| // ignore_for_file: avoid_returning_null |
| // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types |
| // ignore_for_file: cascade_invocations |
| // ignore_for_file: comment_references |
| // ignore_for_file: file_names |
| // ignore_for_file: library_names |
| // ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars |
| // ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_expression_function_bodies |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_final_locals |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_single_quotes |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_cast |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_lambdas |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_string_interpolations |
| // ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable |
| |
| import 'dart:async' as async; |
| import 'dart:convert' as convert; |
| import 'dart:core' as core; |
| |
| import 'package:googleapis/apigee/v1.dart' as api; |
| import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; |
| import 'package:test/test.dart' as unittest; |
| |
| import '../test_shared.dart'; |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object> buildUnnamed6325() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.Object>{}; |
| o['x'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| o['y'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6325(core.Map<core.String, core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted1 = (o['x']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted1, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted1['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted1['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted1['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted2 = (o['y']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted2, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted2['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted2['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted2['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>> buildUnnamed6326() { |
| var o = <core.Map<core.String, core.Object>>[]; |
| o.add(buildUnnamed6325()); |
| o.add(buildUnnamed6325()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6326(core.List<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkUnnamed6325(o[0]); |
| checkUnnamed6325(o[1]); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleApiHttpBody = 0; |
| api.GoogleApiHttpBody buildGoogleApiHttpBody() { |
| var o = api.GoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| buildCounterGoogleApiHttpBody++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleApiHttpBody < 3) { |
| o.contentType = 'foo'; |
| o.data = 'foo'; |
| o.extensions = buildUnnamed6326(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleApiHttpBody--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleApiHttpBody(api.GoogleApiHttpBody o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleApiHttpBody++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleApiHttpBody < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.contentType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.data!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6326(o.extensions!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleApiHttpBody--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access < 3) { |
| o.Get = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet(); |
| o.Remove = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove(); |
| o.Set = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access < 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet( |
| o.Get! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove( |
| o.Remove! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet( |
| o.Set! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.value = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.value!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.success = true; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect(o.success!, unittest.isTrue); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.success = true; |
| o.value = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect(o.success!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.value!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig < 3) { |
| o.advancedApiOpsConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig(); |
| o.integrationConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig(); |
| o.monetizationConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig < 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig( |
| o.advancedApiOpsConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig( |
| o.integrationConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig( |
| o.monetizationConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig < 3) { |
| o.enabled = true; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.enabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias < 3) { |
| o.alias = 'foo'; |
| o.certsInfo = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate(); |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.alias!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate( |
| o.certsInfo! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig < 3) { |
| o.location = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.location!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory < 3) { |
| o.data = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData(); |
| o.errorCode = 'foo'; |
| o.message = 'foo'; |
| o.requestId = 'foo'; |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory < 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData( |
| o.data! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.errorCode!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.message!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.requestId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData < 3) { |
| o.id = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.siteId = 'foo'; |
| o.updateTime = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.id!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.siteId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.updateTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6327() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6327(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6328() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6328(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6329() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6329(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6330() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6330(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6331() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6331(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct < 3) { |
| o.apiResources = buildUnnamed6327(); |
| o.approvalType = 'foo'; |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6328(); |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.environments = buildUnnamed6329(); |
| o.graphqlOperationGroup = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup(); |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.operationGroup = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup(); |
| o.proxies = buildUnnamed6330(); |
| o.quota = 'foo'; |
| o.quotaInterval = 'foo'; |
| o.quotaTimeUnit = 'foo'; |
| o.scopes = buildUnnamed6331(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6327(o.apiResources!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.approvalType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6328(o.attributes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6329(o.environments!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup(o.graphqlOperationGroup! |
| as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup( |
| o.operationGroup! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup); |
| checkUnnamed6330(o.proxies!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.quota!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.quotaInterval!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.quotaTimeUnit!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6331(o.scopes!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef < 3) { |
| o.apiproduct = 'foo'; |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiproduct!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6332() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6332(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy < 3) { |
| o.latestRevisionId = 'foo'; |
| o.metaData = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.revision = buildUnnamed6332(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.latestRevisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata( |
| o.metaData! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6332(o.revision!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6333() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6333(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String> buildUnnamed6334() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.String>{}; |
| o['x'] = 'foo'; |
| o['y'] = 'foo'; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6334(core.Map<core.String, core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['x']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['y']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6335() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6335(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6336() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6336(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6337() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6337(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6338() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6338(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6339() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6339(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6340() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6340(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6341() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6341(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6342() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6342(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6343() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6343(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision < 3) { |
| o.basepaths = buildUnnamed6333(); |
| o.configurationVersion = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion(); |
| o.contextInfo = 'foo'; |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.entityMetaDataAsProperties = buildUnnamed6334(); |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.policies = buildUnnamed6335(); |
| o.proxies = buildUnnamed6336(); |
| o.proxyEndpoints = buildUnnamed6337(); |
| o.resourceFiles = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles(); |
| o.resources = buildUnnamed6338(); |
| o.revision = 'foo'; |
| o.sharedFlows = buildUnnamed6339(); |
| o.spec = 'foo'; |
| o.targetEndpoints = buildUnnamed6340(); |
| o.targetServers = buildUnnamed6341(); |
| o.targets = buildUnnamed6342(); |
| o.teams = buildUnnamed6343(); |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6333(o.basepaths!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion( |
| o.configurationVersion! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.contextInfo!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6334(o.entityMetaDataAsProperties!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6335(o.policies!); |
| checkUnnamed6336(o.proxies!); |
| checkUnnamed6337(o.proxyEndpoints!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles( |
| o.resourceFiles! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles); |
| checkUnnamed6338(o.resources!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revision!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6339(o.sharedFlows!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.spec!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6340(o.targetEndpoints!); |
| checkUnnamed6341(o.targetServers!); |
| checkUnnamed6342(o.targets!); |
| checkUnnamed6343(o.teams!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper < 3) { |
| o.errorCode = 'foo'; |
| o.message = 'foo'; |
| o.requestId = 'foo'; |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.errorCode!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.message!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.requestId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef> buildUnnamed6344() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6344(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6345() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6345(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential> buildUnnamed6346() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6346(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6347() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6347(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1App = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1App() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1App++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1App < 3) { |
| o.apiProducts = buildUnnamed6344(); |
| o.appId = 'foo'; |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6345(); |
| o.callbackUrl = 'foo'; |
| o.companyName = 'foo'; |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.credentials = buildUnnamed6346(); |
| o.developerId = 'foo'; |
| o.keyExpiresIn = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.scopes = buildUnnamed6347(); |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1App--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1App(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1App++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1App < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6344(o.apiProducts!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.appId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6345(o.attributes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.callbackUrl!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.companyName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6346(o.credentials!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.developerId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.keyExpiresIn!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6347(o.scopes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1App--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery < 3) { |
| o.created = 'foo'; |
| o.envgroupHostname = 'foo'; |
| o.error = 'foo'; |
| o.executionTime = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.queryParams = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata(); |
| o.reportDefinitionId = 'foo'; |
| o.result = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult(); |
| o.resultFileSize = 'foo'; |
| o.resultRows = 'foo'; |
| o.self = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| o.updated = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.created!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.envgroupHostname!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.error!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.executionTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata( |
| o.queryParams! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.reportDefinitionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult( |
| o.result! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.resultFileSize!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.resultRows!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.self!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.updated!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult < 3) { |
| o.expires = 'foo'; |
| o.self = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.expires!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.self!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.Object> buildUnnamed6348() { |
| var o = <core.Object>[]; |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6348(core.List<core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted3 = (o[0]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted3, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted3['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted3['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted3['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted4 = (o[1]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted4, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted4['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted4['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted4['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView < 3) { |
| o.code = 42; |
| o.error = 'foo'; |
| o.metadata = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata(); |
| o.rows = buildUnnamed6348(); |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.code!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.error!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata( |
| o.metadata! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata); |
| checkUnnamed6348(o.rows!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.value = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.value!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6349() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6349(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes < 3) { |
| o.attribute = buildUnnamed6349(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6349(o.attribute!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation < 3) { |
| o.control = 'foo'; |
| o.createTime = 'foo'; |
| o.endTime = 'foo'; |
| o.metricLabels = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.startTime = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| o.treatment = 'foo'; |
| o.verdict = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.control!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.endTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels( |
| o.metricLabels! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.startTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.treatment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.verdict!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels < 3) { |
| o.env = 'foo'; |
| o.instanceId = 'foo'; |
| o.location = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.env!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.instanceId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.location!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6350() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6350(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo < 3) { |
| o.basicConstraints = 'foo'; |
| o.expiryDate = 'foo'; |
| o.isValid = 'foo'; |
| o.issuer = 'foo'; |
| o.publicKey = 'foo'; |
| o.serialNumber = 'foo'; |
| o.sigAlgName = 'foo'; |
| o.subject = 'foo'; |
| o.subjectAlternativeNames = buildUnnamed6350(); |
| o.validFrom = 'foo'; |
| o.version = 42; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.basicConstraints!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.expiryDate!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.isValid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.issuer!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.publicKey!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.serialNumber!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sigAlgName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.subject!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6350(o.subjectAlternativeNames!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.validFrom!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.version!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo> buildUnnamed6351() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6351(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate < 3) { |
| o.certInfo = buildUnnamed6351(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6351(o.certInfo!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig < 3) { |
| o.matchWildCards = true; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.matchWildCards!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion < 3) { |
| o.majorVersion = 42; |
| o.minorVersion = 42; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.majorVersion!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.minorVersion!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef> buildUnnamed6352() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6352(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6353() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6353(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6354() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6354(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential < 3) { |
| o.apiProducts = buildUnnamed6352(); |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6353(); |
| o.consumerKey = 'foo'; |
| o.consumerSecret = 'foo'; |
| o.expiresAt = 'foo'; |
| o.issuedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.scopes = buildUnnamed6354(); |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6352(o.apiProducts!); |
| checkUnnamed6353(o.attributes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.consumerKey!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.consumerSecret!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.expiresAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.issuedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6354(o.scopes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6355() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6355(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6356() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6356(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric> buildUnnamed6357() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6357(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty> buildUnnamed6358() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6358(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6359() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6359(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6360() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6360(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport < 3) { |
| o.chartType = 'foo'; |
| o.comments = buildUnnamed6355(); |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.dimensions = buildUnnamed6356(); |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.environment = 'foo'; |
| o.filter = 'foo'; |
| o.fromTime = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.lastViewedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.limit = 'foo'; |
| o.metrics = buildUnnamed6357(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.offset = 'foo'; |
| o.organization = 'foo'; |
| o.properties = buildUnnamed6358(); |
| o.sortByCols = buildUnnamed6359(); |
| o.sortOrder = 'foo'; |
| o.tags = buildUnnamed6360(); |
| o.timeUnit = 'foo'; |
| o.toTime = 'foo'; |
| o.topk = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.chartType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6355(o.comments!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6356(o.dimensions!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.filter!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.fromTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastViewedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.limit!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6357(o.metrics!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.offset!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.organization!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6358(o.properties!); |
| checkUnnamed6359(o.sortByCols!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sortOrder!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6360(o.tags!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.timeUnit!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.toTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.topk!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric < 3) { |
| o.function = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.function!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector < 3) { |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore < 3) { |
| o.createTime = 'foo'; |
| o.datastoreConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig(); |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.lastUpdateTime = 'foo'; |
| o.org = 'foo'; |
| o.self = 'foo'; |
| o.targetType = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig( |
| o.datastoreConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastUpdateTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.org!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.self!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.targetType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig < 3) { |
| o.bucketName = 'foo'; |
| o.datasetName = 'foo'; |
| o.path = 'foo'; |
| o.projectId = 'foo'; |
| o.tablePrefix = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.bucketName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.datasetName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.path!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.projectId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.tablePrefix!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange < 3) { |
| o.end = 'foo'; |
| o.start = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.end!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.start!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6361() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6361(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6362() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6362(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String> buildUnnamed6363() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.String>{}; |
| o['x'] = 'foo'; |
| o['y'] = 'foo'; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6363(core.Map<core.String, core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['x']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['y']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6364() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6364(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6365() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6365(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6366() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6366(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6367() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6367(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6368() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6368(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask < 3) { |
| o.faultJSONPaths = buildUnnamed6361(); |
| o.faultXPaths = buildUnnamed6362(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.namespaces = buildUnnamed6363(); |
| o.requestJSONPaths = buildUnnamed6364(); |
| o.requestXPaths = buildUnnamed6365(); |
| o.responseJSONPaths = buildUnnamed6366(); |
| o.responseXPaths = buildUnnamed6367(); |
| o.variables = buildUnnamed6368(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6361(o.faultJSONPaths!); |
| checkUnnamed6362(o.faultXPaths!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6363(o.namespaces!); |
| checkUnnamed6364(o.requestJSONPaths!); |
| checkUnnamed6365(o.requestXPaths!); |
| checkUnnamed6366(o.responseJSONPaths!); |
| checkUnnamed6367(o.responseXPaths!); |
| checkUnnamed6368(o.variables!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession < 3) { |
| o.count = 42; |
| o.filter = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.timeout = 'foo'; |
| o.tracesize = 42; |
| o.validity = 42; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.count!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.filter!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.timeout!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.tracesize!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.validity!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point> buildUnnamed6369() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6369(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction < 3) { |
| o.completed = true; |
| o.point = buildUnnamed6369(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.completed!, unittest.isTrue); |
| checkUnnamed6369(o.point!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse < 3) { |
| o.message = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.message!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleRpcStatus> buildUnnamed6370() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleRpcStatus>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleRpcStatus()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleRpcStatus()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6370(core.List<api.GoogleRpcStatus> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleRpcStatus(o[0] as api.GoogleRpcStatus); |
| checkGoogleRpcStatus(o[1] as api.GoogleRpcStatus); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus> buildUnnamed6371() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6371( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus> buildUnnamed6372() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6372(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict> |
| buildUnnamed6373() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6373( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment < 3) { |
| o.apiProxy = 'foo'; |
| o.deployStartTime = 'foo'; |
| o.environment = 'foo'; |
| o.errors = buildUnnamed6370(); |
| o.instances = buildUnnamed6371(); |
| o.pods = buildUnnamed6372(); |
| o.revision = 'foo'; |
| o.routeConflicts = buildUnnamed6373(); |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiProxy!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.deployStartTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6370(o.errors!); |
| checkUnnamed6371(o.instances!); |
| checkUnnamed6372(o.pods!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revision!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6373(o.routeConflicts!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange> |
| buildUnnamed6374() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6374( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict> |
| buildUnnamed6375() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6375( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport < 3) { |
| o.routingChanges = buildUnnamed6374(); |
| o.routingConflicts = buildUnnamed6375(); |
| o.validationErrors = buildGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6374(o.routingChanges!); |
| checkUnnamed6375(o.routingConflicts!); |
| checkGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure( |
| o.validationErrors! as api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange < 3) { |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.environmentGroup = 'foo'; |
| o.fromDeployment = |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment(); |
| o.shouldSequenceRollout = true; |
| o.toDeployment = |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environmentGroup!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment( |
| o.fromDeployment! |
| as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment); |
| unittest.expect(o.shouldSequenceRollout!, unittest.isTrue); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment( |
| o.toDeployment! |
| as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict = |
| 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict < |
| 3) { |
| o.conflictingDeployment = |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment(); |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.environmentGroup = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict < |
| 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment( |
| o.conflictingDeployment! |
| as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environmentGroup!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment < |
| 3) { |
| o.apiProxy = 'foo'; |
| o.basepath = 'foo'; |
| o.environment = 'foo'; |
| o.revision = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment < |
| 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiProxy!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.basepath!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revision!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment--; |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String> buildUnnamed6376() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.String>{}; |
| o['x'] = 'foo'; |
| o['y'] = 'foo'; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6376(core.Map<core.String, core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['x']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['y']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig < 3) { |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6376(); |
| o.basePath = 'foo'; |
| o.location = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.proxyUid = 'foo'; |
| o.serviceAccount = 'foo'; |
| o.uid = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6376(o.attributes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.basePath!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.location!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.proxyUid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.serviceAccount!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.uid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6377() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6377(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6378() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6378(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6379() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6379(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer < 3) { |
| o.accessType = 'foo'; |
| o.appFamily = 'foo'; |
| o.apps = buildUnnamed6377(); |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6378(); |
| o.companies = buildUnnamed6379(); |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.developerId = 'foo'; |
| o.email = 'foo'; |
| o.firstName = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.lastName = 'foo'; |
| o.organizationName = 'foo'; |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| o.userName = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.accessType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.appFamily!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6377(o.apps!); |
| checkUnnamed6378(o.attributes!); |
| checkUnnamed6379(o.companies!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.developerId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.email!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.firstName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.organizationName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.userName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6380() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6380(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6381() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6381(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential> buildUnnamed6382() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6382(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6383() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6383(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp < 3) { |
| o.apiProducts = buildUnnamed6380(); |
| o.appFamily = 'foo'; |
| o.appId = 'foo'; |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6381(); |
| o.callbackUrl = 'foo'; |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.credentials = buildUnnamed6382(); |
| o.developerId = 'foo'; |
| o.keyExpiresIn = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.scopes = buildUnnamed6383(); |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6380(o.apiProducts!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.appFamily!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.appId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6381(o.attributes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.callbackUrl!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6382(o.credentials!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.developerId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.keyExpiresIn!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6383(o.scopes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.Object> buildUnnamed6384() { |
| var o = <core.Object>[]; |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6384(core.List<core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted5 = (o[0]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted5, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted5['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted5['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted5['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted6 = (o[1]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted6, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted6['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted6['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted6['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6385() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6385(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6386() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6386(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey < 3) { |
| o.apiProducts = buildUnnamed6384(); |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6385(); |
| o.consumerKey = 'foo'; |
| o.consumerSecret = 'foo'; |
| o.expiresAt = 'foo'; |
| o.expiresInSeconds = 'foo'; |
| o.issuedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.scopes = buildUnnamed6386(); |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6384(o.apiProducts!); |
| checkUnnamed6385(o.attributes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.consumerKey!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.consumerSecret!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.expiresAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.expiresInSeconds!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.issuedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6386(o.scopes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription < 3) { |
| o.apiproduct = 'foo'; |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.endTime = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.startTime = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiproduct!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.endTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.startTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric> buildUnnamed6387() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6387(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric < 3) { |
| o.metrics = buildUnnamed6387(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6387(o.metrics!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata < 3) { |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.subType = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.subType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment < 3) { |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.properties = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties(); |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties( |
| o.properties! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig> buildUnnamed6388() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6388(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig> buildUnnamed6389() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6389(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String> buildUnnamed6390() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.String>{}; |
| o['x'] = 'foo'; |
| o['y'] = 'foo'; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6390(core.Map<core.String, core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['x']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['y']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig> buildUnnamed6391() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6391(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig> buildUnnamed6392() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6392(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig> buildUnnamed6393() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6393(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig> buildUnnamed6394() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6394(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig> buildUnnamed6395() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6395(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig < 3) { |
| o.createTime = 'foo'; |
| o.dataCollectors = buildUnnamed6388(); |
| o.debugMask = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask(); |
| o.deployments = buildUnnamed6389(); |
| o.featureFlags = buildUnnamed6390(); |
| o.flowhooks = buildUnnamed6391(); |
| o.keystores = buildUnnamed6392(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.provider = 'foo'; |
| o.pubsubTopic = 'foo'; |
| o.resourceReferences = buildUnnamed6393(); |
| o.resources = buildUnnamed6394(); |
| o.revisionId = 'foo'; |
| o.sequenceNumber = 'foo'; |
| o.targets = buildUnnamed6395(); |
| o.traceConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig(); |
| o.uid = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6388(o.dataCollectors!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask( |
| o.debugMask! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask); |
| checkUnnamed6389(o.deployments!); |
| checkUnnamed6390(o.featureFlags!); |
| checkUnnamed6391(o.flowhooks!); |
| checkUnnamed6392(o.keystores!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.provider!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.pubsubTopic!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6393(o.resourceReferences!); |
| checkUnnamed6394(o.resources!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sequenceNumber!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6395(o.targets!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig( |
| o.traceConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.uid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6396() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6396(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup < 3) { |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.hostnames = buildUnnamed6396(); |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6396(o.hostnames!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment < 3) { |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.environment = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6397() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6397(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule> buildUnnamed6398() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6398(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig < 3) { |
| o.hostnames = buildUnnamed6397(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.revisionId = 'foo'; |
| o.routingRules = buildUnnamed6398(); |
| o.uid = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6397(o.hostnames!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6398(o.routingRules!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.uid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export < 3) { |
| o.created = 'foo'; |
| o.datastoreName = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.error = 'foo'; |
| o.executionTime = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.self = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| o.updated = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.created!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.datastoreName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.error!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.executionTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.self!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.updated!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest < 3) { |
| o.csvDelimiter = 'foo'; |
| o.datastoreName = 'foo'; |
| o.dateRange = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange(); |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.outputFormat = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.csvDelimiter!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.datastoreName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange( |
| o.dateRange! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.outputFormat!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook < 3) { |
| o.continueOnError = true; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.flowHookPoint = 'foo'; |
| o.sharedFlow = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.continueOnError!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.flowHookPoint!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sharedFlow!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig < 3) { |
| o.continueOnError = true; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.sharedFlowName = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.continueOnError!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sharedFlowName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6399() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6399(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation < 3) { |
| o.operation = 'foo'; |
| o.operationTypes = buildUnnamed6399(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.operation!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6399(o.operationTypes!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6400() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6400(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation> buildUnnamed6401() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6401(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig < 3) { |
| o.apiSource = 'foo'; |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6400(); |
| o.operations = buildUnnamed6401(); |
| o.quota = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiSource!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6400(o.attributes!); |
| checkUnnamed6401(o.operations!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(o.quota! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig> buildUnnamed6402() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6402( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup < 3) { |
| o.operationConfigType = 'foo'; |
| o.operationConfigs = buildUnnamed6402(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.operationConfigType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6402(o.operationConfigs!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig> buildUnnamed6403() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6403( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig < 3) { |
| o.environmentGroups = buildUnnamed6403(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.revisionCreateTime = 'foo'; |
| o.revisionId = 'foo'; |
| o.uid = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6403(o.environmentGroups!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionCreateTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.uid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance < 3) { |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.diskEncryptionKeyName = 'foo'; |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.host = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.location = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.peeringCidrRange = 'foo'; |
| o.port = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.diskEncryptionKeyName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.host!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.location!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.peeringCidrRange!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.port!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment < 3) { |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.environment = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision> |
| buildUnnamed6404() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6404( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision> |
| o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute> |
| buildUnnamed6405() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6405( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus < 3) { |
| o.deployedRevisions = buildUnnamed6404(); |
| o.deployedRoutes = buildUnnamed6405(); |
| o.instance = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6404(o.deployedRevisions!); |
| checkUnnamed6405(o.deployedRoutes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.instance!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision < |
| 3) { |
| o.percentage = 42; |
| o.revision = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision < |
| 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.percentage!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revision!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute = |
| 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute < |
| 3) { |
| o.basepath = 'foo'; |
| o.envgroup = 'foo'; |
| o.environment = 'foo'; |
| o.percentage = 42; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute < |
| 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.basepath!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.envgroup!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.percentage!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig < 3) { |
| o.enabled = true; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.enabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference < 3) { |
| o.aliasId = 'foo'; |
| o.reference = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.aliasId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.reference!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap < 3) { |
| o.encrypted = true; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.encrypted!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6406() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6406(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore < 3) { |
| o.aliases = buildUnnamed6406(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6406(o.aliases!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig> buildUnnamed6407() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6407(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig < 3) { |
| o.aliases = buildUnnamed6407(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6407(o.aliases!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData> buildUnnamed6408() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6408(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse < 3) { |
| o.data = buildUnnamed6408(); |
| o.errorCode = 'foo'; |
| o.message = 'foo'; |
| o.requestId = 'foo'; |
| o.status = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6408(o.data!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.errorCode!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.message!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.requestId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.status!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct> buildUnnamed6409() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6409(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse < 3) { |
| o.apiProduct = buildUnnamed6409(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6409(o.apiProduct!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy> buildUnnamed6410() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6410(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse < 3) { |
| o.proxies = buildUnnamed6410(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6410(o.proxies!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App> buildUnnamed6411() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1App()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1App()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6411(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1App(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1App(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse < 3) { |
| o.app = buildUnnamed6411(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6411(o.app!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery> buildUnnamed6412() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6412(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse < 3) { |
| o.queries = buildUnnamed6412(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6412(o.queries!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport> buildUnnamed6413() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6413(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse < 3) { |
| o.qualifier = buildUnnamed6413(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6413(o.qualifier!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector> buildUnnamed6414() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6414(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse < 3) { |
| o.dataCollectors = buildUnnamed6414(); |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6414(o.dataCollectors!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore> buildUnnamed6415() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6415(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse < 3) { |
| o.datastores = buildUnnamed6415(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6415(o.datastores!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session> buildUnnamed6416() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6416(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse < 3) { |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| o.sessions = buildUnnamed6416(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6416(o.sessions!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment> buildUnnamed6417() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6417(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse < 3) { |
| o.deployments = buildUnnamed6417(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6417(o.deployments!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp> buildUnnamed6418() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6418(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse < 3) { |
| o.app = buildUnnamed6418(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6418(o.app!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription> buildUnnamed6419() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6419( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse < 3) { |
| o.developerSubscriptions = buildUnnamed6419(); |
| o.nextStartKey = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6419(o.developerSubscriptions!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextStartKey!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment> |
| buildUnnamed6420() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6420( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment); |
| } |
| |
| core.int |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse < |
| 3) { |
| o.environmentGroupAttachments = buildUnnamed6420(); |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse < |
| 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6420(o.environmentGroupAttachments!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup> buildUnnamed6421() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6421(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse < 3) { |
| o.environmentGroups = buildUnnamed6421(); |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6421(o.environmentGroups!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile> buildUnnamed6422() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6422(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse < 3) { |
| o.resourceFile = buildUnnamed6422(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6422(o.resourceFile!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export> buildUnnamed6423() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6423(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse < 3) { |
| o.exports = buildUnnamed6423(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6423(o.exports!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping> buildUnnamed6424() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6424( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse < 3) { |
| o.issuers = buildUnnamed6424(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6424(o.issuers!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment> buildUnnamed6425() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6425(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse < 3) { |
| o.attachments = buildUnnamed6425(); |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6425(o.attachments!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance> buildUnnamed6426() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6426(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse < 3) { |
| o.instances = buildUnnamed6426(); |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6426(o.instances!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress> buildUnnamed6427() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6427(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse < 3) { |
| o.natAddresses = buildUnnamed6427(); |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6427(o.natAddresses!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer> buildUnnamed6428() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6428(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse < 3) { |
| o.developer = buildUnnamed6428(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6428(o.developer!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping> |
| buildUnnamed6429() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6429( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse < 3) { |
| o.organizations = buildUnnamed6429(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6429(o.organizations!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan> buildUnnamed6430() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6430(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse < 3) { |
| o.nextStartKey = 'foo'; |
| o.ratePlans = buildUnnamed6430(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextStartKey!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6430(o.ratePlans!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow> buildUnnamed6431() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6431(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse < 3) { |
| o.sharedFlows = buildUnnamed6431(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6431(o.sharedFlows!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride> buildUnnamed6432() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6432(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse < 3) { |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| o.traceConfigOverrides = buildUnnamed6432(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6432(o.traceConfigOverrides!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6433() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6433(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6434() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6434(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata < 3) { |
| o.errors = buildUnnamed6433(); |
| o.notices = buildUnnamed6434(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6433(o.errors!); |
| checkUnnamed6434(o.notices!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.Object> buildUnnamed6435() { |
| var o = <core.Object>[]; |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6435(core.List<core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted7 = (o[0]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted7, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted7['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted7['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted7['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted8 = (o[1]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted8, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted8['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted8['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted8['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.values = buildUnnamed6435(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6435(o.values!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig < 3) { |
| o.enabled = true; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.enabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress < 3) { |
| o.ipAddress = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.ipAddress!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6436() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6436(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation < 3) { |
| o.methods = buildUnnamed6436(); |
| o.resource = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6436(o.methods!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.resource!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6437() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6437(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation> buildUnnamed6438() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6438(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig < 3) { |
| o.apiSource = 'foo'; |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6437(); |
| o.operations = buildUnnamed6438(); |
| o.quota = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiSource!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6437(o.attributes!); |
| checkUnnamed6438(o.operations!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(o.quota! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig> buildUnnamed6439() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6439(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup < 3) { |
| o.operationConfigType = 'foo'; |
| o.operationConfigs = buildUnnamed6439(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.operationConfigType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6439(o.operationConfigs!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata < 3) { |
| o.operationType = 'foo'; |
| o.progress = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress(); |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| o.targetResourceName = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.operationType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress( |
| o.progress! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.targetResourceName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata--; |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object> buildUnnamed6440() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.Object>{}; |
| o['x'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| o['y'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6440(core.Map<core.String, core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted9 = (o['x']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted9, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted9['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted9['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted9['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted10 = (o['y']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted10, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted10['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted10['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted10['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress < 3) { |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.details = buildUnnamed6440(); |
| o.percentDone = 42; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6440(o.details!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.percentDone!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats < 3) { |
| o.Response = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats < 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse( |
| o.Response! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.Object> buildUnnamed6441() { |
| var o = <core.Object>[]; |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| o.add({ |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6441(core.List<core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted11 = (o[0]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted11, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted11['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted11['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted11['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted12 = (o[1]) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted12, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted12['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted12['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted12['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode < 3) { |
| o.data = buildUnnamed6441(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6441(o.data!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6442() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6442(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse < 3) { |
| o.TimeUnit = buildUnnamed6442(); |
| o.metaData = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata(); |
| o.resultTruncated = true; |
| o.stats = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6442(o.TimeUnit!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata( |
| o.metaData! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata); |
| unittest.expect(o.resultTruncated!, unittest.isTrue); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode( |
| o.stats! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6443() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6443(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6444() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6444(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization < 3) { |
| o.addonsConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig(); |
| o.analyticsRegion = 'foo'; |
| o.attributes = buildUnnamed6443(); |
| o.authorizedNetwork = 'foo'; |
| o.billingType = 'foo'; |
| o.caCertificate = 'foo'; |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.customerName = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.environments = buildUnnamed6444(); |
| o.expiresAt = 'foo'; |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.projectId = 'foo'; |
| o.properties = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties(); |
| o.runtimeDatabaseEncryptionKeyName = 'foo'; |
| o.runtimeType_ = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| o.subscriptionType = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization < 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig( |
| o.addonsConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.analyticsRegion!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6443(o.attributes!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.authorizedNetwork!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.billingType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.caCertificate!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.customerName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6444(o.environments!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.expiresAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.projectId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties( |
| o.properties! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.runtimeDatabaseEncryptionKeyName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.runtimeType_!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.subscriptionType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6445() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6445(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping < 3) { |
| o.organization = 'foo'; |
| o.projectIds = buildUnnamed6445(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.organization!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6445(o.projectIds!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus < 3) { |
| o.appVersion = 'foo'; |
| o.deploymentStatus = 'foo'; |
| o.deploymentStatusTime = 'foo'; |
| o.deploymentTime = 'foo'; |
| o.podName = 'foo'; |
| o.podStatus = 'foo'; |
| o.podStatusTime = 'foo'; |
| o.statusCode = 'foo'; |
| o.statusCodeDetails = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.appVersion!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.deploymentStatus!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.deploymentStatusTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.deploymentTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.podName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.podStatus!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.podStatusTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.statusCode!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.statusCodeDetails!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result> buildUnnamed6446() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6446(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point < 3) { |
| o.id = 'foo'; |
| o.results = buildUnnamed6446(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.id!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6446(o.results!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property> buildUnnamed6447() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6447(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties < 3) { |
| o.property = buildUnnamed6447(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6447(o.property!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.value = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.value!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest < 3) { |
| o.analyticsRegion = 'foo'; |
| o.authorizedNetwork = 'foo'; |
| o.runtimeLocation = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.analyticsRegion!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.authorizedNetwork!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.runtimeLocation!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6448() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6448(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric> buildUnnamed6449() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6449(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query < 3) { |
| o.csvDelimiter = 'foo'; |
| o.dimensions = buildUnnamed6448(); |
| o.envgroupHostname = 'foo'; |
| o.filter = 'foo'; |
| o.groupByTimeUnit = 'foo'; |
| o.limit = 42; |
| o.metrics = buildUnnamed6449(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.outputFormat = 'foo'; |
| o.reportDefinitionId = 'foo'; |
| o.timeRange = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.csvDelimiter!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6448(o.dimensions!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.envgroupHostname!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.filter!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.groupByTimeUnit!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.limit!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6449(o.metrics!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.outputFormat!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.reportDefinitionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted13 = (o.timeRange!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted13, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted13['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted13['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted13['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6450() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6450(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6451() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6451(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata < 3) { |
| o.dimensions = buildUnnamed6450(); |
| o.endTimestamp = 'foo'; |
| o.metrics = buildUnnamed6451(); |
| o.outputFormat = 'foo'; |
| o.startTimestamp = 'foo'; |
| o.timeUnit = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6450(o.dimensions!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.endTimestamp!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6451(o.metrics!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.outputFormat!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.startTimestamp!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.timeUnit!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric < 3) { |
| o.alias = 'foo'; |
| o.function = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.operator = 'foo'; |
| o.value = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.alias!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.function!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.operator!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.value!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota < 3) { |
| o.interval = 'foo'; |
| o.limit = 'foo'; |
| o.timeUnit = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.interval!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.limit!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.timeUnit!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange> buildUnnamed6452() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6452(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange> buildUnnamed6453() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6453(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan < 3) { |
| o.apiproduct = 'foo'; |
| o.billingPeriod = 'foo'; |
| o.consumptionPricingRates = buildUnnamed6452(); |
| o.consumptionPricingType = 'foo'; |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.currencyCode = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.endTime = 'foo'; |
| o.fixedFeeFrequency = 42; |
| o.fixedRecurringFee = buildGoogleTypeMoney(); |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.paymentFundingModel = 'foo'; |
| o.revenueShareRates = buildUnnamed6453(); |
| o.revenueShareType = 'foo'; |
| o.setupFee = buildGoogleTypeMoney(); |
| o.startTime = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiproduct!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.billingPeriod!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6452(o.consumptionPricingRates!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.consumptionPricingType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.currencyCode!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.endTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.fixedFeeFrequency!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleTypeMoney(o.fixedRecurringFee! as api.GoogleTypeMoney); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.paymentFundingModel!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6453(o.revenueShareRates!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revenueShareType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleTypeMoney(o.setupFee! as api.GoogleTypeMoney); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.startTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange < 3) { |
| o.end = 'foo'; |
| o.fee = buildGoogleTypeMoney(); |
| o.start = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.end!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleTypeMoney(o.fee! as api.GoogleTypeMoney); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.start!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference < 3) { |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.refers = 'foo'; |
| o.resourceType = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.refers!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.resourceType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.resourceName = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.resourceName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus> buildUnnamed6454() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6454(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest < 3) { |
| o.instanceUid = 'foo'; |
| o.reportTime = 'foo'; |
| o.resources = buildUnnamed6454(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.instanceUid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.reportTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6454(o.resources!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> buildUnnamed6455() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6455(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty < 3) { |
| o.property = 'foo'; |
| o.value = buildUnnamed6455(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.property!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6455(o.value!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig < 3) { |
| o.location = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.location!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile> buildUnnamed6456() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6456(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles < 3) { |
| o.resourceFile = buildUnnamed6456(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6456(o.resourceFile!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus> buildUnnamed6457() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6457(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus < 3) { |
| o.resource = 'foo'; |
| o.revisions = buildUnnamed6457(); |
| o.totalReplicas = 42; |
| o.uid = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.resource!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6457(o.revisions!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.totalReplicas!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.uid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access> buildUnnamed6458() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6458(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property> buildUnnamed6459() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6459(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result < 3) { |
| o.ActionResult = 'foo'; |
| o.accessList = buildUnnamed6458(); |
| o.content = 'foo'; |
| o.headers = buildUnnamed6459(); |
| o.properties = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties(); |
| o.reasonPhrase = 'foo'; |
| o.statusCode = 'foo'; |
| o.timestamp = 'foo'; |
| o.uRI = 'foo'; |
| o.verb = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.ActionResult!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6458(o.accessList!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.content!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6459(o.headers!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties( |
| o.properties! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.reasonPhrase!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.statusCode!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.timestamp!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.uRI!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.verb!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange < 3) { |
| o.end = 'foo'; |
| o.sharePercentage = 42.0; |
| o.start = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.end!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sharePercentage!, |
| unittest.equals(42.0), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.start!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError> buildUnnamed6460() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6460(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus < 3) { |
| o.errors = buildUnnamed6460(); |
| o.jsonSpec = 'foo'; |
| o.replicas = 42; |
| o.revisionId = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6460(o.errors!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.jsonSpec!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.replicas!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule < 3) { |
| o.basepath = 'foo'; |
| o.envGroupRevision = 'foo'; |
| o.environment = 'foo'; |
| o.receiver = 'foo'; |
| o.updateTime = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.basepath!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.envGroupRevision!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.environment!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.receiver!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.updateTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride> |
| buildUnnamed6461() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6461( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig < 3) { |
| o.endpoint = 'foo'; |
| o.exporter = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.overrides = buildUnnamed6461(); |
| o.revisionCreateTime = 'foo'; |
| o.revisionId = 'foo'; |
| o.samplingConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.endpoint!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.exporter!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6461(o.overrides!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionCreateTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig( |
| o.samplingConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride < 3) { |
| o.apiProxy = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.revisionCreateTime = 'foo'; |
| o.revisionId = 'foo'; |
| o.samplingConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig(); |
| o.uid = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiProxy!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionCreateTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig( |
| o.samplingConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.uid!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig < 3) { |
| o.sampler = 'foo'; |
| o.samplingRate = 42.0; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sampler!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.samplingRate!, |
| unittest.equals(42.0), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement> buildUnnamed6462() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6462(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6463() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6463(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement> buildUnnamed6464() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6464(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema < 3) { |
| o.dimensions = buildUnnamed6462(); |
| o.meta = buildUnnamed6463(); |
| o.metrics = buildUnnamed6464(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6462(o.dimensions!); |
| checkUnnamed6463(o.meta!); |
| checkUnnamed6464(o.metrics!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.properties = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty( |
| o.properties! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty < 3) { |
| o.createTime = 'foo'; |
| o.custom = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createTime!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.custom!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6465() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6465(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping < 3) { |
| o.emailIds = buildUnnamed6465(); |
| o.service = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6465(o.emailIds!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.service!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session < 3) { |
| o.id = 'foo'; |
| o.timestampMs = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.id!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.timestampMs!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest < 3) { |
| o.addonsConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest < 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig( |
| o.addonsConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6466() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6466(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow < 3) { |
| o.latestRevisionId = 'foo'; |
| o.metaData = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.revision = buildUnnamed6466(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.latestRevisionId!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata( |
| o.metaData! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6466(o.revision!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow--; |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String> buildUnnamed6467() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.String>{}; |
| o['x'] = 'foo'; |
| o['y'] = 'foo'; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6467(core.Map<core.String, core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['x']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o['y']!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6468() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6468(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6469() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6469(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6470() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6470(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision < 3) { |
| o.configurationVersion = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion(); |
| o.contextInfo = 'foo'; |
| o.createdAt = 'foo'; |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.displayName = 'foo'; |
| o.entityMetaDataAsProperties = buildUnnamed6467(); |
| o.lastModifiedAt = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.policies = buildUnnamed6468(); |
| o.resourceFiles = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles(); |
| o.resources = buildUnnamed6469(); |
| o.revision = 'foo'; |
| o.sharedFlows = buildUnnamed6470(); |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision < 3) { |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion( |
| o.configurationVersion! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.contextInfo!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.createdAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.displayName!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6467(o.entityMetaDataAsProperties!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.lastModifiedAt!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6468(o.policies!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles( |
| o.resourceFiles! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles); |
| checkUnnamed6469(o.resources!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.revision!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6470(o.sharedFlows!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats> buildUnnamed6471() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6471( |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats> buildUnnamed6472() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6472(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats < 3) { |
| o.environments = buildUnnamed6471(); |
| o.hosts = buildUnnamed6472(); |
| o.metaData = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6471(o.environments!); |
| checkUnnamed6472(o.hosts!); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata( |
| o.metaData! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric> buildUnnamed6473() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6473(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric> buildUnnamed6474() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6474(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats < 3) { |
| o.dimensions = buildUnnamed6473(); |
| o.metrics = buildUnnamed6474(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6473(o.dimensions!); |
| checkUnnamed6474(o.metrics!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric> buildUnnamed6475() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6475(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric> buildUnnamed6476() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6476(core.List<api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(o[0] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(o[1] as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats < 3) { |
| o.dimensions = buildUnnamed6475(); |
| o.metrics = buildUnnamed6476(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6475(o.dimensions!); |
| checkUnnamed6476(o.metrics!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription < 3) { |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6477() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6477(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization < 3) { |
| o.etag = 'foo'; |
| o.identities = buildUnnamed6477(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.etag!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6477(o.identities!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer < 3) { |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.host = 'foo'; |
| o.isEnabled = true; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.port = 42; |
| o.protocol = 'foo'; |
| o.sSLInfo = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.host!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect(o.isEnabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.port!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.protocol!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo( |
| o.sSLInfo! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig < 3) { |
| o.host = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.port = 42; |
| o.protocol = 'foo'; |
| o.tlsInfo = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.host!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.port!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.protocol!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig( |
| o.tlsInfo! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse < 3) { |
| o.error = 'foo'; |
| o.state = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.error!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.state!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6478() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6478(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6479() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6479(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo < 3) { |
| o.ciphers = buildUnnamed6478(); |
| o.clientAuthEnabled = true; |
| o.commonName = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName(); |
| o.enabled = true; |
| o.ignoreValidationErrors = true; |
| o.keyAlias = 'foo'; |
| o.keyStore = 'foo'; |
| o.protocols = buildUnnamed6479(); |
| o.trustStore = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6478(o.ciphers!); |
| unittest.expect(o.clientAuthEnabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName( |
| o.commonName! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName); |
| unittest.expect(o.enabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect(o.ignoreValidationErrors!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.keyAlias!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.keyStore!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6479(o.protocols!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.trustStore!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName < 3) { |
| o.value = 'foo'; |
| o.wildcardMatch = true; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.value!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect(o.wildcardMatch!, unittest.isTrue); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6480() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6480(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6481() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6481(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig < 3) { |
| o.ciphers = buildUnnamed6480(); |
| o.clientAuthEnabled = true; |
| o.commonName = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig(); |
| o.enabled = true; |
| o.ignoreValidationErrors = true; |
| o.keyAlias = 'foo'; |
| o.keyAliasReference = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference(); |
| o.protocols = buildUnnamed6481(); |
| o.trustStore = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6480(o.ciphers!); |
| unittest.expect(o.clientAuthEnabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig( |
| o.commonName! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig); |
| unittest.expect(o.enabled!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect(o.ignoreValidationErrors!, unittest.isTrue); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.keyAlias!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference( |
| o.keyAliasReference! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference); |
| checkUnnamed6481(o.protocols!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.trustStore!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig < 3) { |
| o.endpoint = 'foo'; |
| o.exporter = 'foo'; |
| o.samplingConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.endpoint!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.exporter!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig( |
| o.samplingConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride < 3) { |
| o.apiProxy = 'foo'; |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.samplingConfig = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.apiProxy!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig( |
| o.samplingConfig! as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig < 3) { |
| o.sampler = 'foo'; |
| o.samplingRate = 42.0; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig( |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.sampler!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.samplingRate!, |
| unittest.equals(42.0), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError = 0; |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError() { |
| var o = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError(); |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError < 3) { |
| o.code = 'foo'; |
| o.message = 'foo'; |
| o.resource = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError(api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.code!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.message!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.resource!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig> buildUnnamed6482() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6482(core.List<api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig(o[0] as api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig); |
| checkGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig(o[1] as api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig buildGoogleIamV1AuditConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditConfig < 3) { |
| o.auditLogConfigs = buildUnnamed6482(); |
| o.service = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleIamV1AuditConfig(api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditConfig < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6482(o.auditLogConfigs!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.service!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6483() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6483(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig = 0; |
| api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig buildGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig() { |
| var o = api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig(); |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig < 3) { |
| o.exemptedMembers = buildUnnamed6483(); |
| o.logType = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig(api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6483(o.exemptedMembers!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.logType!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6484() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6484(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleIamV1Binding = 0; |
| api.GoogleIamV1Binding buildGoogleIamV1Binding() { |
| var o = api.GoogleIamV1Binding(); |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Binding++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1Binding < 3) { |
| o.condition = buildGoogleTypeExpr(); |
| o.members = buildUnnamed6484(); |
| o.role = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Binding--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleIamV1Binding(api.GoogleIamV1Binding o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Binding++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1Binding < 3) { |
| checkGoogleTypeExpr(o.condition! as api.GoogleTypeExpr); |
| checkUnnamed6484(o.members!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.role!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Binding--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig> buildUnnamed6485() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleIamV1AuditConfig()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleIamV1AuditConfig()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6485(core.List<api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleIamV1AuditConfig(o[0] as api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig); |
| checkGoogleIamV1AuditConfig(o[1] as api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleIamV1Binding> buildUnnamed6486() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleIamV1Binding>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleIamV1Binding()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleIamV1Binding()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6486(core.List<api.GoogleIamV1Binding> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleIamV1Binding(o[0] as api.GoogleIamV1Binding); |
| checkGoogleIamV1Binding(o[1] as api.GoogleIamV1Binding); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleIamV1Policy = 0; |
| api.GoogleIamV1Policy buildGoogleIamV1Policy() { |
| var o = api.GoogleIamV1Policy(); |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Policy++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1Policy < 3) { |
| o.auditConfigs = buildUnnamed6485(); |
| o.bindings = buildUnnamed6486(); |
| o.etag = 'foo'; |
| o.version = 42; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Policy--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleIamV1Policy(api.GoogleIamV1Policy o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Policy++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1Policy < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6485(o.auditConfigs!); |
| checkUnnamed6486(o.bindings!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.etag!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.version!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1Policy--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest buildGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest < 3) { |
| o.policy = buildGoogleIamV1Policy(); |
| o.updateMask = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest(api.GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest < 3) { |
| checkGoogleIamV1Policy(o.policy! as api.GoogleIamV1Policy); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.updateMask!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6487() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6487(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest = 0; |
| api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest |
| buildGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest() { |
| var o = api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest(); |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest < 3) { |
| o.permissions = buildUnnamed6487(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest( |
| api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6487(o.permissions!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.String> buildUnnamed6488() { |
| var o = <core.String>[]; |
| o.add('foo'); |
| o.add('foo'); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6488(core.List<core.String> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[0], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o[1], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse |
| buildGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse < 3) { |
| o.permissions = buildUnnamed6488(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse( |
| api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6488(o.permissions!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleLongrunningOperation> buildUnnamed6489() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleLongrunningOperation>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6489(core.List<api.GoogleLongrunningOperation> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation(o[0] as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation(o[1] as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse = 0; |
| api.GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse |
| buildGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse() { |
| var o = api.GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse(); |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse < 3) { |
| o.nextPageToken = 'foo'; |
| o.operations = buildUnnamed6489(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse( |
| api.GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nextPageToken!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6489(o.operations!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse--; |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object> buildUnnamed6490() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.Object>{}; |
| o['x'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| o['y'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6490(core.Map<core.String, core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted14 = (o['x']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted14, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted14['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted14['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted14['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted15 = (o['y']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted15, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted15['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted15['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted15['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object> buildUnnamed6491() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.Object>{}; |
| o['x'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| o['y'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6491(core.Map<core.String, core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted16 = (o['x']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted16, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted16['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted16['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted16['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted17 = (o['y']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted17, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted17['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted17['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted17['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleLongrunningOperation = 0; |
| api.GoogleLongrunningOperation buildGoogleLongrunningOperation() { |
| var o = api.GoogleLongrunningOperation(); |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningOperation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleLongrunningOperation < 3) { |
| o.done = true; |
| o.error = buildGoogleRpcStatus(); |
| o.metadata = buildUnnamed6490(); |
| o.name = 'foo'; |
| o.response = buildUnnamed6491(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningOperation--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleLongrunningOperation(api.GoogleLongrunningOperation o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningOperation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleLongrunningOperation < 3) { |
| unittest.expect(o.done!, unittest.isTrue); |
| checkGoogleRpcStatus(o.error! as api.GoogleRpcStatus); |
| checkUnnamed6490(o.metadata!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.name!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6491(o.response!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleLongrunningOperation--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleProtobufEmpty = 0; |
| api.GoogleProtobufEmpty buildGoogleProtobufEmpty() { |
| var o = api.GoogleProtobufEmpty(); |
| buildCounterGoogleProtobufEmpty++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleProtobufEmpty < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleProtobufEmpty--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(api.GoogleProtobufEmpty o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleProtobufEmpty++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleProtobufEmpty < 3) {} |
| buildCounterGoogleProtobufEmpty--; |
| } |
| |
| core.List<api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation> buildUnnamed6492() { |
| var o = <api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation>[]; |
| o.add(buildGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation()); |
| o.add(buildGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6492(core.List<api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation( |
| o[0] as api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation); |
| checkGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation( |
| o[1] as api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure = 0; |
| api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure buildGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure() { |
| var o = api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure(); |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure < 3) { |
| o.violations = buildUnnamed6492(); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure(api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure < 3) { |
| checkUnnamed6492(o.violations!); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation = 0; |
| api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation |
| buildGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation() { |
| var o = api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation(); |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation < 3) { |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.subject = 'foo'; |
| o.type = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation( |
| api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.subject!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.type!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation--; |
| } |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object> buildUnnamed6493() { |
| var o = <core.String, core.Object>{}; |
| o['x'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| o['y'] = { |
| 'list': [1, 2, 3], |
| 'bool': true, |
| 'string': 'foo' |
| }; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6493(core.Map<core.String, core.Object> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| var casted18 = (o['x']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted18, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted18['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted18['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted18['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| var casted19 = (o['y']!) as core.Map; |
| unittest.expect(casted19, unittest.hasLength(3)); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted19['list'], |
| unittest.equals([1, 2, 3]), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted19['bool'], |
| unittest.equals(true), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| casted19['string'], |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| core.List<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>> buildUnnamed6494() { |
| var o = <core.Map<core.String, core.Object>>[]; |
| o.add(buildUnnamed6493()); |
| o.add(buildUnnamed6493()); |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkUnnamed6494(core.List<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>> o) { |
| unittest.expect(o, unittest.hasLength(2)); |
| checkUnnamed6493(o[0]); |
| checkUnnamed6493(o[1]); |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleRpcStatus = 0; |
| api.GoogleRpcStatus buildGoogleRpcStatus() { |
| var o = api.GoogleRpcStatus(); |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleRpcStatus < 3) { |
| o.code = 42; |
| o.details = buildUnnamed6494(); |
| o.message = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcStatus--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleRpcStatus(api.GoogleRpcStatus o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcStatus++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleRpcStatus < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.code!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| checkUnnamed6494(o.details!); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.message!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleRpcStatus--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleTypeExpr = 0; |
| api.GoogleTypeExpr buildGoogleTypeExpr() { |
| var o = api.GoogleTypeExpr(); |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeExpr++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleTypeExpr < 3) { |
| o.description = 'foo'; |
| o.expression = 'foo'; |
| o.location = 'foo'; |
| o.title = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeExpr--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleTypeExpr(api.GoogleTypeExpr o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeExpr++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleTypeExpr < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.description!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.expression!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.location!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.title!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeExpr--; |
| } |
| |
| core.int buildCounterGoogleTypeMoney = 0; |
| api.GoogleTypeMoney buildGoogleTypeMoney() { |
| var o = api.GoogleTypeMoney(); |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeMoney++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleTypeMoney < 3) { |
| o.currencyCode = 'foo'; |
| o.nanos = 42; |
| o.units = 'foo'; |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeMoney--; |
| return o; |
| } |
| |
| void checkGoogleTypeMoney(api.GoogleTypeMoney o) { |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeMoney++; |
| if (buildCounterGoogleTypeMoney < 3) { |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.currencyCode!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.nanos!, |
| unittest.equals(42), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| o.units!, |
| unittest.equals('foo'), |
| ); |
| } |
| buildCounterGoogleTypeMoney--; |
| } |
| |
| void main() { |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleApiHttpBody', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(od as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Access(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Access); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessGet); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessRemove); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AccessSet); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AddonsConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AdvancedApiOpsConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AliasRevisionConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProductRef); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1App', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1App(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1App(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResult); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluationMetricLabels); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CertInfo); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Certificate); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CommonNameConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ConfigVersion); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Credential); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReportMetric); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollectorConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DatastoreConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DateRange); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingChange); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingConflict); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment |
| .fromJson(oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReportRoutingDeployment); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DimensionMetric); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EntityMetadata); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHookConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GraphQLOperationGroup); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatus); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision |
| .fromJson(oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision(od |
| as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRevision); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceDeploymentStatusDeployedRoute); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IntegrationConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyAliasReference); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeystoreConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse |
| .fromJson(oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metadata); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Metric); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1MonetizationConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Operation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationGroup); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadata); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OperationMetadataProgress); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsNode); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStatsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OrganizationProjectMapping); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1PodStatus); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Point(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Point); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Properties); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Property(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Property); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetadata); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1QueryMetric); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Quota); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RateRange); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReferenceConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportProperty); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFiles); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceStatus); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Result(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Result); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevenueShareRange); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RevisionStatus); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RoutingRule); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceConfigOverride); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RuntimeTraceSamplingConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaElement); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SchemaSchemaProperty); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ServiceIssuersMapping); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Session(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Session); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsEnvironmentStats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1StatsHostStats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServerConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo(od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfo); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoCommonName); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TlsInfoConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceSamplingConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError( |
| od as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1UpdateError); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleIamV1AuditConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleIamV1AuditConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1AuditConfig(od as api.GoogleIamV1AuditConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig(od as api.GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleIamV1Binding', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleIamV1Binding(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleIamV1Binding.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1Binding(od as api.GoogleIamV1Binding); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleIamV1Policy', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleIamV1Policy(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleIamV1Policy.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1Policy(od as api.GoogleIamV1Policy); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest( |
| od as api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse( |
| od as api.GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleLongrunningOperation', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleLongrunningOperation(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleLongrunningOperation.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation(od as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleProtobufEmpty', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleProtobufEmpty(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleProtobufEmpty.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(od as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleRpcPreconditionFailure(od as api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailure); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation( |
| od as api.GoogleRpcPreconditionFailureViolation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleRpcStatus', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleRpcStatus(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleRpcStatus.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleRpcStatus(od as api.GoogleRpcStatus); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleTypeExpr', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleTypeExpr(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleTypeExpr.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleTypeExpr(od as api.GoogleTypeExpr); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('obj-schema-GoogleTypeMoney', () { |
| unittest.test('to-json--from-json', () async { |
| var o = buildGoogleTypeMoney(); |
| var oJson = convert.jsonDecode(convert.jsonEncode(o)); |
| var od = api.GoogleTypeMoney.fromJson( |
| oJson as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleTypeMoney(od as api.GoogleTypeMoney); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-HybridIssuersResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).hybrid.issuers; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListHybridIssuersResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 16), |
| unittest.equals("v1/organizations"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 16; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["parent"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_parent), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, |
| parent: arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getDeployedIngressConfig', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_view = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["view"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_view), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getDeployedIngressConfig(arg_name, |
| view: arg_view, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1IngressConfig); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getSyncAuthorization', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1GetSyncAuthorizationRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getSyncAuthorization(arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOrganizationsResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--setAddons', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest(); |
| var arg_org = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SetAddonsRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.setAddons(arg_request, arg_org, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--setSyncAuthorization', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.setSyncAuthorization(arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SyncAuthorization); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Organization); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsAnalyticsDatastoresResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.analytics.datastores; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.analytics.datastores; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.analytics.datastores; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.analytics.datastores; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_targetType = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["targetType"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_targetType), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| targetType: arg_targetType, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDatastoresResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--test', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.analytics.datastores; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.test(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TestDatastoreResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.analytics.datastores; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Datastore); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApiproductsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--attributes', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.attributes(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_attributename = 'foo'; |
| var arg_attributevalue = 'foo'; |
| var arg_count = 'foo'; |
| var arg_expand = true; |
| var arg_startKey = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["attributename"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_attributename), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["attributevalue"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_attributevalue), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["count"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_count), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["expand"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_expand"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["startKey"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_startKey), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| attributename: arg_attributename, |
| attributevalue: arg_attributevalue, |
| count: arg_count, |
| expand: arg_expand, |
| startKey: arg_startKey, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProductsResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProduct); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApiproductsAttributesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.attributes_1; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.attributes_1; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.attributes_1; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateApiProductAttribute', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.attributes_1; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateApiProductAttribute( |
| arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApiproductsRateplansResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.rateplans; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.rateplans; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.rateplans; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.rateplans; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_count = 42; |
| var arg_expand = true; |
| var arg_orderBy = 'foo'; |
| var arg_startKey = 'foo'; |
| var arg_state = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["count"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_count), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["expand"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_expand"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["orderBy"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_orderBy), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["startKey"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_startKey), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["state"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_state), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| count: arg_count, |
| expand: arg_expand, |
| orderBy: arg_orderBy, |
| startKey: arg_startKey, |
| state: arg_state, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListRatePlansResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apiproducts.rateplans; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1RatePlan); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApisResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_action = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_validate = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["action"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_action), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["name"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_name), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["validate"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_validate"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| action: arg_action, |
| name: arg_name, |
| validate: arg_validate, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxy); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_includeMetaData = true; |
| var arg_includeRevisions = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["includeMetaData"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_includeMetaData"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["includeRevisions"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_includeRevisions"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| includeMetaData: arg_includeMetaData, |
| includeRevisions: arg_includeRevisions, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiProxiesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApisDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis.deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApisKeyvaluemapsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis.keyvaluemaps; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis.keyvaluemaps; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApisRevisionsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_format = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["format"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_format), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleApiHttpBody()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.get(arg_name, format: arg_format, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(response as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateApiProxyRevision', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis.revisions; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_validate = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["validate"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_validate"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateApiProxyRevision(arg_request, arg_name, |
| validate: arg_validate, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiProxyRevision); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsApisRevisionsDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apis.revisions.deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsAppsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apps; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1App()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1App(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1App); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.apps; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_apiProduct = 'foo'; |
| var arg_apptype = 'foo'; |
| var arg_expand = true; |
| var arg_ids = 'foo'; |
| var arg_includeCred = true; |
| var arg_keyStatus = 'foo'; |
| var arg_rows = 'foo'; |
| var arg_startKey = 'foo'; |
| var arg_status = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["apiProduct"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_apiProduct), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["apptype"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_apptype), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["expand"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_expand"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["ids"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_ids), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["includeCred"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_includeCred"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["keyStatus"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_keyStatus), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["rows"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_rows), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["startKey"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_startKey), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["status"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_status), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| apiProduct: arg_apiProduct, |
| apptype: arg_apptype, |
| expand: arg_expand, |
| ids: arg_ids, |
| includeCred: arg_includeCred, |
| keyStatus: arg_keyStatus, |
| rows: arg_rows, |
| startKey: arg_startKey, |
| status: arg_status, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAppsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDatacollectorsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.datacollectors; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_dataCollectorId = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["dataCollectorId"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_dataCollectorId), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| dataCollectorId: arg_dataCollectorId, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.datacollectors; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.datacollectors; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.datacollectors; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDataCollectorsResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--patch', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.datacollectors; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_updateMask = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["updateMask"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_updateMask), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.patch(arg_request, arg_name, |
| updateMask: arg_updateMask, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DataCollector); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sharedFlows = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sharedFlows"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_sharedFlows"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| sharedFlows: arg_sharedFlows, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--attributes', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.attributes(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_action = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["action"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_action), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.get(arg_name, action: arg_action, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_app = 'foo'; |
| var arg_count = 'foo'; |
| var arg_expand = true; |
| var arg_ids = 'foo'; |
| var arg_includeCompany = true; |
| var arg_startKey = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["app"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_app), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["count"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_count), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["expand"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_expand"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["ids"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_ids), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["includeCompany"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_includeCompany"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["startKey"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_startKey), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| app: arg_app, |
| count: arg_count, |
| expand: arg_expand, |
| ids: arg_ids, |
| includeCompany: arg_includeCompany, |
| startKey: arg_startKey, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListOfDevelopersResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--setDeveloperStatus', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_action = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["action"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_action), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.setDeveloperStatus(arg_name, |
| action: arg_action, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Developer); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersAppsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--attributes', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.attributes(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--generateKeyPairOrUpdateDeveloperAppStatus', |
| () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_action = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["action"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_action), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.generateKeyPairOrUpdateDeveloperAppStatus( |
| arg_request, arg_name, |
| action: arg_action, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_entity = 'foo'; |
| var arg_query = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["entity"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_entity), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["query"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_query), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, |
| entity: arg_entity, query: arg_query, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_count = 'foo'; |
| var arg_expand = true; |
| var arg_shallowExpand = true; |
| var arg_startKey = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["count"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_count), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["expand"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_expand"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["shallowExpand"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_shallowExpand"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["startKey"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_startKey), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| count: arg_count, |
| expand: arg_expand, |
| shallowExpand: arg_shallowExpand, |
| startKey: arg_startKey, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperAppsResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperApp); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersAppsAttributesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.attributes_1; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.attributes_1; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.attributes_1; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateDeveloperAppAttribute', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.attributes_1; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateDeveloperAppAttribute( |
| arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersAppsKeysResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--replaceDeveloperAppKey', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.replaceDeveloperAppKey(arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateDeveloperAppKey', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_action = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["action"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_action), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateDeveloperAppKey(arg_request, arg_name, |
| action: arg_action, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersAppsKeysApiproductsResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys.apiproducts; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateDeveloperAppKeyApiProduct', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys.apiproducts; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_action = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["action"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_action), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateDeveloperAppKeyApiProduct(arg_name, |
| action: arg_action, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersAppsKeysCreateResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.apps.keys.create_1; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperAppKey); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersAttributesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.attributes_1; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.attributes_1; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.attributes_1; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attributes); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateDeveloperAttribute', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.attributes_1; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateDeveloperAttribute(arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Attribute); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsDevelopersSubscriptionsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.subscriptions; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--expire', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.subscriptions; |
| var arg_request = |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = |
| api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExpireDeveloperSubscriptionRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.expire(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.subscriptions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeveloperSubscription); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.developers.subscriptions; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_count = 42; |
| var arg_startKey = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["count"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_count), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["startKey"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_startKey), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode( |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| count: arg_count, startKey: arg_startKey, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse(response |
| as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeveloperSubscriptionsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvgroupsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["name"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_name), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| name: arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupsResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--patch', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_updateMask = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroup); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["updateMask"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_updateMask), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.patch(arg_request, arg_name, |
| updateMask: arg_updateMask, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvgroupsAttachmentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups.attachments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups.attachments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups.attachments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentGroupAttachment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.envgroups.attachments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode( |
| buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse(response |
| as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentGroupAttachmentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["name"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_name), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| name: arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getDebugmask', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getDebugmask(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getDeployedConfig', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.getDeployedConfig(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1EnvironmentConfig); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getIamPolicy', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_resource = 'foo'; |
| var arg_options_requestedPolicyVersion = 42; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["options.requestedPolicyVersion"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_options_requestedPolicyVersion), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleIamV1Policy()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getIamPolicy(arg_resource, |
| options_requestedPolicyVersion: arg_options_requestedPolicyVersion, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleIamV1Policy(response as api.GoogleIamV1Policy); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getTraceConfig', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getTraceConfig(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--setIamPolicy', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest(); |
| var arg_resource = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleIamV1Policy()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.setIamPolicy(arg_request, arg_resource, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleIamV1Policy(response as api.GoogleIamV1Policy); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--subscribe', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.subscribe(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--testIamPermissions', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest(); |
| var arg_resource = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.testIamPermissions(arg_request, arg_resource, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--unsubscribe', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Subscription); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.unsubscribe(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateDebugmask', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_replaceRepeatedFields = true; |
| var arg_updateMask = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["replaceRepeatedFields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_replaceRepeatedFields"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["updateMask"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_updateMask), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateDebugmask(arg_request, arg_name, |
| replaceRepeatedFields: arg_replaceRepeatedFields, |
| updateMask: arg_updateMask, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugMask); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateEnvironment', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateEnvironment(arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Environment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateTraceConfig', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_updateMask = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["updateMask"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_updateMask), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateTraceConfig(arg_request, arg_name, |
| updateMask: arg_updateMask, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfig); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsAnalyticsAdminResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--getSchemav2', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.analytics.admin; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_disableCache = true; |
| var arg_type = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["disableCache"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_disableCache"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["type"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_type), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getSchemav2(arg_name, |
| disableCache: arg_disableCache, type: arg_type, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Schema); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsAnalyticsExportsResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.analytics.exports; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ExportRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.analytics.exports; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Export(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Export); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.analytics.exports; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListExportsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisDeploymentsResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.apis.deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--deploy', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.apis.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_override = true; |
| var arg_sequencedRollout = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["override"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_override"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sequencedRollout"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_sequencedRollout"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.deploy(arg_name, |
| override: arg_override, |
| sequencedRollout: arg_sequencedRollout, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getDeployments', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.apis.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getDeployments(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--undeploy', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.apis.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sequencedRollout = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sequencedRollout"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_sequencedRollout"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.undeploy(arg_name, |
| sequencedRollout: arg_sequencedRollout, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDebugsessionsResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .apis |
| .revisions |
| .debugsessions; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeout = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeout"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeout), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| timeout: arg_timeout, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--deleteData', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .apis |
| .revisions |
| .debugsessions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.deleteData(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .apis |
| .revisions |
| .debugsessions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSession); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .apis |
| .revisions |
| .debugsessions; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDebugSessionsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDebugsessionsDataResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .apis |
| .revisions |
| .debugsessions |
| .data; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DebugSessionTransaction); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsApisRevisionsDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--generateDeployChangeReport', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .apis |
| .revisions |
| .deployments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_override = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["override"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_override"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.generateDeployChangeReport(arg_name, |
| override: arg_override, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--generateUndeployChangeReport', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .apis |
| .revisions |
| .deployments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.generateUndeployChangeReport(arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeploymentChangeReport); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsCachesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.caches; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sharedFlows = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sharedFlows"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_sharedFlows"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| sharedFlows: arg_sharedFlows, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsFlowhooksResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--attachSharedFlowToFlowHook', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.flowhooks; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.attachSharedFlowToFlowHook( |
| arg_request, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--detachSharedFlowFromFlowHook', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.flowhooks; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.detachSharedFlowFromFlowHook(arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.flowhooks; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1FlowHook); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeystoresResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["name"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_name), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| name: arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Keystore); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeystoresAliasesResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores.aliases; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_P_password = 'foo'; |
| var arg_alias = 'foo'; |
| var arg_format = 'foo'; |
| var arg_ignoreExpiryValidation = true; |
| var arg_ignoreNewlineValidation = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["_password"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_P_password), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["alias"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_alias), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["format"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_format), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["ignoreExpiryValidation"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_ignoreExpiryValidation"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["ignoreNewlineValidation"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_ignoreNewlineValidation"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| P_password: arg_P_password, |
| alias: arg_alias, |
| format: arg_format, |
| ignoreExpiryValidation: arg_ignoreExpiryValidation, |
| ignoreNewlineValidation: arg_ignoreNewlineValidation, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--csr', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores.aliases; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleApiHttpBody()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.csr(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(response as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores.aliases; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores.aliases; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getCertificate', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores.aliases; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleApiHttpBody()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getCertificate(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(response as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keystores.aliases; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_ignoreExpiryValidation = true; |
| var arg_ignoreNewlineValidation = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["ignoreExpiryValidation"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_ignoreExpiryValidation"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["ignoreNewlineValidation"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_ignoreNewlineValidation"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, |
| ignoreExpiryValidation: arg_ignoreExpiryValidation, |
| ignoreNewlineValidation: arg_ignoreNewlineValidation, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Alias); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsKeyvaluemapsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keyvaluemaps; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.keyvaluemaps; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsOptimizedStatsResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.optimizedStats; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_accuracy = 'foo'; |
| var arg_aggTable = 'foo'; |
| var arg_filter = 'foo'; |
| var arg_limit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_offset = 'foo'; |
| var arg_realtime = true; |
| var arg_select = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sonar = true; |
| var arg_sort = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sortby = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeRange = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeUnit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_topk = 'foo'; |
| var arg_tsAscending = true; |
| var arg_tzo = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["accuracy"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_accuracy), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["aggTable"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_aggTable), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["filter"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_filter), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["limit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_limit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["offset"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_offset), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["realtime"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_realtime"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["select"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_select), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sonar"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_sonar"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sort"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sort), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sortby"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sortby), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeRange"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeRange), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeUnit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeUnit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["topk"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_topk), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tsAscending"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_tsAscending"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tzo"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_tzo), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, |
| accuracy: arg_accuracy, |
| aggTable: arg_aggTable, |
| filter: arg_filter, |
| limit: arg_limit, |
| offset: arg_offset, |
| realtime: arg_realtime, |
| select: arg_select, |
| sonar: arg_sonar, |
| sort: arg_sort, |
| sortby: arg_sortby, |
| timeRange: arg_timeRange, |
| timeUnit: arg_timeUnit, |
| topk: arg_topk, |
| tsAscending: arg_tsAscending, |
| tzo: arg_tzo, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsQueriesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.queries; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.queries; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getResult', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.queries; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleApiHttpBody()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getResult(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(response as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.queries; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_dataset = 'foo'; |
| var arg_from = 'foo'; |
| var arg_inclQueriesWithoutReport = 'foo'; |
| var arg_status = 'foo'; |
| var arg_submittedBy = 'foo'; |
| var arg_to = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["dataset"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_dataset), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["from"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_from), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["inclQueriesWithoutReport"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_inclQueriesWithoutReport), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["status"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_status), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["submittedBy"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_submittedBy), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["to"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_to), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| dataset: arg_dataset, |
| from: arg_from, |
| inclQueriesWithoutReport: arg_inclQueriesWithoutReport, |
| status: arg_status, |
| submittedBy: arg_submittedBy, |
| to: arg_to, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsReferencesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.references; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.references; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.references; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.references; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Reference); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsResourcefilesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.resourcefiles; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_type = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["name"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_name), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["type"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_type), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| name: arg_name, type: arg_type, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.resourcefiles; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_type = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_parent, arg_type, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.resourcefiles; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_type = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleApiHttpBody()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.get(arg_parent, arg_type, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(response as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.resourcefiles; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_type = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["type"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_type), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.list(arg_parent, type: arg_type, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--listEnvironmentResources', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.resourcefiles; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_type = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.listEnvironmentResources(arg_parent, arg_type, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListEnvironmentResourcesResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.resourcefiles; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_type = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.update( |
| arg_request, arg_parent, arg_type, arg_name, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ResourceFile); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsSharedflowsDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock) |
| .organizations |
| .environments |
| .sharedflows |
| .deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsSharedflowsRevisionsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--deploy', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.sharedflows.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_override = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["override"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_override"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.deploy(arg_name, |
| override: arg_override, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getDeployments', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.sharedflows.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getDeployments(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Deployment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--undeploy', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.sharedflows.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.undeploy(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsStatsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.stats; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_accuracy = 'foo'; |
| var arg_aggTable = 'foo'; |
| var arg_filter = 'foo'; |
| var arg_limit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_offset = 'foo'; |
| var arg_realtime = true; |
| var arg_select = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sonar = true; |
| var arg_sort = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sortby = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeRange = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeUnit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_topk = 'foo'; |
| var arg_tsAscending = true; |
| var arg_tzo = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["accuracy"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_accuracy), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["aggTable"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_aggTable), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["filter"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_filter), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["limit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_limit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["offset"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_offset), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["realtime"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_realtime"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["select"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_select), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sonar"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_sonar"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sort"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sort), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sortby"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sortby), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeRange"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeRange), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeUnit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeUnit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["topk"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_topk), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tsAscending"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_tsAscending"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tzo"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_tzo), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, |
| accuracy: arg_accuracy, |
| aggTable: arg_aggTable, |
| filter: arg_filter, |
| limit: arg_limit, |
| offset: arg_offset, |
| realtime: arg_realtime, |
| select: arg_select, |
| sonar: arg_sonar, |
| sort: arg_sort, |
| sortby: arg_sortby, |
| timeRange: arg_timeRange, |
| timeUnit: arg_timeUnit, |
| topk: arg_topk, |
| tsAscending: arg_tsAscending, |
| tzo: arg_tzo, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsTargetserversResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.targetservers; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["name"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_name), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| name: arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.targetservers; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.targetservers; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.targetservers; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TargetServer); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'resource-OrganizationsEnvironmentsTraceConfigOverridesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.traceConfig.overrides; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.traceConfig.overrides; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleProtobufEmpty()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleProtobufEmpty(response as api.GoogleProtobufEmpty); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.traceConfig.overrides; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.traceConfig.overrides; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListTraceConfigOverridesResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--patch', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.environments.traceConfig.overrides; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_updateMask = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["updateMask"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_updateMask), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.patch(arg_request, arg_name, |
| updateMask: arg_updateMask, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1TraceConfigOverride); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsHostQueriesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.hostQueries; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Query(obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Query); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.hostQueries; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQuery); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getResult', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.hostQueries; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleApiHttpBody()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getResult(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(response as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--getResultView', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.hostQueries; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.getResultView(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1AsyncQueryResultView); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.hostQueries; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_dataset = 'foo'; |
| var arg_envgroupHostname = 'foo'; |
| var arg_from = 'foo'; |
| var arg_inclQueriesWithoutReport = 'foo'; |
| var arg_status = 'foo'; |
| var arg_submittedBy = 'foo'; |
| var arg_to = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["dataset"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_dataset), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["envgroupHostname"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_envgroupHostname), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["from"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_from), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["inclQueriesWithoutReport"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_inclQueriesWithoutReport), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["status"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_status), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["submittedBy"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_submittedBy), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["to"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_to), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| dataset: arg_dataset, |
| envgroupHostname: arg_envgroupHostname, |
| from: arg_from, |
| inclQueriesWithoutReport: arg_inclQueriesWithoutReport, |
| status: arg_status, |
| submittedBy: arg_submittedBy, |
| to: arg_to, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListAsyncQueriesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsHostStatsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.hostStats; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_accuracy = 'foo'; |
| var arg_envgroupHostname = 'foo'; |
| var arg_filter = 'foo'; |
| var arg_limit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_offset = 'foo'; |
| var arg_realtime = true; |
| var arg_select = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sort = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sortby = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeRange = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeUnit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_topk = 'foo'; |
| var arg_tsAscending = true; |
| var arg_tzo = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["accuracy"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_accuracy), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["envgroupHostname"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_envgroupHostname), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["filter"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_filter), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["limit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_limit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["offset"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_offset), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["realtime"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_realtime"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["select"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_select), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sort"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sort), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sortby"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sortby), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeRange"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeRange), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeUnit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeUnit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["topk"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_topk), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tsAscending"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_tsAscending"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tzo"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_tzo), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, |
| accuracy: arg_accuracy, |
| envgroupHostname: arg_envgroupHostname, |
| filter: arg_filter, |
| limit: arg_limit, |
| offset: arg_offset, |
| realtime: arg_realtime, |
| select: arg_select, |
| sort: arg_sort, |
| sortby: arg_sortby, |
| timeRange: arg_timeRange, |
| timeUnit: arg_timeUnit, |
| topk: arg_topk, |
| tsAscending: arg_tsAscending, |
| tzo: arg_tzo, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats(response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Stats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsInstancesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1Instance); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstancesResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--reportStatus', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest(); |
| var arg_instance = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.reportStatus(arg_request, arg_instance, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ReportInstanceStatusResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsInstancesAttachmentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.attachments; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.attachments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.attachments; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1InstanceAttachment); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.attachments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListInstanceAttachmentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsInstancesCanaryevaluationsResource', |
| () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.canaryevaluations; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.canaryevaluations; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CanaryEvaluation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsInstancesNatAddressesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--activate', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.natAddresses; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ActivateNatAddressRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.activate(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.natAddresses; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.natAddresses; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.natAddresses; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1NatAddress); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.instances.natAddresses; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListNatAddressesResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsKeyvaluemapsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.keyvaluemaps; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.keyvaluemaps; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1KeyValueMap); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsOperationsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.operations; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.operations; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_filter = 'foo'; |
| var arg_pageSize = 42; |
| var arg_pageToken = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["filter"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_filter), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| core.int.parse(queryMap["pageSize"]!.first), |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageSize), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["pageToken"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_pageToken), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_name, |
| filter: arg_filter, |
| pageSize: arg_pageSize, |
| pageToken: arg_pageToken, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsOptimizedHostStatsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.optimizedHostStats; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_accuracy = 'foo'; |
| var arg_envgroupHostname = 'foo'; |
| var arg_filter = 'foo'; |
| var arg_limit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_offset = 'foo'; |
| var arg_realtime = true; |
| var arg_select = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sort = 'foo'; |
| var arg_sortby = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeRange = 'foo'; |
| var arg_timeUnit = 'foo'; |
| var arg_topk = 'foo'; |
| var arg_tsAscending = true; |
| var arg_tzo = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["accuracy"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_accuracy), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["envgroupHostname"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_envgroupHostname), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["filter"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_filter), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["limit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_limit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["offset"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_offset), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["realtime"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_realtime"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["select"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_select), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sort"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sort), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["sortby"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_sortby), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeRange"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeRange), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["timeUnit"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_timeUnit), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["topk"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_topk), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tsAscending"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_tsAscending"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["tzo"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_tzo), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, |
| accuracy: arg_accuracy, |
| envgroupHostname: arg_envgroupHostname, |
| filter: arg_filter, |
| limit: arg_limit, |
| offset: arg_offset, |
| realtime: arg_realtime, |
| select: arg_select, |
| sort: arg_sort, |
| sortby: arg_sortby, |
| timeRange: arg_timeRange, |
| timeUnit: arg_timeUnit, |
| topk: arg_topk, |
| tsAscending: arg_tsAscending, |
| tzo: arg_tzo, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1OptimizedStats); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsReportsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.reports; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.reports; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1DeleteCustomReportResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.reports; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.reports; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_expand = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["expand"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_expand"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.list(arg_parent, expand: arg_expand, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListCustomReportsResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--update', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.reports; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.update(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1CustomReport); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsSharedflowsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_action = 'foo'; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["action"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_action), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["name"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_name), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, |
| action: arg_action, name: arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlow); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_includeMetaData = true; |
| var arg_includeRevisions = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["includeMetaData"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_includeMetaData"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["includeRevisions"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_includeRevisions"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, |
| includeMetaData: arg_includeMetaData, |
| includeRevisions: arg_includeRevisions, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListSharedFlowsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsSharedflowsDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows.deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsSharedflowsRevisionsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows.revisions; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_format = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["format"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_format), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleApiHttpBody()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.get(arg_name, format: arg_format, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(response as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--updateSharedFlowRevision', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows.revisions; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleApiHttpBody(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_validate = true; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleApiHttpBody.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleApiHttpBody(obj as api.GoogleApiHttpBody); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["validate"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals("$arg_validate"), |
| ); |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.updateSharedFlowRevision(arg_request, arg_name, |
| validate: arg_validate, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1SharedFlowRevision); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group( |
| 'resource-OrganizationsSharedflowsRevisionsDeploymentsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = |
| api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sharedflows.revisions.deployments; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListDeploymentsResponse); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-OrganizationsSitesApicategoriesResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--create', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sites.apicategories; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData(); |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.create(arg_request, arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--delete', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sites.apicategories; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = |
| convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.delete(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiResponseWrapper); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--get', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sites.apicategories; |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.get(arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--list', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sites.apicategories; |
| var arg_parent = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json |
| .encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.list(arg_parent, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ListApiCategoriesResponse); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.test('method--patch', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).organizations.sites.apicategories; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData(); |
| var arg_name = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategoryData); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = |
| await res.patch(arg_request, arg_name, $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory( |
| response as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ApiCategory); |
| }); |
| }); |
| |
| unittest.group('resource-ProjectsResource', () { |
| unittest.test('method--provisionOrganization', () async { |
| var mock = HttpServerMock(); |
| var res = api.ApigeeApi(mock).projects; |
| var arg_request = buildGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest(); |
| var arg_project = 'foo'; |
| var arg_$fields = 'foo'; |
| mock.register(unittest.expectAsync2((http.BaseRequest req, json) { |
| var obj = api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest.fromJson( |
| json as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| checkGoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest( |
| obj as api.GoogleCloudApigeeV1ProvisionOrganizationRequest); |
| |
| var path = (req.url).path; |
| var pathOffset = 0; |
| core.int index; |
| core.String subPart; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 1), |
| unittest.equals("/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 1; |
| unittest.expect( |
| path.substring(pathOffset, pathOffset + 3), |
| unittest.equals("v1/"), |
| ); |
| pathOffset += 3; |
| // NOTE: We cannot test reserved expansions due to the inability to reverse the operation; |
| |
| var query = (req.url).query; |
| var queryOffset = 0; |
| var queryMap = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{}; |
| void addQueryParam(core.String n, core.String v) => |
| queryMap.putIfAbsent(n, () => []).add(v); |
| |
| if (query.isNotEmpty) { |
| for (var part in query.split('&')) { |
| var keyValue = part.split('='); |
| addQueryParam( |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[0]), |
| core.Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValue[1]), |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| unittest.expect( |
| queryMap["fields"]!.first, |
| unittest.equals(arg_$fields), |
| ); |
| |
| var h = { |
| 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', |
| }; |
| var resp = convert.json.encode(buildGoogleLongrunningOperation()); |
| return async.Future.value(stringResponse(200, h, resp)); |
| }), true); |
| final response = await res.provisionOrganization(arg_request, arg_project, |
| $fields: arg_$fields); |
| checkGoogleLongrunningOperation( |
| response as api.GoogleLongrunningOperation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |