blob: c86c6bc41d4763dc788151fbda5e759afb00cc04 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Runs a subsetting test suite. Compares the results of subsetting via harfbuzz
# to subsetting via fonttools.
from difflib import unified_diff
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import shutil
import io
from subset_test_suite import SubsetTestSuite
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
except ImportError:
print ("fonttools is not present, skipping test.")
sys.exit (77)
ots_sanitize = shutil.which ("ots-sanitize")
def cmd (command):
p = subprocess.Popen (
command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = p.communicate ()
print (stderrdata, end="", file=sys.stderr)
return stdoutdata, p.returncode
def fail_test (test, cli_args, message):
print ('ERROR: %s' % message)
print ('Test State:')
print (' test.font_path %s' % os.path.abspath (test.font_path))
print (' test.profile_path %s' % os.path.abspath (test.profile_path))
print (' test.unicodes %s' % test.unicodes ())
expected_file = os.path.join (test_suite.get_output_directory (),
test.get_font_ttx_name ())
print (' expected_file %s' % os.path.abspath (expected_file))
return 1
def run_test (test, should_check_ots):
out_file = os.path.join (tempfile.mkdtemp (), test.get_font_name () + '-subset' + test.get_font_extension ())
cli_args = [hb_subset,
"--font-file=" + test.font_path,
"--output-file=" + out_file,
"--unicodes=%s" % test.unicodes (),
cli_args.extend (test.get_profile_flags ())
print (' '.join (cli_args))
_, return_code = cmd (cli_args)
if return_code:
return fail_test (test, cli_args, "%s returned %d" % (' '.join (cli_args), return_code))
expected_file = os.path.join (test_suite.get_output_directory (), test.get_font_ttx_name ())
with open(expected_file, encoding="utf-8") as expected_ttx:
expected_ttx_text = normalize ( ())
actual_ttx = io.StringIO ()
with TTFont (out_file) as font:
font.saveXML (actual_ttx, newlinestr="\n")
except Exception as e:
print (e)
return fail_test (test, cli_args, "ttx failed to parse the actual result")
actual_ttx_text = normalize (actual_ttx.getvalue ())
actual_ttx.close ()
if not actual_ttx_text == expected_ttx_text:
for line in unified_diff (expected_ttx_text.splitlines (1), actual_ttx_text.splitlines (1)):
sys.stdout.write (line)
sys.stdout.flush ()
return fail_test (test, cli_args, 'ttx for expected and actual does not match.')
if should_check_ots:
print ("Checking output with ots-sanitize.")
if not check_ots (out_file):
return fail_test (test, cli_args, 'ots for subsetted file fails.')
return 0
CHECKSUMADJUSTMENT_RE = re.compile('checkSumAdjustment value=["]0x([0-9a-fA-F])+["]')
TTLIBVERSION_RE = re.compile(' ttLibVersion=".*"')
def normalize (ttx_string):
ttx_string = CHECKSUMADJUSTMENT_RE.sub ("", ttx_string, count=1)
ttx_string = TTLIBVERSION_RE.sub ("", ttx_string, count=1)
return ttx_string
def has_ots ():
if not ots_sanitize:
print ("OTS is not present, skipping all ots checks.")
return False
return True
def check_ots (path):
ots_report, returncode = cmd ([ots_sanitize, path])
if returncode:
print ("OTS Failure: %s" % ots_report)
return False
return True
args = sys.argv[1:]
if not args or sys.argv[1].find ('hb-subset') == -1 or not os.path.exists (sys.argv[1]):
sys.exit ("First argument does not seem to point to usable hb-subset.")
hb_subset, args = args[0], args[1:]
if not len (args):
sys.exit ("No tests supplied.")
has_ots = has_ots()
fails = 0
for path in args:
with open (path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print ("Running tests in " + path)
test_suite = SubsetTestSuite (path, ())
for test in test_suite.tests ():
fails += run_test (test, has_ots)
if fails != 0:
sys.exit ("%d test(s) failed." % fails)
print ("All tests passed.")