blob: 90c5a36c4cc40e7d3f173602c5f1bed804f6880d [file] [log] [blame]
// This is a generated file (see the discoveryapis_generator project).
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types
// ignore_for_file: comment_references
// ignore_for_file: file_names
// ignore_for_file: library_names
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: prefer_expression_function_bodies
// ignore_for_file: prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_lambdas
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_string_interpolations
/// On-Demand Scanning API - v1beta1
/// A service to scan container images for vulnerabilities.
/// For more information, see
/// <>
/// Create an instance of [OnDemandScanningApi] to access these resources:
/// - [ProjectsResource]
/// - [ProjectsLocationsResource]
/// - [ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource]
/// - [ProjectsLocationsScansResource]
/// - [ProjectsLocationsScansVulnerabilitiesResource]
library ondemandscanning.v1beta1;
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'dart:core' as core;
import 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart' as commons;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../src/user_agent.dart';
export 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart'
show ApiRequestError, DetailedApiRequestError;
/// A service to scan container images for vulnerabilities.
class OnDemandScanningApi {
/// See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud Platform data
static const cloudPlatformScope =
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ProjectsResource get projects => ProjectsResource(_requester);
OnDemandScanningApi(http.Client client,
{core.String rootUrl = '',
core.String servicePath = ''})
: _requester =
commons.ApiRequester(client, rootUrl, servicePath, requestHeaders);
class ProjectsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ProjectsLocationsResource get locations =>
ProjectsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
class ProjectsLocationsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource get operations =>
ProjectsLocationsScansResource get scans =>
ProjectsLocationsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client;
class ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource(commons.ApiRequester client)
: _requester = client;
/// Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation.
/// The server makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
/// guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
/// `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use Operations.GetOperation
/// or other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether
/// the operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
/// the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with an
/// Operation.error value with a google.rpc.Status.code of 1, corresponding to
/// `Code.CANCELLED`.
/// Request parameters:
/// [name] - The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/operations/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Empty].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Empty> cancel(
core.String name, {
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1beta1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name') + ':cancel';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Empty.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Deletes a long-running operation.
/// This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the
/// operation result. It does not cancel the operation. If the server doesn't
/// support this method, it returns `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`.
/// Request parameters:
/// [name] - The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/operations/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Empty].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Empty> delete(
core.String name, {
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1beta1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name');
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Empty.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
/// Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as
/// recommended by the API service.
/// Request parameters:
/// [name] - The name of the operation resource.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/operations/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Operation].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Operation> get(
core.String name, {
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1beta1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name');
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Operation.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.
/// If the server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
/// NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding to
/// use different resource name schemes, such as `users / * /operations`. To
/// override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
/// `"/v1/{name=users / * }/operations"` to their service configuration. For
/// backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
/// collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding is
/// the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
/// Request parameters:
/// [name] - The name of the operation's parent resource.
/// Value must have pattern `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [filter] - The standard list filter.
/// [pageSize] - The standard list page size.
/// [pageToken] - The standard list page token.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [ListOperationsResponse].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ListOperationsResponse> list(
core.String name, {
core.String? filter, pageSize,
core.String? pageToken,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (filter != null) 'filter': [filter],
if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'],
if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken],
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1beta1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name') + '/operations';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return ListOperationsResponse.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at
/// most a specified timeout, returning the latest state.
/// If the operation is already done, the latest state is immediately
/// returned. If the timeout specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC
/// timeout, the HTTP/RPC timeout is used. If the server does not support this
/// method, it returns `google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Note that this method
/// is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest state before the
/// specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an immediate
/// response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
/// Request parameters:
/// [name] - The name of the operation resource to wait on.
/// Value must have pattern
/// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/operations/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [timeout] - The maximum duration to wait before timing out. If left blank,
/// the wait will be at most the time permitted by the underlying HTTP/RPC
/// protocol. If RPC context deadline is also specified, the shorter one will
/// be used.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Operation].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Operation> wait(
core.String name, {
core.String? timeout,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (timeout != null) 'timeout': [timeout],
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url = 'v1beta1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name') + ':wait';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Operation.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class ProjectsLocationsScansResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ProjectsLocationsScansVulnerabilitiesResource get vulnerabilities =>
ProjectsLocationsScansResource(commons.ApiRequester client)
: _requester = client;
/// Initiates an analysis of the provided packages.
/// [request] - The metadata request object.
/// Request parameters:
/// [parent] - Required. The parent of the resource for which analysis is
/// requested. Format: projects/\[project_name\]/locations/\[location\]
/// Value must have pattern `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [Operation].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<Operation> analyzePackages(
AnalyzePackagesRequest request,
core.String parent, {
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson());
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url =
'v1beta1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$parent') + '/scans:analyzePackages';
final _response = await _requester.request(
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
return Operation.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
class ProjectsLocationsScansVulnerabilitiesResource {
final commons.ApiRequester _requester;
ProjectsLocationsScansVulnerabilitiesResource(commons.ApiRequester client)
: _requester = client;
/// Lists vulnerabilities resulting from a successfully completed scan.
/// Request parameters:
/// [parent] - Required. The parent of the collection of Vulnerabilities being
/// requested. Format:
/// projects/\[project_name\]/locations/\[location\]/scans/\[scan_id\]
/// Value must have pattern
/// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/scans/\[^/\]+$`.
/// [pageSize] - The number of vulnerabilities to retrieve.
/// [pageToken] - The page token, resulting from a previous call to
/// ListVulnerabilities.
/// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
/// response.
/// Completes with a [ListVulnerabilitiesResponse].
/// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
/// error.
/// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
/// this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ListVulnerabilitiesResponse> list(
core.String parent, { pageSize,
core.String? pageToken,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'],
if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken],
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
final _url =
'v1beta1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$parent') + '/vulnerabilities';
final _response = await _requester.request(
queryParams: _queryParams,
return ListVulnerabilitiesResponse.fromJson(
_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
/// An alias to a repo revision.
class AliasContext {
/// The alias kind.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "KIND_UNSPECIFIED" : Unknown.
/// - "FIXED" : Git tag.
/// - "MOVABLE" : Git branch.
/// - "OTHER" : Used to specify non-standard aliases. For example, if a Git
/// repo has a ref named "refs/foo/bar".
core.String? kind;
/// The alias name.
core.String? name;
AliasContext.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (kind != null) 'kind': kind!,
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
/// AnalyzePackagesMetadata contains metadata for an active scan of a container
/// image.
class AnalyzePackagesMetadata {
/// When the scan was created.
core.String? createTime;
/// The resource URI of the container image being scanned.
core.String? resourceUri;
AnalyzePackagesMetadata.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('createTime')) {
createTime = _json['createTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceUri')) {
resourceUri = _json['resourceUri'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (createTime != null) 'createTime': createTime!,
if (resourceUri != null) 'resourceUri': resourceUri!,
/// AnalyzePackagesMetadata contains metadata for an active scan of a container
/// image.
class AnalyzePackagesMetadataV1 {
/// When the scan was created.
core.String? createTime;
/// The resource URI of the container image being scanned.
core.String? resourceUri;
AnalyzePackagesMetadataV1.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('createTime')) {
createTime = _json['createTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceUri')) {
resourceUri = _json['resourceUri'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (createTime != null) 'createTime': createTime!,
if (resourceUri != null) 'resourceUri': resourceUri!,
/// AnalyzePackagesRequest is the request to analyze a list of packages and
/// create Vulnerability Occurrences for it.
class AnalyzePackagesRequest {
/// The packages to analyze.
core.List<PackageData>? packages;
/// The resource URI of the container image being scanned.
/// Required.
core.String? resourceUri;
AnalyzePackagesRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('packages')) {
packages = (_json['packages'] as core.List)
.map<PackageData>((value) => PackageData.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('resourceUri')) {
resourceUri = _json['resourceUri'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (packages != null)
'packages': packages!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (resourceUri != null) 'resourceUri': resourceUri!,
/// AnalyzePackagesResponse contains the information necessary to find results
/// for the given scan.
class AnalyzePackagesResponse {
/// The name of the scan resource created by this successful scan.
core.String? scan;
AnalyzePackagesResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('scan')) {
scan = _json['scan'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (scan != null) 'scan': scan!,
/// AnalyzePackagesResponse contains the information necessary to find results
/// for the given scan.
class AnalyzePackagesResponseV1 {
/// The name of the scan resource created by this successful scan.
core.String? scan;
AnalyzePackagesResponseV1.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('scan')) {
scan = _json['scan'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (scan != null) 'scan': scan!,
/// Artifact describes a build product.
class Artifact {
/// Hash or checksum value of a binary, or Docker Registry 2.0 digest of a
/// container.
core.String? checksum;
/// Artifact ID, if any; for container images, this will be a URL by digest
/// like ``.
core.String? id;
/// Related artifact names.
/// This may be the path to a binary or jar file, or in the case of a
/// container build, the name used to push the container image to Google
/// Container Registry, as presented to `docker push`. Note that a single
/// Artifact ID can have multiple names, for example if two tags are applied
/// to one image.
core.List<core.String>? names;
Artifact.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('checksum')) {
checksum = _json['checksum'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('names')) {
names = (_json['names'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (checksum != null) 'checksum': checksum!,
if (id != null) 'id': id!,
if (names != null) 'names': names!,
/// Occurrence that represents a single "attestation".
/// The authenticity of an attestation can be verified using the attached
/// signature. If the verifier trusts the public key of the signer, then
/// verifying the signature is sufficient to establish trust. In this
/// circumstance, the authority to which this attestation is attached is
/// primarily useful for lookup (how to find this attestation if you already
/// know the authority and artifact to be verified) and intent (for which
/// authority this attestation was intended to sign.
class AttestationOccurrence {
/// One or more JWTs encoding a self-contained attestation.
/// Each JWT encodes the payload that it verifies within the JWT itself.
/// Verifier implementation SHOULD ignore the `serialized_payload` field when
/// verifying these JWTs. If only JWTs are present on this
/// AttestationOccurrence, then the `serialized_payload` SHOULD be left empty.
/// Each JWT SHOULD encode a claim specific to the `resource_uri` of this
/// Occurrence, but this is not validated by Grafeas metadata API
/// implementations. The JWT itself is opaque to Grafeas.
core.List<Jwt>? jwts;
/// The serialized payload that is verified by one or more `signatures`.
/// Required.
core.String? serializedPayload;
core.List<> get serializedPayloadAsBytes =>
set serializedPayloadAsBytes(core.List<> _bytes) {
serializedPayload =
convert.base64.encode(_bytes).replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('+', '-');
/// One or more signatures over `serialized_payload`.
/// Verifier implementations should consider this attestation message verified
/// if at least one `signature` verifies `serialized_payload`. See `Signature`
/// in common.proto for more details on signature structure and verification.
core.List<Signature>? signatures;
AttestationOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('jwts')) {
jwts = (_json['jwts'] as core.List)
.map<Jwt>((value) =>
Jwt.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('serializedPayload')) {
serializedPayload = _json['serializedPayload'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('signatures')) {
signatures = (_json['signatures'] as core.List)
.map<Signature>((value) =>
Signature.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (jwts != null) 'jwts': jwts!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (serializedPayload != null) 'serializedPayload': serializedPayload!,
if (signatures != null)
'signatures': signatures!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
/// Details of a build occurrence.
class BuildOccurrence {
/// The actual provenance for the build.
/// Required.
BuildProvenance? provenance;
/// Serialized JSON representation of the provenance, used in generating the
/// build signature in the corresponding build note.
/// After verifying the signature, `provenance_bytes` can be unmarshalled and
/// compared to the provenance to confirm that it is unchanged. A
/// base64-encoded string representation of the provenance bytes is used for
/// the signature in order to interoperate with openssl which expects this
/// format for signature verification. The serialized form is captured both to
/// avoid ambiguity in how the provenance is marshalled to json as well to
/// prevent incompatibilities with future changes.
core.String? provenanceBytes;
BuildOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('provenance')) {
provenance = BuildProvenance.fromJson(
_json['provenance'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('provenanceBytes')) {
provenanceBytes = _json['provenanceBytes'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (provenance != null) 'provenance': provenance!.toJson(),
if (provenanceBytes != null) 'provenanceBytes': provenanceBytes!,
/// Provenance of a build.
/// Contains all information needed to verify the full details about the build
/// from source to completion.
class BuildProvenance {
/// Special options applied to this build.
/// This is a catch-all field where build providers can enter any desired
/// additional details.
core.Map<core.String, core.String>? buildOptions;
/// Version string of the builder at the time this build was executed.
core.String? builderVersion;
/// Output of the build.
core.List<Artifact>? builtArtifacts;
/// Commands requested by the build.
core.List<Command>? commands;
/// Time at which the build was created.
core.String? createTime;
/// E-mail address of the user who initiated this build.
/// Note that this was the user's e-mail address at the time the build was
/// initiated; this address may not represent the same end-user for all time.
core.String? creator;
/// Time at which execution of the build was finished.
core.String? endTime;
/// Unique identifier of the build.
/// Required.
core.String? id;
/// URI where any logs for this provenance were written.
core.String? logsUri;
/// ID of the project.
core.String? projectId;
/// Details of the Source input to the build.
Source? sourceProvenance;
/// Time at which execution of the build was started.
core.String? startTime;
/// Trigger identifier if the build was triggered automatically; empty if not.
core.String? triggerId;
BuildProvenance.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('buildOptions')) {
buildOptions =
(_json['buildOptions'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
if (_json.containsKey('builderVersion')) {
builderVersion = _json['builderVersion'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('builtArtifacts')) {
builtArtifacts = (_json['builtArtifacts'] as core.List)
.map<Artifact>((value) =>
Artifact.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('commands')) {
commands = (_json['commands'] as core.List)
.map<Command>((value) =>
Command.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('createTime')) {
createTime = _json['createTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('creator')) {
creator = _json['creator'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('endTime')) {
endTime = _json['endTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('logsUri')) {
logsUri = _json['logsUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('projectId')) {
projectId = _json['projectId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('sourceProvenance')) {
sourceProvenance = Source.fromJson(
_json['sourceProvenance'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('startTime')) {
startTime = _json['startTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('triggerId')) {
triggerId = _json['triggerId'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (buildOptions != null) 'buildOptions': buildOptions!,
if (builderVersion != null) 'builderVersion': builderVersion!,
if (builtArtifacts != null)
builtArtifacts!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (commands != null)
'commands': commands!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (createTime != null) 'createTime': createTime!,
if (creator != null) 'creator': creator!,
if (endTime != null) 'endTime': endTime!,
if (id != null) 'id': id!,
if (logsUri != null) 'logsUri': logsUri!,
if (projectId != null) 'projectId': projectId!,
if (sourceProvenance != null)
'sourceProvenance': sourceProvenance!.toJson(),
if (startTime != null) 'startTime': startTime!,
if (triggerId != null) 'triggerId': triggerId!,
/// The category to which the update belongs.
class Category {
/// The identifier of the category.
core.String? categoryId;
/// The localized name of the category.
core.String? name;
Category.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('categoryId')) {
categoryId = _json['categoryId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (categoryId != null) 'categoryId': categoryId!,
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
/// A CloudRepoSourceContext denotes a particular revision in a Google Cloud
/// Source Repo.
class CloudRepoSourceContext {
/// An alias, which may be a branch or tag.
AliasContext? aliasContext;
/// The ID of the repo.
RepoId? repoId;
/// A revision ID.
core.String? revisionId;
CloudRepoSourceContext.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('aliasContext')) {
aliasContext = AliasContext.fromJson(
_json['aliasContext'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('repoId')) {
repoId = RepoId.fromJson(
_json['repoId'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('revisionId')) {
revisionId = _json['revisionId'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (aliasContext != null) 'aliasContext': aliasContext!.toJson(),
if (repoId != null) 'repoId': repoId!.toJson(),
if (revisionId != null) 'revisionId': revisionId!,
/// Command describes a step performed as part of the build pipeline.
class Command {
/// Command-line arguments used when executing this command.
core.List<core.String>? args;
/// Working directory (relative to project source root) used when running this
/// command.
core.String? dir;
/// Environment variables set before running this command.
core.List<core.String>? env;
/// Optional unique identifier for this command, used in wait_for to reference
/// this command as a dependency.
core.String? id;
/// Name of the command, as presented on the command line, or if the command
/// is packaged as a Docker container, as presented to `docker pull`.
/// Required.
core.String? name;
/// The ID(s) of the command(s) that this command depends on.
core.List<core.String>? waitFor;
Command.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('args')) {
args = (_json['args'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('dir')) {
dir = _json['dir'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('env')) {
env = (_json['env'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('id')) {
id = _json['id'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('waitFor')) {
waitFor = (_json['waitFor'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (args != null) 'args': args!,
if (dir != null) 'dir': dir!,
if (env != null) 'env': env!,
if (id != null) 'id': id!,
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
if (waitFor != null) 'waitFor': waitFor!,
/// An indication that the compliance checks in the associated ComplianceNote
/// were not satisfied for particular resources or a specified reason.
class ComplianceOccurrence {
core.String? nonComplianceReason;
core.List<NonCompliantFile>? nonCompliantFiles;
ComplianceOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('nonComplianceReason')) {
nonComplianceReason = _json['nonComplianceReason'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('nonCompliantFiles')) {
nonCompliantFiles = (_json['nonCompliantFiles'] as core.List)
.map<NonCompliantFile>((value) => NonCompliantFile.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (nonComplianceReason != null)
'nonComplianceReason': nonComplianceReason!,
if (nonCompliantFiles != null)
nonCompliantFiles!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
/// The period during which some deployable was active in a runtime.
class DeploymentOccurrence {
/// Address of the runtime element hosting this deployment.
core.String? address;
/// Configuration used to create this deployment.
core.String? config;
/// Beginning of the lifetime of this deployment.
/// Required.
core.String? deployTime;
/// Platform hosting this deployment.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "GKE" : Google Container Engine.
/// - "FLEX" : Google App Engine: Flexible Environment.
/// - "CUSTOM" : Custom user-defined platform.
core.String? platform;
/// Resource URI for the artifact being deployed taken from the deployable
/// field with the same name.
/// Output only.
core.List<core.String>? resourceUri;
/// End of the lifetime of this deployment.
core.String? undeployTime;
/// Identity of the user that triggered this deployment.
core.String? userEmail;
DeploymentOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('address')) {
address = _json['address'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('config')) {
config = _json['config'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('deployTime')) {
deployTime = _json['deployTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('platform')) {
platform = _json['platform'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceUri')) {
resourceUri = (_json['resourceUri'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('undeployTime')) {
undeployTime = _json['undeployTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('userEmail')) {
userEmail = _json['userEmail'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (address != null) 'address': address!,
if (config != null) 'config': config!,
if (deployTime != null) 'deployTime': deployTime!,
if (platform != null) 'platform': platform!,
if (resourceUri != null) 'resourceUri': resourceUri!,
if (undeployTime != null) 'undeployTime': undeployTime!,
if (userEmail != null) 'userEmail': userEmail!,
/// Provides information about the analysis status of a discovered resource.
class DiscoveryOccurrence {
/// The status of discovery for the resource.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "PENDING" : Resource is known but no action has been taken yet.
/// - "SCANNING" : Resource is being analyzed.
/// - "FINISHED_SUCCESS" : Analysis has finished successfully.
/// - "FINISHED_FAILED" : Analysis has finished unsuccessfully, the analysis
/// itself is in a bad state.
/// - "FINISHED_UNSUPPORTED" : The resource is known not to be supported
core.String? analysisStatus;
/// When an error is encountered this will contain a LocalizedMessage under
/// details to show to the user.
/// The LocalizedMessage is output only and populated by the API.
Status? analysisStatusError;
/// Whether the resource is continuously analyzed.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "ACTIVE" : The resource is continuously analyzed.
/// - "INACTIVE" : The resource is ignored for continuous analysis.
core.String? continuousAnalysis;
/// The CPE of the resource being scanned.
core.String? cpe;
/// The last time this resource was scanned.
core.String? lastScanTime;
DiscoveryOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('analysisStatus')) {
analysisStatus = _json['analysisStatus'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('analysisStatusError')) {
analysisStatusError = Status.fromJson(
_json['analysisStatusError'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('continuousAnalysis')) {
continuousAnalysis = _json['continuousAnalysis'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('cpe')) {
cpe = _json['cpe'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('lastScanTime')) {
lastScanTime = _json['lastScanTime'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (analysisStatus != null) 'analysisStatus': analysisStatus!,
if (analysisStatusError != null)
'analysisStatusError': analysisStatusError!.toJson(),
if (continuousAnalysis != null)
'continuousAnalysis': continuousAnalysis!,
if (cpe != null) 'cpe': cpe!,
if (lastScanTime != null) 'lastScanTime': lastScanTime!,
/// A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
/// empty messages in your APIs.
/// A typical example is to use it as the request or the response type of an API
/// method. For instance: service Foo { rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns
/// (google.protobuf.Empty); } The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON
/// object `{}`.
class Empty {
// ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
core.Map _json);
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {};
/// Container message for hashes of byte content of files, used in source
/// messages to verify integrity of source input to the build.
class FileHashes {
/// Collection of file hashes.
/// Required.
core.List<Hash>? fileHash;
FileHashes.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('fileHash')) {
fileHash = (_json['fileHash'] as core.List)
.map<Hash>((value) =>
Hash.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (fileHash != null)
'fileHash': fileHash!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
/// A set of properties that uniquely identify a given Docker image.
class Fingerprint {
/// The layer ID of the final layer in the Docker image's v1 representation.
/// Required.
core.String? v1Name;
/// The ordered list of v2 blobs that represent a given image.
/// Required.
core.List<core.String>? v2Blob;
/// The name of the image's v2 blobs computed via: \[bottom\] := v2_blobbottom
/// := sha256(v2_blob\[N\] + " " + v2_name\[N+1\]) Only the name of the final
/// blob is kept.
/// Output only.
core.String? v2Name;
Fingerprint.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('v1Name')) {
v1Name = _json['v1Name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('v2Blob')) {
v2Blob = (_json['v2Blob'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('v2Name')) {
v2Name = _json['v2Name'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (v1Name != null) 'v1Name': v1Name!,
if (v2Blob != null) 'v2Blob': v2Blob!,
if (v2Name != null) 'v2Name': v2Name!,
/// A SourceContext referring to a Gerrit project.
class GerritSourceContext {
/// An alias, which may be a branch or tag.
AliasContext? aliasContext;
/// The full project name within the host.
/// Projects may be nested, so "project/subproject" is a valid project name.
/// The "repo name" is the hostURI/project.
core.String? gerritProject;
/// The URI of a running Gerrit instance.
core.String? hostUri;
/// A revision (commit) ID.
core.String? revisionId;
GerritSourceContext.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('aliasContext')) {
aliasContext = AliasContext.fromJson(
_json['aliasContext'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('gerritProject')) {
gerritProject = _json['gerritProject'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('hostUri')) {
hostUri = _json['hostUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('revisionId')) {
revisionId = _json['revisionId'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (aliasContext != null) 'aliasContext': aliasContext!.toJson(),
if (gerritProject != null) 'gerritProject': gerritProject!,
if (hostUri != null) 'hostUri': hostUri!,
if (revisionId != null) 'revisionId': revisionId!,
/// A GitSourceContext denotes a particular revision in a third party Git
/// repository (e.g., GitHub).
class GitSourceContext {
/// Git commit hash.
core.String? revisionId;
/// Git repository URL.
core.String? url;
GitSourceContext.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('revisionId')) {
revisionId = _json['revisionId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('url')) {
url = _json['url'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (revisionId != null) 'revisionId': revisionId!,
if (url != null) 'url': url!,
/// Container message for hash values.
class Hash {
/// The type of hash that was performed, e.g. "SHA-256".
/// Required.
core.String? type;
/// The hash value.
/// Required.
core.String? value;
core.List<> get valueAsBytes => convert.base64.decode(value!);
set valueAsBytes(core.List<> _bytes) {
value =
convert.base64.encode(_bytes).replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('+', '-');
Hash.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('value')) {
value = _json['value'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (type != null) 'type': type!,
if (value != null) 'value': value!,
/// The unique identifier of the update.
class Identity {
/// The revision number of the update. revision;
/// The revision independent identifier of the update.
core.String? updateId;
Identity.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('revision')) {
revision = _json['revision'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('updateId')) {
updateId = _json['updateId'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (revision != null) 'revision': revision!,
if (updateId != null) 'updateId': updateId!,
/// Details of the derived image portion of the DockerImage relationship.
/// This image would be produced from a Dockerfile with FROM .
class ImageOccurrence {
/// This contains the base image URL for the derived image occurrence.
/// Output only.
core.String? baseResourceUrl;
/// The number of layers by which this image differs from the associated image
/// basis.
/// Output only. distance;
/// The fingerprint of the derived image.
/// Required.
Fingerprint? fingerprint;
/// This contains layer-specific metadata, if populated it has length
/// "distance" and is ordered with \[distance\] being the layer immediately
/// following the base image and \[1\] being the final layer.
core.List<Layer>? layerInfo;
ImageOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('baseResourceUrl')) {
baseResourceUrl = _json['baseResourceUrl'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('distance')) {
distance = _json['distance'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('fingerprint')) {
fingerprint = Fingerprint.fromJson(
_json['fingerprint'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('layerInfo')) {
layerInfo = (_json['layerInfo'] as core.List)
.map<Layer>((value) =>
Layer.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (baseResourceUrl != null) 'baseResourceUrl': baseResourceUrl!,
if (distance != null) 'distance': distance!,
if (fingerprint != null) 'fingerprint': fingerprint!.toJson(),
if (layerInfo != null)
'layerInfo': layerInfo!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
class Jwt {
/// The compact encoding of a JWS, which is always three base64 encoded
/// strings joined by periods.
/// For details, see:
core.String? compactJwt;
Jwt.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('compactJwt')) {
compactJwt = _json['compactJwt'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (compactJwt != null) 'compactJwt': compactJwt!,
/// Layer holds metadata specific to a layer of a Docker image.
class Layer {
/// The recovered arguments to the Dockerfile directive.
core.String? arguments;
/// The recovered Dockerfile directive used to construct this layer.
/// See for more
/// information.
/// Required.
core.String? directive;
Layer.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('arguments')) {
arguments = _json['arguments'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('directive')) {
directive = _json['directive'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (arguments != null) 'arguments': arguments!,
if (directive != null) 'directive': directive!,
/// The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
class ListOperationsResponse {
/// The standard List next-page token.
core.String? nextPageToken;
/// A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request.
core.List<Operation>? operations;
ListOperationsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('operations')) {
operations = (_json['operations'] as core.List)
.map<Operation>((value) =>
Operation.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (nextPageToken != null) 'nextPageToken': nextPageToken!,
if (operations != null)
'operations': operations!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
/// ListVulnerabilitiesResponse contains a single page of vulnerabilities
/// resulting from a scan.
class ListVulnerabilitiesResponse {
/// A page token that can be used in a subsequent call to ListVulnerabilities
/// to continue retrieving results.
core.String? nextPageToken;
/// The list of Vulnerability Occurrences resulting from a scan.
core.List<Occurrence>? occurrences;
ListVulnerabilitiesResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('nextPageToken')) {
nextPageToken = _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('occurrences')) {
occurrences = (_json['occurrences'] as core.List)
.map<Occurrence>((value) =>
Occurrence.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (nextPageToken != null) 'nextPageToken': nextPageToken!,
if (occurrences != null)
'occurrences': occurrences!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
/// An occurrence of a particular package installation found within a system's
/// filesystem.
/// E.g., glibc was found in `/var/lib/dpkg/status`.
class Location {
/// The CPE URI in [CPE format]( denoting
/// the package manager version distributing a package.
/// Required.
core.String? cpeUri;
/// The path from which we gathered that this package/version is installed.
core.String? path;
/// The version installed at this location.
Version? version;
Location.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('cpeUri')) {
cpeUri = _json['cpeUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('path')) {
path = _json['path'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('version')) {
version = Version.fromJson(
_json['version'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (cpeUri != null) 'cpeUri': cpeUri!,
if (path != null) 'path': path!,
if (version != null) 'version': version!.toJson(),
/// Details about files that caused a compliance check to fail.
class NonCompliantFile {
/// Command to display the non-compliant files.
core.String? displayCommand;
/// display_command is a single command that can be used to display a list of
/// non compliant files.
/// When there is no such command, we can also iterate a list of non compliant
/// file using 'path'. Empty if `display_command` is set.
core.String? path;
/// Explains why a file is non compliant for a CIS check.
core.String? reason;
NonCompliantFile.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('displayCommand')) {
displayCommand = _json['displayCommand'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('path')) {
path = _json['path'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('reason')) {
reason = _json['reason'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (displayCommand != null) 'displayCommand': displayCommand!,
if (path != null) 'path': path!,
if (reason != null) 'reason': reason!,
/// An instance of an analysis type that has been found on a resource.
class Occurrence {
/// Describes an attestation of an artifact.
AttestationOccurrence? attestation;
/// Describes a verifiable build.
BuildOccurrence? build;
/// Describes a compliance violation on a linked resource.
ComplianceOccurrence? compliance;
/// The time this occurrence was created.
/// Output only.
core.String? createTime;
/// Describes the deployment of an artifact on a runtime.
DeploymentOccurrence? deployment;
/// Describes when a resource was discovered.
DiscoveryOccurrence? discovery;
/// Describes how this resource derives from the basis in the associated note.
ImageOccurrence? image;
/// This explicitly denotes which of the occurrence details are specified.
/// This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
/// Output only.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "NOTE_KIND_UNSPECIFIED" : Default value. This value is unused.
/// - "VULNERABILITY" : The note and occurrence represent a package
/// vulnerability.
/// - "BUILD" : The note and occurrence assert build provenance.
/// - "IMAGE" : This represents an image basis relationship.
/// - "PACKAGE" : This represents a package installed via a package manager.
/// - "DEPLOYMENT" : The note and occurrence track deployment events.
/// - "DISCOVERY" : The note and occurrence track the initial discovery status
/// of a resource.
/// - "ATTESTATION" : This represents a logical "role" that can attest to
/// artifacts.
/// - "UPGRADE" : This represents an available package upgrade.
/// - "COMPLIANCE" : This represents a Compliance Note
core.String? kind;
/// The name of the occurrence in the form of
/// `projects/[PROJECT_ID]/occurrences/[OCCURRENCE_ID]`.
/// Output only.
core.String? name;
/// The analysis note associated with this occurrence, in the form of
/// `projects/[PROVIDER_ID]/notes/[NOTE_ID]`.
/// This field can be used as a filter in list requests.
/// Required. Immutable.
core.String? noteName;
/// Describes the installation of a package on the linked resource.
PackageOccurrence? package;
/// A description of actions that can be taken to remedy the note.
core.String? remediation;
/// A URI that represents the resource for which the occurrence applies.
/// For example, `` for a Docker
/// image.
/// Required. Immutable.
core.String? resourceUri;
/// The time this occurrence was last updated.
/// Output only.
core.String? updateTime;
/// Describes an available package upgrade on the linked resource.
UpgradeOccurrence? upgrade;
/// Describes a security vulnerability.
VulnerabilityOccurrence? vulnerability;
Occurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('attestation')) {
attestation = AttestationOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['attestation'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('build')) {
build = BuildOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['build'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('compliance')) {
compliance = ComplianceOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['compliance'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('createTime')) {
createTime = _json['createTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('deployment')) {
deployment = DeploymentOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['deployment'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('discovery')) {
discovery = DiscoveryOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['discovery'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('image')) {
image = ImageOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['image'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('noteName')) {
noteName = _json['noteName'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('package')) {
package = PackageOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['package'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('remediation')) {
remediation = _json['remediation'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('resourceUri')) {
resourceUri = _json['resourceUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('updateTime')) {
updateTime = _json['updateTime'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('upgrade')) {
upgrade = UpgradeOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['upgrade'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('vulnerability')) {
vulnerability = VulnerabilityOccurrence.fromJson(
_json['vulnerability'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (attestation != null) 'attestation': attestation!.toJson(),
if (build != null) 'build': build!.toJson(),
if (compliance != null) 'compliance': compliance!.toJson(),
if (createTime != null) 'createTime': createTime!,
if (deployment != null) 'deployment': deployment!.toJson(),
if (discovery != null) 'discovery': discovery!.toJson(),
if (image != null) 'image': image!.toJson(),
if (kind != null) 'kind': kind!,
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
if (noteName != null) 'noteName': noteName!,
if (package != null) 'package': package!.toJson(),
if (remediation != null) 'remediation': remediation!,
if (resourceUri != null) 'resourceUri': resourceUri!,
if (updateTime != null) 'updateTime': updateTime!,
if (upgrade != null) 'upgrade': upgrade!.toJson(),
if (vulnerability != null) 'vulnerability': vulnerability!.toJson(),
/// This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a
/// network API call.
class Operation {
/// If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress.
/// If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or `response` is
/// available.
core.bool? done;
/// The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
Status? error;
/// Service-specific metadata associated with the operation.
/// It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as
/// create time. Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method
/// that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type,
/// if any.
/// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`,
/// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values.
core.Map<core.String, core.Object>? metadata;
/// The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service
/// that originally returns it.
/// If you use the default HTTP mapping, the `name` should be a resource name
/// ending with `operations/{unique_id}`.
core.String? name;
/// The normal response of the operation in case of success.
/// If the original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the
/// response is `google.protobuf.Empty`. If the original method is standard
/// `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource. For other
/// methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is
/// the original method name. For example, if the original method name is
/// `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`.
/// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`,
/// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values.
core.Map<core.String, core.Object>? response;
Operation.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('done')) {
done = _json['done'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('error')) {
error = Status.fromJson(
_json['error'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('metadata')) {
metadata = (_json['metadata'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.Object,
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('response')) {
response = (_json['response'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.Object,
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (done != null) 'done': done!,
if (error != null) 'error': error!.toJson(),
if (metadata != null) 'metadata': metadata!,
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
if (response != null) 'response': response!,
class PackageData {
/// The cpe_uri in [cpe format]( in which
/// the vulnerability may manifest.
/// Examples include distro or storage location for vulnerable jar.
core.String? cpeUri;
/// The OS affected by a vulnerability This field is deprecated and the
/// information is in cpe_uri
core.String? os;
/// The version of the OS This field is deprecated and the information is in
/// cpe_uri
core.String? osVersion;
/// The package being analysed for vulnerabilities
core.String? package;
/// The type of package: os, maven, go, etc.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "OS" : Operating System
/// - "MAVEN"
/// - "GO"
core.String? packageType;
core.String? unused;
/// The version of the package being analysed
core.String? version;
PackageData.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('cpeUri')) {
cpeUri = _json['cpeUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('os')) {
os = _json['os'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('osVersion')) {
osVersion = _json['osVersion'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('package')) {
package = _json['package'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('packageType')) {
packageType = _json['packageType'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('unused')) {
unused = _json['unused'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('version')) {
version = _json['version'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (cpeUri != null) 'cpeUri': cpeUri!,
if (os != null) 'os': os!,
if (osVersion != null) 'osVersion': osVersion!,
if (package != null) 'package': package!,
if (packageType != null) 'packageType': packageType!,
if (unused != null) 'unused': unused!,
if (version != null) 'version': version!,
/// A detail for a distro and package this vulnerability occurrence was found in
/// and its associated fix (if one is available).
class PackageIssue {
/// The [CPE URI]( this vulnerability was
/// found in.
/// Required.
core.String? affectedCpeUri;
/// The package this vulnerability was found in.
/// Required.
core.String? affectedPackage;
/// The version of the package that is installed on the resource affected by
/// this vulnerability.
/// Required.
Version? affectedVersion;
/// Whether a fix is available for this package.
/// Output only.
core.bool? fixAvailable;
/// The [CPE URI]( this vulnerability was
/// fixed in.
/// It is possible for this to be different from the affected_cpe_uri.
core.String? fixedCpeUri;
/// The package this vulnerability was fixed in.
/// It is possible for this to be different from the affected_package.
core.String? fixedPackage;
/// The version of the package this vulnerability was fixed in.
/// Setting this to VersionKind.MAXIMUM means no fix is yet available.
/// Required.
Version? fixedVersion;
PackageIssue.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('affectedCpeUri')) {
affectedCpeUri = _json['affectedCpeUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('affectedPackage')) {
affectedPackage = _json['affectedPackage'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('affectedVersion')) {
affectedVersion = Version.fromJson(
_json['affectedVersion'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('fixAvailable')) {
fixAvailable = _json['fixAvailable'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('fixedCpeUri')) {
fixedCpeUri = _json['fixedCpeUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('fixedPackage')) {
fixedPackage = _json['fixedPackage'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('fixedVersion')) {
fixedVersion = Version.fromJson(
_json['fixedVersion'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (affectedCpeUri != null) 'affectedCpeUri': affectedCpeUri!,
if (affectedPackage != null) 'affectedPackage': affectedPackage!,
if (affectedVersion != null)
'affectedVersion': affectedVersion!.toJson(),
if (fixAvailable != null) 'fixAvailable': fixAvailable!,
if (fixedCpeUri != null) 'fixedCpeUri': fixedCpeUri!,
if (fixedPackage != null) 'fixedPackage': fixedPackage!,
if (fixedVersion != null) 'fixedVersion': fixedVersion!.toJson(),
/// Details on how a particular software package was installed on a system.
class PackageOccurrence {
/// All of the places within the filesystem versions of this package have been
/// found.
/// Required.
core.List<Location>? location;
/// The name of the installed package.
/// Output only.
core.String? name;
PackageOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('location')) {
location = (_json['location'] as core.List)
.map<Location>((value) =>
Location.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (location != null)
'location': location!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
/// Selects a repo using a Google Cloud Platform project ID (e.g.,
/// winged-cargo-31) and a repo name within that project.
class ProjectRepoId {
/// The ID of the project.
core.String? projectId;
/// The name of the repo.
/// Leave empty for the default repo.
core.String? repoName;
ProjectRepoId.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('projectId')) {
projectId = _json['projectId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('repoName')) {
repoName = _json['repoName'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (projectId != null) 'projectId': projectId!,
if (repoName != null) 'repoName': repoName!,
/// Metadata for any related URL information.
class RelatedUrl {
/// Label to describe usage of the URL.
core.String? label;
/// Specific URL associated with the resource.
core.String? url;
RelatedUrl.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('label')) {
label = _json['label'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('url')) {
url = _json['url'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (label != null) 'label': label!,
if (url != null) 'url': url!,
/// A unique identifier for a Cloud Repo.
class RepoId {
/// A combination of a project ID and a repo name.
ProjectRepoId? projectRepoId;
/// A server-assigned, globally unique identifier.
core.String? uid;
RepoId.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('projectRepoId')) {
projectRepoId = ProjectRepoId.fromJson(
_json['projectRepoId'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('uid')) {
uid = _json['uid'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (projectRepoId != null) 'projectRepoId': projectRepoId!.toJson(),
if (uid != null) 'uid': uid!,
/// Verifiers (e.g. Kritis implementations) MUST verify signatures with respect
/// to the trust anchors defined in policy (e.g. a Kritis policy).
/// Typically this means that the verifier has been configured with a map from
/// `public_key_id` to public key material (and any required parameters, e.g.
/// signing algorithm). In particular, verification implementations MUST NOT
/// treat the signature `public_key_id` as anything more than a key lookup hint.
/// The `public_key_id` DOES NOT validate or authenticate a public key; it only
/// provides a mechanism for quickly selecting a public key ALREADY CONFIGURED
/// on the verifier through a trusted channel. Verification implementations MUST
/// reject signatures in any of the following circumstances: * The
/// `public_key_id` is not recognized by the verifier. * The public key that
/// `public_key_id` refers to does not verify the signature with respect to the
/// payload. The `signature` contents SHOULD NOT be "attached" (where the
/// payload is included with the serialized `signature` bytes). Verifiers MUST
/// ignore any "attached" payload and only verify signatures with respect to
/// explicitly provided payload (e.g. a `payload` field on the proto message
/// that holds this Signature, or the canonical serialization of the proto
/// message that holds this signature).
class Signature {
/// The identifier for the public key that verifies this signature.
/// * The `public_key_id` is required. * The `public_key_id` SHOULD be an
/// RFC3986 conformant URI. * When possible, the `public_key_id` SHOULD be an
/// immutable reference, such as a cryptographic digest. Examples of valid
/// `public_key_id`s: OpenPGP V4 public key fingerprint: *
/// "openpgp4fpr:74FAF3B861BDA0870C7B6DEF607E48D2A663AEEA" See
/// for more
/// details on this scheme. RFC6920 digest-named SubjectPublicKeyInfo (digest
/// of the DER serialization): *
/// "ni:///sha-256;cD9o9Cq6LG3jD0iKXqEi_vdjJGecm_iXkbqVoScViaU" *
/// "nih:///sha-256;703f68f42aba2c6de30f488a5ea122fef76324679c9bf89791ba95a1271589a5"
core.String? publicKeyId;
/// The content of the signature, an opaque bytestring.
/// The payload that this signature verifies MUST be unambiguously provided
/// with the Signature during verification. A wrapper message might provide
/// the payload explicitly. Alternatively, a message might have a canonical
/// serialization that can always be unambiguously computed to derive the
/// payload.
core.String? signature;
core.List<> get signatureAsBytes => convert.base64.decode(signature!);
set signatureAsBytes(core.List<> _bytes) {
signature =
convert.base64.encode(_bytes).replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('+', '-');
Signature.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('publicKeyId')) {
publicKeyId = _json['publicKeyId'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('signature')) {
signature = _json['signature'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (publicKeyId != null) 'publicKeyId': publicKeyId!,
if (signature != null) 'signature': signature!,
/// Source describes the location of the source used for the build.
class Source {
/// If provided, some of the source code used for the build may be found in
/// these locations, in the case where the source repository had multiple
/// remotes or submodules.
/// This list will not include the context specified in the context field.
core.List<SourceContext>? additionalContexts;
/// If provided, the input binary artifacts for the build came from this
/// location.
core.String? artifactStorageSourceUri;
/// If provided, the source code used for the build came from this location.
SourceContext? context;
/// Hash(es) of the build source, which can be used to verify that the
/// original source integrity was maintained in the build.
/// The keys to this map are file paths used as build source and the values
/// contain the hash values for those files. If the build source came in a
/// single package such as a gzipped tarfile (.tar.gz), the FileHash will be
/// for the single path to that file.
core.Map<core.String, FileHashes>? fileHashes;
Source.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('additionalContexts')) {
additionalContexts = (_json['additionalContexts'] as core.List)
.map<SourceContext>((value) => SourceContext.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('artifactStorageSourceUri')) {
artifactStorageSourceUri =
_json['artifactStorageSourceUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('context')) {
context = SourceContext.fromJson(
_json['context'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('fileHashes')) {
fileHashes =
(_json['fileHashes'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
FileHashes.fromJson(item as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>),
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (additionalContexts != null)
additionalContexts!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (artifactStorageSourceUri != null)
'artifactStorageSourceUri': artifactStorageSourceUri!,
if (context != null) 'context': context!.toJson(),
if (fileHashes != null)
fileHashes!.map((key, item) => core.MapEntry(key, item.toJson())),
/// A SourceContext is a reference to a tree of files.
/// A SourceContext together with a path point to a unique revision of a single
/// file or directory.
class SourceContext {
/// A SourceContext referring to a revision in a Google Cloud Source Repo.
CloudRepoSourceContext? cloudRepo;
/// A SourceContext referring to a Gerrit project.
GerritSourceContext? gerrit;
/// A SourceContext referring to any third party Git repo (e.g., GitHub).
GitSourceContext? git;
/// Labels with user defined metadata.
core.Map<core.String, core.String>? labels;
SourceContext.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('cloudRepo')) {
cloudRepo = CloudRepoSourceContext.fromJson(
_json['cloudRepo'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('gerrit')) {
gerrit = GerritSourceContext.fromJson(
_json['gerrit'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('git')) {
git = GitSourceContext.fromJson(
_json['git'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('labels')) {
labels = (_json['labels'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.String,
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (cloudRepo != null) 'cloudRepo': cloudRepo!.toJson(),
if (gerrit != null) 'gerrit': gerrit!.toJson(),
if (git != null) 'git': git!.toJson(),
if (labels != null) 'labels': labels!,
/// The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for
/// different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
/// It is used by [gRPC]( Each `Status` message
/// contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details.
/// You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the
/// [API Design Guide](
class Status {
/// The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code. code;
/// A list of messages that carry the error details.
/// There is a common set of message types for APIs to use.
/// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`,
/// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values.
core.List<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>>? details;
/// A developer-facing error message, which should be in English.
/// Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
/// google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
core.String? message;
Status.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('code')) {
code = _json['code'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('details')) {
details = (_json['details'] as core.List)
.map<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>>(
(value) => (value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map(
(key, item) => core.MapEntry(
item as core.Object,
if (_json.containsKey('message')) {
message = _json['message'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (code != null) 'code': code!,
if (details != null) 'details': details!,
if (message != null) 'message': message!,
/// The Upgrade Distribution represents metadata about the Upgrade for each
/// operating system (CPE).
/// Some distributions have additional metadata around updates, classifying them
/// into various categories and severities.
class UpgradeDistribution {
/// The operating system classification of this Upgrade, as specified by the
/// upstream operating system upgrade feed.
/// For Windows the classification is one of the category_ids listed at
core.String? classification;
/// Required - The specific operating system this metadata applies to.
/// See
core.String? cpeUri;
/// The cve tied to this Upgrade.
core.List<core.String>? cve;
/// The severity as specified by the upstream operating system.
core.String? severity;
UpgradeDistribution.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('classification')) {
classification = _json['classification'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('cpeUri')) {
cpeUri = _json['cpeUri'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('cve')) {
cve = (_json['cve'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('severity')) {
severity = _json['severity'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (classification != null) 'classification': classification!,
if (cpeUri != null) 'cpeUri': cpeUri!,
if (cve != null) 'cve': cve!,
if (severity != null) 'severity': severity!,
/// An Upgrade Occurrence represents that a specific resource_url could install
/// a specific upgrade.
/// This presence is supplied via local sources (i.e. it is present in the
/// mirror and the running system has noticed its availability). For Windows,
/// both distribution and windows_update contain information for the Windows
/// update.
class UpgradeOccurrence {
/// Metadata about the upgrade for available for the specific operating system
/// for the resource_url.
/// This allows efficient filtering, as well as making it easier to use the
/// occurrence.
UpgradeDistribution? distribution;
/// Required for non-Windows OS.
/// The package this Upgrade is for.
core.String? package;
/// Required for non-Windows OS.
/// The version of the package in a machine + human readable form.
Version? parsedVersion;
/// Required for Windows OS.
/// Represents the metadata about the Windows update.
WindowsUpdate? windowsUpdate;
UpgradeOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('distribution')) {
distribution = UpgradeDistribution.fromJson(
_json['distribution'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('package')) {
package = _json['package'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('parsedVersion')) {
parsedVersion = Version.fromJson(
_json['parsedVersion'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('windowsUpdate')) {
windowsUpdate = WindowsUpdate.fromJson(
_json['windowsUpdate'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (distribution != null) 'distribution': distribution!.toJson(),
if (package != null) 'package': package!,
if (parsedVersion != null) 'parsedVersion': parsedVersion!.toJson(),
if (windowsUpdate != null) 'windowsUpdate': windowsUpdate!.toJson(),
/// Version contains structured information about the version of a package.
class Version {
/// Used to correct mistakes in the version numbering scheme. epoch;
/// Human readable version string.
/// This string is of the form :- and is only set when kind is NORMAL.
core.String? fullName;
/// Whether this version is specifying part of an inclusive range.
/// Grafeas does not have the capability to specify version ranges; instead we
/// have fields that specify start version and end versions. At times this is
/// insufficient - we also need to specify whether the version is included in
/// the range or is excluded from the range. This boolean is expected to be
/// set to true when the version is included in a range.
core.bool? inclusive;
/// Distinguishes between sentinel MIN/MAX versions and normal versions.
/// Required.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "NORMAL" : A standard package version.
/// - "MINIMUM" : A special version representing negative infinity.
/// - "MAXIMUM" : A special version representing positive infinity.
core.String? kind;
/// Required only when version kind is NORMAL.
/// The main part of the version name.
core.String? name;
/// The iteration of the package build from the above version.
core.String? revision;
Version.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('epoch')) {
epoch = _json['epoch'] as;
if (_json.containsKey('fullName')) {
fullName = _json['fullName'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('inclusive')) {
inclusive = _json['inclusive'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('kind')) {
kind = _json['kind'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('name')) {
name = _json['name'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('revision')) {
revision = _json['revision'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (epoch != null) 'epoch': epoch!,
if (fullName != null) 'fullName': fullName!,
if (inclusive != null) 'inclusive': inclusive!,
if (kind != null) 'kind': kind!,
if (name != null) 'name': name!,
if (revision != null) 'revision': revision!,
/// An occurrence of a severity vulnerability on a resource.
class VulnerabilityOccurrence {
/// The CVSS score of this vulnerability.
/// CVSS score is on a scale of 0 - 10 where 0 indicates low severity and 10
/// indicates high severity.
/// Output only.
core.double? cvssScore;
/// The distro assigned severity for this vulnerability when it is available,
/// otherwise this is the note provider assigned severity.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "MINIMAL" : Minimal severity.
/// - "LOW" : Low severity.
/// - "MEDIUM" : Medium severity.
/// - "HIGH" : High severity.
/// - "CRITICAL" : Critical severity.
core.String? effectiveSeverity;
/// Whether at least one of the affected packages has a fix available.
/// Output only.
core.bool? fixAvailable;
/// A detailed description of this vulnerability.
/// Output only.
core.String? longDescription;
/// The set of affected locations and their fixes (if available) within the
/// associated resource.
/// Required.
core.List<PackageIssue>? packageIssue;
/// URLs related to this vulnerability.
/// Output only.
core.List<RelatedUrl>? relatedUrls;
/// The note provider assigned severity of this vulnerability.
/// Output only.
/// Possible string values are:
/// - "MINIMAL" : Minimal severity.
/// - "LOW" : Low severity.
/// - "MEDIUM" : Medium severity.
/// - "HIGH" : High severity.
/// - "CRITICAL" : Critical severity.
core.String? severity;
/// A one sentence description of this vulnerability.
/// Output only.
core.String? shortDescription;
/// The type of package; whether native or non native (e.g., ruby gems,
/// node.js packages, etc.).
core.String? type;
VulnerabilityOccurrence.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('cvssScore')) {
cvssScore = (_json['cvssScore'] as core.num).toDouble();
if (_json.containsKey('effectiveSeverity')) {
effectiveSeverity = _json['effectiveSeverity'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('fixAvailable')) {
fixAvailable = _json['fixAvailable'] as core.bool;
if (_json.containsKey('longDescription')) {
longDescription = _json['longDescription'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('packageIssue')) {
packageIssue = (_json['packageIssue'] as core.List)
.map<PackageIssue>((value) => PackageIssue.fromJson(
value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('relatedUrls')) {
relatedUrls = (_json['relatedUrls'] as core.List)
.map<RelatedUrl>((value) =>
RelatedUrl.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('severity')) {
severity = _json['severity'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('shortDescription')) {
shortDescription = _json['shortDescription'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('type')) {
type = _json['type'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (cvssScore != null) 'cvssScore': cvssScore!,
if (effectiveSeverity != null) 'effectiveSeverity': effectiveSeverity!,
if (fixAvailable != null) 'fixAvailable': fixAvailable!,
if (longDescription != null) 'longDescription': longDescription!,
if (packageIssue != null)
'packageIssue': packageIssue!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (relatedUrls != null)
'relatedUrls': relatedUrls!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (severity != null) 'severity': severity!,
if (shortDescription != null) 'shortDescription': shortDescription!,
if (type != null) 'type': type!,
/// Windows Update represents the metadata about the update for the Windows
/// operating system.
/// The fields in this message come from the Windows Update API documented at
class WindowsUpdate {
/// The list of categories to which the update belongs.
core.List<Category>? categories;
/// The localized description of the update.
core.String? description;
/// Required - The unique identifier for the update.
Identity? identity;
/// The Microsoft Knowledge Base article IDs that are associated with the
/// update.
core.List<core.String>? kbArticleIds;
/// The last published timestamp of the update.
core.String? lastPublishedTimestamp;
/// The hyperlink to the support information for the update.
core.String? supportUrl;
/// The localized title of the update.
core.String? title;
WindowsUpdate.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey('categories')) {
categories = (_json['categories'] as core.List)
.map<Category>((value) =>
Category.fromJson(value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>))
if (_json.containsKey('description')) {
description = _json['description'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('identity')) {
identity = Identity.fromJson(
_json['identity'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);
if (_json.containsKey('kbArticleIds')) {
kbArticleIds = (_json['kbArticleIds'] as core.List)
.map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String)
if (_json.containsKey('lastPublishedTimestamp')) {
lastPublishedTimestamp = _json['lastPublishedTimestamp'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('supportUrl')) {
supportUrl = _json['supportUrl'] as core.String;
if (_json.containsKey('title')) {
title = _json['title'] as core.String;
core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {
if (categories != null)
'categories': categories!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(),
if (description != null) 'description': description!,
if (identity != null) 'identity': identity!.toJson(),
if (kbArticleIds != null) 'kbArticleIds': kbArticleIds!,
if (lastPublishedTimestamp != null)
'lastPublishedTimestamp': lastPublishedTimestamp!,
if (supportUrl != null) 'supportUrl': supportUrl!,
if (title != null) 'title': title!,