blob: d65c919c1112f681eb3c9340492c8cf568d284d2 [file] [log] [blame]
library googleapis.civicinfo.v1;
import "dart:core" as core;
import "dart:collection" as collection;
import "dart:async" as async;
import "dart:convert" as convert;
import "package:crypto/crypto.dart" as crypto;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import '../src/common_internal.dart' as common_internal;
import '../common/common.dart' as common;
export '../common/common.dart' show ApiRequestError;
export '../common/common.dart' show DetailedApiRequestError;
/** An API for accessing civic information. */
class CivicinfoApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
DivisionsResourceApi get divisions => new DivisionsResourceApi(_requester);
ElectionsResourceApi get elections => new ElectionsResourceApi(_requester);
RepresentativesResourceApi get representatives => new RepresentativesResourceApi(_requester);
CivicinfoApi(http.Client client) :
_requester = new common_internal.ApiRequester(client, "", "/civicinfo/v1/");
/** Not documented yet. */
class DivisionsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
DivisionsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Searches for political divisions by their natural name or OCD ID.
* Request parameters:
* [query] - The search query. Queries can cover any parts of a OCD ID or a
* human readable division name. All words given in the query are treated as
* required patterns. In addition to that, most query operators of the Apache
* Lucene library are supported. See
* Completes with a [DivisionSearchResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<DivisionSearchResponse> search({core.String query}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (query != null) {
_queryParams["query"] = [query];
_url = 'representatives/division_search';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new DivisionSearchResponse.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class ElectionsResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
ElectionsResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* List of available elections to query.
* Request parameters:
* Completes with a [ElectionsQueryResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<ElectionsQueryResponse> electionQuery() {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
_url = 'elections';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new ElectionsQueryResponse.fromJson(data));
* Looks up information relevant to a voter based on the voter's registered
* address.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* [electionId] - The unique ID of the election to look up. A list of election
* IDs can be obtained at
* [officialOnly] - If set to true, only data from official state sources will
* be returned.
* Completes with a [VoterInfoResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<VoterInfoResponse> voterInfoQuery(VoterInfoRequest request, core.String electionId, {core.bool officialOnly}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
if (electionId == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError("Parameter electionId is required.");
if (officialOnly != null) {
_queryParams["officialOnly"] = ["${officialOnly}"];
_url = 'voterinfo/' + common_internal.Escaper.ecapeVariable('$electionId') + '/lookup';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new VoterInfoResponse.fromJson(data));
/** Not documented yet. */
class RepresentativesResourceApi {
final common_internal.ApiRequester _requester;
RepresentativesResourceApi(common_internal.ApiRequester client) :
_requester = client;
* Looks up political geography and representative information based on an
* address or Open Civic Data division identifier.
* [request] - The metadata request object.
* Request parameters:
* [includeOffices] - Whether to return information about offices and
* officials. If false, only the top-level district information will be
* returned.
* [ocdId] - The division to look up. May only be specified if the address
* field is not given in the request body.
* [recursive] - When ocd_id is supplied, return all divisions which are
* hierarchically nested within the queried division. For example, if querying
* ocd-division/country:us/district:dc, this would also return all DC's wards
* and ANCs.
* Completes with a [RepresentativeInfoResponse].
* Completes with a [common.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
* error.
* If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
* this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<RepresentativeInfoResponse> representativeInfoQuery(RepresentativeInfoRequest request, {core.bool includeOffices, core.String ocdId, core.bool recursive}) {
var _url = null;
var _queryParams = new core.Map();
var _uploadMedia = null;
var _uploadOptions = null;
var _downloadOptions = common.DownloadOptions.Metadata;
var _body = null;
if (request != null) {
_body = convert.JSON.encode((request).toJson());
if (includeOffices != null) {
_queryParams["includeOffices"] = ["${includeOffices}"];
if (ocdId != null) {
_queryParams["ocdId"] = [ocdId];
if (recursive != null) {
_queryParams["recursive"] = ["${recursive}"];
_url = 'representatives/lookup';
var _response = _requester.request(_url,
body: _body,
queryParams: _queryParams,
uploadOptions: _uploadOptions,
uploadMedia: _uploadMedia,
downloadOptions: _downloadOptions);
return _response.then((data) => new RepresentativeInfoResponse.fromJson(data));
/** Describes information about a regional election administrative area. */
class AdministrationRegion {
/** The election administration body for this area. */
AdministrativeBody electionAdministrationBody;
* An ID for this object. IDs may change in future requests and should not be
* cached. Access to this field requires special access that can be requested
* from the Request more link on the Quotas page.
core.String id;
* The city or county that provides election information for this voter. This
* object can have the same elements as state.
AdministrationRegion localJurisdiction;
/** The name of the jurisdiction. */
core.String name;
* A list of sources for this area. If multiple sources are listed the data
* has been aggregated from those sources.
core.List<Source> sources;
AdministrationRegion.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("electionAdministrationBody")) {
electionAdministrationBody = new AdministrativeBody.fromJson(_json["electionAdministrationBody"]);
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("local_jurisdiction")) {
localJurisdiction = new AdministrationRegion.fromJson(_json["local_jurisdiction"]);
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("sources")) {
sources = _json["sources"].map((value) => new Source.fromJson(value)).toList();
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (electionAdministrationBody != null) {
_json["electionAdministrationBody"] = (electionAdministrationBody).toJson();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (localJurisdiction != null) {
_json["local_jurisdiction"] = (localJurisdiction).toJson();
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (sources != null) {
_json["sources"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
return _json;
* Information about an election administrative body (e.g. County Board of
* Elections).
class AdministrativeBody {
* A URL provided by this administrative body for information on absentee
* voting.
core.String absenteeVotingInfoUrl;
* A URL provided by this administrative body to give contest information to
* the voter.
core.String ballotInfoUrl;
/** The mailing address of this administrative body. */
SimpleAddressType correspondenceAddress;
* A URL provided by this administrative body for looking up general election
* information.
core.String electionInfoUrl;
/** The election officials for this election administrative body. */
core.List<ElectionOfficial> electionOfficials;
* A URL provided by this administrative body for confirming that the voter is
* registered to vote.
core.String electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl;
* A URL provided by this administrative body for looking up how to register
* to vote.
core.String electionRegistrationUrl;
* A URL provided by this administrative body describing election rules to the
* voter.
core.String electionRulesUrl;
/** A description of the hours of operation for this administrative body. */
core.String hoursOfOperation;
/** The name of this election administrative body. */
core.String name;
/** The physical address of this administrative body. */
SimpleAddressType physicalAddress;
/** A description of the services this administrative body may provide. */
core.List<core.String> voterServices;
* A URL provided by this administrative body for looking up where to vote.
core.String votingLocationFinderUrl;
AdministrativeBody.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("absenteeVotingInfoUrl")) {
absenteeVotingInfoUrl = _json["absenteeVotingInfoUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("ballotInfoUrl")) {
ballotInfoUrl = _json["ballotInfoUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("correspondenceAddress")) {
correspondenceAddress = new SimpleAddressType.fromJson(_json["correspondenceAddress"]);
if (_json.containsKey("electionInfoUrl")) {
electionInfoUrl = _json["electionInfoUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("electionOfficials")) {
electionOfficials = _json["electionOfficials"].map((value) => new ElectionOfficial.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl")) {
electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl = _json["electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("electionRegistrationUrl")) {
electionRegistrationUrl = _json["electionRegistrationUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("electionRulesUrl")) {
electionRulesUrl = _json["electionRulesUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("hoursOfOperation")) {
hoursOfOperation = _json["hoursOfOperation"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("physicalAddress")) {
physicalAddress = new SimpleAddressType.fromJson(_json["physicalAddress"]);
if (_json.containsKey("voter_services")) {
voterServices = _json["voter_services"];
if (_json.containsKey("votingLocationFinderUrl")) {
votingLocationFinderUrl = _json["votingLocationFinderUrl"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (absenteeVotingInfoUrl != null) {
_json["absenteeVotingInfoUrl"] = absenteeVotingInfoUrl;
if (ballotInfoUrl != null) {
_json["ballotInfoUrl"] = ballotInfoUrl;
if (correspondenceAddress != null) {
_json["correspondenceAddress"] = (correspondenceAddress).toJson();
if (electionInfoUrl != null) {
_json["electionInfoUrl"] = electionInfoUrl;
if (electionOfficials != null) {
_json["electionOfficials"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl != null) {
_json["electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl"] = electionRegistrationConfirmationUrl;
if (electionRegistrationUrl != null) {
_json["electionRegistrationUrl"] = electionRegistrationUrl;
if (electionRulesUrl != null) {
_json["electionRulesUrl"] = electionRulesUrl;
if (hoursOfOperation != null) {
_json["hoursOfOperation"] = hoursOfOperation;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (physicalAddress != null) {
_json["physicalAddress"] = (physicalAddress).toJson();
if (voterServices != null) {
_json["voter_services"] = voterServices;
if (votingLocationFinderUrl != null) {
_json["votingLocationFinderUrl"] = votingLocationFinderUrl;
return _json;
/** Information about a candidate running for elected office. */
class Candidate {
/** The URL for the candidate's campaign web site. */
core.String candidateUrl;
/** A list of known (social) media channels for this candidate. */
core.List<Channel> channels;
/** The email address for the candidate's campaign. */
core.String email;
/** The candidate's name. */
core.String name;
/** The order the candidate appears on the ballot for this contest. */
core.String orderOnBallot;
/** The full name of the party the candidate is a member of. */
core.String party;
/** The voice phone number for the candidate's campaign office. */
core.String phone;
/** A URL for a photo of the candidate. */
core.String photoUrl;
Candidate.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("candidateUrl")) {
candidateUrl = _json["candidateUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("channels")) {
channels = _json["channels"].map((value) => new Channel.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("email")) {
email = _json["email"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("orderOnBallot")) {
orderOnBallot = _json["orderOnBallot"];
if (_json.containsKey("party")) {
party = _json["party"];
if (_json.containsKey("phone")) {
phone = _json["phone"];
if (_json.containsKey("photoUrl")) {
photoUrl = _json["photoUrl"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (candidateUrl != null) {
_json["candidateUrl"] = candidateUrl;
if (channels != null) {
_json["channels"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (email != null) {
_json["email"] = email;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (orderOnBallot != null) {
_json["orderOnBallot"] = orderOnBallot;
if (party != null) {
_json["party"] = party;
if (phone != null) {
_json["phone"] = phone;
if (photoUrl != null) {
_json["photoUrl"] = photoUrl;
return _json;
/** A social media or web channel for a candidate. */
class Channel {
/** The unique public identifier for the candidate's channel. */
core.String id;
* The type of channel. The following is a list of types of channels, but is
* not exhaustive. More channel types may be added at a later time. One of:
* GooglePlus, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter
core.String type;
Channel.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
return _json;
/** Information about a contest that appears on a voter's ballot. */
class Contest {
* A number specifying the position of this contest on the voter's ballot.
core.String ballotPlacement;
/** The candidate choices for this contest. */
core.List<Candidate> candidates;
/** Information about the electoral district that this contest is in. */
ElectoralDistrict district;
* A description of any additional eligibility requirements for voting in this
* contest.
core.String electorateSpecifications;
* An ID for this object. IDs may change in future requests and should not be
* cached. Access to this field requires special access that can be requested
* from the Request more link on the Quotas page.
core.String id;
* The level of office for this contest. One of: federal, state, county, city,
* other
core.String level;
* The number of candidates that will be elected to office in this contest.
core.String numberElected;
/** The number of candidates that a voter may vote for in this contest. */
core.String numberVotingFor;
/** The name of the office for this contest. */
core.String office;
/** If this is a partisan election, the name of the party it is for. */
core.String primaryParty;
* A brief description of the referendum. This field is only populated for
* contests of type 'Referendum'.
core.String referendumSubtitle;
* The title of the referendum (e.g. 'Proposition 42'). This field is only
* populated for contests of type 'Referendum'.
core.String referendumTitle;
* A link to the referendum. This field is only populated for contests of type
* 'Referendum'.
core.String referendumUrl;
* A list of sources for this contest. If multiple sources are listed, the
* data has been aggregated from those sources.
core.List<Source> sources;
* "Yes" or "No" depending on whether this a contest being held outside the
* normal election cycle.
core.String special;
* The type of contest. Usually this will be 'General', 'Primary', or
* 'Run-off' for contests with candidates. For referenda this will be
* 'Referendum'.
core.String type;
Contest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("ballotPlacement")) {
ballotPlacement = _json["ballotPlacement"];
if (_json.containsKey("candidates")) {
candidates = _json["candidates"].map((value) => new Candidate.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("district")) {
district = new ElectoralDistrict.fromJson(_json["district"]);
if (_json.containsKey("electorateSpecifications")) {
electorateSpecifications = _json["electorateSpecifications"];
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("level")) {
level = _json["level"];
if (_json.containsKey("numberElected")) {
numberElected = _json["numberElected"];
if (_json.containsKey("numberVotingFor")) {
numberVotingFor = _json["numberVotingFor"];
if (_json.containsKey("office")) {
office = _json["office"];
if (_json.containsKey("primaryParty")) {
primaryParty = _json["primaryParty"];
if (_json.containsKey("referendumSubtitle")) {
referendumSubtitle = _json["referendumSubtitle"];
if (_json.containsKey("referendumTitle")) {
referendumTitle = _json["referendumTitle"];
if (_json.containsKey("referendumUrl")) {
referendumUrl = _json["referendumUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("sources")) {
sources = _json["sources"].map((value) => new Source.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("special")) {
special = _json["special"];
if (_json.containsKey("type")) {
type = _json["type"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (ballotPlacement != null) {
_json["ballotPlacement"] = ballotPlacement;
if (candidates != null) {
_json["candidates"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (district != null) {
_json["district"] = (district).toJson();
if (electorateSpecifications != null) {
_json["electorateSpecifications"] = electorateSpecifications;
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (level != null) {
_json["level"] = level;
if (numberElected != null) {
_json["numberElected"] = numberElected;
if (numberVotingFor != null) {
_json["numberVotingFor"] = numberVotingFor;
if (office != null) {
_json["office"] = office;
if (primaryParty != null) {
_json["primaryParty"] = primaryParty;
if (referendumSubtitle != null) {
_json["referendumSubtitle"] = referendumSubtitle;
if (referendumTitle != null) {
_json["referendumTitle"] = referendumTitle;
if (referendumUrl != null) {
_json["referendumUrl"] = referendumUrl;
if (sources != null) {
_json["sources"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (special != null) {
_json["special"] = special;
if (type != null) {
_json["type"] = type;
return _json;
/** The result of a division search query. */
class DivisionSearchResponse {
* Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string
* "civicinfo#divisionSearchResponse".
core.String kind;
/** Not documented yet. */
core.List<DivisionSearchResult> results;
* The result of the request. One of: success, addressUnparseable,
* noAddressParameter, internalLookupFailure
core.String status;
DivisionSearchResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("results")) {
results = _json["results"].map((value) => new DivisionSearchResult.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("status")) {
status = _json["status"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (results != null) {
_json["results"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (status != null) {
_json["status"] = status;
return _json;
* Represents a political geographic division that matches the requested query.
class DivisionSearchResult {
* Other Open Civic Data identifiers that refer to the same division -- for
* example, those that refer to other political divisions whose boundaries are
* defined to be coterminous with this one. For example,
* ocd-division/country:us/state:wy will include an alias of
* ocd-division/country:us/state:wy/cd:1, since Wyoming has only one
* Congressional district.
core.List<core.String> aliases;
/** The name of the division. */
core.String name;
/** The unique Open Civic Data identifier for this division. */
core.String ocdId;
DivisionSearchResult.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("aliases")) {
aliases = _json["aliases"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("ocdId")) {
ocdId = _json["ocdId"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (aliases != null) {
_json["aliases"] = aliases;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (ocdId != null) {
_json["ocdId"] = ocdId;
return _json;
/** Information about the election that was queried. */
class Election {
/** Day of the election in YYYY-MM-DD format. */
core.String electionDay;
/** The unique ID of this election. */
core.String id;
/** A displayable name for the election. */
core.String name;
Election.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("electionDay")) {
electionDay = _json["electionDay"];
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (electionDay != null) {
_json["electionDay"] = electionDay;
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
return _json;
/** Information about individual election officials. */
class ElectionOfficial {
/** The email address of the election official. */
core.String emailAddress;
/** The fax number of the election official. */
core.String faxNumber;
/** The full name of the election official. */
core.String name;
/** The office phone number of the election official. */
core.String officePhoneNumber;
/** The title of the election official. */
core.String title;
ElectionOfficial.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("emailAddress")) {
emailAddress = _json["emailAddress"];
if (_json.containsKey("faxNumber")) {
faxNumber = _json["faxNumber"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("officePhoneNumber")) {
officePhoneNumber = _json["officePhoneNumber"];
if (_json.containsKey("title")) {
title = _json["title"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (emailAddress != null) {
_json["emailAddress"] = emailAddress;
if (faxNumber != null) {
_json["faxNumber"] = faxNumber;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (officePhoneNumber != null) {
_json["officePhoneNumber"] = officePhoneNumber;
if (title != null) {
_json["title"] = title;
return _json;
/** The list of elections available for this version of the API. */
class ElectionsQueryResponse {
/** A list of available elections */
core.List<Election> elections;
* Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string
* "civicinfo#electionsQueryResponse".
core.String kind;
ElectionsQueryResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("elections")) {
elections = _json["elections"].map((value) => new Election.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (elections != null) {
_json["elections"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
return _json;
/** Describes the geographic scope of a contest. */
class ElectoralDistrict {
* An identifier for this district, relative to its scope. For example, the
* 34th State Senate district would have id "34" and a scope of stateUpper.
core.String id;
/** The name of the district. */
core.String name;
* The geographic scope of this district. If unspecified the district's
* geography is not known. One of: national, statewide, congressional,
* stateUpper, stateLower, countywide, judicial, schoolBoard, cityWide,
* township, countyCouncil, cityCouncil, ward, special
core.String scope;
ElectoralDistrict.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("scope")) {
scope = _json["scope"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (scope != null) {
_json["scope"] = scope;
return _json;
/** Describes a political geography. */
class GeographicDivision {
* Any other valid OCD IDs that refer to the same division. For example, if
* this division's OCD ID is ocd-division/country:us/district:dc, this will
* contain ocd-division/country:us/state:dc.
core.List<core.String> alsoKnownAs;
/** The name of the division. */
core.String name;
* List of keys in the offices object, one for each office elected from this
* division. Will only be present if includeOffices was true (or absent) in
* the request.
core.List<core.String> officeIds;
* The geographic scope of the division. If unspecified, the division's
* geography is not known. One of: national, statewide, congressional,
* stateUpper, stateLower, countywide, judicial, schoolBoard, cityWide,
* township, countyCouncil, cityCouncil, ward, special
core.String scope;
GeographicDivision.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("alsoKnownAs")) {
alsoKnownAs = _json["alsoKnownAs"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("officeIds")) {
officeIds = _json["officeIds"];
if (_json.containsKey("scope")) {
scope = _json["scope"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (alsoKnownAs != null) {
_json["alsoKnownAs"] = alsoKnownAs;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (officeIds != null) {
_json["officeIds"] = officeIds;
if (scope != null) {
_json["scope"] = scope;
return _json;
/** Information about an Office held by one or more Officials. */
class Office {
/** The OCD ID of the division with which this office is associated. */
core.String divisionId;
* The level of this elected office. One of: federal, state, county, city,
* other
core.String level;
/** The human-readable name of the office. */
core.String name;
* List of keys in the officials object of people who presently hold this
* office.
core.List<core.String> officialIds;
* A list of sources for this office. If multiple sources are listed, the data
* has been aggregated from those sources.
core.List<Source> sources;
Office.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("divisionId")) {
divisionId = _json["divisionId"];
if (_json.containsKey("level")) {
level = _json["level"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("officialIds")) {
officialIds = _json["officialIds"];
if (_json.containsKey("sources")) {
sources = _json["sources"].map((value) => new Source.fromJson(value)).toList();
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (divisionId != null) {
_json["divisionId"] = divisionId;
if (level != null) {
_json["level"] = level;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (officialIds != null) {
_json["officialIds"] = officialIds;
if (sources != null) {
_json["sources"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
return _json;
/** Information about a official holding an elected office. */
class Official {
/** Addresses at which to contact the official. */
core.List<SimpleAddressType> address;
/** A list of known (social) media channels for this official. */
core.List<Channel> channels;
/** The direct email addresses for the official. */
core.List<core.String> emails;
/** The official's name. */
core.String name;
/** The full name of the party the official belongs to. */
core.String party;
/** The official's public contact phone numbers. */
core.List<core.String> phones;
/** A URL for a photo of the official. */
core.String photoUrl;
/** The official's public website URLs. */
core.List<core.String> urls;
Official.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("address")) {
address = _json["address"].map((value) => new SimpleAddressType.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("channels")) {
channels = _json["channels"].map((value) => new Channel.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("emails")) {
emails = _json["emails"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("party")) {
party = _json["party"];
if (_json.containsKey("phones")) {
phones = _json["phones"];
if (_json.containsKey("photoUrl")) {
photoUrl = _json["photoUrl"];
if (_json.containsKey("urls")) {
urls = _json["urls"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (address != null) {
_json["address"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (channels != null) {
_json["channels"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (emails != null) {
_json["emails"] = emails;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (party != null) {
_json["party"] = party;
if (phones != null) {
_json["phones"] = phones;
if (photoUrl != null) {
_json["photoUrl"] = photoUrl;
if (urls != null) {
_json["urls"] = urls;
return _json;
* A location where a voter can vote. This may be an early vote site or an
* election day voting location.
class PollingLocation {
/** The address of the location */
SimpleAddressType address;
* The last date that this early vote site may be used. This field is not
* populated for polling locations.
core.String endDate;
* An ID for this object. IDs may change in future requests and should not be
* cached. Access to this field requires special access that can be requested
* from the Request more link on the Quotas page.
core.String id;
* The name of the early vote site. This field is not populated for polling
* locations.
core.String name;
/** Notes about this location (e.g. accessibility ramp or entrance to use) */
core.String notes;
/** A description of when this location is open. */
core.String pollingHours;
* A list of sources for this location. If multiple sources are listed the
* data has been aggregated from those sources.
core.List<Source> sources;
* The first date that this early vote site may be used. This field is not
* populated for polling locations.
core.String startDate;
* The services provided by this early vote site. This field is not populated
* for polling locations.
core.String voterServices;
PollingLocation.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("address")) {
address = new SimpleAddressType.fromJson(_json["address"]);
if (_json.containsKey("endDate")) {
endDate = _json["endDate"];
if (_json.containsKey("id")) {
id = _json["id"];
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("notes")) {
notes = _json["notes"];
if (_json.containsKey("pollingHours")) {
pollingHours = _json["pollingHours"];
if (_json.containsKey("sources")) {
sources = _json["sources"].map((value) => new Source.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("startDate")) {
startDate = _json["startDate"];
if (_json.containsKey("voterServices")) {
voterServices = _json["voterServices"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (address != null) {
_json["address"] = (address).toJson();
if (endDate != null) {
_json["endDate"] = endDate;
if (id != null) {
_json["id"] = id;
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (notes != null) {
_json["notes"] = notes;
if (pollingHours != null) {
_json["pollingHours"] = pollingHours;
if (sources != null) {
_json["sources"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (startDate != null) {
_json["startDate"] = startDate;
if (voterServices != null) {
_json["voterServices"] = voterServices;
return _json;
* A request for political geography and representative information for an
* address.
class RepresentativeInfoRequest {
* The address to look up. May only be specified if the field ocdId is not
* given in the URL.
core.String address;
RepresentativeInfoRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("address")) {
address = _json["address"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (address != null) {
_json["address"] = address;
return _json;
/** The result of a representative info lookup query. */
class RepresentativeInfoResponse {
/** Political geographic divisions that contain the requested address. */
core.Map<core.String, GeographicDivision> divisions;
* Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string
* "civicinfo#representativeInfoResponse".
core.String kind;
/** The normalized version of the requested address */
SimpleAddressType normalizedInput;
* Elected offices referenced by the divisions listed above. Will only be
* present if includeOffices was true in the request.
core.Map<core.String, Office> offices;
* Officials holding the offices listed above. Will only be present if
* includeOffices was true in the request.
core.Map<core.String, Official> officials;
* The result of the request. One of: success, noStreetSegmentFound,
* addressUnparseable, noAddressParameter, multipleStreetSegmentsFound,
* electionOver, electionUnknown, internalLookupFailure,
* RequestedBothAddressAndOcdId
core.String status;
RepresentativeInfoResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("divisions")) {
divisions = common_internal.mapMap(_json["divisions"], (item) => new GeographicDivision.fromJson(item));
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("normalizedInput")) {
normalizedInput = new SimpleAddressType.fromJson(_json["normalizedInput"]);
if (_json.containsKey("offices")) {
offices = common_internal.mapMap(_json["offices"], (item) => new Office.fromJson(item));
if (_json.containsKey("officials")) {
officials = common_internal.mapMap(_json["officials"], (item) => new Official.fromJson(item));
if (_json.containsKey("status")) {
status = _json["status"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (divisions != null) {
_json["divisions"] = common_internal.mapMap(divisions, (item) => (item).toJson());
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (normalizedInput != null) {
_json["normalizedInput"] = (normalizedInput).toJson();
if (offices != null) {
_json["offices"] = common_internal.mapMap(offices, (item) => (item).toJson());
if (officials != null) {
_json["officials"] = common_internal.mapMap(officials, (item) => (item).toJson());
if (status != null) {
_json["status"] = status;
return _json;
/** A simple representation of an address. */
class SimpleAddressType {
/** The city or town for the address. */
core.String city;
/** The street name and number of this address. */
core.String line1;
/** The second line the address, if needed. */
core.String line2;
/** The third line of the address, if needed. */
core.String line3;
/** The name of the location. */
core.String locationName;
/** The US two letter state abbreviation of the address. */
core.String state;
/** The US Postal Zip Code of the address. */
core.String zip;
SimpleAddressType.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("city")) {
city = _json["city"];
if (_json.containsKey("line1")) {
line1 = _json["line1"];
if (_json.containsKey("line2")) {
line2 = _json["line2"];
if (_json.containsKey("line3")) {
line3 = _json["line3"];
if (_json.containsKey("locationName")) {
locationName = _json["locationName"];
if (_json.containsKey("state")) {
state = _json["state"];
if (_json.containsKey("zip")) {
zip = _json["zip"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (city != null) {
_json["city"] = city;
if (line1 != null) {
_json["line1"] = line1;
if (line2 != null) {
_json["line2"] = line2;
if (line3 != null) {
_json["line3"] = line3;
if (locationName != null) {
_json["locationName"] = locationName;
if (state != null) {
_json["state"] = state;
if (zip != null) {
_json["zip"] = zip;
return _json;
* Contains information about the data source for the element containing it.
class Source {
/** The name of the data source. */
core.String name;
/** Whether this data comes from an official government source. */
core.bool official;
Source.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("name")) {
name = _json["name"];
if (_json.containsKey("official")) {
official = _json["official"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (name != null) {
_json["name"] = name;
if (official != null) {
_json["official"] = official;
return _json;
/** A request for information about a voter. */
class VoterInfoRequest {
/** The registered address of the voter to look up. */
core.String address;
VoterInfoRequest.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("address")) {
address = _json["address"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (address != null) {
_json["address"] = address;
return _json;
/** The result of a voter info lookup query. */
class VoterInfoResponse {
/** Contests that will appear on the voter's ballot */
core.List<Contest> contests;
* Locations where the voter is eligible to vote early, prior to election day
core.List<PollingLocation> earlyVoteSites;
/** The election that was queried. */
Election election;
* Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string
* "civicinfo#voterInfoResponse".
core.String kind;
/** The normalized version of the requested address */
SimpleAddressType normalizedInput;
* Locations where the voter is eligible to vote on election day. For states
* with mail-in voting only, these locations will be nearby drop box
* locations. Drop box locations are free to the voter and may be used instead
* of placing the ballot in the mail.
core.List<PollingLocation> pollingLocations;
* Local Election Information for the state that the voter votes in. For the
* US, there will only be one element in this array.
core.List<AdministrationRegion> state;
* The result of the request. One of: success, noStreetSegmentFound,
* addressUnparseable, noAddressParameter, multipleStreetSegmentsFound,
* electionOver, electionUnknown, internalLookupFailure
core.String status;
VoterInfoResponse.fromJson(core.Map _json) {
if (_json.containsKey("contests")) {
contests = _json["contests"].map((value) => new Contest.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("earlyVoteSites")) {
earlyVoteSites = _json["earlyVoteSites"].map((value) => new PollingLocation.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("election")) {
election = new Election.fromJson(_json["election"]);
if (_json.containsKey("kind")) {
kind = _json["kind"];
if (_json.containsKey("normalizedInput")) {
normalizedInput = new SimpleAddressType.fromJson(_json["normalizedInput"]);
if (_json.containsKey("pollingLocations")) {
pollingLocations = _json["pollingLocations"].map((value) => new PollingLocation.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("state")) {
state = _json["state"].map((value) => new AdministrationRegion.fromJson(value)).toList();
if (_json.containsKey("status")) {
status = _json["status"];
core.Map toJson() {
var _json = new core.Map();
if (contests != null) {
_json["contests"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (earlyVoteSites != null) {
_json["earlyVoteSites"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (election != null) {
_json["election"] = (election).toJson();
if (kind != null) {
_json["kind"] = kind;
if (normalizedInput != null) {
_json["normalizedInput"] = (normalizedInput).toJson();
if (pollingLocations != null) {
_json["pollingLocations"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (state != null) {
_json["state"] = => (value).toJson()).toList();
if (status != null) {
_json["status"] = status;
return _json;