| # Base and default-included sources and headers |
| |
| HB_BASE_sources = \ |
| hb-aat-fdsc-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-ankr-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-bsln-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-common.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-feat-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-just-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-kerx-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-lcar-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-morx-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout-trak-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-layout.cc \ |
| hb-aat-layout.hh \ |
| hb-aat-ltag-table.hh \ |
| hb-aat-map.cc \ |
| hb-aat-map.hh \ |
| hb-algs.hh \ |
| hb-array.hh \ |
| hb-atomic.hh \ |
| hb-blob.cc \ |
| hb-blob.hh \ |
| hb-buffer-serialize.cc \ |
| hb-buffer.cc \ |
| hb-buffer.hh \ |
| hb-cache.hh \ |
| hb-cff-interp-common.hh \ |
| hb-cff-interp-cs-common.hh \ |
| hb-cff-interp-dict-common.hh \ |
| hb-cff1-interp-cs.hh \ |
| hb-cff2-interp-cs.hh \ |
| hb-common.cc \ |
| hb-config.hh \ |
| hb-debug.hh \ |
| hb-dispatch.hh \ |
| hb-face.cc \ |
| hb-face.hh \ |
| hb-fallback-shape.cc \ |
| hb-font.cc \ |
| hb-font.hh \ |
| hb-iter.hh \ |
| hb-kern.hh \ |
| hb-machinery.hh \ |
| hb-map.cc \ |
| hb-map.hh \ |
| hb-bimap.hh \ |
| hb-meta.hh \ |
| hb-mutex.hh \ |
| hb-null.hh \ |
| hb-object.hh \ |
| hb-open-file.hh \ |
| hb-open-type.hh \ |
| hb-ot-cff-common.hh \ |
| hb-ot-cff1-table.cc \ |
| hb-ot-cff1-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-cff2-table.cc \ |
| hb-ot-cff2-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-cmap-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-color-cbdt-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-color-colr-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-color-cpal-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-color-sbix-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-color-svg-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-color.cc \ |
| hb-ot-face.cc \ |
| hb-ot-face.hh \ |
| hb-ot-face-table-list.hh \ |
| hb-ot-font.cc \ |
| hb-ot-gasp-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-glyf-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-hdmx-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-head-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-hhea-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-hmtx-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-kern-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout-base-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout-common.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout-gdef-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout-gpos-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout-jstf-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-layout.cc \ |
| hb-ot-layout.hh \ |
| hb-ot-map.cc \ |
| hb-ot-map.hh \ |
| hb-ot-math-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-math.cc \ |
| hb-ot-maxp-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-meta-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-metrics.cc \ |
| hb-ot-metrics.hh \ |
| hb-ot-name-language-static.hh \ |
| hb-ot-name-language.hh \ |
| hb-ot-name-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-name.cc \ |
| hb-ot-os2-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-os2-unicode-ranges.hh \ |
| hb-ot-post-macroman.hh \ |
| hb-ot-post-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-fallback.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic-win1256.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-arabic.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-default.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-hangul.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-hebrew.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-indic-table.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-indic.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-indic.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-khmer.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-khmer.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-myanmar.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-myanmar.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-thai.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-use-table.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-use.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-use.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-vowel-constraints.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-vowel-constraints.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-fallback.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-fallback.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-normalize.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape-normalize.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape.cc \ |
| hb-ot-shape.hh \ |
| hb-ot-stat-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-tag-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-tag.cc \ |
| hb-ot-var-avar-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-var-fvar-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-var-hvar-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-var-mvar-table.hh \ |
| hb-ot-var.cc \ |
| hb-ot-vorg-table.hh \ |
| hb-pool.hh \ |
| hb-sanitize.hh \ |
| hb-serialize.hh \ |
| hb-set-digest.hh \ |
| hb-set.cc \ |
| hb-set.hh \ |
| hb-shape-plan.cc \ |
| hb-shape-plan.hh \ |
| hb-shape.cc \ |
| hb-shaper-impl.hh \ |
| hb-shaper-list.hh \ |
| hb-shaper.cc \ |
| hb-shaper.hh \ |
| hb-static.cc \ |
| hb-string-array.hh \ |
| hb-ucd-table.hh \ |
| hb-ucd.cc \ |
| hb-unicode-emoji-table.hh \ |
| hb-unicode.cc \ |
| hb-unicode.hh \ |
| hb-utf.hh \ |
| hb-vector.hh \ |
| hb-warning.cc \ |
| hb.hh \ |
| $(NULL) |
| |
| hb-buffer-deserialize-json.hh \ |
| hb-buffer-deserialize-text.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-indic-machine.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-khmer-machine.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-myanmar-machine.hh \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-use-machine.hh \ |
| $(NULL) |
| HB_BASE_RAGEL_sources = \ |
| hb-buffer-deserialize-json.rl \ |
| hb-buffer-deserialize-text.rl \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-indic-machine.rl \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-khmer-machine.rl \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-myanmar-machine.rl \ |
| hb-ot-shape-complex-use-machine.rl \ |
| $(NULL) |
| |
| HB_BASE_headers = \ |
| hb-aat-layout.h \ |
| hb-aat.h \ |
| hb-blob.h \ |
| hb-buffer.h \ |
| hb-common.h \ |
| hb-deprecated.h \ |
| hb-face.h \ |
| hb-font.h \ |
| hb-map.h \ |
| hb-ot-color.h \ |
| hb-ot-deprecated.h \ |
| hb-ot-font.h \ |
| hb-ot-layout.h \ |
| hb-ot-math.h \ |
| hb-ot-metrics.h \ |
| hb-ot-name.h \ |
| hb-ot-shape.h \ |
| hb-ot-var.h \ |
| hb-ot.h \ |
| hb-set.h \ |
| hb-shape-plan.h \ |
| hb-shape.h \ |
| hb-unicode.h \ |
| hb-version.h \ |
| hb.h \ |
| $(NULL) |
| |
| # Optional Sources and Headers with external deps |
| |
| HB_FT_sources = hb-ft.cc |
| HB_FT_headers = hb-ft.h |
| |
| HB_GLIB_sources = hb-glib.cc |
| HB_GLIB_headers = hb-glib.h |
| |
| HB_GRAPHITE2_sources = hb-graphite2.cc |
| HB_GRAPHITE2_headers = hb-graphite2.h |
| |
| # System-dependent sources and headers |
| |
| HB_CORETEXT_sources = hb-coretext.cc |
| HB_CORETEXT_headers = hb-coretext.h |
| |
| HB_DIRECTWRITE_sources = hb-directwrite.cc |
| HB_DIRECTWRITE_headers = hb-directwrite.h |
| |
| HB_GDI_sources = hb-gdi.cc |
| HB_GDI_headers = hb-gdi.h |
| |
| HB_UNISCRIBE_sources = hb-uniscribe.cc |
| HB_UNISCRIBE_headers = hb-uniscribe.h |
| |
| # Sources for libharfbuzz-gobject and libharfbuzz-icu |
| HB_ICU_sources = hb-icu.cc |
| HB_ICU_headers = hb-icu.h |
| |
| # Sources for libharfbuzz-subset |
| HB_SUBSET_sources = \ |
| hb-ot-cff1-table.cc \ |
| hb-ot-cff2-table.cc \ |
| hb-static.cc \ |
| hb-subset-cff-common.cc \ |
| hb-subset-cff-common.hh \ |
| hb-subset-cff1.cc \ |
| hb-subset-cff1.hh \ |
| hb-subset-cff2.cc \ |
| hb-subset-cff2.hh \ |
| hb-subset-input.cc \ |
| hb-subset-input.hh \ |
| hb-subset-plan.cc \ |
| hb-subset-plan.hh \ |
| hb-subset-plan.hh \ |
| hb-subset.cc \ |
| hb-subset.hh \ |
| hb-subset.hh \ |
| $(NULL) |
| |
| HB_SUBSET_headers = \ |
| hb-subset.h \ |
| $(NULL) |
| |
| HB_GOBJECT_DIST_sources = hb-gobject-structs.cc |
| HB_GOBJECT_DIST_headers = hb-gobject.h hb-gobject-structs.h |
| HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_sources = hb-gobject-enums.cc |
| HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_headers = hb-gobject-enums.h |
| HB_GOBJECT_NODIST_sources = $(HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_sources) |
| HB_GOBJECT_NODIST_headers = $(HB_GOBJECT_ENUM_headers) |
| HB_GOBJECT_sources = $(HB_GOBJECT_DIST_sources) $(HB_GOBJECT_NODIST_sources) |
| HB_GOBJECT_headers = $(HB_GOBJECT_DIST_headers) $(HB_GOBJECT_NODIST_headers) |