
capabilities = FileCapabilities.fromJson(
_json['capabilities'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('contentHints')) {
contentHints = FileContentHints.fromJson(
_json['contentHints'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('contentRestrictions')) {
contentRestrictions = (_json['contentRestrictions'] as core.List)
.map<ContentRestriction>((value) => ContentRestriction.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('copyRequiresWriterPermission')) {
copyRequiresWriterPermission =
_json['copyRequiresWriterPermission'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('createdTime')) {
createdTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['createdTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('description')) {
description = _json['description'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('driveId')) {
driveId = _json['driveId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('explicitlyTrashed')) {
explicitlyTrashed = _json['explicitlyTrashed'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('exportLinks')) {
exportLinks = (_json['exportLinks'] as core.Map)
.cast<core.String, core.String>()
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('fileExtension')) {
fileExtension = _json['fileExtension'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('folderColorRgb')) {
folderColorRgb = _json['folderColorRgb'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('fullFileExtension')) {
fullFileExtension = _json['fullFileExtension'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('hasAugmentedPermissions')) {
hasAugmentedPermissions = _json['hasAugmentedPermissions'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('hasThumbnail')) {
hasThumbnail = _json['hasThumbnail'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('headRevisionId')) {
headRevisionId = _json['headRevisionId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('iconLink')) {
iconLink = _json['iconLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('imageMediaMetadata')) {
imageMediaMetadata = FileImageMediaMetadata.fromJson(
_json['imageMediaMetadata'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('isAppAuthorized')) {
isAppAuthorized = _json['isAppAuthorized'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('lastModifyingUser')) {
lastModifyingUser = User.fromJson(
_json['lastModifyingUser'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('md5Checksum')) {
md5Checksum = _json['md5Checksum'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('mimeType')) {
mimeType = _json['mimeType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('modifiedByMe')) {
modifiedByMe = _json['modifiedByMe'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('modifiedByMeTime')) {
modifiedByMeTime =
core.DateTime.parse(_json['modifiedByMeTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('modifiedTime')) {
modifiedTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['modifiedTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('originalFilename')) {
originalFilename = _json['originalFilename'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('ownedByMe')) {
ownedByMe = _json['ownedByMe'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('owners')) {
owners = (_json['owners'] as core.List)
.map<User>((value) =>
User.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('parents')) {
parents = (_json['parents'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('permissionIds')) {
permissionIds = (_json['permissionIds'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('permissions')) {
permissions = (_json['permissions'] as core.List)
.map<Permission>((value) =>
Permission.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('properties')) {
properties = (_json['properties'] as core.Map)
.cast<core.String, core.String>()
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('quotaBytesUsed')) {
quotaBytesUsed = _json['quotaBytesUsed'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('shared')) {
shared = _json['shared'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('sharedWithMeTime')) {
sharedWithMeTime =
core.DateTime.parse(_json['sharedWithMeTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('sharingUser')) {
sharingUser = User.fromJson(
_json['sharingUser'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('shortcutDetails')) {
shortcutDetails = FileShortcutDetails.fromJson(
_json['shortcutDetails'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('size')) {
size = _json['size'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('spaces')) {
spaces = (_json['spaces'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('starred')) {
starred = _json['starred'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('teamDriveId')) {
teamDriveId = _json['teamDriveId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('thumbnailLink')) {
thumbnailLink = _json['thumbnailLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('thumbnailVersion')) {
thumbnailVersion = _json['thumbnailVersion'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('trashed')) {
trashed = _json['trashed'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('trashedTime')) {
trashedTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['trashedTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('trashingUser')) {
trashingUser = User.fromJson(
_json['trashingUser'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('version')) {
version = _json['version'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('videoMediaMetadata')) {
videoMediaMetadata = FileVideoMediaMetadata.fromJson(
_json['videoMediaMetadata'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('viewedByMe')) {
viewedByMe = _json['viewedByMe'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('viewedByMeTime')) {
viewedByMeTime =
core.DateTime.parse(_json['viewedByMeTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('viewersCanCopyContent')) {
viewersCanCopyContent = _json['viewersCanCopyContent'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('webContentLink')) {
webContentLink = _json['webContentLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('webViewLink')) {
webViewLink = _json['webViewLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('writersCanShare')) {
writersCanShare = _json['writersCanShare'] as core.bool;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (appProperties != null) {
_json['appProperties'] = appProperties;
if (capabilities != null) {
_json['capabilities'] = capabilities.toJson();
if (contentHints != null) {
_json['contentHints'] = contentHints.toJson();
if (contentRestrictions != null) {
_json['contentRestrictions'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (copyRequiresWriterPermission != null) {
_json['copyRequiresWriterPermission'] = copyRequiresWriterPermission;
if (createdTime != null) {
_json['createdTime'] = (createdTime).toIso8601String();
if (description != null) {
_json['description'] = description;
if (driveId != null) {
_json['driveId'] = driveId;
if (explicitlyTrashed != null) {
_json['explicitlyTrashed'] = explicitlyTrashed;
if (exportLinks != null) {
_json['exportLinks'] = exportLinks;
if (fileExtension != null) {
_json['fileExtension'] = fileExtension;
if (folderColorRgb != null) {
_json['folderColorRgb'] = folderColorRgb;
if (fullFileExtension != null) {
_json['fullFileExtension'] = fullFileExtension;
if (hasAugmentedPermissions != null) {
_json['hasAugmentedPermissions'] = hasAugmentedPermissions;
if (hasThumbnail != null) {
_json['hasThumbnail'] = hasThumbnail;
if (headRevisionId != null) {
_json['headRevisionId'] = headRevisionId;
if (iconLink != null) {
_json['iconLink'] = iconLink;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (imageMediaMetadata != null) {
_json['imageMediaMetadata'] = imageMediaMetadata.toJson();
if (isAppAuthorized != null) {
_json['isAppAuthorized'] = isAppAuthorized;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (lastModifyingUser != null) {
_json['lastModifyingUser'] = lastModifyingUser.toJson();
if (md5Checksum != null) {
_json['md5Checksum'] = md5Checksum;
if (mimeType != null) {
_json['mimeType'] = mimeType;
if (modifiedByMe != null) {
_json['modifiedByMe'] = modifiedByMe;
if (modifiedByMeTime != null) {
_json['modifiedByMeTime'] = (modifiedByMeTime).toIso8601String();
if (modifiedTime != null) {
_json['modifiedTime'] = (modifiedTime).toIso8601String();
if (name != null) {
_json['name'] = name;
if (originalFilename != null) {
_json['originalFilename'] = originalFilename;
if (ownedByMe != null) {
_json['ownedByMe'] = ownedByMe;
if (owners != null) {
_json['owners'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (parents != null) {
_json['parents'] = parents;
if (permissionIds != null) {
_json['permissionIds'] = permissionIds;
if (permissions != null) {
_json['permissions'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (properties != null) {
_json['properties'] = properties;
if (quotaBytesUsed != null) {
_json['quotaBytesUsed'] = quotaBytesUsed;
if (shared != null) {
_json['shared'] = shared;
if (sharedWithMeTime != null) {
_json['sharedWithMeTime'] = (sharedWithMeTime).toIso8601String();
if (sharingUser != null) {
_json['sharingUser'] = sharingUser.toJson();
if (shortcutDetails != null) {
_json['shortcutDetails'] = shortcutDetails.toJson();
if (size != null) {
_json['size'] = size;
if (spaces != null) {
_json['spaces'] = spaces;
if (starred != null) {
_json['starred'] = starred;
if (teamDriveId != null) {
_json['teamDriveId'] = teamDriveId;
if (thumbnailLink != null) {
_json['thumbnailLink'] = thumbnailLink;
if (thumbnailVersion != null) {
_json['thumbnailVersion'] = thumbnailVersion;
if (trashed != null) {
_json['trashed'] = trashed;
if (trashedTime != null) {
_json['trashedTime'] = (trashedTime).toIso8601String();
if (trashingUser != null) {
_json['trashingUser'] = trashingUser.toJson();
if (version != null) {
_json['version'] = version;
if (videoMediaMetadata != null) {
_json['videoMediaMetadata'] = videoMediaMetadata.toJson();
if (viewedByMe != null) {
_json['viewedByMe'] = viewedByMe;
if (viewedByMeTime != null) {
_json['viewedByMeTime'] = (viewedByMeTime).toIso8601String();
if (viewersCanCopyContent != null) {
_json['viewersCanCopyContent'] = viewersCanCopyContent;
if (webContentLink != null) {
_json['webContentLink'] = webContentLink;
if (webViewLink != null) {
_json['webViewLink'] = webViewLink;
if (writersCanShare != null) {
_json['writersCanShare'] = writersCanShare;
return _json;
/// A list of files.
class FileList {
/// The list of files.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<File> files;
/// Whether the search process was incomplete.
/// If true, then some search results may be missing, since all documents were
/// not searched. This may occur when searching multiple drives with the
/// "allDrives" corpora, but all corpora could not be searched. When this
/// happens, it is suggested that clients narrow their query by choosing a
/// different corpus such as "user" or "drive".
core.bool incompleteSearch;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#fileList".
core.String kind;
/// The page token for the next page of files.
/// This will be absent if the end of the files list has been reached. If the
/// token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and pagination
/// should be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
FileList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('files')) {
files = (_json['files'] as core.List)
.map<File>((value) =>
File.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('incompleteSearch')) {
incompleteSearch = _json['incompleteSearch'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (files != null) {
_json['files'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (incompleteSearch != null) {
_json['incompleteSearch'] = incompleteSearch;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
return _json;
/// A list of generated file IDs which can be provided in create requests.
class GeneratedIds {
/// The IDs generated for the requesting user in the specified space.
core.List<core.String> ids;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#generatedIds".
core.String kind;
/// The type of file that can be created with these IDs.
core.String space;
GeneratedIds.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('ids')) {
ids = (_json['ids'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('space')) {
space = _json['space'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (ids != null) {
_json['ids'] = ids;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (space != null) {
_json['space'] = space;
return _json;
class PermissionPermissionDetails {
/// Whether this permission is inherited.
/// This field is always populated. This is an output-only field.
core.bool inherited;
/// The ID of the item from which this permission is inherited.
/// This is an output-only field.
core.String inheritedFrom;
/// The permission type for this user.
/// While new values may be added in future, the following are currently
/// possible:
/// - file
/// - member
core.String permissionType;
/// The primary role for this user.
/// While new values may be added in the future, the following are currently
/// possible:
/// - organizer
/// - fileOrganizer
/// - writer
/// - commenter
/// - reader
core.String role;
PermissionPermissionDetails.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('inherited')) {
inherited = _json['inherited'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('inheritedFrom')) {
inheritedFrom = _json['inheritedFrom'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('permissionType')) {
permissionType = _json['permissionType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('role')) {
role = _json['role'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (inherited != null) {
_json['inherited'] = inherited;
if (inheritedFrom != null) {
_json['inheritedFrom'] = inheritedFrom;
if (permissionType != null) {
_json['permissionType'] = permissionType;
if (role != null) {
_json['role'] = role;
return _json;
class PermissionTeamDrivePermissionDetails {
/// Deprecated - use permissionDetails/inherited instead.
core.bool inherited;
/// Deprecated - use permissionDetails/inheritedFrom instead.
core.String inheritedFrom;
/// Deprecated - use permissionDetails/role instead.
core.String role;
/// Deprecated - use permissionDetails/permissionType instead.
core.String teamDrivePermissionType;
PermissionTeamDrivePermissionDetails.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('inherited')) {
inherited = _json['inherited'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('inheritedFrom')) {
inheritedFrom = _json['inheritedFrom'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('role')) {
role = _json['role'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('teamDrivePermissionType')) {
teamDrivePermissionType = _json['teamDrivePermissionType'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (inherited != null) {
_json['inherited'] = inherited;
if (inheritedFrom != null) {
_json['inheritedFrom'] = inheritedFrom;
if (role != null) {
_json['role'] = role;
if (teamDrivePermissionType != null) {
_json['teamDrivePermissionType'] = teamDrivePermissionType;
return _json;
/// A permission for a file.
/// A permission grants a user, group, domain or the world access to a file or a
/// folder hierarchy.
class Permission {
/// Whether the permission allows the file to be discovered through search.
/// This is only applicable for permissions of type domain or anyone.
core.bool allowFileDiscovery;
/// Whether the account associated with this permission has been deleted.
/// This field only pertains to user and group permissions.
core.bool deleted;
/// The "pretty" name of the value of the permission.
/// The following is a list of examples for each type of permission:
/// - user - User's full name, as defined for their Google account, such as
/// "Joe Smith."
/// - group - Name of the Google Group, such as "The Company Administrators."
/// - domain - String domain name, such as ""
/// - anyone - No displayName is present.
core.String displayName;
/// The domain to which this permission refers.
core.String domain;
/// The email address of the user or group to which this permission refers.
core.String emailAddress;
/// The time at which this permission will expire (RFC 3339 date-time).
/// Expiration times have the following restrictions:
/// - They can only be set on user and group permissions
/// - The time must be in the future
/// - The time cannot be more than a year in the future
core.DateTime expirationTime;
/// The ID of this permission.
/// This is a unique identifier for the grantee, and is published in User
/// resources as permissionId. IDs should be treated as opaque values.
core.String id;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#permission".
core.String kind;
/// Details of whether the permissions on this shared drive item are inherited
/// or directly on this item.
/// This is an output-only field which is present only for shared drive items.
core.List<PermissionPermissionDetails> permissionDetails;
/// A link to the user's profile photo, if available.
core.String photoLink;
/// The role granted by this permission.
/// While new values may be supported in the future, the following are
/// currently allowed:
/// - owner
/// - organizer
/// - fileOrganizer
/// - writer
/// - commenter
/// - reader
core.String role;
/// Deprecated - use permissionDetails instead.
core.List<PermissionTeamDrivePermissionDetails> teamDrivePermissionDetails;
/// The type of the grantee.
/// Valid values are:
/// - user
/// - group
/// - domain
/// - anyone When creating a permission, if type is user or group, you must
/// provide an emailAddress for the user or group. When type is domain, you
/// must provide a domain. There isn't extra information required for a anyone
/// type.
core.String type;
/// Indicates the view for this permission.
/// Only populated for permissions that belong to a view. published is the
/// only supported value.
core.String view;
Permission.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('allowFileDiscovery')) {
allowFileDiscovery = _json['allowFileDiscovery'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('deleted')) {
deleted = _json['deleted'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('displayName')) {
displayName = _json['displayName'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('domain')) {
domain = _json['domain'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('emailAddress')) {
emailAddress = _json['emailAddress'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('expirationTime')) {
expirationTime =
core.DateTime.parse(_json['expirationTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('permissionDetails')) {
permissionDetails = (_json['permissionDetails'] as core.List)
.map<PermissionPermissionDetails>((value) =>
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('photoLink')) {
photoLink = _json['photoLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('role')) {
role = _json['role'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('teamDrivePermissionDetails')) {
teamDrivePermissionDetails =
(_json['teamDrivePermissionDetails'] as core.List)
.map<PermissionTeamDrivePermissionDetails>((value) =>
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('view')) {
view = _json['view'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (allowFileDiscovery != null) {
_json['allowFileDiscovery'] = allowFileDiscovery;
if (deleted != null) {
_json['deleted'] = deleted;
if (displayName != null) {
_json['displayName'] = displayName;
if (domain != null) {
_json['domain'] = domain;
if (emailAddress != null) {
_json['emailAddress'] = emailAddress;
if (expirationTime != null) {
_json['expirationTime'] = (expirationTime).toIso8601String();
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (permissionDetails != null) {
_json['permissionDetails'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (photoLink != null) {
_json['photoLink'] = photoLink;
if (role != null) {
_json['role'] = role;
if (teamDrivePermissionDetails != null) {
_json['teamDrivePermissionDetails'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
if (type != null) {
_json['type'] = type;
if (view != null) {
_json['view'] = view;
return _json;
/// A list of permissions for a file.
class PermissionList {
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#permissionList".
core.String kind;
/// The page token for the next page of permissions.
/// This field will be absent if the end of the permissions list has been
/// reached. If the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded,
/// and pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
/// The list of permissions.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<Permission> permissions;
PermissionList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('permissions')) {
permissions = (_json['permissions'] as core.List)
.map<Permission>((value) =>
Permission.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
if (permissions != null) {
_json['permissions'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;
/// A reply to a comment on a file.
class Reply {
/// The action the reply performed to the parent comment.
/// Valid values are:
/// - resolve
/// - reopen
core.String action;
/// The author of the reply.
/// The author's email address and permission ID will not be populated.
User author;
/// The plain text content of the reply.
/// This field is used for setting the content, while htmlContent should be
/// displayed. This is required on creates if no action is specified.
core.String content;
/// The time at which the reply was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime createdTime;
/// Whether the reply has been deleted.
/// A deleted reply has no content.
core.bool deleted;
/// The content of the reply with HTML formatting.
core.String htmlContent;
/// The ID of the reply.
core.String id;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#reply".
core.String kind;
/// The last time the reply was modified (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime modifiedTime;
Reply.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('action')) {
action = _json['action'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('author')) {
author =
User.fromJson(_json['author'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('content')) {
content = _json['content'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('createdTime')) {
createdTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['createdTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('deleted')) {
deleted = _json['deleted'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('htmlContent')) {
htmlContent = _json['htmlContent'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('modifiedTime')) {
modifiedTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['modifiedTime'] as core.String);
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (action != null) {
_json['action'] = action;
if (author != null) {
_json['author'] = author.toJson();
if (content != null) {
_json['content'] = content;
if (createdTime != null) {
_json['createdTime'] = (createdTime).toIso8601String();
if (deleted != null) {
_json['deleted'] = deleted;
if (htmlContent != null) {
_json['htmlContent'] = htmlContent;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (modifiedTime != null) {
_json['modifiedTime'] = (modifiedTime).toIso8601String();
return _json;
/// A list of replies to a comment on a file.
class ReplyList {
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#replyList".
core.String kind;
/// The page token for the next page of replies.
/// This will be absent if the end of the replies list has been reached. If
/// the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and
/// pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
/// The list of replies.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<Reply> replies;
ReplyList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('replies')) {
replies = (_json['replies'] as core.List)
.map<Reply>((value) =>
Reply.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
if (replies != null) {
_json['replies'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;
/// The metadata for a revision to a file.
class Revision {
/// Links for exporting Docs Editors files to specific formats.
core.Map<core.String, core.String> exportLinks;
/// The ID of the revision.
core.String id;
/// Whether to keep this revision forever, even if it is no longer the head
/// revision.
/// If not set, the revision will be automatically purged 30 days after newer
/// content is uploaded. This can be set on a maximum of 200 revisions for a
/// file.
/// This field is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive.
core.bool keepForever;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#revision".
core.String kind;
/// The last user to modify this revision.
User lastModifyingUser;
/// The MD5 checksum of the revision's content.
/// This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive.
core.String md5Checksum;
/// The MIME type of the revision.
core.String mimeType;
/// The last time the revision was modified (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime modifiedTime;
/// The original filename used to create this revision.
/// This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive.
core.String originalFilename;
/// Whether subsequent revisions will be automatically republished.
/// This is only applicable to Docs Editors files.
core.bool publishAuto;
/// Whether this revision is published.
/// This is only applicable to Docs Editors files.
core.bool published;
/// A link to the published revision.
/// This is only populated for Google Sites files.
core.String publishedLink;
/// Whether this revision is published outside the domain.
/// This is only applicable to Docs Editors files.
core.bool publishedOutsideDomain;
/// The size of the revision's content in bytes.
/// This is only applicable to files with binary content in Drive.
core.String size;
Revision.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('exportLinks')) {
exportLinks = (_json['exportLinks'] as core.Map)
.cast<core.String, core.String>()
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('keepForever')) {
keepForever = _json['keepForever'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('lastModifyingUser')) {
lastModifyingUser = User.fromJson(
_json['lastModifyingUser'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('md5Checksum')) {
md5Checksum = _json['md5Checksum'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('mimeType')) {
mimeType = _json['mimeType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('modifiedTime')) {
modifiedTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['modifiedTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('originalFilename')) {
originalFilename = _json['originalFilename'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('publishAuto')) {
publishAuto = _json['publishAuto'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('published')) {
published = _json['published'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('publishedLink')) {
publishedLink = _json['publishedLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('publishedOutsideDomain')) {
publishedOutsideDomain = _json['publishedOutsideDomain'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('size')) {
size = _json['size'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (exportLinks != null) {
_json['exportLinks'] = exportLinks;
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (keepForever != null) {
_json['keepForever'] = keepForever;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (lastModifyingUser != null) {
_json['lastModifyingUser'] = lastModifyingUser.toJson();
if (md5Checksum != null) {
_json['md5Checksum'] = md5Checksum;
if (mimeType != null) {
_json['mimeType'] = mimeType;
if (modifiedTime != null) {
_json['modifiedTime'] = (modifiedTime).toIso8601String();
if (originalFilename != null) {
_json['originalFilename'] = originalFilename;
if (publishAuto != null) {
_json['publishAuto'] = publishAuto;
if (published != null) {
_json['published'] = published;
if (publishedLink != null) {
_json['publishedLink'] = publishedLink;
if (publishedOutsideDomain != null) {
_json['publishedOutsideDomain'] = publishedOutsideDomain;
if (size != null) {
_json['size'] = size;
return _json;
/// A list of revisions of a file.
class RevisionList {
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#revisionList".
core.String kind;
/// The page token for the next page of revisions.
/// This will be absent if the end of the revisions list has been reached. If
/// the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and
/// pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
/// The list of revisions.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<Revision> revisions;
RevisionList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('revisions')) {
revisions = (_json['revisions'] as core.List)
.map<Revision>((value) =>
Revision.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
if (revisions != null) {
_json['revisions'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;
class StartPageToken {
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#startPageToken".
core.String kind;
/// The starting page token for listing changes.
core.String startPageToken;
StartPageToken.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('startPageToken')) {
startPageToken = _json['startPageToken'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (startPageToken != null) {
_json['startPageToken'] = startPageToken;
return _json;
/// An image file and cropping parameters from which a background image for this
/// Team Drive is set.
/// This is a write only field; it can only be set on drive.teamdrives.update
/// requests that don't set themeId. When specified, all fields of the
/// backgroundImageFile must be set.
class TeamDriveBackgroundImageFile {
/// The ID of an image file in Drive to use for the background image.
core.String id;
/// The width of the cropped image in the closed range of 0 to 1.
/// This value represents the width of the cropped image divided by the width
/// of the entire image. The height is computed by applying a width to height
/// aspect ratio of 80 to 9. The resulting image must be at least 1280 pixels
/// wide and 144 pixels high.
core.double width;
/// The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the cropping area in the
/// background image.
/// This is a value in the closed range of 0 to 1. This value represents the
/// horizontal distance from the left side of the entire image to the left
/// side of the cropping area divided by the width of the entire image.
core.double xCoordinate;
/// The Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the cropping area in the
/// background image.
/// This is a value in the closed range of 0 to 1. This value represents the
/// vertical distance from the top side of the entire image to the top side of
/// the cropping area divided by the height of the entire image.
core.double yCoordinate;
TeamDriveBackgroundImageFile.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('width')) {
width = (_json['width'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('xCoordinate')) {
xCoordinate = (_json['xCoordinate'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('yCoordinate')) {
yCoordinate = (_json['yCoordinate'] as core.num).toDouble();
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (width != null) {
_json['width'] = width;
if (xCoordinate != null) {
_json['xCoordinate'] = xCoordinate;
if (yCoordinate != null) {
_json['yCoordinate'] = yCoordinate;
return _json;
/// Capabilities the current user has on this Team Drive.
class TeamDriveCapabilities {
/// Whether the current user can add children to folders in this Team Drive.
core.bool canAddChildren;
/// Whether the current user can change the copyRequiresWriterPermission
/// restriction of this Team Drive.
core.bool canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction;
/// Whether the current user can change the domainUsersOnly restriction of
/// this Team Drive.
core.bool canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction;
/// Whether the current user can change the background of this Team Drive.
core.bool canChangeTeamDriveBackground;
/// Whether the current user can change the teamMembersOnly restriction of
/// this Team Drive.
core.bool canChangeTeamMembersOnlyRestriction;
/// Whether the current user can comment on files in this Team Drive.
core.bool canComment;
/// Whether the current user can copy files in this Team Drive.
core.bool canCopy;
/// Whether the current user can delete children from folders in this Team
/// Drive.
core.bool canDeleteChildren;
/// Whether the current user can delete this Team Drive.
/// Attempting to delete the Team Drive may still fail if there are untrashed
/// items inside the Team Drive.
core.bool canDeleteTeamDrive;
/// Whether the current user can download files in this Team Drive.
core.bool canDownload;
/// Whether the current user can edit files in this Team Drive
core.bool canEdit;
/// Whether the current user can list the children of folders in this Team
/// Drive.
core.bool canListChildren;
/// Whether the current user can add members to this Team Drive or remove them
/// or change their role.
core.bool canManageMembers;
/// Whether the current user can read the revisions resource of files in this
/// Team Drive.
core.bool canReadRevisions;
/// Deprecated - use canDeleteChildren or canTrashChildren instead.
core.bool canRemoveChildren;
/// Whether the current user can rename files or folders in this Team Drive.
core.bool canRename;
/// Whether the current user can rename this Team Drive.
core.bool canRenameTeamDrive;
/// Whether the current user can share files or folders in this Team Drive.
core.bool canShare;
/// Whether the current user can trash children from folders in this Team
/// Drive.
core.bool canTrashChildren;
TeamDriveCapabilities.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('canAddChildren')) {
canAddChildren = _json['canAddChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction')) {
canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction =
as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction')) {
canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction =
_json['canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeTeamDriveBackground')) {
canChangeTeamDriveBackground =
_json['canChangeTeamDriveBackground'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canChangeTeamMembersOnlyRestriction')) {
canChangeTeamMembersOnlyRestriction =
_json['canChangeTeamMembersOnlyRestriction'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canComment')) {
canComment = _json['canComment'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canCopy')) {
canCopy = _json['canCopy'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDeleteChildren')) {
canDeleteChildren = _json['canDeleteChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDeleteTeamDrive')) {
canDeleteTeamDrive = _json['canDeleteTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canDownload')) {
canDownload = _json['canDownload'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canEdit')) {
canEdit = _json['canEdit'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canListChildren')) {
canListChildren = _json['canListChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canManageMembers')) {
canManageMembers = _json['canManageMembers'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canReadRevisions')) {
canReadRevisions = _json['canReadRevisions'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRemoveChildren')) {
canRemoveChildren = _json['canRemoveChildren'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRename')) {
canRename = _json['canRename'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canRenameTeamDrive')) {
canRenameTeamDrive = _json['canRenameTeamDrive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canShare')) {
canShare = _json['canShare'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('canTrashChildren')) {
canTrashChildren = _json['canTrashChildren'] as core.bool;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (canAddChildren != null) {
_json['canAddChildren'] = canAddChildren;
if (canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction != null) {
_json['canChangeCopyRequiresWriterPermissionRestriction'] =
if (canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction != null) {
_json['canChangeDomainUsersOnlyRestriction'] =
if (canChangeTeamDriveBackground != null) {
_json['canChangeTeamDriveBackground'] = canChangeTeamDriveBackground;
if (canChangeTeamMembersOnlyRestriction != null) {
_json['canChangeTeamMembersOnlyRestriction'] =
if (canComment != null) {
_json['canComment'] = canComment;
if (canCopy != null) {
_json['canCopy'] = canCopy;
if (canDeleteChildren != null) {
_json['canDeleteChildren'] = canDeleteChildren;
if (canDeleteTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canDeleteTeamDrive'] = canDeleteTeamDrive;
if (canDownload != null) {
_json['canDownload'] = canDownload;
if (canEdit != null) {
_json['canEdit'] = canEdit;
if (canListChildren != null) {
_json['canListChildren'] = canListChildren;
if (canManageMembers != null) {
_json['canManageMembers'] = canManageMembers;
if (canReadRevisions != null) {
_json['canReadRevisions'] = canReadRevisions;
if (canRemoveChildren != null) {
_json['canRemoveChildren'] = canRemoveChildren;
if (canRename != null) {
_json['canRename'] = canRename;
if (canRenameTeamDrive != null) {
_json['canRenameTeamDrive'] = canRenameTeamDrive;
if (canShare != null) {
_json['canShare'] = canShare;
if (canTrashChildren != null) {
_json['canTrashChildren'] = canTrashChildren;
return _json;
/// A set of restrictions that apply to this Team Drive or items inside this
/// Team Drive.
class TeamDriveRestrictions {
/// Whether administrative privileges on this Team Drive are required to
/// modify restrictions.
core.bool adminManagedRestrictions;
/// Whether the options to copy, print, or download files inside this Team
/// Drive, should be disabled for readers and commenters.
/// When this restriction is set to true, it will override the similarly named
/// field to true for any file inside this Team Drive.
core.bool copyRequiresWriterPermission;
/// Whether access to this Team Drive and items inside this Team Drive is
/// restricted to users of the domain to which this Team Drive belongs.
/// This restriction may be overridden by other sharing policies controlled
/// outside of this Team Drive.
core.bool domainUsersOnly;
/// Whether access to items inside this Team Drive is restricted to members of
/// this Team Drive.
core.bool teamMembersOnly;
TeamDriveRestrictions.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('adminManagedRestrictions')) {
adminManagedRestrictions = _json['adminManagedRestrictions'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('copyRequiresWriterPermission')) {
copyRequiresWriterPermission =
_json['copyRequiresWriterPermission'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('domainUsersOnly')) {
domainUsersOnly = _json['domainUsersOnly'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('teamMembersOnly')) {
teamMembersOnly = _json['teamMembersOnly'] as core.bool;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (adminManagedRestrictions != null) {
_json['adminManagedRestrictions'] = adminManagedRestrictions;
if (copyRequiresWriterPermission != null) {
_json['copyRequiresWriterPermission'] = copyRequiresWriterPermission;
if (domainUsersOnly != null) {
_json['domainUsersOnly'] = domainUsersOnly;
if (teamMembersOnly != null) {
_json['teamMembersOnly'] = teamMembersOnly;
return _json;
/// Deprecated: use the drive collection instead.
class TeamDrive {
/// An image file and cropping parameters from which a background image for
/// this Team Drive is set.
/// This is a write only field; it can only be set on drive.teamdrives.update
/// requests that don't set themeId. When specified, all fields of the
/// backgroundImageFile must be set.
TeamDriveBackgroundImageFile backgroundImageFile;
/// A short-lived link to this Team Drive's background image.
core.String backgroundImageLink;
/// Capabilities the current user has on this Team Drive.
TeamDriveCapabilities capabilities;
/// The color of this Team Drive as an RGB hex string.
/// It can only be set on a drive.teamdrives.update request that does not set
/// themeId.
core.String colorRgb;
/// The time at which the Team Drive was created (RFC 3339 date-time).
core.DateTime createdTime;
/// The ID of this Team Drive which is also the ID of the top level folder of
/// this Team Drive.
core.String id;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#teamDrive".
core.String kind;
/// The name of this Team Drive.
core.String name;
/// A set of restrictions that apply to this Team Drive or items inside this
/// Team Drive.
TeamDriveRestrictions restrictions;
/// The ID of the theme from which the background image and color will be set.
/// The set of possible teamDriveThemes can be retrieved from a
/// drive.about.get response. When not specified on a drive.teamdrives.create
/// request, a random theme is chosen from which the background image and
/// color are set. This is a write-only field; it can only be set on requests
/// that don't set colorRgb or backgroundImageFile.
core.String themeId;
TeamDrive.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('backgroundImageFile')) {
backgroundImageFile = TeamDriveBackgroundImageFile.fromJson(
_json['backgroundImageFile'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('backgroundImageLink')) {
backgroundImageLink = _json['backgroundImageLink'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('capabilities')) {
capabilities = TeamDriveCapabilities.fromJson(
_json['capabilities'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('colorRgb')) {
colorRgb = _json['colorRgb'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('createdTime')) {
createdTime = core.DateTime.parse(_json['createdTime'] as core.String);
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('restrictions')) {
restrictions = TeamDriveRestrictions.fromJson(
_json['restrictions'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('themeId')) {
themeId = _json['themeId'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (backgroundImageFile != null) {
_json['backgroundImageFile'] = backgroundImageFile.toJson();
if (backgroundImageLink != null) {
_json['backgroundImageLink'] = backgroundImageLink;
if (capabilities != null) {
_json['capabilities'] = capabilities.toJson();
if (colorRgb != null) {
_json['colorRgb'] = colorRgb;
if (createdTime != null) {
_json['createdTime'] = (createdTime).toIso8601String();
if (id != null) {
_json['id'] = id;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (name != null) {
_json['name'] = name;
if (restrictions != null) {
_json['restrictions'] = restrictions.toJson();
if (themeId != null) {
_json['themeId'] = themeId;
return _json;
/// A list of Team Drives.
class TeamDriveList {
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#teamDriveList".
core.String kind;
/// The page token for the next page of Team Drives.
/// This will be absent if the end of the Team Drives list has been reached.
/// If the token is rejected for any reason, it should be discarded, and
/// pagination should be restarted from the first page of results.
core.String nextPageToken;
/// The list of Team Drives.
/// If nextPageToken is populated, then this list may be incomplete and an
/// additional page of results should be fetched.
core.List<TeamDrive> teamDrives;
TeamDriveList.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('teamDrives')) {
teamDrives = (_json['teamDrives'] as core.List)
.map<TeamDrive>((value) =>
TeamDrive.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (nextPageToken != null) {
_json['nextPageToken'] = nextPageToken;
if (teamDrives != null) {
_json['teamDrives'] = => value.toJson()).toList();
return _json;
/// Information about a Drive user.
class User {
/// A plain text displayable name for this user.
core.String displayName;
/// The email address of the user.
/// This may not be present in certain contexts if the user has not made their
/// email address visible to the requester.
core.String emailAddress;
/// Identifies what kind of resource this is.
/// Value: the fixed string "drive#user".
core.String kind;
/// Whether this user is the requesting user.
core.bool me;
/// The user's ID as visible in Permission resources.
core.String permissionId;
/// A link to the user's profile photo, if available.
core.String photoLink;
User.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('displayName')) {
displayName = _json['displayName'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('emailAddress')) {
emailAddress = _json['emailAddress'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('me')) {
me = _json['me'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('permissionId')) {
permissionId = _json['permissionId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('photoLink')) {
photoLink = _json['photoLink'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.Object> toJson() {
final _json = <core.String, core.Object>{};
if (displayName != null) {
_json['displayName'] = displayName;
if (emailAddress != null) {
_json['emailAddress'] = emailAddress;
if (kind != null) {
_json['kind'] = kind;
if (me != null) {
_json['me'] = me;
if (permissionId != null) {
_json['permissionId'] = permissionId;
if (photoLink != null) {
_json['photoLink'] = photoLink;
return _json;