blob: effd1286df671ff5c5b66a967fb75449f8a31918 [file] [log] [blame]
library googleapis_beta.common;
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:core' as core;
import 'dart:collection' as collection;
* Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a
* length.
class Media {
final async.Stream<core.List<>> stream;
final core.String contentType;
final length;
* Creates a new [Media] with a byte [stream] of length [length] with a
* [contentType].
* When uploading media, [length] can only be null if [ResumableUploadOptions]
* is used.
Media(, this.length,
{this.contentType: "application/octet-stream"}) {
if (stream == null || contentType == null) {
throw new core.ArgumentError(
'Arguments stream, contentType and length must not be null.');
if (length != null && length < 0) {
throw new core.ArgumentError('A negative content length is not allowed');
* Represents options for uploading a [Media].
class UploadOptions {
/** Use either simple uploads (only media) or multipart for media+metadata */
static const UploadOptions Default = const UploadOptions();
/** Make resumable uploads */
static final ResumableUploadOptions Resumable = new ResumableUploadOptions();
const UploadOptions();
* Specifies options for resumable uploads.
class ResumableUploadOptions extends UploadOptions {
static final core.Function ExponentialBackoff = ( failedAttempts) {
// Do not retry more than 5 times.
if (failedAttempts > 5) return null;
// Wait for 2^(failedAttempts-1) seconds, before retrying.
// i.e. 1 second, 2 seconds, 4 seconds, ...
return new core.Duration(seconds: 1 << (failedAttempts - 1));
* Maximum number of upload attempts per chunk.
final numberOfAttempts;
* Preferred size (in bytes) of a uploaded chunk.
* Must be a multiple of 256 KB.
* The default is 1 MB.
final chunkSize;
* Function for determining the [core.Duration] to wait before making the
* next attempt. See [ExponentialBackoff] for an example.
final core.Function backoffFunction;
ResumableUploadOptions({this.numberOfAttempts: 3,
this.chunkSize: 1024 * 1024,
core.Function backoffFunction})
: backoffFunction = backoffFunction == null ?
ExponentialBackoff : backoffFunction {
// See e.g. here:
// Chunk size restriction:
// There are some chunk size restrictions based on the size of the file you
// are uploading. Files larger than 256 KB (256 x 1024 bytes) must have
// chunk sizes that are multiples of 256 KB. For files smaller than 256 KB,
// there are no restrictions. In either case, the final chunk has no
// limitations; you can simply transfer the remaining bytes. If you use
// chunking, it is important to keep the chunk size as large as possible
// to keep the upload efficient.
if (numberOfAttempts < 1 || (chunkSize % (256 * 1024)) != 0) {
throw new core.ArgumentError('Invalid arguments.');
* Represents options for downloading media.
* For partial downloads, see [PartialDownloadOptions].
class DownloadOptions {
/** Download only metadata. */
static const DownloadOptions Metadata = const DownloadOptions();
/** Download full media. */
static final PartialDownloadOptions FullMedia =
new PartialDownloadOptions(new ByteRange(0, -1));
const DownloadOptions();
/** Indicates whether metadata should be downloaded. */
core.bool get isMetadataDownload => true;
* Options for downloading a [Media].
class PartialDownloadOptions extends DownloadOptions {
/** The range of bytes to be downloaded */
final ByteRange range;
core.bool get isMetadataDownload => false;
* `true` if this is a full download and `false` if this is a partial
* download.
core.bool get isFullDownload => range.start == 0 && range.end == -1;
* Specifies a range of media.
class ByteRange {
/** First byte of media. */
final start;
/** Last byte of media (inclusive) */
final end;
/** Length of this range (i.e. number of bytes) */ get length => end - start + 1;
ByteRange(this.start, this.end) {
if (!(start == 0 && end == -1 || start >= 0 && end > start)) {
throw new core.ArgumentError('Invalid media range [$start, $end]');
* Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
class ApiRequestError extends core.Error {
final core.String message;
core.String toString() => 'ApiRequestError(message: $message)';
* Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.
class DetailedApiRequestError extends ApiRequestError {
final status;
DetailedApiRequestError(this.status, core.String message) : super(message);
core.String toString()
=> 'DetailedApiRequestError(status: $status, message: $message)';