blob: afd7614f47fb2c62173177cbca3fd4e7589cc11b [file] [log] [blame]
#include "catch/catch.hpp"
#include "inja/inja.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
const std::string test_file_directory {"../test/data/"};
TEST_CASE("loading") {
inja::Environment env;
json data;
data["name"] = "Jeff";
SECTION("Files should be loaded") {
CHECK( env.load_file(test_file_directory + "simple.txt") == "Hello {{ name }}." );
SECTION("Files should be rendered") {
CHECK( env.render_file(test_file_directory + "simple.txt", data) == "Hello Jeff." );
SECTION("File includes should be rendered") {
CHECK( env.render_file(test_file_directory + "include.txt", data) == "Answer: Hello Jeff." );
SECTION("File error should throw") {
std::string path(test_file_directory + "does-not-exist");
CHECK_THROWS_WITH( env.load_file(path), "[inja.exception.file_error] failed accessing file at '" + path + "'" );
CHECK_THROWS_WITH( env.load_json(path), "[inja.exception.file_error] failed accessing file at '" + path + "'" );
TEST_CASE("complete-files") {
inja::Environment env {test_file_directory};
for (std::string test_name : {"simple-file", "nested", "nested-line", "html"}) {
SECTION(test_name) {
CHECK( env.render_file_with_json_file(test_name + "/template.txt", test_name + "/data.json") == env.load_file(test_name + "/result.txt") );
TEST_CASE("global-path") {
inja::Environment env {test_file_directory, "./"};
inja::Environment env_result {"./"};
json data;
data["name"] = "Jeff";
SECTION("Files should be written") {
env.write("simple.txt", data, "global-path-result.txt");
CHECK( env_result.load_file("global-path-result.txt") == "Hello Jeff." );