| // This is a generated file (see the discoveryapis_generator project). |
| |
| // ignore_for_file: camel_case_types |
| // ignore_for_file: comment_references |
| // ignore_for_file: file_names |
| // ignore_for_file: library_names |
| // ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars |
| // ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_expression_function_bodies |
| // ignore_for_file: prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_lambdas |
| // ignore_for_file: unnecessary_string_interpolations |
| |
| /// Cloud Functions API - v1 |
| /// |
| /// Manages lightweight user-provided functions executed in response to events. |
| /// |
| /// For more information, see <https://cloud.google.com/functions> |
| /// |
| /// Create an instance of [CloudFunctionsApi] to access these resources: |
| /// |
| /// - [OperationsResource] |
| /// - [ProjectsResource] |
| /// - [ProjectsLocationsResource] |
| /// - [ProjectsLocationsFunctionsResource] |
| library cloudfunctions.v1; |
| |
| import 'dart:async' as async; |
| import 'dart:convert' as convert; |
| import 'dart:core' as core; |
| |
| import 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart' as commons; |
| import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; |
| |
| import '../src/user_agent.dart'; |
| |
| export 'package:_discoveryapis_commons/_discoveryapis_commons.dart' |
| show ApiRequestError, DetailedApiRequestError; |
| |
| /// Manages lightweight user-provided functions executed in response to events. |
| class CloudFunctionsApi { |
| /// See, edit, configure, and delete your Google Cloud data and see the email |
| /// address for your Google Account. |
| static const cloudPlatformScope = |
| 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform'; |
| |
| final commons.ApiRequester _requester; |
| |
| OperationsResource get operations => OperationsResource(_requester); |
| ProjectsResource get projects => ProjectsResource(_requester); |
| |
| CloudFunctionsApi(http.Client client, |
| {core.String rootUrl = 'https://cloudfunctions.googleapis.com/', |
| core.String servicePath = ''}) |
| : _requester = |
| commons.ApiRequester(client, rootUrl, servicePath, requestHeaders); |
| } |
| |
| class OperationsResource { |
| final commons.ApiRequester _requester; |
| |
| OperationsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client; |
| |
| /// Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. |
| /// |
| /// Clients can use this method to poll the operation result at intervals as |
| /// recommended by the API service. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [name] - The name of the operation resource. |
| /// Value must have pattern `^operations/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [Operation]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<Operation> get( |
| core.String name, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name'); |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'GET', |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return Operation.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. |
| /// |
| /// If the server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`. |
| /// NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding to |
| /// use different resource name schemes, such as `users / * /operations`. To |
| /// override the binding, API services can add a binding such as |
| /// `"/v1/{name=users / * }/operations"` to their service configuration. For |
| /// backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations |
| /// collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding is |
| /// the parent resource, without the operations collection id. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [filter] - Required. A filter for matching the requested operations. The |
| /// supported formats of *filter* are: To query for a specific function: |
| /// project:*,location:*,function:* To query for all of the latest operations |
| /// for a project: project:*,latest:true |
| /// |
| /// [name] - Must not be set. |
| /// |
| /// [pageSize] - The maximum number of records that should be returned. |
| /// Requested page size cannot exceed 100. If not set, the default page size |
| /// is 100. Pagination is only supported when querying for a specific |
| /// function. |
| /// |
| /// [pageToken] - Token identifying which result to start with, which is |
| /// returned by a previous list call. Pagination is only supported when |
| /// querying for a specific function. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [ListOperationsResponse]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<ListOperationsResponse> list({ |
| core.String? filter, |
| core.String? name, |
| core.int? pageSize, |
| core.String? pageToken, |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if (filter != null) 'filter': [filter], |
| if (name != null) 'name': [name], |
| if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'], |
| if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken], |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| const _url = 'v1/operations'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'GET', |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return ListOperationsResponse.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ProjectsResource { |
| final commons.ApiRequester _requester; |
| |
| ProjectsLocationsResource get locations => |
| ProjectsLocationsResource(_requester); |
| |
| ProjectsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client; |
| } |
| |
| class ProjectsLocationsResource { |
| final commons.ApiRequester _requester; |
| |
| ProjectsLocationsFunctionsResource get functions => |
| ProjectsLocationsFunctionsResource(_requester); |
| |
| ProjectsLocationsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) : _requester = client; |
| |
| /// Lists information about the supported locations for this service. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [name] - The resource that owns the locations collection, if applicable. |
| /// Value must have pattern `^projects/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [filter] - A filter to narrow down results to a preferred subset. The |
| /// filtering language accepts strings like "displayName=tokyo", and is |
| /// documented in more detail in \[AIP-160\](https://google.aip.dev/160). |
| /// |
| /// [pageSize] - The maximum number of results to return. If not set, the |
| /// service selects a default. |
| /// |
| /// [pageToken] - A page token received from the `next_page_token` field in |
| /// the response. Send that page token to receive the subsequent page. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [ListLocationsResponse]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<ListLocationsResponse> list( |
| core.String name, { |
| core.String? filter, |
| core.int? pageSize, |
| core.String? pageToken, |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if (filter != null) 'filter': [filter], |
| if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'], |
| if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken], |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name') + '/locations'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'GET', |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return ListLocationsResponse.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class ProjectsLocationsFunctionsResource { |
| final commons.ApiRequester _requester; |
| |
| ProjectsLocationsFunctionsResource(commons.ApiRequester client) |
| : _requester = client; |
| |
| /// Synchronously invokes a deployed Cloud Function. |
| /// |
| /// To be used for testing purposes as very limited traffic is allowed. For |
| /// more information on the actual limits, refer to |
| /// [Rate Limits](https://cloud.google.com/functions/quotas#rate_limits). |
| /// |
| /// [request] - The metadata request object. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [name] - Required. The name of the function to be called. |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [CallFunctionResponse]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<CallFunctionResponse> call( |
| CallFunctionRequest request, |
| core.String name, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson()); |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name') + ':call'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'POST', |
| body: _body, |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return CallFunctionResponse.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a new function. |
| /// |
| /// If a function with the given name already exists in the specified project, |
| /// the long running operation will return `ALREADY_EXISTS` error. |
| /// |
| /// [request] - The metadata request object. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [location] - Required. The project and location in which the function |
| /// should be created, specified in the format `projects / * /locations / * ` |
| /// Value must have pattern `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [Operation]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<Operation> create( |
| CloudFunction request, |
| core.String location, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson()); |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$location') + '/functions'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'POST', |
| body: _body, |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return Operation.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Deletes a function with the given name from the specified project. |
| /// |
| /// If the given function is used by some trigger, the trigger will be updated |
| /// to remove this function. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [name] - Required. The name of the function which should be deleted. |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [Operation]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<Operation> delete( |
| core.String name, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name'); |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'DELETE', |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return Operation.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a signed URL for downloading deployed function source code. |
| /// |
| /// The URL is only valid for a limited period and should be used within |
| /// minutes after generation. For more information about the signed URL usage |
| /// see: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/signed-urls |
| /// |
| /// [request] - The metadata request object. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [name] - The name of function for which source code Google Cloud Storage |
| /// signed URL should be generated. |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [GenerateDownloadUrlResponse]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<GenerateDownloadUrlResponse> generateDownloadUrl( |
| GenerateDownloadUrlRequest request, |
| core.String name, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson()); |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name') + ':generateDownloadUrl'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'POST', |
| body: _body, |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return GenerateDownloadUrlResponse.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a signed URL for uploading a function source code. |
| /// |
| /// For more information about the signed URL usage see: |
| /// https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/signed-urls. Once the |
| /// function source code upload is complete, the used signed URL should be |
| /// provided in CreateFunction or UpdateFunction request as a reference to the |
| /// function source code. When uploading source code to the generated signed |
| /// URL, please follow these restrictions: * Source file type should be a zip |
| /// file. * Source file size should not exceed 100MB limit. * No credentials |
| /// should be attached - the signed URLs provide access to the target bucket |
| /// using internal service identity; if credentials were attached, the |
| /// identity from the credentials would be used, but that identity does not |
| /// have permissions to upload files to the URL. When making a HTTP PUT |
| /// request, these two headers need to be specified: * `content-type: |
| /// application/zip` * `x-goog-content-length-range: 0,104857600` And this |
| /// header SHOULD NOT be specified: * `Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN` |
| /// |
| /// [request] - The metadata request object. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [parent] - The project and location in which the Google Cloud Storage |
| /// signed URL should be generated, specified in the format `projects / * |
| /// /locations / * `. |
| /// Value must have pattern `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [GenerateUploadUrlResponse]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<GenerateUploadUrlResponse> generateUploadUrl( |
| GenerateUploadUrlRequest request, |
| core.String parent, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson()); |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = |
| 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$parent') + '/functions:generateUploadUrl'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'POST', |
| body: _body, |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return GenerateUploadUrlResponse.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a function with the given name from the requested project. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [name] - Required. The name of the function which details should be |
| /// obtained. |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [CloudFunction]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<CloudFunction> get( |
| core.String name, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name'); |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'GET', |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return CloudFunction.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Gets the IAM access control policy for a function. |
| /// |
| /// Returns an empty policy if the function exists and does not have a policy |
| /// set. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [resource] - REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being |
| /// requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for |
| /// this field. |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [options_requestedPolicyVersion] - Optional. The policy format version to |
| /// be returned. Valid values are 0, 1, and 3. Requests specifying an invalid |
| /// value will be rejected. Requests for policies with any conditional |
| /// bindings must specify version 3. Policies without any conditional bindings |
| /// may specify any valid value or leave the field unset. To learn which |
| /// resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the |
| /// [IAM documentation](https://cloud.google.com/iam/help/conditions/resource-policies). |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [Policy]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<Policy> getIamPolicy( |
| core.String resource, { |
| core.int? options_requestedPolicyVersion, |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if (options_requestedPolicyVersion != null) |
| 'options.requestedPolicyVersion': ['${options_requestedPolicyVersion}'], |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$resource') + ':getIamPolicy'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'GET', |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return Policy.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns a list of functions that belong to the requested project. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [parent] - The project and location from which the function should be |
| /// listed, specified in the format `projects / * /locations / * ` If you want |
| /// to list functions in all locations, use "-" in place of a location. When |
| /// listing functions in all locations, if one or more location(s) are |
| /// unreachable, the response will contain functions from all reachable |
| /// locations along with the names of any unreachable locations. |
| /// Value must have pattern `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [pageSize] - Maximum number of functions to return per call. |
| /// |
| /// [pageToken] - The value returned by the last `ListFunctionsResponse`; |
| /// indicates that this is a continuation of a prior `ListFunctions` call, and |
| /// that the system should return the next page of data. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [ListFunctionsResponse]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<ListFunctionsResponse> list( |
| core.String parent, { |
| core.int? pageSize, |
| core.String? pageToken, |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'], |
| if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken], |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$parent') + '/functions'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'GET', |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return ListFunctionsResponse.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Updates existing function. |
| /// |
| /// [request] - The metadata request object. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [name] - A user-defined name of the function. Function names must be |
| /// unique globally and match pattern `projects / * /locations / * /functions |
| /// / * ` |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [updateMask] - Required list of fields to be updated in this request. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [Operation]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<Operation> patch( |
| CloudFunction request, |
| core.String name, { |
| core.String? updateMask, |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson()); |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if (updateMask != null) 'updateMask': [updateMask], |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$name'); |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'PATCH', |
| body: _body, |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return Operation.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Sets the IAM access control policy on the specified function. |
| /// |
| /// Replaces any existing policy. |
| /// |
| /// [request] - The metadata request object. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [resource] - REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy is being |
| /// specified. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for |
| /// this field. |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [Policy]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<Policy> setIamPolicy( |
| SetIamPolicyRequest request, |
| core.String resource, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson()); |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$resource') + ':setIamPolicy'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'POST', |
| body: _body, |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return Policy.fromJson(_response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| |
| /// Tests the specified permissions against the IAM access control policy for |
| /// a function. |
| /// |
| /// If the function does not exist, this will return an empty set of |
| /// permissions, not a NOT_FOUND error. |
| /// |
| /// [request] - The metadata request object. |
| /// |
| /// Request parameters: |
| /// |
| /// [resource] - REQUIRED: The resource for which the policy detail is being |
| /// requested. See the operation documentation for the appropriate value for |
| /// this field. |
| /// Value must have pattern |
| /// `^projects/\[^/\]+/locations/\[^/\]+/functions/\[^/\]+$`. |
| /// |
| /// [$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial |
| /// response. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [TestIamPermissionsResponse]. |
| /// |
| /// Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an |
| /// error. |
| /// |
| /// If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call, |
| /// this method will complete with the same error. |
| async.Future<TestIamPermissionsResponse> testIamPermissions( |
| TestIamPermissionsRequest request, |
| core.String resource, { |
| core.String? $fields, |
| }) async { |
| final _body = convert.json.encode(request.toJson()); |
| final _queryParams = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{ |
| if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields], |
| }; |
| |
| final _url = |
| 'v1/' + core.Uri.encodeFull('$resource') + ':testIamPermissions'; |
| |
| final _response = await _requester.request( |
| _url, |
| 'POST', |
| body: _body, |
| queryParams: _queryParams, |
| ); |
| return TestIamPermissionsResponse.fromJson( |
| _response as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Specifies the audit configuration for a service. |
| /// |
| /// The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what |
| /// identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one |
| /// or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both `allServices` |
| /// and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that |
| /// service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the |
| /// exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with |
| /// multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": \[ { "service": "allServices", |
| /// "audit_log_configs": \[ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": \[ |
| /// "user:jose@example.com" \] }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": |
| /// "ADMIN_READ" } \] }, { "service": "sampleservice.googleapis.com", |
| /// "audit_log_configs": \[ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": |
| /// "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": \[ "user:aliya@example.com" \] } \] } \] } |
| /// For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ |
| /// logging. It also exempts jose@example.com from DATA_READ logging, and |
| /// aliya@example.com from DATA_WRITE logging. |
| class AuditConfig { |
| /// The configuration for logging of each type of permission. |
| core.List<AuditLogConfig>? auditLogConfigs; |
| |
| /// Specifies a service that will be enabled for audit logging. |
| /// |
| /// For example, `storage.googleapis.com`, `cloudsql.googleapis.com`. |
| /// `allServices` is a special value that covers all services. |
| core.String? service; |
| |
| AuditConfig({ |
| this.auditLogConfigs, |
| this.service, |
| }); |
| |
| AuditConfig.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| auditLogConfigs: _json.containsKey('auditLogConfigs') |
| ? (_json['auditLogConfigs'] as core.List) |
| .map<AuditLogConfig>((value) => AuditLogConfig.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| service: _json.containsKey('service') |
| ? _json['service'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (auditLogConfigs != null) |
| 'auditLogConfigs': |
| auditLogConfigs!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| if (service != null) 'service': service!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. |
| /// |
| /// Example: { "audit_log_configs": \[ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", |
| /// "exempted_members": \[ "user:jose@example.com" \] }, { "log_type": |
| /// "DATA_WRITE" } \] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while |
| /// exempting jose@example.com from DATA_READ logging. |
| class AuditLogConfig { |
| /// Specifies the identities that do not cause logging for this type of |
| /// permission. |
| /// |
| /// Follows the same format of Binding.members. |
| core.List<core.String>? exemptedMembers; |
| |
| /// The log type that this config enables. |
| /// Possible string values are: |
| /// - "LOG_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : Default case. Should never be this. |
| /// - "ADMIN_READ" : Admin reads. Example: CloudIAM getIamPolicy |
| /// - "DATA_WRITE" : Data writes. Example: CloudSQL Users create |
| /// - "DATA_READ" : Data reads. Example: CloudSQL Users list |
| core.String? logType; |
| |
| AuditLogConfig({ |
| this.exemptedMembers, |
| this.logType, |
| }); |
| |
| AuditLogConfig.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| exemptedMembers: _json.containsKey('exemptedMembers') |
| ? (_json['exemptedMembers'] as core.List) |
| .map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| logType: _json.containsKey('logType') |
| ? _json['logType'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (exemptedMembers != null) 'exemptedMembers': exemptedMembers!, |
| if (logType != null) 'logType': logType!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Associates `members` with a `role`. |
| class Binding { |
| /// The condition that is associated with this binding. |
| /// |
| /// If the condition evaluates to `true`, then this binding applies to the |
| /// current request. If the condition evaluates to `false`, then this binding |
| /// does not apply to the current request. However, a different role binding |
| /// might grant the same role to one or more of the members in this binding. |
| /// To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM policies, see the |
| /// [IAM documentation](https://cloud.google.com/iam/help/conditions/resource-policies). |
| Expr? condition; |
| |
| /// Specifies the identities requesting access for a Cloud Platform resource. |
| /// |
| /// `members` can have the following values: * `allUsers`: A special |
| /// identifier that represents anyone who is on the internet; with or without |
| /// a Google account. * `allAuthenticatedUsers`: A special identifier that |
| /// represents anyone who is authenticated with a Google account or a service |
| /// account. * `user:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a specific |
| /// Google account. For example, `alice@example.com` . * |
| /// `serviceAccount:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a service |
| /// account. For example, `my-other-app@appspot.gserviceaccount.com`. * |
| /// `group:{emailid}`: An email address that represents a Google group. For |
| /// example, `admins@example.com`. * `deleted:user:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: |
| /// An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a user that has |
| /// been recently deleted. For example, |
| /// `alice@example.com?uid=123456789012345678901`. If the user is recovered, |
| /// this value reverts to `user:{emailid}` and the recovered user retains the |
| /// role in the binding. * `deleted:serviceAccount:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: |
| /// An email address (plus unique identifier) representing a service account |
| /// that has been recently deleted. For example, |
| /// `my-other-app@appspot.gserviceaccount.com?uid=123456789012345678901`. If |
| /// the service account is undeleted, this value reverts to |
| /// `serviceAccount:{emailid}` and the undeleted service account retains the |
| /// role in the binding. * `deleted:group:{emailid}?uid={uniqueid}`: An email |
| /// address (plus unique identifier) representing a Google group that has been |
| /// recently deleted. For example, |
| /// `admins@example.com?uid=123456789012345678901`. If the group is recovered, |
| /// this value reverts to `group:{emailid}` and the recovered group retains |
| /// the role in the binding. * `domain:{domain}`: The G Suite domain (primary) |
| /// that represents all the users of that domain. For example, `google.com` or |
| /// `example.com`. |
| core.List<core.String>? members; |
| |
| /// Role that is assigned to `members`. |
| /// |
| /// For example, `roles/viewer`, `roles/editor`, or `roles/owner`. |
| core.String? role; |
| |
| Binding({ |
| this.condition, |
| this.members, |
| this.role, |
| }); |
| |
| Binding.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| condition: _json.containsKey('condition') |
| ? Expr.fromJson( |
| _json['condition'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| members: _json.containsKey('members') |
| ? (_json['members'] as core.List) |
| .map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| role: _json.containsKey('role') ? _json['role'] as core.String : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (condition != null) 'condition': condition!.toJson(), |
| if (members != null) 'members': members!, |
| if (role != null) 'role': role!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Request for the `CallFunction` method. |
| class CallFunctionRequest { |
| /// Input to be passed to the function. |
| /// |
| /// Required. |
| core.String? data; |
| |
| CallFunctionRequest({ |
| this.data, |
| }); |
| |
| CallFunctionRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| data: _json.containsKey('data') ? _json['data'] as core.String : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (data != null) 'data': data!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Response of `CallFunction` method. |
| class CallFunctionResponse { |
| /// Either system or user-function generated error. |
| /// |
| /// Set if execution was not successful. |
| core.String? error; |
| |
| /// Execution id of function invocation. |
| core.String? executionId; |
| |
| /// Result populated for successful execution of synchronous function. |
| /// |
| /// Will not be populated if function does not return a result through |
| /// context. |
| core.String? result; |
| |
| CallFunctionResponse({ |
| this.error, |
| this.executionId, |
| this.result, |
| }); |
| |
| CallFunctionResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| error: |
| _json.containsKey('error') ? _json['error'] as core.String : null, |
| executionId: _json.containsKey('executionId') |
| ? _json['executionId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| result: _json.containsKey('result') |
| ? _json['result'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (error != null) 'error': error!, |
| if (executionId != null) 'executionId': executionId!, |
| if (result != null) 'result': result!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Describes a Cloud Function that contains user computation executed in |
| /// response to an event. |
| /// |
| /// It encapsulate function and triggers configurations. Next tag: 35 |
| class CloudFunction { |
| /// The amount of memory in MB available for a function. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to 256MB. |
| core.int? availableMemoryMb; |
| |
| /// Build environment variables that shall be available during build time. |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String>? buildEnvironmentVariables; |
| |
| /// The Cloud Build ID of the latest successful deployment of the function. |
| /// |
| /// Output only. |
| core.String? buildId; |
| |
| /// The Cloud Build Name of the function deployment. |
| /// |
| /// `projects//locations//builds/`. |
| /// |
| /// Output only. |
| core.String? buildName; |
| |
| /// Name of the Cloud Build Custom Worker Pool that should be used to build |
| /// the function. |
| /// |
| /// The format of this field is |
| /// `projects/{project}/locations/{region}/workerPools/{workerPool}` where |
| /// `{project}` and `{region}` are the project id and region respectively |
| /// where the worker pool is defined and `{workerPool}` is the short name of |
| /// the worker pool. If the project id is not the same as the function, then |
| /// the Cloud Functions Service Agent |
| /// (`service-@gcf-admin-robot.iam.gserviceaccount.com`) must be granted the |
| /// role Cloud Build Custom Workers Builder |
| /// (`roles/cloudbuild.customworkers.builder`) in the project. |
| core.String? buildWorkerPool; |
| |
| /// User-provided description of a function. |
| core.String? description; |
| |
| /// The name of the function (as defined in source code) that will be |
| /// executed. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to the resource name suffix, if not specified. For backward |
| /// compatibility, if function with given name is not found, then the system |
| /// will try to use function named "function". For Node.js this is name of a |
| /// function exported by the module specified in `source_location`. |
| core.String? entryPoint; |
| |
| /// Environment variables that shall be available during function execution. |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String>? environmentVariables; |
| |
| /// A source that fires events in response to a condition in another service. |
| EventTrigger? eventTrigger; |
| |
| /// An HTTPS endpoint type of source that can be triggered via URL. |
| HttpsTrigger? httpsTrigger; |
| |
| /// The ingress settings for the function, controlling what traffic can reach |
| /// it. |
| /// Possible string values are: |
| /// - "INGRESS_SETTINGS_UNSPECIFIED" : Unspecified. |
| /// - "ALLOW_ALL" : Allow HTTP traffic from public and private sources. |
| /// - "ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY" : Allow HTTP traffic from only private VPC |
| /// sources. |
| /// - "ALLOW_INTERNAL_AND_GCLB" : Allow HTTP traffic from private VPC sources |
| /// and through GCLB. |
| core.String? ingressSettings; |
| |
| /// Labels associated with this Cloud Function. |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String>? labels; |
| |
| /// The limit on the maximum number of function instances that may coexist at |
| /// a given time. |
| /// |
| /// In some cases, such as rapid traffic surges, Cloud Functions may, for a |
| /// short period of time, create more instances than the specified max |
| /// instances limit. If your function cannot tolerate this temporary behavior, |
| /// you may want to factor in a safety margin and set a lower max instances |
| /// value than your function can tolerate. See the |
| /// [Max Instances](https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/max-instances) |
| /// Guide for more details. |
| core.int? maxInstances; |
| |
| /// A lower bound for the number function instances that may coexist at a |
| /// given time. |
| core.int? minInstances; |
| |
| /// A user-defined name of the function. |
| /// |
| /// Function names must be unique globally and match pattern `projects / * |
| /// /locations / * /functions / * ` |
| core.String? name; |
| |
| /// The VPC Network that this cloud function can connect to. |
| /// |
| /// It can be either the fully-qualified URI, or the short name of the network |
| /// resource. If the short network name is used, the network must belong to |
| /// the same project. Otherwise, it must belong to a project within the same |
| /// organization. The format of this field is either |
| /// `projects/{project}/global/networks/{network}` or `{network}`, where |
| /// `{project}` is a project id where the network is defined, and `{network}` |
| /// is the short name of the network. This field is mutually exclusive with |
| /// `vpc_connector` and will be replaced by it. See |
| /// [the VPC documentation](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/vpc) for |
| /// more information on connecting Cloud projects. |
| core.String? network; |
| |
| /// The runtime in which to run the function. |
| /// |
| /// Required when deploying a new function, optional when updating an existing |
| /// function. For a complete list of possible choices, see the \[`gcloud` |
| /// command |
| /// reference\](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/functions/deploy#--runtime). |
| core.String? runtime; |
| |
| /// Secret environment variables configuration. |
| core.List<SecretEnvVar>? secretEnvironmentVariables; |
| |
| /// Secret volumes configuration. |
| core.List<SecretVolume>? secretVolumes; |
| |
| /// The email of the function's service account. |
| /// |
| /// If empty, defaults to `{project_id}@appspot.gserviceaccount.com`. |
| core.String? serviceAccountEmail; |
| |
| /// The Google Cloud Storage URL, starting with `gs://`, pointing to the zip |
| /// archive which contains the function. |
| core.String? sourceArchiveUrl; |
| |
| /// **Beta Feature** The source repository where a function is hosted. |
| SourceRepository? sourceRepository; |
| |
| /// Input only. |
| /// |
| /// An identifier for Firebase function sources. Disclaimer: This field is |
| /// only supported for Firebase function deployments. |
| core.String? sourceToken; |
| |
| /// The Google Cloud Storage signed URL used for source uploading, generated |
| /// by calling \[google.cloud.functions.v1.GenerateUploadUrl\]. |
| /// |
| /// The signature is validated on write methods (Create, Update) The signature |
| /// is stripped from the Function object on read methods (Get, List) |
| core.String? sourceUploadUrl; |
| |
| /// Status of the function deployment. |
| /// |
| /// Output only. |
| /// Possible string values are: |
| /// - "CLOUD_FUNCTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED" : Not specified. Invalid state. |
| /// - "ACTIVE" : Function has been successfully deployed and is serving. |
| /// - "OFFLINE" : Function deployment failed and the function isn’t serving. |
| /// - "DEPLOY_IN_PROGRESS" : Function is being created or updated. |
| /// - "DELETE_IN_PROGRESS" : Function is being deleted. |
| /// - "UNKNOWN" : Function deployment failed and the function serving state is |
| /// undefined. The function should be updated or deleted to move it out of |
| /// this state. |
| core.String? status; |
| |
| /// The function execution timeout. |
| /// |
| /// Execution is considered failed and can be terminated if the function is |
| /// not completed at the end of the timeout period. Defaults to 60 seconds. |
| core.String? timeout; |
| |
| /// The last update timestamp of a Cloud Function. |
| /// |
| /// Output only. |
| core.String? updateTime; |
| |
| /// The version identifier of the Cloud Function. |
| /// |
| /// Each deployment attempt results in a new version of a function being |
| /// created. |
| /// |
| /// Output only. |
| core.String? versionId; |
| |
| /// The VPC Network Connector that this cloud function can connect to. |
| /// |
| /// It can be either the fully-qualified URI, or the short name of the network |
| /// connector resource. The format of this field is `projects / * /locations / |
| /// * /connectors / * ` This field is mutually exclusive with `network` field |
| /// and will eventually replace it. See |
| /// [the VPC documentation](https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/vpc) for |
| /// more information on connecting Cloud projects. |
| core.String? vpcConnector; |
| |
| /// The egress settings for the connector, controlling what traffic is |
| /// diverted through it. |
| /// Possible string values are: |
| /// - "PRIVATE_RANGES_ONLY" : Use the VPC Access Connector only for private IP |
| /// space from RFC1918. |
| /// - "ALL_TRAFFIC" : Force the use of VPC Access Connector for all egress |
| /// traffic from the function. |
| core.String? vpcConnectorEgressSettings; |
| |
| CloudFunction({ |
| this.availableMemoryMb, |
| this.buildEnvironmentVariables, |
| this.buildId, |
| this.buildName, |
| this.buildWorkerPool, |
| this.description, |
| this.entryPoint, |
| this.environmentVariables, |
| this.eventTrigger, |
| this.httpsTrigger, |
| this.ingressSettings, |
| this.labels, |
| this.maxInstances, |
| this.minInstances, |
| this.name, |
| this.network, |
| this.runtime, |
| this.secretEnvironmentVariables, |
| this.secretVolumes, |
| this.serviceAccountEmail, |
| this.sourceArchiveUrl, |
| this.sourceRepository, |
| this.sourceToken, |
| this.sourceUploadUrl, |
| this.status, |
| this.timeout, |
| this.updateTime, |
| this.versionId, |
| this.vpcConnector, |
| this.vpcConnectorEgressSettings, |
| }); |
| |
| CloudFunction.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| availableMemoryMb: _json.containsKey('availableMemoryMb') |
| ? _json['availableMemoryMb'] as core.int |
| : null, |
| buildEnvironmentVariables: |
| _json.containsKey('buildEnvironmentVariables') |
| ? (_json['buildEnvironmentVariables'] |
| as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| .map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.String, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| buildId: _json.containsKey('buildId') |
| ? _json['buildId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| buildName: _json.containsKey('buildName') |
| ? _json['buildName'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| buildWorkerPool: _json.containsKey('buildWorkerPool') |
| ? _json['buildWorkerPool'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| description: _json.containsKey('description') |
| ? _json['description'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| entryPoint: _json.containsKey('entryPoint') |
| ? _json['entryPoint'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| environmentVariables: _json.containsKey('environmentVariables') |
| ? (_json['environmentVariables'] |
| as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| .map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.String, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| eventTrigger: _json.containsKey('eventTrigger') |
| ? EventTrigger.fromJson( |
| _json['eventTrigger'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| httpsTrigger: _json.containsKey('httpsTrigger') |
| ? HttpsTrigger.fromJson( |
| _json['httpsTrigger'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| ingressSettings: _json.containsKey('ingressSettings') |
| ? _json['ingressSettings'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| labels: _json.containsKey('labels') |
| ? (_json['labels'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.String, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| maxInstances: _json.containsKey('maxInstances') |
| ? _json['maxInstances'] as core.int |
| : null, |
| minInstances: _json.containsKey('minInstances') |
| ? _json['minInstances'] as core.int |
| : null, |
| name: _json.containsKey('name') ? _json['name'] as core.String : null, |
| network: _json.containsKey('network') |
| ? _json['network'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| runtime: _json.containsKey('runtime') |
| ? _json['runtime'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| secretEnvironmentVariables: |
| _json.containsKey('secretEnvironmentVariables') |
| ? (_json['secretEnvironmentVariables'] as core.List) |
| .map<SecretEnvVar>((value) => SecretEnvVar.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| secretVolumes: _json.containsKey('secretVolumes') |
| ? (_json['secretVolumes'] as core.List) |
| .map<SecretVolume>((value) => SecretVolume.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| serviceAccountEmail: _json.containsKey('serviceAccountEmail') |
| ? _json['serviceAccountEmail'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| sourceArchiveUrl: _json.containsKey('sourceArchiveUrl') |
| ? _json['sourceArchiveUrl'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| sourceRepository: _json.containsKey('sourceRepository') |
| ? SourceRepository.fromJson(_json['sourceRepository'] |
| as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| sourceToken: _json.containsKey('sourceToken') |
| ? _json['sourceToken'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| sourceUploadUrl: _json.containsKey('sourceUploadUrl') |
| ? _json['sourceUploadUrl'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| status: _json.containsKey('status') |
| ? _json['status'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| timeout: _json.containsKey('timeout') |
| ? _json['timeout'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| updateTime: _json.containsKey('updateTime') |
| ? _json['updateTime'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| versionId: _json.containsKey('versionId') |
| ? _json['versionId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| vpcConnector: _json.containsKey('vpcConnector') |
| ? _json['vpcConnector'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| vpcConnectorEgressSettings: |
| _json.containsKey('vpcConnectorEgressSettings') |
| ? _json['vpcConnectorEgressSettings'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (availableMemoryMb != null) 'availableMemoryMb': availableMemoryMb!, |
| if (buildEnvironmentVariables != null) |
| 'buildEnvironmentVariables': buildEnvironmentVariables!, |
| if (buildId != null) 'buildId': buildId!, |
| if (buildName != null) 'buildName': buildName!, |
| if (buildWorkerPool != null) 'buildWorkerPool': buildWorkerPool!, |
| if (description != null) 'description': description!, |
| if (entryPoint != null) 'entryPoint': entryPoint!, |
| if (environmentVariables != null) |
| 'environmentVariables': environmentVariables!, |
| if (eventTrigger != null) 'eventTrigger': eventTrigger!.toJson(), |
| if (httpsTrigger != null) 'httpsTrigger': httpsTrigger!.toJson(), |
| if (ingressSettings != null) 'ingressSettings': ingressSettings!, |
| if (labels != null) 'labels': labels!, |
| if (maxInstances != null) 'maxInstances': maxInstances!, |
| if (minInstances != null) 'minInstances': minInstances!, |
| if (name != null) 'name': name!, |
| if (network != null) 'network': network!, |
| if (runtime != null) 'runtime': runtime!, |
| if (secretEnvironmentVariables != null) |
| 'secretEnvironmentVariables': secretEnvironmentVariables! |
| .map((value) => value.toJson()) |
| .toList(), |
| if (secretVolumes != null) |
| 'secretVolumes': |
| secretVolumes!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| if (serviceAccountEmail != null) |
| 'serviceAccountEmail': serviceAccountEmail!, |
| if (sourceArchiveUrl != null) 'sourceArchiveUrl': sourceArchiveUrl!, |
| if (sourceRepository != null) |
| 'sourceRepository': sourceRepository!.toJson(), |
| if (sourceToken != null) 'sourceToken': sourceToken!, |
| if (sourceUploadUrl != null) 'sourceUploadUrl': sourceUploadUrl!, |
| if (status != null) 'status': status!, |
| if (timeout != null) 'timeout': timeout!, |
| if (updateTime != null) 'updateTime': updateTime!, |
| if (versionId != null) 'versionId': versionId!, |
| if (vpcConnector != null) 'vpcConnector': vpcConnector!, |
| if (vpcConnectorEgressSettings != null) |
| 'vpcConnectorEgressSettings': vpcConnectorEgressSettings!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Describes EventTrigger, used to request events be sent from another service. |
| class EventTrigger { |
| /// The type of event to observe. |
| /// |
| /// For example: `providers/cloud.storage/eventTypes/object.change` and |
| /// `providers/cloud.pubsub/eventTypes/topic.publish`. Event types match |
| /// pattern `providers / * /eventTypes / * .*`. The pattern contains: 1. |
| /// namespace: For example, `cloud.storage` and `google.firebase.analytics`. |
| /// 2. resource type: The type of resource on which event occurs. For example, |
| /// the Google Cloud Storage API includes the type `object`. 3. action: The |
| /// action that generates the event. For example, action for a Google Cloud |
| /// Storage Object is 'change'. These parts are lower case. |
| /// |
| /// Required. |
| core.String? eventType; |
| |
| /// Specifies policy for failed executions. |
| FailurePolicy? failurePolicy; |
| |
| /// The resource(s) from which to observe events, for example, |
| /// `projects/_/buckets/myBucket`. |
| /// |
| /// Not all syntactically correct values are accepted by all services. For |
| /// example: 1. The authorization model must support it. Google Cloud |
| /// Functions only allows EventTriggers to be deployed that observe resources |
| /// in the same project as the `CloudFunction`. 2. The resource type must |
| /// match the pattern expected for an `event_type`. For example, an |
| /// `EventTrigger` that has an `event_type` of "google.pubsub.topic.publish" |
| /// should have a resource that matches Google Cloud Pub/Sub topics. |
| /// Additionally, some services may support short names when creating an |
| /// `EventTrigger`. These will always be returned in the normalized "long" |
| /// format. See each *service's* documentation for supported formats. |
| /// |
| /// Required. |
| core.String? resource; |
| |
| /// The hostname of the service that should be observed. |
| /// |
| /// If no string is provided, the default service implementing the API will be |
| /// used. For example, `storage.googleapis.com` is the default for all event |
| /// types in the `google.storage` namespace. |
| core.String? service; |
| |
| EventTrigger({ |
| this.eventType, |
| this.failurePolicy, |
| this.resource, |
| this.service, |
| }); |
| |
| EventTrigger.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| eventType: _json.containsKey('eventType') |
| ? _json['eventType'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| failurePolicy: _json.containsKey('failurePolicy') |
| ? FailurePolicy.fromJson( |
| _json['failurePolicy'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| resource: _json.containsKey('resource') |
| ? _json['resource'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| service: _json.containsKey('service') |
| ? _json['service'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (eventType != null) 'eventType': eventType!, |
| if (failurePolicy != null) 'failurePolicy': failurePolicy!.toJson(), |
| if (resource != null) 'resource': resource!, |
| if (service != null) 'service': service!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) |
| /// syntax. |
| /// |
| /// CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are |
| /// documented at https://github.com/google/cel-spec. Example (Comparison): |
| /// title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less |
| /// than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example |
| /// (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if |
| /// requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner == |
| /// request.auth.claims.email" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" |
| /// description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" |
| /// expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" |
| /// Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: |
| /// "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message |
| /// received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and |
| /// functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the |
| /// service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional |
| /// information. |
| class Expr { |
| /// Description of the expression. |
| /// |
| /// This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered |
| /// over it in a UI. |
| /// |
| /// Optional. |
| core.String? description; |
| |
| /// Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language |
| /// syntax. |
| core.String? expression; |
| |
| /// String indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. |
| /// a file name and a position in the file. |
| /// |
| /// Optional. |
| core.String? location; |
| |
| /// Title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. |
| /// |
| /// This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression. |
| /// |
| /// Optional. |
| core.String? title; |
| |
| Expr({ |
| this.description, |
| this.expression, |
| this.location, |
| this.title, |
| }); |
| |
| Expr.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| description: _json.containsKey('description') |
| ? _json['description'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| expression: _json.containsKey('expression') |
| ? _json['expression'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| location: _json.containsKey('location') |
| ? _json['location'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| title: |
| _json.containsKey('title') ? _json['title'] as core.String : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (description != null) 'description': description!, |
| if (expression != null) 'expression': expression!, |
| if (location != null) 'location': location!, |
| if (title != null) 'title': title!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Describes the policy in case of function's execution failure. |
| /// |
| /// If empty, then defaults to ignoring failures (i.e. not retrying them). |
| class FailurePolicy { |
| /// If specified, then the function will be retried in case of a failure. |
| Retry? retry; |
| |
| FailurePolicy({ |
| this.retry, |
| }); |
| |
| FailurePolicy.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| retry: _json.containsKey('retry') |
| ? Retry.fromJson( |
| _json['retry'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (retry != null) 'retry': retry!.toJson(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Request of `GenerateDownloadUrl` method. |
| class GenerateDownloadUrlRequest { |
| /// The optional version of function. |
| /// |
| /// If not set, default, current version is used. |
| core.String? versionId; |
| |
| GenerateDownloadUrlRequest({ |
| this.versionId, |
| }); |
| |
| GenerateDownloadUrlRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| versionId: _json.containsKey('versionId') |
| ? _json['versionId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (versionId != null) 'versionId': versionId!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Response of `GenerateDownloadUrl` method. |
| class GenerateDownloadUrlResponse { |
| /// The generated Google Cloud Storage signed URL that should be used for |
| /// function source code download. |
| core.String? downloadUrl; |
| |
| GenerateDownloadUrlResponse({ |
| this.downloadUrl, |
| }); |
| |
| GenerateDownloadUrlResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| downloadUrl: _json.containsKey('downloadUrl') |
| ? _json['downloadUrl'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (downloadUrl != null) 'downloadUrl': downloadUrl!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Request of `GenerateSourceUploadUrl` method. |
| class GenerateUploadUrlRequest { |
| GenerateUploadUrlRequest(); |
| |
| GenerateUploadUrlRequest.fromJson( |
| // ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters |
| core.Map _json); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {}; |
| } |
| |
| /// Response of `GenerateSourceUploadUrl` method. |
| class GenerateUploadUrlResponse { |
| /// The generated Google Cloud Storage signed URL that should be used for a |
| /// function source code upload. |
| /// |
| /// The uploaded file should be a zip archive which contains a function. |
| core.String? uploadUrl; |
| |
| GenerateUploadUrlResponse({ |
| this.uploadUrl, |
| }); |
| |
| GenerateUploadUrlResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| uploadUrl: _json.containsKey('uploadUrl') |
| ? _json['uploadUrl'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (uploadUrl != null) 'uploadUrl': uploadUrl!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Describes HttpsTrigger, could be used to connect web hooks to function. |
| class HttpsTrigger { |
| /// The security level for the function. |
| /// Possible string values are: |
| /// - "SECURITY_LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED" : Unspecified. |
| /// - "SECURE_ALWAYS" : Requests for a URL that match this handler that do not |
| /// use HTTPS are automatically redirected to the HTTPS URL with the same |
| /// path. Query parameters are reserved for the redirect. |
| /// - "SECURE_OPTIONAL" : Both HTTP and HTTPS requests with URLs that match |
| /// the handler succeed without redirects. The application can examine the |
| /// request to determine which protocol was used and respond accordingly. |
| core.String? securityLevel; |
| |
| /// The deployed url for the function. |
| /// |
| /// Output only. |
| core.String? url; |
| |
| HttpsTrigger({ |
| this.securityLevel, |
| this.url, |
| }); |
| |
| HttpsTrigger.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| securityLevel: _json.containsKey('securityLevel') |
| ? _json['securityLevel'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| url: _json.containsKey('url') ? _json['url'] as core.String : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (securityLevel != null) 'securityLevel': securityLevel!, |
| if (url != null) 'url': url!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Response for the `ListFunctions` method. |
| class ListFunctionsResponse { |
| /// The functions that match the request. |
| core.List<CloudFunction>? functions; |
| |
| /// If not empty, indicates that there may be more functions that match the |
| /// request; this value should be passed in a new |
| /// google.cloud.functions.v1.ListFunctionsRequest to get more functions. |
| core.String? nextPageToken; |
| |
| /// Locations that could not be reached. |
| /// |
| /// The response does not include any functions from these locations. |
| core.List<core.String>? unreachable; |
| |
| ListFunctionsResponse({ |
| this.functions, |
| this.nextPageToken, |
| this.unreachable, |
| }); |
| |
| ListFunctionsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| functions: _json.containsKey('functions') |
| ? (_json['functions'] as core.List) |
| .map<CloudFunction>((value) => CloudFunction.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| nextPageToken: _json.containsKey('nextPageToken') |
| ? _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| unreachable: _json.containsKey('unreachable') |
| ? (_json['unreachable'] as core.List) |
| .map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (functions != null) |
| 'functions': functions!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| if (nextPageToken != null) 'nextPageToken': nextPageToken!, |
| if (unreachable != null) 'unreachable': unreachable!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// The response message for Locations.ListLocations. |
| class ListLocationsResponse { |
| /// A list of locations that matches the specified filter in the request. |
| core.List<Location>? locations; |
| |
| /// The standard List next-page token. |
| core.String? nextPageToken; |
| |
| ListLocationsResponse({ |
| this.locations, |
| this.nextPageToken, |
| }); |
| |
| ListLocationsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| locations: _json.containsKey('locations') |
| ? (_json['locations'] as core.List) |
| .map<Location>((value) => Location.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| nextPageToken: _json.containsKey('nextPageToken') |
| ? _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (locations != null) |
| 'locations': locations!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| if (nextPageToken != null) 'nextPageToken': nextPageToken!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// The response message for Operations.ListOperations. |
| class ListOperationsResponse { |
| /// The standard List next-page token. |
| core.String? nextPageToken; |
| |
| /// A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request. |
| core.List<Operation>? operations; |
| |
| ListOperationsResponse({ |
| this.nextPageToken, |
| this.operations, |
| }); |
| |
| ListOperationsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| nextPageToken: _json.containsKey('nextPageToken') |
| ? _json['nextPageToken'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| operations: _json.containsKey('operations') |
| ? (_json['operations'] as core.List) |
| .map<Operation>((value) => Operation.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (nextPageToken != null) 'nextPageToken': nextPageToken!, |
| if (operations != null) |
| 'operations': operations!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// A resource that represents Google Cloud Platform location. |
| class Location { |
| /// The friendly name for this location, typically a nearby city name. |
| /// |
| /// For example, "Tokyo". |
| core.String? displayName; |
| |
| /// Cross-service attributes for the location. |
| /// |
| /// For example {"cloud.googleapis.com/region": "us-east1"} |
| core.Map<core.String, core.String>? labels; |
| |
| /// The canonical id for this location. |
| /// |
| /// For example: `"us-east1"`. |
| core.String? locationId; |
| |
| /// Service-specific metadata. |
| /// |
| /// For example the available capacity at the given location. |
| /// |
| /// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`, |
| /// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values. |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object>? metadata; |
| |
| /// Resource name for the location, which may vary between implementations. |
| /// |
| /// For example: `"projects/example-project/locations/us-east1"` |
| core.String? name; |
| |
| Location({ |
| this.displayName, |
| this.labels, |
| this.locationId, |
| this.metadata, |
| this.name, |
| }); |
| |
| Location.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| displayName: _json.containsKey('displayName') |
| ? _json['displayName'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| labels: _json.containsKey('labels') |
| ? (_json['labels'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.String, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| locationId: _json.containsKey('locationId') |
| ? _json['locationId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| metadata: _json.containsKey('metadata') |
| ? (_json['metadata'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.Object, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| name: _json.containsKey('name') ? _json['name'] as core.String : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (displayName != null) 'displayName': displayName!, |
| if (labels != null) 'labels': labels!, |
| if (locationId != null) 'locationId': locationId!, |
| if (metadata != null) 'metadata': metadata!, |
| if (name != null) 'name': name!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a |
| /// network API call. |
| class Operation { |
| /// If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress. |
| /// |
| /// If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or `response` is |
| /// available. |
| core.bool? done; |
| |
| /// The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation. |
| Status? error; |
| |
| /// Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. |
| /// |
| /// It typically contains progress information and common metadata such as |
| /// create time. Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method |
| /// that returns a long-running operation should document the metadata type, |
| /// if any. |
| /// |
| /// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`, |
| /// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values. |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object>? metadata; |
| |
| /// The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service |
| /// that originally returns it. |
| /// |
| /// If you use the default HTTP mapping, the `name` should be a resource name |
| /// ending with `operations/{unique_id}`. |
| core.String? name; |
| |
| /// The normal response of the operation in case of success. |
| /// |
| /// If the original method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the |
| /// response is `google.protobuf.Empty`. If the original method is standard |
| /// `Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource. For other |
| /// methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx` is |
| /// the original method name. For example, if the original method name is |
| /// `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is `TakeSnapshotResponse`. |
| /// |
| /// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`, |
| /// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values. |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object>? response; |
| |
| Operation({ |
| this.done, |
| this.error, |
| this.metadata, |
| this.name, |
| this.response, |
| }); |
| |
| Operation.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| done: _json.containsKey('done') ? _json['done'] as core.bool : null, |
| error: _json.containsKey('error') |
| ? Status.fromJson( |
| _json['error'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| metadata: _json.containsKey('metadata') |
| ? (_json['metadata'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.Object, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| name: _json.containsKey('name') ? _json['name'] as core.String : null, |
| response: _json.containsKey('response') |
| ? (_json['response'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.Object, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (done != null) 'done': done!, |
| if (error != null) 'error': error!.toJson(), |
| if (metadata != null) 'metadata': metadata!, |
| if (name != null) 'name': name!, |
| if (response != null) 'response': response!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Metadata describing an Operation |
| class OperationMetadataV1 { |
| /// The Cloud Build ID of the function created or updated by an API call. |
| /// |
| /// This field is only populated for Create and Update operations. |
| core.String? buildId; |
| |
| /// The Cloud Build Name of the function deployment. |
| /// |
| /// This field is only populated for Create and Update operations. |
| /// `projects//locations//builds/`. |
| core.String? buildName; |
| |
| /// The original request that started the operation. |
| /// |
| /// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`, |
| /// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values. |
| core.Map<core.String, core.Object>? request; |
| |
| /// An identifier for Firebase function sources. |
| /// |
| /// Disclaimer: This field is only supported for Firebase function |
| /// deployments. |
| core.String? sourceToken; |
| |
| /// Target of the operation - for example |
| /// `projects/project-1/locations/region-1/functions/function-1` |
| core.String? target; |
| |
| /// Type of operation. |
| /// Possible string values are: |
| /// - "OPERATION_UNSPECIFIED" : Unknown operation type. |
| /// - "CREATE_FUNCTION" : Triggered by CreateFunction call |
| /// - "UPDATE_FUNCTION" : Triggered by UpdateFunction call |
| /// - "DELETE_FUNCTION" : Triggered by DeleteFunction call. |
| core.String? type; |
| |
| /// The last update timestamp of the operation. |
| core.String? updateTime; |
| |
| /// Version id of the function created or updated by an API call. |
| /// |
| /// This field is only populated for Create and Update operations. |
| core.String? versionId; |
| |
| OperationMetadataV1({ |
| this.buildId, |
| this.buildName, |
| this.request, |
| this.sourceToken, |
| this.target, |
| this.type, |
| this.updateTime, |
| this.versionId, |
| }); |
| |
| OperationMetadataV1.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| buildId: _json.containsKey('buildId') |
| ? _json['buildId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| buildName: _json.containsKey('buildName') |
| ? _json['buildName'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| request: _json.containsKey('request') |
| ? (_json['request'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.Object, |
| ), |
| ) |
| : null, |
| sourceToken: _json.containsKey('sourceToken') |
| ? _json['sourceToken'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| target: _json.containsKey('target') |
| ? _json['target'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| type: _json.containsKey('type') ? _json['type'] as core.String : null, |
| updateTime: _json.containsKey('updateTime') |
| ? _json['updateTime'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| versionId: _json.containsKey('versionId') |
| ? _json['versionId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (buildId != null) 'buildId': buildId!, |
| if (buildName != null) 'buildName': buildName!, |
| if (request != null) 'request': request!, |
| if (sourceToken != null) 'sourceToken': sourceToken!, |
| if (target != null) 'target': target!, |
| if (type != null) 'type': type!, |
| if (updateTime != null) 'updateTime': updateTime!, |
| if (versionId != null) 'versionId': versionId!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access |
| /// controls for Google Cloud resources. |
| /// |
| /// A `Policy` is a collection of `bindings`. A `binding` binds one or more |
| /// `members` to a single `role`. Members can be user accounts, service |
| /// accounts, Google groups, and domains (such as G Suite). A `role` is a named |
| /// list of permissions; each `role` can be an IAM predefined role or a |
| /// user-created custom role. For some types of Google Cloud resources, a |
| /// `binding` can also specify a `condition`, which is a logical expression that |
| /// allows access to a resource only if the expression evaluates to `true`. A |
| /// condition can add constraints based on attributes of the request, the |
| /// resource, or both. To learn which resources support conditions in their IAM |
| /// policies, see the |
| /// [IAM documentation](https://cloud.google.com/iam/help/conditions/resource-policies). |
| /// **JSON example:** { "bindings": \[ { "role": |
| /// "roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin", "members": \[ |
| /// "user:mike@example.com", "group:admins@example.com", "domain:google.com", |
| /// "serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com" \] }, { "role": |
| /// "roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer", "members": \[ |
| /// "user:eve@example.com" \], "condition": { "title": "expirable access", |
| /// "description": "Does not grant access after Sep 2020", "expression": |
| /// "request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z')", } } \], "etag": |
| /// "BwWWja0YfJA=", "version": 3 } **YAML example:** bindings: - members: - |
| /// user:mike@example.com - group:admins@example.com - domain:google.com - |
| /// serviceAccount:my-project-id@appspot.gserviceaccount.com role: |
| /// roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin - members: - user:eve@example.com |
| /// role: roles/resourcemanager.organizationViewer condition: title: expirable |
| /// access description: Does not grant access after Sep 2020 expression: |
| /// request.time < timestamp('2020-10-01T00:00:00.000Z') etag: BwWWja0YfJA= |
| /// version: 3 For a description of IAM and its features, see the |
| /// [IAM documentation](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/). |
| class Policy { |
| /// Specifies cloud audit logging configuration for this policy. |
| core.List<AuditConfig>? auditConfigs; |
| |
| /// Associates a list of `members` to a `role`. |
| /// |
| /// Optionally, may specify a `condition` that determines how and when the |
| /// `bindings` are applied. Each of the `bindings` must contain at least one |
| /// member. |
| core.List<Binding>? bindings; |
| |
| /// `etag` is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent |
| /// simultaneous updates of a policy from overwriting each other. |
| /// |
| /// It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the `etag` in the |
| /// read-modify-write cycle to perform policy updates in order to avoid race |
| /// conditions: An `etag` is returned in the response to `getIamPolicy`, and |
| /// systems are expected to put that etag in the request to `setIamPolicy` to |
| /// ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the |
| /// policy. **Important:** If you use IAM Conditions, you must include the |
| /// `etag` field whenever you call `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, |
| /// then IAM allows you to overwrite a version `3` policy with a version `1` |
| /// policy, and all of the conditions in the version `3` policy are lost. |
| core.String? etag; |
| core.List<core.int> get etagAsBytes => convert.base64.decode(etag!); |
| |
| set etagAsBytes(core.List<core.int> _bytes) { |
| etag = |
| convert.base64.encode(_bytes).replaceAll('/', '_').replaceAll('+', '-'); |
| } |
| |
| /// Specifies the format of the policy. |
| /// |
| /// Valid values are `0`, `1`, and `3`. Requests that specify an invalid value |
| /// are rejected. Any operation that affects conditional role bindings must |
| /// specify version `3`. This requirement applies to the following operations: |
| /// * Getting a policy that includes a conditional role binding * Adding a |
| /// conditional role binding to a policy * Changing a conditional role binding |
| /// in a policy * Removing any role binding, with or without a condition, from |
| /// a policy that includes conditions **Important:** If you use IAM |
| /// Conditions, you must include the `etag` field whenever you call |
| /// `setIamPolicy`. If you omit this field, then IAM allows you to overwrite a |
| /// version `3` policy with a version `1` policy, and all of the conditions in |
| /// the version `3` policy are lost. If a policy does not include any |
| /// conditions, operations on that policy may specify any valid version or |
| /// leave the field unset. To learn which resources support conditions in |
| /// their IAM policies, see the |
| /// [IAM documentation](https://cloud.google.com/iam/help/conditions/resource-policies). |
| core.int? version; |
| |
| Policy({ |
| this.auditConfigs, |
| this.bindings, |
| this.etag, |
| this.version, |
| }); |
| |
| Policy.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| auditConfigs: _json.containsKey('auditConfigs') |
| ? (_json['auditConfigs'] as core.List) |
| .map<AuditConfig>((value) => AuditConfig.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| bindings: _json.containsKey('bindings') |
| ? (_json['bindings'] as core.List) |
| .map<Binding>((value) => Binding.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| etag: _json.containsKey('etag') ? _json['etag'] as core.String : null, |
| version: _json.containsKey('version') |
| ? _json['version'] as core.int |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (auditConfigs != null) |
| 'auditConfigs': auditConfigs!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| if (bindings != null) |
| 'bindings': bindings!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| if (etag != null) 'etag': etag!, |
| if (version != null) 'version': version!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Describes the retry policy in case of function's execution failure. |
| /// |
| /// A function execution will be retried on any failure. A failed execution will |
| /// be retried up to 7 days with an exponential backoff (capped at 10 seconds). |
| /// Retried execution is charged as any other execution. |
| class Retry { |
| Retry(); |
| |
| Retry.fromJson( |
| // ignore: avoid_unused_constructor_parameters |
| core.Map _json); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => {}; |
| } |
| |
| /// Configuration for a secret environment variable. |
| /// |
| /// It has the information necessary to fetch the secret value from secret |
| /// manager and expose it as an environment variable. Secret value is not a part |
| /// of the configuration. Secret values are only fetched when a new clone |
| /// starts. |
| class SecretEnvVar { |
| /// Name of the environment variable. |
| core.String? key; |
| |
| /// Project identifier (preferrably project number but can also be the project |
| /// ID) of the project that contains the secret. |
| /// |
| /// If not set, it will be populated with the function's project assuming that |
| /// the secret exists in the same project as of the function. |
| core.String? projectId; |
| |
| /// Name of the secret in secret manager (not the full resource name). |
| core.String? secret; |
| |
| /// Version of the secret (version number or the string 'latest'). |
| /// |
| /// It is recommended to use a numeric version for secret environment |
| /// variables as any updates to the secret value is not reflected until new |
| /// clones start. |
| core.String? version; |
| |
| SecretEnvVar({ |
| this.key, |
| this.projectId, |
| this.secret, |
| this.version, |
| }); |
| |
| SecretEnvVar.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| key: _json.containsKey('key') ? _json['key'] as core.String : null, |
| projectId: _json.containsKey('projectId') |
| ? _json['projectId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| secret: _json.containsKey('secret') |
| ? _json['secret'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| version: _json.containsKey('version') |
| ? _json['version'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (key != null) 'key': key!, |
| if (projectId != null) 'projectId': projectId!, |
| if (secret != null) 'secret': secret!, |
| if (version != null) 'version': version!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Configuration for a single version. |
| class SecretVersion { |
| /// Relative path of the file under the mount path where the secret value for |
| /// this version will be fetched and made available. |
| /// |
| /// For example, setting the mount_path as '/etc/secrets' and path as |
| /// `/secret_foo` would mount the secret value file at |
| /// `/etc/secrets/secret_foo`. |
| core.String? path; |
| |
| /// Version of the secret (version number or the string 'latest'). |
| /// |
| /// It is preferrable to use `latest` version with secret volumes as secret |
| /// value changes are reflected immediately. |
| core.String? version; |
| |
| SecretVersion({ |
| this.path, |
| this.version, |
| }); |
| |
| SecretVersion.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| path: _json.containsKey('path') ? _json['path'] as core.String : null, |
| version: _json.containsKey('version') |
| ? _json['version'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (path != null) 'path': path!, |
| if (version != null) 'version': version!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Configuration for a secret volume. |
| /// |
| /// It has the information necessary to fetch the secret value from secret |
| /// manager and make it available as files mounted at the requested paths within |
| /// the application container. Secret value is not a part of the configuration. |
| /// Every filesystem read operation performs a lookup in secret manager to |
| /// retrieve the secret value. |
| class SecretVolume { |
| /// The path within the container to mount the secret volume. |
| /// |
| /// For example, setting the mount_path as `/etc/secrets` would mount the |
| /// secret value files under the `/etc/secrets` directory. This directory will |
| /// also be completely shadowed and unavailable to mount any other secrets. |
| /// Recommended mount paths: /etc/secrets Restricted mount paths: /cloudsql, |
| /// /dev/log, /pod, /proc, /var/log |
| core.String? mountPath; |
| |
| /// Project identifier (preferrably project number but can also be the project |
| /// ID) of the project that contains the secret. |
| /// |
| /// If not set, it will be populated with the function's project assuming that |
| /// the secret exists in the same project as of the function. |
| core.String? projectId; |
| |
| /// Name of the secret in secret manager (not the full resource name). |
| core.String? secret; |
| |
| /// List of secret versions to mount for this secret. |
| /// |
| /// If empty, the `latest` version of the secret will be made available in a |
| /// file named after the secret under the mount point. |
| core.List<SecretVersion>? versions; |
| |
| SecretVolume({ |
| this.mountPath, |
| this.projectId, |
| this.secret, |
| this.versions, |
| }); |
| |
| SecretVolume.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| mountPath: _json.containsKey('mountPath') |
| ? _json['mountPath'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| projectId: _json.containsKey('projectId') |
| ? _json['projectId'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| secret: _json.containsKey('secret') |
| ? _json['secret'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| versions: _json.containsKey('versions') |
| ? (_json['versions'] as core.List) |
| .map<SecretVersion>((value) => SecretVersion.fromJson( |
| value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>)) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (mountPath != null) 'mountPath': mountPath!, |
| if (projectId != null) 'projectId': projectId!, |
| if (secret != null) 'secret': secret!, |
| if (versions != null) |
| 'versions': versions!.map((value) => value.toJson()).toList(), |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Request message for `SetIamPolicy` method. |
| class SetIamPolicyRequest { |
| /// REQUIRED: The complete policy to be applied to the `resource`. |
| /// |
| /// The size of the policy is limited to a few 10s of KB. An empty policy is a |
| /// valid policy but certain Cloud Platform services (such as Projects) might |
| /// reject them. |
| Policy? policy; |
| |
| /// OPTIONAL: A FieldMask specifying which fields of the policy to modify. |
| /// |
| /// Only the fields in the mask will be modified. If no mask is provided, the |
| /// following default mask is used: `paths: "bindings, etag"` |
| core.String? updateMask; |
| |
| SetIamPolicyRequest({ |
| this.policy, |
| this.updateMask, |
| }); |
| |
| SetIamPolicyRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| policy: _json.containsKey('policy') |
| ? Policy.fromJson( |
| _json['policy'] as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>) |
| : null, |
| updateMask: _json.containsKey('updateMask') |
| ? _json['updateMask'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (policy != null) 'policy': policy!.toJson(), |
| if (updateMask != null) 'updateMask': updateMask!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Describes SourceRepository, used to represent parameters related to source |
| /// repository where a function is hosted. |
| class SourceRepository { |
| /// The URL pointing to the hosted repository where the function were defined |
| /// at the time of deployment. |
| /// |
| /// It always points to a specific commit in the format described above. |
| /// |
| /// Output only. |
| core.String? deployedUrl; |
| |
| /// The URL pointing to the hosted repository where the function is defined. |
| /// |
| /// There are supported Cloud Source Repository URLs in the following formats: |
| /// To refer to a specific commit: |
| /// `https://source.developers.google.com/projects / * /repos / * /revisions / |
| /// * /paths / * ` To refer to a moveable alias (branch): |
| /// `https://source.developers.google.com/projects / * /repos / * |
| /// /moveable-aliases / * /paths / * ` In particular, to refer to HEAD use |
| /// `master` moveable alias. To refer to a specific fixed alias (tag): |
| /// `https://source.developers.google.com/projects / * /repos / * |
| /// /fixed-aliases / * /paths / * ` You may omit `paths / * ` if you want to |
| /// use the main directory. |
| core.String? url; |
| |
| SourceRepository({ |
| this.deployedUrl, |
| this.url, |
| }); |
| |
| SourceRepository.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| deployedUrl: _json.containsKey('deployedUrl') |
| ? _json['deployedUrl'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| url: _json.containsKey('url') ? _json['url'] as core.String : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (deployedUrl != null) 'deployedUrl': deployedUrl!, |
| if (url != null) 'url': url!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for |
| /// different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. |
| /// |
| /// It is used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). Each `Status` message |
| /// contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. |
| /// You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the |
| /// [API Design Guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors). |
| class Status { |
| /// The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code. |
| core.int? code; |
| |
| /// A list of messages that carry the error details. |
| /// |
| /// There is a common set of message types for APIs to use. |
| /// |
| /// The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of `num`, |
| /// `String`, `bool` and `null` as well as `Map` and `List` values. |
| core.List<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>>? details; |
| |
| /// A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. |
| /// |
| /// Any user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the |
| /// google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client. |
| core.String? message; |
| |
| Status({ |
| this.code, |
| this.details, |
| this.message, |
| }); |
| |
| Status.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| code: _json.containsKey('code') ? _json['code'] as core.int : null, |
| details: _json.containsKey('details') |
| ? (_json['details'] as core.List) |
| .map<core.Map<core.String, core.Object>>((value) => |
| (value as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>).map( |
| (key, item) => core.MapEntry( |
| key, |
| item as core.Object, |
| ), |
| )) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| message: _json.containsKey('message') |
| ? _json['message'] as core.String |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (code != null) 'code': code!, |
| if (details != null) 'details': details!, |
| if (message != null) 'message': message!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Request message for `TestIamPermissions` method. |
| class TestIamPermissionsRequest { |
| /// The set of permissions to check for the `resource`. |
| /// |
| /// Permissions with wildcards (such as '*' or 'storage.*') are not allowed. |
| /// For more information see |
| /// [IAM Overview](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/overview#permissions). |
| core.List<core.String>? permissions; |
| |
| TestIamPermissionsRequest({ |
| this.permissions, |
| }); |
| |
| TestIamPermissionsRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| permissions: _json.containsKey('permissions') |
| ? (_json['permissions'] as core.List) |
| .map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (permissions != null) 'permissions': permissions!, |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| /// Response message for `TestIamPermissions` method. |
| class TestIamPermissionsResponse { |
| /// A subset of `TestPermissionsRequest.permissions` that the caller is |
| /// allowed. |
| core.List<core.String>? permissions; |
| |
| TestIamPermissionsResponse({ |
| this.permissions, |
| }); |
| |
| TestIamPermissionsResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) |
| : this( |
| permissions: _json.containsKey('permissions') |
| ? (_json['permissions'] as core.List) |
| .map<core.String>((value) => value as core.String) |
| .toList() |
| : null, |
| ); |
| |
| core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic> toJson() => { |
| if (permissions != null) 'permissions': permissions!, |
| }; |
| } |